Prophecy: Tome of Skin

Galing kay AaronLeeSharp

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BOOK 2 of the Prophecy Series A new year brings a new hope, and with one crisis averted Toby and the gang hav... Higit pa

1. History Repeats Itself
2. Float Like a Butterfly
3. No Friend of Mine
4. The Enemy of My Enemy
5. Higher Places
6. From Beyond the Grave...
7. Lifeline
8. When It Comes to the Man You Love
9. Next to the Devil
10. You Said Never
11. Sister, Sister
12. Love You Can Survive
13. Unbound
14. The Body
15. Brutus
17. In My Time of Dying
18. The Boy with the Broken Wing
19. Is There a Doctor in the House?
20. Mercy Mild

16. A Light at the End

75 14 1
Galing kay AaronLeeSharp

It was like a bad horror movie, the way the scene was laid out when she arrived. The door was already open, not all the way, swinging freely, but just a crack. Through that crack she could see the light within flickering, painting the room a threatening yellow color with its last ounce of life. Still, she was not dissuaded from going in, and she remained halfway in the hall as she pushed on the heavy wood to get a better look at what was inside. Once she had, she understood that it was only fitting that the entire act was so dour, and she stared in without blinking to what was within.

"Alistair?" Angel whispered quietly, the sound bouncing around the dead silence as she forwent the usual nickname that she called him by. No, it seemed right that she should address him properly as she viewed the body that lay on the floor. There was no mistaking his condition, and he stared at her with wide, glazed over eyes while flies buzzed about his lifeless form. Part of her was almost afraid to approach. Almost. After moving further into the flat she turned and closed the door, going over to his body and lowering herself until she was on her knees next to him. "Alistair."

At first sight it was clear to her that he had not died there, in his apartment, because there was no blood around him, despite the very clear wound he had in his chest, accented by the knife that still stuck in him. Obviously he had been placed there, out of the way and forgotten by the rest of the world. Angel couldn't tell how long he had been there, hours, days, but it had certainly been a while judging on the stiffness that had already gone through his limbs. She knew that by touching him, by softly placing her hands all over his body without thought.

Though he was dead she was not afraid to be near him, after all she was so accustomed to seeing death's ugly face so personally. Yet there was a part of her that was afraid, and she was unsure of why that was. Was it because she knew who had done it? That perhaps she was next? Or was she simply afraid because he was the last person on earth who cared about her at all? Now he was gone too, and she covered her mouth while her tears glided down her face and found their home on the corpse.

With soft cries she cooed over him, telling him things she had neglected to tell him in life, continuing to keep her hands on him. Though she knew it would be really over when she let him go, she still did, grabbing ahold of the knife and breathing heavily before ripping it out. The sound it made was sick and she had to stop herself from gagging, leaning over him one last time to kiss him on the forehead before getting up. As her last act, she went over to his phone and dialed the emergency number, waiting until the dispatcher answered to set it down and walk out of there, leaving it all behind.

While she dealt with her own demons, so too did the gang over at Myrna's shop-though their demons were perhaps more literal. Toby had called together a meeting, wishing to deal with a problem that he thought affected them all, and was shocked and dismayed to learn that his call had been ill received. When he had arrived he discovered that the only one who had shown up was Dill. Percy was there too, of course, but that was more a direct result of her living at the shop. Myrna was there also, though she made it very clear right away that she did not want to be.

"I can't stay long, what's so urgent?" She asked, not bothering to even sit because she hoped it would be over soon. Though Cliff was quite capable, she didn't like having to leave him alone for longer than she had to.

"We need to talk about the super soldiers, once and for all we need to decide what we're going to do with them. Monica has been using the bastards hot and heavy now to try and beat us out, and even though we've been fighting back against them pretty well I know it's only a matter of time." Toby stated, looking between them.

"Good luck with that, handsome, we've tried having this conversation already, remember? There is nothing we can do that will end it once and for all, I say just keep doing what we're doing-besides, Austin's been unstoppable lately, he hasn't even been having any of those side effects after using his powers, I think he might've finally gotten it under control." Dill shrugged. It was true, in the recent battles Austin had been able to seamlessly use his demon powers without repercussion, though that didn't sit well with everyone. Someone in particular, anyways.

"We can't keep relying on that." It was Toby, naturally. "That's not a fix, it's just the precursor to another problem. For his sake too, as well as everyone else's, we need to take care of this."

"Maybe I could possess one, you know, take over its body and use it to destroy the others," Percy got excited as she thought the idea through. Once she had really started to consider her new powers she had begun to feel a little better about her condition.

"Not a bad idea," Austin shrugged as he came in, ringing the little bell over the door. "But I think I have a better one. And thanks for the vote of confidence, Toby, duly noted."

