The Potter Triplets: book 1 (...

By Bambi1199

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This is a harry potter fan fiction, what if there wasn't one chosen one. What if there were three? This is a... More

Meet Sophie Potter
Meet Max Potter
Meet Cassidy Lemmon
Chapter 1: the letter
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: Hogwarts
Chapter 4: the Prank
Chapter 5: the Three Headed Dog named Fluffy
Chapter 6: the Troll
Chapter 7: My first flying lesson
Chapter 9: Quiditch
Chapter 10: Christmas
Chapter 11: My first quiditch game
Chapter 12: Norbert
Chapter 13: the unicorn-blood drinking creep
Chapter 14: I told you so
Chapter 15: We saved the wizward world

Chapter 8: detention

538 15 4
By Bambi1199

We were in front of the door to the trophy room, I looked at the twins and Cassidy not knowing what to do. Then I just knocked on the door, a man opened the door. I don't want to say he's gross because that's mean but he was really gross. He had long grey hair and a hook nose. He smiled, but it wasn't a normal smile. It was more a 'welcome to the underworld and there's no way back' kind of smile. It really crept me out, luckily the twins and Cassidy were with me or I would be terrified. "Hello Filsh" the twins said to him, he looked really disgusted and said "the Weasley twins, it's a miracle they didn't expel you two yet". "Well my good friend, that's because we're just too adorable to exist". "Yeah, how come I hardly believe it", I saw Fred and George have a wicked smile playing on their lips so I looked at Cassidy and we quickly put both a hand in front of their mouths before they would get us a life long on detention. "And I see you two have ruined another teenagers, girls I would leave now you can. Their bad news" then I spoke up "uhm thanks mister Filsh, but they're my best friends and my family and they didn't 'ruin' me. They brightened my day with their funny jokes and pranks, they were the first ones to make me laugh in ten years since the death of my parents. So with all respect sir, Fred and George are more then just troublemakers. They can brighten anyone's day in just a second. So punish me I don't care, but nobody insults my family". He just stood there silent and then he said "your task is to clean the trophies and the room at the muggle way, good luck with that. Fred and George looked at me and Cassidy because they didn't know how to do things the muggle way. Cassidy and I looked at each other, then we rolled our eyes and said "idiots" together at the same time. "Come on you two, Fred take the cloth. George, take that bucket and fill it with water. And Cassidy and I will grab the polish, now come here". They did and gave me everything is asked for, I put the polish in the bucket and then I dipped the cloth in it. "George, go to the closet and give me that cup" he did and I showed them how they needed to clean the trophies. "Do you think you two get it?" "yes we know" "okay, Fred can you clean the trophies?" he nodded yes, "George, can you clean the shelves?" "Yes maim" he said while saluting. I rolled my eyes, "Okay great, then I will clean the trophies together with George. And Cassidy you can do the floor if you want?", "Yeah sure, its alright". We all started to work and talked and make jokes with each other. And two hours later we were done, then Filch came in and his mouth hang open "How do you know how you need to clean the muggle way?" "Well sir, I was raised by my aunt and uncle and they're muggles, and they would let me clean everyday. And make dinner, and never come out of my house. Yeah you got to love them, oh no the last one's not true it was sarcasm". He just stood there still gaping at our work, "can we go now?" "Yeah yeah, you can go". We walked around him through the door. "Thanks for defending us against Filsh", it's okay you're my best friends and my family. I always defend my family and friends, although it can often give me trouble I do it anyways." They both hugged me from the side and we walked into the common room like that and then Fred hugged Cassidy from the side too, then I saw Oliver and smiled at him. He smiled back and then I saw Hermione with of course her nose in her books, Cassidy and I broke the side hug with the boys "Cassidy and I need to talk to Mione okay, we will see you guys later. Bye." "Bye". Then I walked over to Hermione and went to sit beside her and Cassidy sat at the other side of her, "You know that if you dug your nose deeper into the book you will fall inside, right?" I asked her jokingly. She put the book down and smiled at me, "so, how was detention?" "Oh you know, it was just a normal detention". She looked at me and then I said "oh yeah right, I forgot that you were Hermione Granger. Well first we needed to clean the trophy room the muggle way. Then he insulted the twins so I stood up for them and then we cleaned. Then he came back from his two hour break or so, and he was so paralyzed that he let us go early." "Yes, and we wouldn't have gotten it done if it wasn't for Sophie and Cassidy. They were the only one who knew what we needed to do and Sophie stood up against Filsh and they paralyzed him by cleaning the room so we could leave earlier. He didn't even gave his speech about the tortures he gave in the past by hanging people by their thumps. Their our hero's" George said. "Damn straight we are, and don't you forget it." Then they walked away laughing. Oliver came to us and said "hey Sophie, professor McGonagall told me to explain quiditch to you and your brother, so I thought that maybe you wanted to do it tomorrow after lunch?". "Yeah sure, wait let me ask Harry" I was to lazy to walk so I screamed "Harry, get your ass down here" so he could hear it from the other side of the room. "Jeez Soph, you could've just walked over to me and asked it nicely" he said while he came to me and Oliver. "Don't you know me at all, I'm too lazy to walk. But I wanted to ask you if you want to go with me and Oliver to the quiditch pitch after lunch tomorrow so he can explain to us what we need to do?" "yeah, that's okay". "Well you heard it, then I will see you tomorrow after lunch, bye. Good night" "bye, see you tomorrow. Good night" he said to me and Harry. "Sophie, Cassidy, don't we need to go to bed. It's already ten thirty and we got classes tomorrow" Hermione asked me. "So, the only reason why I'm standing up in the morning is pizza as breakfast" a lot of people laughed and I caught Oliver's eyes and he laughed too. "You seriously need to set your priorities straight" Hermione said "but I already have straightened out my priorities, pizza first school later" she sighed and stood up. "I'm going to bed, bye". "Wait I'm coming too, I went to Fred and George and hugged them good night. Then I went to Max, Harry and Ron and hugged them good night too, "It's so great to know that Fred and George are more important then your own brothers". "Oh come on you guys, you know that's not true. Everybody knows that pizza is the most important to me." They laughed "sweet dreams baby sis" "sweet dreams big sis" "sweet dreams big bro and baby bro" we all said at the same time. "Damn, we said that at the same time, omg this too, and this too, and this, okay stop, no I'm serious, stop, stop, stop" "Shut up you three and go to bed!" everybody said to us. We laughed sheepishly and went upstairs, "good night everyone" I said to the people who were still in the common room. "Good night Sophie" the most of them said. I went upstairs and said good bye to Hermione and Cassidy, then I fell asleep.

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