Worth The Wait (A One Directi...

By JustMe52

239K 6.7K 2.3K

(SIUTK and Rockstar 101 sequel) You all heard the story of how Tori and Liam got back together. But how about... More

Worth The Wait (A One Direction Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Author's Note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

8.4K 384 164
By JustMe52

An unbearable pain throbs in my head as I wake up from a dreamless sleep. I clutch my head in my palms, groaning at the sharp pain. Why did I think it would be a good idea to drink my weight last night? Thankfully, the room I'm in has all the lights off. Bits and pieces of my memory from last night resurface in my mind. I don't even remember getting here last night.

The door to the room slowly creaks open with a tiny ray of light shining in. I cover my eyes with the blanket draped over me. The bright light makes my head hurt even worse.

"Afternoon." Aiden strolls into the room with a glass of water in his hand.

"What time is it?" I groan from underneath the blanket.

"Four in the afternoon." Aiden states, leaving the door wide open. "Matt and I got in last night, a few hours before you made your appearance."

I slowly peel the blanket back. "I-I don't remember anything." I struggle to push myself up in a sitting position.

Aiden sits down on the edge of my bed. "I can imagine. You reeked of alcohol. You still do, to be honest."

I lift my shirt to my nose, almost gagging at the stench. "I smell terrible."

"If you feel up to it, I can get Cher in here to help you take a shower. I'll go downstairs and cook you something greasy for when you come out." Aiden hands me the water and two white pills.

I swallow the pills, easily. "Bacon?"

"Yeah, maybe some coffee, too." Aiden stands up, offering his hand for me to take.

"I-Is Louis mad at me?" I hesitate before taking his hand.

Aiden helps me stand on my own feet. "He's...confused." Aiden helps me into the bathroom and has me sit on the toilet seat lid. "I'll go get Cher."

A few minutes later, Cher strolls into the bathroom to help me out. I feel so weak not being able to take care of myself. I vow to never drank again. Alcohol is not meant for me.

"If you were brave enough to come here completely wasted then you can go downstairs and eat. Besides, the last I knew, Louis was still in Niall's room because you were passed out in his." Cher pulls me down the stairs and all the way into the kitchen.

A large plate piled with bacon and pancakes is waiting on the counter for me, a stool placed in front of it. Aiden sets a white mug filled with coffee down by the plate. When I was in the shower, I slowly got used to the bright lights, so now, the only pain I have left is this stupid hangover pounding in my head.

"Eat up." Aiden grabs butter and maple syrup from the fridge.

"I love you." I bite into a piece of bacon.

Food doesn't really sound that appetizing, but I know it will help me feel better. Those Tylenol are making my headache become bearable unlike before. Cher slides into the available seat next to me, sipping her own coffee.

I'm rather paranoid that Louis will come downstairs and I'll have to confront him about last night. I would rather remember everything I did last night first.

"How much do you remember?" Tori marches into the kitchen, straight to the fridge. Her cold tone towards me gives me a pretty good clue that she is beyond mad at me.

"Uh..." I swallow the piece of bacon. "Being at the bar, drinking one too many drinks, everything goes a bit blurry after that. I remember bits and pieces after that."

Tori rolls her eyes. "Let me catch you up. You left us at the hotel to go to some bar, few hours after that, you call me drunk saying that you were going to go tell Louis you were better off without him, then you got into some cab, showed up here, and basically told Louis that you hated him."

I drop the piece of bacon from my fingers. Did I really do all of that? That doesn't sound like me at all. I'm not that kind of person. I don't hate Louis. I could never hate him no matter how hard I tried. How could I do that to them?

"I'm so sorry." I apologize. My head falls into my hands.

"You scared the hell out of all of us." Tori stares at the floor. "Liam and I looked everywhere for you and then when you called saying you were headed back here, I was terrified that something bad was going to happen."

"I-I don't know what got into me." I run my fingers through my damp hair. "All of these emotions running through me and I-I just need a release of some kind."

"Maybe next time, you should just join a boxing class or something." Aiden suggests.

I hold my coffee in both hands. "I promise to never to anything like this ever again."

"You really should talk to him." Tori speaks up, quietly.

"I-I can't." I shake my head.

"You cried in his arms." Cher tells me. "Louis even cried. He cares so much for you and you don't even care." She slams her hand down on the counter.

I wince at the noise, clutching my head in one hand. "I do care."

Cher climbs out of her seat, angrily glaring at me. "No, you don't! Otherwise, you wouldn't have kissed him and ran off! You didn't think of Louis' feelings when you left, you only thought of your own! Did you even think about Louis?"


"Why do you think he is locked up in his room? He thinks you don't care for him. I mean, you did come here completely wasted last night screaming about how you hated him." Cher screams. "You're one of my best friends, Carter, but I don't know who you are right now, this isn't you! You don't deserve Louis."

I just gawk at Cher, shocked. Who am I these days? Cher is right. I don't know who I am either. I would never go out and get wasted. I push away from the counter and start to head out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

I ignore all of their questions and quietly stroll up to my room. Everyone came here for a fun and peaceful vacation. I'm just ruining it. It's time that I left, for good.


Author's Note:

Here's another Christmas present for you guys! It's not the greatest, but it is something.

I'm just not as motivated as I used to be. This story is almost over, though. Probably less than five chapters.

Question: What do you think Carter is going to do?

So, yeah!

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