hoodie || nh au

By nothisiseileen

158K 3.3K 778

Hoodies hide my ugly body from the people around me. Just one night it didn't work and I met him on the roof... More

Awareness & Help


1.2K 35 0
By nothisiseileen

Niall's blue eyes meet mine. The we see each other, he puts down the box and comes towards me. He gives me a kiss on the cheek. I give him a confused look. Why is he carrying boxes up to my apartment and why does he have a key to my apartment? He gives me the same confused look, as we stare at each other.

"What are you doing here?", he asks curious.

"The better question is why are you here?", I laugh lightly.

"I'm moving into my apartment", he explains.

He goes to close the door to the apartment. What? I live here with some guy. Gloria didn't tell me who he was. I could've thought of that.

"This is my apartment, Niall."

"Wait, what? We live here together?", he asks surprised.

"Seems like it", a smile creeps on my face.

Niall kisses my forehead. It's a little too early in our relationship to live together but why not? It could be fun to live together. Niall smiles down at me, his eyes on my eyes. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I love you, Alex", he says, pressing another kiss to my lips.

I blush some more, looking down at the ground. My lips are in a smile.

"Are you going on vecation with anyone this summer? Because I'm still free and our house at the lake is empty. We could invite the others again and have some fun or we could be alone", he tells me, walking off to the kitchen.

I follow him, leaning against the kitchen island. He gets out his phone, typing something.

"Sounds nice but I actually wanted to go to New York with Luke for a few days, so I can help him with orientation in that huge city. We didn't even plan the trip yet, so I actually have time on vecation", I answer.

He nods, typing some more on his screen. I decide to get my boxes of clothes, pictures and other things up into our apartment.

"Niall, I'm getting the boxes from my car", I announce, hoping he will tag along.


Gentleman like. That's a real gentalman, right there folks. My feet carry me to the door, seeing Niall's shoes and jackets next to the door. How didn't I notice these when I came in? I would've recognized that green parker and those old Vans and the brown Timberlands. My feet carry my towards the lift again. I get one light box first, then in a second run one of the heavier ones. Just as I want to get the heaviest box, someone interrupts me.

"Wait", the person tells me.

I let the box go, making it slip back into my car. My body turns around, revealing a very nice looking guy. He's probably two years older than me.

"Hey, I saw you carrying up those boxes. My name's Jared. I live here. Are you new?", he asks friendly.

I step back a little. He's so close to me.

"Yeah, I'm Alex. I just moved in."

"Great, do you need any help with those boxes? They look pretty heavy", he asks.

"That would be so nice of you", I smile.

He gets a box out of the trunk while I get one, too. We move to the lift, waiting for it to come. As soon as we enter my apartment, Niall comes from his room. He takes the box from Jared, glaring at him. What is wrong with Niall? Jared was just helping me because he's a lazy ass.

"Sorry for his behaviour, that's Niall, my boyfriend", I explain.

"It's fine. I know how it is to have a beautiful girlfriend and other guys staring at her but I'm gay", he laughs.

I chuckle with him, putting my box on the kitchen counter. Jared asks me, if he can help me some more but I deny. I'll just force Niall to help me get my boxes. Jared leaves soon. Niall comes back from my room. His eyes lock with mine, as I clear my throat to get his attention. I stare him down.

"Do you need anymore help with your boxes?", he asks quite intimidated.

"Yes, that would be very nice of you, Mr Jealous Pants", I chuckle.

He glares at me quickly before laughing slightly. We both make our way to the elevator to get my boxes and some other stuff. As soon as we're upstairs again, I take the present my mom gave me.

"Hey, Niall", I call out to him, while he puts the box in my room.

"Yeah", he comes tripping out of the room.

I smile at him. This boy, I tell you.

"My family gave this to me. Let's open it together", I tell him.

We sit down on our new couch in the living room. There is no TV, since we have our TV's in our rooms. I wonder, if we'll sleep in seperate beds because mine is pretty big. Maybe Niall's is a big one, too. I lay the big and heavy present on my lap, staring at it for a moment.

"You know, you can open it", he chuckles.

I nod, pealing open one side of the present. We want to keep it exciting though. Niall finally takes it from me, ripping off the paper violently, making me get scared that he broke something. He holds a black Photoalbum in his hands, staring down at the writing on the front.

Contains cuteness. Treat each other with respect.

I smile. My parents and Luke, gosh, I love them. Niall lays it on either of our legs, so it's in the middle.

"This is so cute", I say.

Niall flips open the first page. It shows a picture of me, as a baby in my crib and a second picture, which I assume is Niall in a crib. This is going to be so embaressing. My childhood pictures are so embaressing. I can't believe they are doing this to me. The next page is filled with pictures of my first birthday. I look so happy in those pictures. There is this one picture I absolutly hate. It's the one where I have a piece of cake on my plate and my whole face and hands are covered in cake icing. Niall points out to it.

"Seems like you loved that cake", he laughs.

"Yeah", I grumble.

After several embaressing childhood pictures of Niall and I, we come to a page with something written on it.

The time you met.

I flip the picture, seeing a screenshot of the picture Niall took of me on the roof, where I'm laying down, looking at the stars. Niall smiles at the picture.

"I love that picture. It was a really good shot", he announces.

I smile, pointing out to some stalker pictures Josh took for me. It's quite embaressing in front of Niall but oh well.

"Josh took these when we weren't talking and I wanted to know how you were because I was worried", I admit.

"That's creepy but cute", he laughs.

I blush furiously. We flip through the pages until we reach the picture I loved most from our Prom shoot. It's the one when I locked out Niall. Luke wrote something under it.

This is what real love should be like.

I flip to the last page. Again Luke wrote something on the page but there is no picture.

The Future.

I smile, closing the book. Niall smiles, too, as I look up. He kisses my cheek quickly. This is going to be a great future.

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