The Potter Triplets: book 1 (...

By Bambi1199

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This is a harry potter fan fiction, what if there wasn't one chosen one. What if there were three? This is a... More

Meet Sophie Potter
Meet Max Potter
Meet Cassidy Lemmon
Chapter 1: the letter
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: Hogwarts
Chapter 4: the Prank
Chapter 5: the Three Headed Dog named Fluffy
Chapter 6: the Troll
Chapter 7: My first flying lesson
Chapter 8: detention
Chapter 9: Quiditch
Chapter 10: Christmas
Chapter 11: My first quiditch game
Chapter 13: the unicorn-blood drinking creep
Chapter 14: I told you so
Chapter 15: We saved the wizward world

Chapter 12: Norbert

448 12 0
By Bambi1199

The next day I was still tired of the quiditch match and I know I needed to wake up for breakfast, but I was glad that today is Sunday so it's still weekend. I love the weekend, no classes and you don't need to get up early. I felt someone under me stir and then I remembered that I still lay on George, then I felt someone kissing my head aka George. Then he whispered "Hey princess, you need to wake up now". OMG HE HAS A SEXY MORNING VOICE! And then I moved so I clung on him, because I didn't want to wake up. I just wanted to lay here with George forever, okay that sounded a little stalkerish but its true. "No, I don't want to. Just let me stay here forever, I'm still deadly tired from the match yesterday" I grumbled. "Yeah, I know you want to stay here and cuddle with Georgie over here forever, but that's not the case. You need food, your Sophie Lily Potter you cant just not eat. That's just not something you do, so you're going to eat before you make me go crazy" Lee told me. I still didn't budge and I even clung harder onto George, if that's possible that is. He chuckled and then I started to groan, "Please Georgie, don't let the mean Lee wake me up" I told him pleadingly while pouting and looking up at him sleepily. "Aw, did the mean Lee scare you?" "Yes". He laughed a little and then held me closer and said "No Lee, go away you make her scared", Lee acted as if he was hurt and put a hand on his heart "I thought you loved me, and now I make you scared? It doesn't matter because I'm a strong independent..." then I said "Women? Yes Lee you're a strong independent women who needs no man. Oh and Lee I was thinking that me, Hermione, Cassidy and you could have a little girls night only". Fred, George and Cassidy laughed real hard, so hard that George rolled us of his bed onto the ground. Now I was up, making jokes always helped me with waking up, then I untangled myself from George because he had his grow spurt and his arms and legs were just really long. When I was done I walked to the empty bed and I jumped on top of it, then Lee and Cassidy came to the bed too and they jumped on it. He laid on his stomach with his head on his two hands who were in front of him, and Cassidy laid on her back. Then he squealed and said "OMG YES! We could watch romantic comedy's and eat some ice cream and then we can gush about the guy characters, and then we can talk about our crushes. THIS WILL BE THE BEST GIRLS NIGHT EVER" then he fell flat on his stomach, "But Lee? Aren't we doing the same when we're in this room then?" I asked him jokingly. Then he gasped and said "OMG you're so right, we can invite them too. Than it will be a great girls night". "Okay, so I see you girls tomorrow evening then?" Cassidy said. "Yes girlie, we will be there. Omg can you imagine Dylan O'Brien's abs already, CAN'T WAIT" Lee said. Then Cassidy and I just rolled on the floor from laughing, "Lee, I didn't even know that you know who Dylan O'Brien is." We laughed for a few minutes and then when we were done laughing I said "I think it's time to go to breakfast, I need my pizza", "Oh yeah of course, we're already traded for a pizza, Am I not good enough for you?" "Oh Lee, of course you are. Don't worry you're a strong independent women you can fight this, and I love you girl but yeah pizza. That just doesn't need an explanation at all". But I will always love you four, my peasants". They nodded and we went downstairs laughing, when we were there I saw Harry, Max, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Seamus and Dean, we sat down with them. I sat in between the twins and across from Cassidy, you know I think I don't even mention it because I always sit in between the twins. We ate breakfast and then my owl Yin came in with a letter bound around his leg. I opened it and it said, well I need to watch it real closely because Hagrid's handwriting is like the handwriting from a toddler. It wasn't much, there only stood:
Dear Sophie, Harry, Max, Ron and Hermione,
It 'as begun, come by me hut today afte dinner.
See yeh guys so'n.
Love Hagrid.
Wait what's beginning, oh holy shit the dragon is hatching. I rolled the letter in a ball and then I threw it and said "Harry, Max catch". Max looked really confused when he caught it and then he read it, then he mouthed 'What's beginning?' then I mouthed to him 'dragon'. He nodded and then he gave the letter to Harry, Ron and Hermione, they all looked at me and I mouthed 'dragon' they got the message and nodded smiling. "Hey Lemon, you want to go with us to Hagrid's after dinner?" "Yes sure, sounds fun". Then I remembered the joke with the twins, Cassidy and Lee, so I looked at them and smiled mischievously. Then I took the vile from Fred and walked to the Slytherin table, they were all glaring at me and then Draco said "What are you doing here Potter?" "What, can't I just say hi?". "You're a Gryffindor so no", "Ouch Draco you know that's discrimination right?" "As if I care about you, and now tell me what your doing here". "Okay, I only wanted to know where Adrian