"That wasn't how I meant it and you know it." There was a little bite to Toby's voice, but mostly it was passive, and he viewed the unusual bag that their latecomer had thrown over his shoulder, wondering about it. "What've you got?"

"The answer." The response that Austin gave was short, matter of fact, and he took the bag off and set it on the table for them all to see. One by one the others all looked to Toby, their undisputed leader, and waited for him to do the honors. With a roll of his eyes he pulled apart the cloth, looking within to see what it contained. In confusion he lifted out a vial, just one of the numerous ones that were held within.

"What is it?" Percy wondered, wishing she could hold the dusty purple liquid in her own hand. It was beautiful, that much they could all agree on, but they also knew better than to trust anything that was created in a lab.

"It's the vaccine. What's in that bag there is the only thing that can stop the super soldiers. The serum that they've been created with, the source of all their power, was grafted from my blood, and out my blood we've finally managed to create the formula to counteract it-there it is." Austin sat down while the room lit up with excitedly confused murmurs, awestruck by the simplicity of the logic, by the easy answer they had been provided. Yet there was always room for skepticism.

"We?" Toby had listened to the revelation with keen interest, and he had picked up on one thing in particular. Sure, he knew that his lover was incredibly bright, but not exactly gifted in the sciences. Clearly he must've had help, and that was exactly what he'd inadvertently confirmed.

"Let's try to focus on what's important-taking care of the super soldiers, once and for all, just like you said. This is what you wanted, right?" With one look Austin made it clear that he had no intention of further explaining. Toby knew when to give up, so he turned his attention back to the batch of vaccine, examining the vile he still held in his hand. He considered that maybe he should just take the win, not worry so much. After all, there would be plenty of time to put all the pieces into place later, but for right now he had the tools to ease the burden on the man that he loved. That was worth the risk.

But risks weren't always worth taking, a lesson that Stephanie had learned the hard way. She was just returning from her leave of absence-the forced time off that Monica made her take after learning of the information she'd withheld. What that really meant was that she had her thrown into a holding cell, a small, dark space with no light and strange smells. Maybe that wouldn't have been so bad, seeing as Stephanie had only thought she'd been forgotten about after a long while, but Monica was cruel enough to make her execute her sentence without the most important thing to her-her charm.

But now she was back in form, and she descended the elevator to the secret lab to meet up with her boss, wondering what their reunion would be like. She didn't expect it be rosy, that was not in either of their natures, but she wondered if they would just pretend like it hadn't happened-any of it. Without a doubt, Stephanie was at least sure that she was not supposed to mention it, not allowed to be angry about the punishment she received. And why would she? She knew what she'd gotten herself into, they were villains. Though, during her stay in the hold, she couldn't help but to think on the warning Alistair had given her.

"So what did I miss?" In the end Stephanie just decided to do what she always did-bury what she felt. Instead she led with the only thing that got her through, her sarcasm, and she smiled as she looked at her employer, waiting to see which direction they'd go.

"There are going to be some changes," Monica told her, only glancing at her for a short second before striding off, "since faith in the people I work with is lacking, I'm going to rebuild from the bottom up. You've been demoted; I'll need your keycard. From here on out you'll only be afforded the same access as the rest of my employees."

"What? That's not fair."

"What's not fair is me being betrayed by not only one, not two, but all three of my most trusted advisors. Consider yourself lucky, at least you made it out alive. Two out of three isn't bad, I guess. Starting now, you'll only come and go with my permission, you'll report absolutely everything you do to me, and whenever you get a bright idea you'll have to clear it with me first."

"Come on, you don't have to do this, I didn't betray you."

"Oh? I'm not quite sure what else you'd call it, dearest."

"Cliff and Alistair plotted behind your back to take you down, they were your enemies, I'm your friend. I never wanted to hurt you or betray your trust, I just did the same thing you did-the same thing you would've done in my shoes. I saw an opportunity to gain some power and I took it. It's no different than with you and the boss." Stephanie thought about apologizing, but she knew if she went into full groveling mode she would lose any respect she still might possess.

"It's very different," suddenly Monica twirled around, grabbing the scientist by the neck before hoisting her off the ground and pinning her against the wall. "I most definitely want to betray Vorne, and I plan to. As soon as I work out the rest of the kinks with my super soldiers I will destroy him, and anyone else who stands in my way. You say you did not betray me? You knew those two wanted my head and yet you still kept it from me, what would your excuse have been then, huh? What would you've said if they'd succeeded?"

"You," without trying to fight, because she knew it would make it worse, Stephanie struggled for air, "you're right."

