Little Miss Awkward

By Ammxeee

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The first time I walked into a bank I had a cold and I sneezed, I mumbled something about slobber coming from... More

Chapter 1 - The Right Day to Pick the Wrong Classroom
Chapter 2 - Being the Perfect Student is Overrated
Chapter 4 - Blown Cover
Chapter 5 - Sharing is Caring
Chapter 6 - I'm Not Short, I'm Fun Sized
Chapter 7 - Watching Disney Movies Should be a Religion
Chapter 8 - I Volunteer as Tribute
Chapter 9 - It's Over
Chapter 10 - Trial and Error

Chapter 3 - I'm Not Like Most Girls

2.4K 131 11
By Ammxeee

Chapter 3 – I’m Not Like Most Girls

Together Regan and I burst through the front doors of the college and headed towards the parking lot. Walking up to my bike I let a smile cross my face as Regan examined the beautiful machine, “This is yours?” He asked in awe

Grinning I nodded, “Yep sure is, it’s fast too so we can make a quick getaway” I stated patting down my pockets trying to find the keys, feeling empty pockets I suddenly remembered that I threw the keys into my bag this morning when I was walking into the college.

Digging around my backpack I came up empty, “Oh fudge. The keys must’ve fallen out this morning when I dropped off the cupcake…” I mumbled to myself, Regan seemed to hear me and he looked up from the bike.

I frowned, “Just wait here for a sec, Mr Mason should still be out looking for me so I’ll just sneak into his room and find the keys” He opened his mouth to protest but he was cut off by his phone ringing, smiling I winked at Regan before turning around and running back into the college building.

Arriving in front of the classroom I peaked through the door, it was cracked open slightly and I could hear the his grouchy voice talking to someone on the phone, cursing under my breath I racked my brain for a way to find the keys without getting caught by the teacher.

A shine of silver caught my eye; the keys must’ve fallen out of my bag this morning and were now sitting under a desk in the first row of desks. Looking through my bag helplessly I spotted my head phones – if I couldn’t sneak past him, why not just ignore him?

I’d turned my iPhone off when I arrived this morning, it was still off but I plugged the headphones in. Slipping them into my ears I started to bob my head along to imaginary music and walked through the door looking around for the keys. Mr Mason had his phone sitting on the desk on speakerphone while he worked on a complicated formula written across the board, it was one that I’d never seen before.

Realizing my presence in the room he froze mid sentence and I snapped my head to the ground looking for the keys and continued to bob my head trying to keep up the act.

“Miss Sterling, what are you doing in here?” He asked furiously suddenly forgetting he was on the phone, I ignore him and made my way over to where I’d seen the keys.

“Sterling? Who’s Sterling?” An angry sounding voice travelled from the phone, ignoring him again I continued to bob my head along to the silent music

“No one, just some annoying student. Continue with what you were saying, she’s blasting music through her headphones and doesn’t even realize I’m in the room let alone on the phone…”

The man on the phone seemed to pause before continuing, “Whatever Mason, just continue to work on the new formula. I expect it to be finished by tomorrow; you’re already late on delivery, this was supposed to be finished. This new product is going to change the world and guarantee me a place among the top. The address for the drop of all your information is at the abandoned train yard Twenty Second Street, okay? Be there at three in the afternoon ready to swap, the goods for the money and expect a sample” The line suddenly went dead and I picked up the keys

By the sound of this guy on the phone I really didn’t want to know what they were talking about. Standing up and brushing off my knees I walked back to the door and exited without glancing back towards the board and Mr Mason, by the sound of that phone call I didn’t want to give him idea’s that I’d actually heard anything.

I walked calmly out of the building and back towards the parking lot to meet up with Regan, he was leaning against the vehicle when I arrived glancing around the area.

Holding up the keys I grinned at Regan, “Do you want to drive or me?”

His eyes lit up like a kid in a Candy shop and snatched the keys from me gesturing to the bike dramatically, “Your chariot awaits Milady…” Laughing along with him he got onto the bike and held out my helmet to me, “Safety first” he winked before I stepped over the bike and slid onto the back behind Regan.

I slipped my arms around his warm torso and smiled, this felt nice – It felt right.

The bike started off and before I knew it we were speeding away from the college and into the unknown. A couple of minutes into the ride Regan signaled to pull off the main road, confused I looked around to see where we were. Coming to a stop in the parking lot of a little diner, Regan stepped off the bike and turned to me with a sheepish expression written across his face, “I’m kind hungry, you up for a burger?” he asked gesturing behind him

Letting out a little laugh I smiled up at him, “Sure” I replied as he helped me off of the bike

Together we entered the small diner and took a seat towards the back, a kind looking woman approached the table and gave us a smile, “What can I get for ya?” She asked in a thick southern accent pulling a notebook and pen from her apron pockets

“Uh, I’ll have a beef burger with the fries on the side with a cherry cola. Max?” He looked at me as my eyes were still flicking over the menu

Looking up at the lady I offered her a smile, “Beef burger sounds good to me, I’ll just have the same as him” I stated placing the menu onto the table

She nodded writing down our orders and left telling us they should be ready in a couple of minutes.