Pucey is. So do you know where he is?" then Draco pointed to a little farther at the table, I went to him and said "Alright, I want to know why you punched me in the stomach" "Because you're a Gryffindor and I wanted to win" he said smiling. He didn't pay attention so I put it in his glass with pumpkin juice, "So it wasn't because you hated me, it was just because you hate Gryffindor?" "Yes, that's it. I don't hate you, well I don't like you but I don't hate you" "Okay, I just wanted to know. And now I want you to say sorry". "What?" "You heard me, say sorry". "Why would I say sorry, I don't need to say sorry against a Gryffindor" "Oh yes you do, cause you know who I am right. I'm Sophie Potter, and I think you still know what I told Draco over there when he insulted my friends. So imagine what I would do to you, not only because you hurt me but also because you hurt another friend of mine Alicia. So I can easily break every one of your bones." He was a bit scared and he said "Alright, Imsorry", "I'm sorry what did you say?" I said with a smirk on my face. By now the whole hall was listening to our conversation, "I'm Sorry, is that what you wanted to hear?" "Yes, thank you. Enjoy your breakfast, bye" I said happily while walking back to my seat at the Gryffindor table, "Damn girl, you're really really scary" Lee said. "Aw, Thank you Lee" I said smiling. So I ate my breakfast while cracking jokes with Fred, George, Cassidy and Lee. We glanced at his table to see if he drank it, and he did. He finally drank it all an then he started to change, he transformed into a girl with black hair. It was so amazing, he was freaking out and everybody around him too. Then I saw him thinking and he looked my way, I smiled at him innocently and waved. He was so mad that he stormed out of the great hall, I looked to Fred, George, Cassidy and Lee and they were laughing real hard and me too. That was one of the funniest breakfast I've ever had, the whole hall was laughing even a few Slytherins my work was done. After breakfast we got classes till after lunch, I told Fred, George and Lee good bye and left with my brothers Ron, Cassidy and Hermione to class. At Transfigurations professor McGonagall came to me and said "Miss. Potter is it true that you've turned Mr. Pucey into a girl. "Uhm... yes" I said uncertainly "I must say that it was a really great spell, how did you do it?" "Well I had make a potion which I remembered from a book in the library and I gave it to him in his pumpkin juice." She smiled at me and said "Great work of magic, I suppose misters Weasley and Lee had something to do with it too" "Yes Professor but I was the master brain behind it. Don't punish them, but punish me instead it was mine idea", then Cassidy spoke up "I helped too". "Is that true miss. Potter?" Cassidy looked at me and I said "Yes, professor but don't punish her either please". "Miss. Potter I'm not going to punish you, it was a great work of magic. Great magic" then she went on with the class. And the classes went on till after lunch, then we just hung out in the common room. And I of course was with Fred, George, Cassidy and Lee. Then it was time for dinner, and after dinner we went to Hagrid's hut. He opened the door for us and then he saw Cassidy, "And who's this girl over here?". "This girl over here is one of my best girl friends named Cassidy Lemon". She stuck out her hand and he shook it, "It's nice to meet you, sir". "It's nice to meet yeh too, oh I see this girl 'as manners. I like 'er already". When we were there we saw that the egg has a little crack in it, then there was a slimy baby dragon. It was amazing, I've never seen something so amazing and intriguing. Then it coughed and Hagrid's beard caught fire, he patted his beard to let it go away. Then Ron said "Blimey Hagrid, this is a Norwegian Ridgeback. How did you get him?" Hagrid beamed happily and said "I got him from someone in the pub". Oh yeah right, it's completely normal that a stranger gives you a dragon egg. But he's so cute, I petted him and he was spinning I think. He closed his eyes and it looked like he loved it, then Hagrid said "Soph, I think yer got a new friend". "Hagrid he's so cute, I love Norbert already." He beamed and patted my head, then I saw something white at the window. So I ran to the window and then I saw him, Max and Harry saw him too. "What's wrong?" Hagrid asked us, "Malfoy" we hissed under our breath." "I think you guys need to go now" and we did. Then we went to the common room and I saw the twins and Lee, Cassidy and I sat next to them on the floor. I told them everything what professor McGonagall told me and they were laughing real hard, I must say it was really amazing. We cracked jokes till it was time to go to bed, "Good night guys, Love you all" I said while hugging them and then I walked to my brothers, Ron, Cassidy and Hermione. Then I hugged them too and I walked with Hermione and Cassidy to our room, we said good night and went to bed.
~the next day~