"Be grateful that I let you live. If you'd like, I can always reevaluate my decision. Hmm, no?" Monica waited until her subordinate nodded, giving in to her before letting her down. "Prove to me that you deserve my trust, and maybe one day you'll have it again. Until then I have a mess to clean up thanks to you."

"Mess? What mess? They're both dead."

"Yes they are, but not without consequence. If Alistair or Cliff could've just gotten away with shooting me point blank, don't you think they would've? It's a dangerous, complicated world we inhabit, and with the power that I possess they almost surely wouldn't have made it out alive had they tried. Unfortunately Alistair was also powerful, his people will come looking for me, they'll try to crucify me to the public and cut my head off behind the curtain."

"Tell me what I can do. Whatever it is, if I can help I will."

"Don't be pathetic, you're like a dog with its tail between its legs. You've done enough already, don't you think? Go check in with security, turn over your keycard like I instructed. I'll take it from here." Monica glared at her, heading through a door that Stephanie no longer had access to and disappearing. Without pause Stephanie turned to do what she was told, knowing that there no choice. And as their interaction came to a close, another was just beginning back at Myrna's shop, where the gang was still holed up in their deliberations of how to go about their plan.

"You're sure you're up for this? You just got back on your feet." Percy asked, worry clear in her voice even though she had tried so hard to sound like she didn't care.

"Don't you worry about me, love, I can do it." Liam assured her with a smile. Indeed he had just gotten well enough to get out of bed, but he felt like he was going to be okay-one trip to his guy to check him over and he'd be sure. Besides, he desperately wanted to help in this endeavor, anything to take down the villains after they'd pulled him every which way. Normally, a mercenary such as himself would've expected a handsome sum for his part, but he was happy to provide his services free of charge this time.

"Really, hon, you shouldn't push yourself. I'm sure we can do just fine without you, right?" Myrna, too, fawned over him, standing close and brushing him off. When she glanced at the others for reassurance she received a less than enthusiastic look.

"Really, there's no need to get your knickers twisted, I'll be alright. I appreciate your concern, mavourneen." He turned to comfort her next.

"We can use all the help we can get," Austin interjected, hoping to end the ladies' fretting.

"One more body could make it go a whole lot smoother," now Toby spoke, "but we're going to need the whole team on this one. Dill, where the hell is Lorelei? Can you get ahold of her?"

"Not exactly," Dill began to reply, unsure of how to tell them where she'd gone. Yet he didn't have to find the words, because his distraction only grew as he turned to look at the door, a motion that confused the others for a few moments before they understood. Within seconds the little bell dinged, revealing a face that was not so friendly. At first Angel just stood there, taking in the entirety of the cast, before her eyes came to rest of a face that did not fill her with relief.

As soon as she registered Liam she sprinted towards him, breaking everybody in their own directions. At the first sign of conflict Dill used his camouflage, blending into his surroundings and moving out of the way. Myrna threw up a wall of magic to try and stop the visitor, but she curved around it with ease and continued. Toby's attempt was met with an icy blast from her, distracting him long enough for her to continue on. Yet right when she leapt at her target she was thrust against the wall, held there telekinetically with prejudice by a hand that held no mercy for her.

"What are you doing here?" Austin practically snarled, using his demon powers to hold her in place. Without thought he applied more and more pressure, the wall behind his captive beginning to crack. The only thing that went through his mind was the image of Toby that night, how badly he had been injured by her, and it was all the incentive he needed. However he was surprised to feel a hand on him, pulling him away, and though he did not want to he complied with the request made of him, releasing her.

"What are you doing here?" Toby said the same words, but with compassion, as he went over to her, grabbing her gently and helping her to her feet. He wasn't surprised when she didn't pull away, because he had known why she'd come. It was the only reason she had-she was ready for him to help her.

"He has to go!" She pointed to Liam, tempted to take another run at him but knowing she'd be stopped. "You can't trust him, he's one of Monica's."

"We already know Alistair hired him to retrieve you, we helped," Toby continued with his softness.

"No, you're not listening, he was the one that took me to her in the first place." This time her words were met with understanding, and they all looked at him in a different light.

"She's right, I should go." Liam confessed, turning and heading for the door. He knew that it would get dicey if he stayed, and he didn't want to be drawn into any unnecessary battles. Not just because he wasn't sure he'd survive in his state, but because he didn't want to be at odds with some of the people in the room, some of them he didn't want to kill.

"No, wait, I'm sure he can explain," it was Myrna who exclaimed, going over and grabbing him by the arm, begging him not to go. She wasn't sure of what she'd just heard, but she did know that he was not a bad guy-she'd spent time with him, getting to know him.

