The World Jumper (COMPLETED)

By Lovely_lily1218

586 1 0

This is the story a girl whose world turns upside down. She is the 20 year old daughter of a rich family, in... More

Chapter One- part 1
Chapter One- part 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven (part one)
Author's Note(for 205 reads)
Chapter Eleven (part two)
Chapter Twelve (Part 1)
Chapter Twelve (Part Two)
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen (Part 1)
Chapter Nineteen (Part 2)

Chapter 13

9 0 0
By Lovely_lily1218

I just stared at the creature for a moment, trying to take the thing standing in front of me and make sense of it. It was tall, covered in scales, stood on two legs, covered with horns, and had disformed ears, and it had a olive green color with brown patches. I stood agape looking at it, while it was doing the same thing at me. So, I asked it, "What...are you?" It then gave me the most peculiar response back, "What am I? What the fuck are you?" "You speak English?!?" I said before I thought about it. "No, I speak swanektiqoi...," it said sarcastically back at me. "I'm sorry, it's so rude of me, it's just I've never-," it then cut me off. "It's fine, is there only one of you?" "No, actually, I have nine others with me," I said hoping this creature was kind. I mean, it obviously had some kindness, it hadn't killed me...yet. "Go get them, and bring them back here, so I may bring you travelers to the chief," it offered. 'I'll be back..." I said wearily, as I turned around and closed the door. As I run back down the stairs, I start to lose my footing and I fall the rest of the way down and tumble into the door. "What the hell happened to you?" I heard from the crowd surrounding me, "I fell, okay?" I snapped back as Hendrix helped me up and I brushed myself off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Now...she's very...interesting. Try not to stare, and be kind." I said trying to prepare them to meet that creature. I had explained what happened before and we were now standing in front of the door. I opened it and the creature was standing there with its arms crossed, looking irritated. "What took you so long?" it asked me. "I fell..." I stammered back, "Meet my friends," I gestured to them with my hand that wasn't on the door. The creature rolled its eyes then said, "Follow me, if you please," As I lead the way I could feel the stares of my friends at our backs. So, I turn around and stop. "Wait a moment please, I need a word with my team," I said to the creature. She simply nodded as I walked off with them. 'What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask, as everyone stares at me blankly. "She's just one of the local people not a fucking freak show! I told you not to stare, I told you to be kind! Do you want to get us killed? Why are you being such inconsiderate morons? They told us one wrong look and you'll be dead! With her I'm pretty sure it's true! She's already irritated, and we're probably making her more angry! So, get your shit together and let's go!" I finished my rant and motioned for them to go back to the creature. I continued to follow and took up the rear, as we traveled through the deep rain forest.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Welcome to Saltus Castra...this is where the tribes of my people meet to trade and have fun. It's also our capital. The chief lives in the large building you see at the center, at the moment he's having a meeting with the tribe leaders, so for now we'll have fun!" the creature explained as we gaped at vast city before us. It looked like something out of a si-fi movie, but it was even better. Tall buildings, flying cars, robots, and the beautiful inhabitants of the place made it all the more fascinating. I can't choose a place to look as we follow...i haven't asked the creature's name...All this time; all this help and i forgot to ask her name! "This is so horrible, of've been so kind to us, but I've forgotten to ask your name," I say with a twinge of embarrassment. "It's quite alright. I had forgotten to ask yours as well. I'm Vitasilva." she said in a sing-songy voice. "And you are?" she says. "Alexandra Dover, but I prefer Al. That's my fiance, Hendrix. Then, my best friend, Tori. And my team members: Alex, Caroline, Allison, Sam, Kristina, Seth, and the small one's Charly." As I say each of their names they wave or nod. "I'm sorry but what's a fee-aha-se?" she struggles with the word. "I've never heard of one, is it like a mate or partner?" I laugh as she says this. "Yes, exactly like a mate, except we aren't officially mates yet," I state as she blushes at me. We finally reach where we are going, and it's a small place with 'reginam thalamo' written above the door. "This is my favorite place in the city. My mate and I often come here during festivals and holidays. I hope you will enjoy it as much as we do!" She says excitedly. We walk in the door, and I understand exactly what this place was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, this is where you've been cooped up? You can't have any fun can you?" Hendrix says from behind me as I do a shot with Tori. "This is fun. Having a good time with my best friend; and people watching; and meeting people." I laugh as Tori tries to tickle me; and yes she's the light weight. "What about the slots or trying some of their odd card games?" Have a good time!" He continues. I roll my eyes at him; then I get up and follow him, pulling Tori along behind me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Al, it's time to wake up...Al...come on now!" The voice says. I open my eyes to see Vitasilva standing above me. "What...when...oh gosh." I say as I squint in the bright light. "We brought you back from the casino, someone gave you a drugged drink. You're fine, but you're going to have a hangover and Tori is much worse. We still must see the chief," she continues to pull at my arm. "I'm up Vita, I'm up," I say as I sit up in bed. The light gets brighter and my eyes start to adjust as I look at the same room around me. "There's clothes in the wardrobe, we did our best. I hope you like them," she says as she walks out the door. "What have I gotten myself into..."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We walk towards the building where the chief is and all we are getting menacing stares. As we get close a guard seizes me and Vita starts yelling in another language, then everything goes black.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"They're here to hurt us, Vita, I can't allow it. How could you know their intentions? The girl may be a noble, but when have we ever-," a manly voice is interrupted. " I CAN READ HER MIND, SHE IS A CHOSEN ONE, AS IS HE!" A voice like Vita's says, as I start to gain vision. "My mate, she is awake..." the voice continues, "and she's overheard our conversation. Alexandra, wake up now, I will not allow him to hurt you or your friends," she continues. "Vita? Where are we?" I say as I sit up and look at her and the creature next to her. "Well...this is the chief," she says, 'and he is my mate,' she continues without speaking. "Vita, how'd you do that?" I say as the chief looks at me questioningly. 'I said I could read your mind' she says without speaking once again. 'Isn't this an invasion of privacy?' I try to send the thought to Vita. "No, you subconsciously allowed me to do so." She finally says out loud. I just gape back at her as she speaks with the chief. Everyone else is waking up and give me questioning looks now, to which I don't respond. 'He wants to take us to the jail.' Vita tells me, while arguing with her mate. 'What should we do?' I asked worriedly. 'I believe there is a way we can escape, then I'll take you to the door.' She says as she is being handcuffed and escorted out of the room. "Now listen up!" the chief barks at us. "Since she," he says referring to me, "is noble, we cannot kill you, nor can we torture you. But, we can ask you for your reasoning and interrogate you. So, noble, give me the reason why you are in my dimension and corrupted my mate. NOW!" he yells the last part. "My team and I, sir, are here to find the path to the promised land. Once it is found, I will have the powers to free you from your enclosed dimension, and to destroy all grimms, forever. Your mate, Vitasilva, agrees with my cause. We didn't corrupt her, she chose, it was free will. You have no reason to consider me, or my friends, of any harm to you. Could we make a treaty or truce? Please, sir, I beg you." I say, trying to sound like a politician. The chief simply nodded his head at the guard and they escorted us out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

'Where are they keeping you?' Vita says. 'In a simple cell, with two guards at all times. They want to keep us under tight security. I overheard the guards.' I respond as I look around the cell full of my sleeping team. 'Just wait for my signal.' she says and I simply agree. Now, I am left to lay down and rest, as an alarm starts screaming and the guards run off. My team starts to get up, "That was Vita's signal, let's get out of here!", I yell as Hendrix opens the door. As we weave our way through the halls, Vita joins us and we make our way out of the maze of halls.

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