The next day I woke up to Hermione shaking me, again. "Come on Sophie, get up. Do I seriously need to do this till we graduate?" "Yes", I mumbled. Then she left and I heard three people coming in. then I felt someone jumping on top of me, so he/she was laying on my back. "GET THE HELL OF ME" I yelled, then I felt another one jumping on top of me, "OUCH, GET THE BLOODY HELL OUT OF MY ROOM. NOW". Then the last person jumped, it bloody hurts. So I did the only thing I could do, I kicked them all. "OUCH, OUCH, SOPH ARE YOU CRAZY" they screamed at me. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU WAKE ME UP LIKE THAT YOU BLOODY GITS". They laughed at me and I kicked them again so they were laying on the ground, then they groaned a little to show me they got hurt. Then I opened one eye and I saw Fred, George and Lee. Then I felt someone pull me onto the ground, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WEASLEY?" I yelled when I was on the ground. Then Cassidy woke up and said "What's going on?" "You want to know what's going on? These three bloody idiots over here decided to jump on me so I kicked them". She grinned a little and the boy's slapped her on her arm, "what? You know it's a bit funny right?" then they nodded and laughed. Now I was cold, so I stood up and went to the bathroom to shower and get changed. I heard them talking real quietly, I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the noise of the shower. When I was done I came out of the bathroom and said "Come on, now that I'm awake", I glared at the boys, "we can go downstairs to have breakfast" then we went downstairs and I could smell my pizza from like the staircase on the fourth floor. Then I run all the way to the great hall, I came in the hall and I sat down on a bench. Fred and George joined me and sat at either side of me, next to Fred sat Lee and across from us was the golden trio, Max, Cassidy, Neville and Seamus. Then I saw my pizza in front of me "Finally" I said while taking a bite, the others laughed and then George said "I knew that you love pizza, but I didn't know that you love it this much". I smiled at him "Yes, well now you know it. So, if anyone wants to get my love just give me pizza and I will love you immediately", "Oh yeah Potter" Fred said while winking and I stuck my tongue out. "Not for you, you idiot" he faked being hurt and put a hand on his heart "How dare you, do you know how much that hurts? I thought you loved me", "Of course I love you Freddie, You're my super awesome brother from another mother". Then he was 'happy' again, and then we stood up to go to class. "Bye boys, I will see you guys again after class" "bye Soph". Then they left too and we went to our first class of this morning, transfiguration, we needed to turn a bird into a paperclip or so. I don't know I never pay attention, after classes we went to Hagrid to see how he and Norbert are. We walked to his hut and then I saw plumes of smoke coming out of his window. I knocked on the door and said "Hagrid, open up it's just me, Harry, Max, Ron, Cassidy and Hermione." He opened the door and Norbert had grown like 12 inches. I went to pet him and he instantly calmed down, "Hagrid, I'm so sorry to say this. But I think that you need to set him free, he's a dragon and he will grow a whole lot more then he did now. And after a little time he won't even fit in your house anymore, I think that if you set him free he will have a great life. That's what you want right?" "Yes of course, I 'ant hem to have a great life. But I don't wanna set 'im free. I want to 'ave him here". "I know it Hagrid, but it's the best for him". I hugged him and then he cried on my shoulder, I patted him on the back and said "It's okay Hagrid, it's okay. This is the best for him and for you." He cried harder and then Ron said "Hagrid, I know something. My older brother Charlie works with dragons in Romania, we could sent him there so he can play with his own sort." "Yes, he would like that" then we went back to the castle and Ron went with me to sent an owl with asking him if Norbert could live there. We waited for a reply and we got it after lunch, it was a note from Charlie saying that friends of him were going to pick Norbert up tonight at ten o'clock. We had dinner and then we waited till it was 9 o'clock, we went to Hagrid's hut to pick up Norbert. Cassidy wanted to come with us but she got detention, again, because she hexed Pansy. Hagrid was there and he was crying a lot, we picked up Norbert and put him in a wooden crate. It was a bit difficult, so I needed to calm him and then he went in easily. I did the Wingardium leviosa spell on the crate, and we walked the whole way to the astronomy tower without anyone seeing us. Then I saw 4 men on brooms flying towards us, they stopped and landed in front of us. "Hi, we're here to pick up a dragon" on of the men said, "Yeah, this is him." I said while pointing at the crate, they looked at it and then they took a rope and tied it to the crate. They picked up the rope and then tied it to their brooms, then they flew away and left us in the dark. We went to go back to the common room but we didn't wear the cloak, so we got caught when professor McGonagall walked by. "Do you three have a reason to walk here past curfew?" I wanted to say 'yes of course professor, we were bringing Hagrid's illegal dragon to Romania', but I didn't think that it would be a good idea. So I just said nothing, then she went on and said "come with me you three" we walked with her to her office. When we were there we saw non other than Draco Malfoy, he was laughing. That bloody git, I'm so going to kill him. "This is so irresponsible of you, therefore you four will get detention", then he didn't smile anymore and said "Professor, I don't know if I heard it right. But I thought you said 'the four of us'?", "Yes Mr. Malfoy, you heard it right. You four will serve detention tomorrow night, Mr. Malfoy was however not sneaking through the castle but you were up past curfew to tell me." I smirked at Draco, haha that's what you get for being a bloody git you idiot. "I will take 50 points for Gryffindor from each of you and 50 points from Slytherin", "What! You can't do that" "Yes miss. Potter, I can. Now you four may go and don't forget your detention tomorrow". "Yes professor McGonagall" we told her, then we went back to the common room and then to bed. "Well, I guess good night guys" "Good night Sophie", then I went to my bed and fell asleep.

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