“So, Regan. I have no idea who you are but for some unknown reason I just let you drive my bike – nobody gets to drive my bike, not even my brother… What have you done to me?” I asked dramatically throwing my hands up

He let out a loud laugh, “Really, no one? Wow, I feel honored…” He grinned cheekily, “And as for what I did to you, I am a master of persuasion…” He wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively and it was my time to let out a loud laugh

“So, tell me about yourself. What’s your favourite colour, favourite food, that kind of stuff” I asked resting my chin on the hands leaning on the table

He eyed my curiously for a moment but seem to snap out of his internal conversation before smiling at me, “Well, my favourite colour is blue-” I interrupted him by jumping slightly in my chair

“Me too! Although it’s kind of obvious, huh?” I asked gesturing to my hair

He smiled and continued, “I’m 20 and my favourite food would have to be macaroni cheese – My mum makes the best homemade stuff. I have an older sister who is 26; she’s married and currently pregnant. Which admittedly is kind of scary, she asked me to go and pick up her some pickles but just as I was leaving she burst into tears apologizing for being so demanding and hugged me for a full five minutes…” He trailed off remembering the event

I laughed at his expression and our food arrived, smiling a thank you at the waitress we dug into our food. The burgers were delicious and I ate all of mine finishing just after Regan, he eyed me curiously, “What? Do I have sauce on my face?” I asked wiping my face with my napkin

He seemed to snap out of his thoughts and shook his head with a small smile on his face, “No, I’m just surprised you finished that… Don’t most girls count calories or some rubbish like that?”

I laughed, “I’m not a high school cheerleader, although I was back in high school…” I trailed off remembering the days spent in practice with my ‘friends’. “But I’ve never worried about that, if it tastes good – I’m gonna eat it” I smiled cheekily at him just as the diner door opened and a guy walked in, he looked around the same age as us and I turned back to Regan who was laughing silently

The guys footsteps echoed through the empty diner and stopped just behind our booth, “I don’t believe it, Max?” the guys asked, I froze in my seat. He’s here?

I turned slowly towards the voice and swallowed the lump in my throat meeting his grey eyes that had once made me swoon but I felt nothing.

“David, what a surprise. It’s so good to see you” I said flatly washing away any emotion on my face

He frowned, “That’s no way to greet an old friend, although we were much more than friends…” He smirked at me

Regan butted in suddenly, “Oh I’m sorry but I don’t think we’ve met, but I see what you were talking about Max, He is pretty ugly” He said to me winking making a small smile slip its way onto my face and butterflies erupted in my stomach – Whoa hold up, butterflies?! Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I saw David clench his hand into a fist.

“Oh I’m sorry but I don’t think we’ve met” He imitated Regan’s voice, “but who the hell are you?” David raised his voice slightly

“Me? I’m Regan” He said with a straight face

David let out a humorless laugh before turning to me, “Oh I see still the attention whore you used to be” He sneered at me making me stand front my seat

His comment made my blood boil, “Excuse me? If anyone here is an attention whore it’s you! You lying, cheating monster! You have the audacity to accuse me of something that I had no control over because guess what? I didn’t freaking dye my hair for attention, I didn’t mope around school for weeks claiming that the world hated me, I didn’t cheat on my freaking poor excuse for a boyfriend because I am a good person!” I yelled at him punching him weakly in the chest

He laughed again, “Oh please, I was your only boyfriend and the best you’ll ever get”

I felt Regan stand next to me and slip an arm around my waist, his touch offered me comfort and I sunk into him slightly, I looked up at him questioningly but all he did was smile slightly before wiping away an angry tear that I hadn’t even realized that I had let fall. He turned back to David, “I’m sorry I should have introduced myself properly before, I’m Regan – her boyfriend Jackass!” Regan said strongly before pulling back his fist and punching David in the face, he stumbled slightly and growled at us

Regan dropped some money on the table plus a generous tip, no doubt to pay back for the disturbance we’d created. He pulled me closer and we pushed past the David he was rubbing his cheek angrily glaring at us. We exited the diner and were walking towards my bike when a hand on my wrist stopped me; I already knew it was David even before he spoke, “Hold up Bluey” He sneered

I whirled around and punched him on the other side of his face, this time I wasn’t holding back. David released my wrist and stumbled back in shock, I smirked at him.

“Bluely? Oh how original” I ground out sarcasm evident in my voice

He went to step towards me again but I was quicker, I swung around and kicked him full on in the chest causing him to fall back onto the ground below him. Looking slightly winded and shocked I shook my head down at him, “I forgot how much of a douche you were. Goodbye David” I said flatly turning around to see an even more shocked Regan looking between me and the winded David sitting on the ground with an expression of confusion mixed with awe on his face.

Giving him a sheepish smile I pulled him back over to the bike and pushed his before slipping on in front of him, turning around I slipped the helmet onto his head.

He seemed to finally get his words back and stuttered a question, “W-what? H-how?”

I smile and shrugged, “I’m not like most girls…”

With that I twisted back around and started the bike, casting one last glance at David still sitting on the ground watching me with one last glare from him I sped away with Regan holding onto my waist tightly keeping me grounded and preventing me to get lost in my memories.


Chapter 3! There's a little bit of language in this chapter, I don't usually use this kind of language but I feel like the story kind of needs it in some parts. 

I hope this chapter is enjoyed!

Its a little late to say Merry Christmas but oh well, Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy new year!

Emma :)

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