"The lass speaks the truth, I was hired to do a job and I did it, simple as that. It's probably best for everyone if I go. I am grateful to the hospitality that you've shown me, and maybe this won't be the last time we see one another, yeah?" He gave her a small smile, taking her by the chin and surprising her by kissing her lightly on the lips before exiting. The rest of the gang watched in confliction, unsure of what to do. They decided to let it go, let him go, because there were more pressing things.

Though not everyone was so impassive, and they were all unaware of the pair of iridescent, white eyes that watched the entire scene from the shadows.

"Alistair's dead." Angel blurted as soon as he'd gone, looking once more at Toby. Everyone present seemed unmoved, except Angel of course. And one other. At the back of the group, where no one paid her any mind, Percy was startled to hear the news too. Yet she said nothing as their guest went on to tell them everything she knew, everything that had happened from the time she'd arrived in the city. It was clear that she did indeed want help, with everybody she cared for gone she had no place to go but to where she was now.

It took a little longer than Myrna would've liked to finish up their meeting, but it was understandable given their late entrant. Still, she was glad to be able to return to Cliff once things were finished, and she went ahead of Dill to his brothel-the chosen place to keep their refugee due to the warding. It was the safest place for him, because they knew that if Monica even caught a whiff that he was still alive, she'd want to finish the job for sure. Of course he wouldn't need to hide there forever, after enough time had elapsed any reason for her to kill him would've passed-she would surely know that he would've revealed all her secrets by then.

"Angel's sort of on our side now," she told him when she came into the room, viewing him where he sat on the bed before telling him about the day. "Alistair's dead."

"Can't say I'm sad to see that happen." He mumbled, seeing that she did not like it. She would never be able to take joy in a lost life, even one as evil as Alistair. He knew that, so he cleared his throat. "You asked me once, before, about the chief. About his family. I want you to know that I didn't kill them."

"I know that," she sat on the edge of the mattress, facing away from him. "You'd never do something like that."

"You don't know that. Why are you here?" Without hesitation he asked, unsure of how she could still see anything good left in him. He was rotted through and through, sick all the way down in his soul. "After what I did to you, how can you be here?"

"Because I love you." Finally she confessed, turning to see him, to see his face when she said it. "There's nothing you could do that would ever change that."

"I'm so sorry," though he had not known it, he had been dying to hear those words. They made him breathe easier somehow, allowed him to see something other than the gray, and his face wrinkled up as he began to cry. "I'm sorry I hurt you, you should run far away from here, you're not safe with me."

"I'm not going anywhere, never again. When I first heard what had happened to you I thought, my gosh, what would I have done without you? Then after a minute I thought about all the things I never got to say to you, how you almost died not knowing how very special you truly are. That's a fate worse than death." Myrna wiped her own eyes, and she surprised herself with how easy it was to be honest with him, to lay her heart so visibly in front of him.

"I don't deserve you," Cliff told her, still choked up on his emotion as he reached out for her and pulled her into his arms. It felt good to hold her there, in a way that he never had before, and he was shocked to feel how much he could change in an instant. Like his head was finally coming back above water. From forgiveness it was easy to learn love, and they spent all the time they had in the world right then in each other's embrace, talking of things they'd wanted to say to one another for so long, speaking words of passion and hope as they let down all the walls that had been built up.

They weren't the only lovers who were reconnecting after so long, and it came as a surprise when one of Lorelei's brothers came back into the den of her old family home and told her she had a visitor. Her litter of siblings chattered excitedly about her gentleman caller as she waved them off and went to see who had made the trip all the way to where she was to see her. It shouldn't have surprised her to see that it was Dill, but it did, because she knew all the hurt that was still between them. Regardless, she greeted him without pause, taking him by the hand and leading him to a private place away from the prying eyes.

"Sounds like you're all having a lot of fun without me." She smirked after she'd been told everything. "You probably shouldn't have taken the time to make the trip. Is it bad for me to say that I'm really glad you did?"

"Probably, but I don't care if you don't." He smiled, causing her to widen her own, "but if I'm being really honest I came all this way because I missed you."

"I missed you too." Her response came too quick, she knew it, she knew all her cards were played. That was okay, honestly, she was ready to surrender. "You know, I think it was helping Austin out that made me realize how selfish I've been. Hey, you of all people probably understand me best when it comes to this kind of thing, but, damn it, I love you. I mean, I guess I'm still afraid, but at the same time I'm afraid of not being with you, so it kind of cancels itself out. That just leaves my love. For you. I want to be your girl again, your only girl."

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that. And I feel the same way, I'm yours ." Dill didn't wait as he reached over and grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her into himself and kissing her. He'd waited long enough. He knew there would still be challenges loving an admittedly damaged girl like Lorelei, but at the same time he didn't care to brave them. No matter what, he would start it and stop it again and again for the chance to hold her one more time. That was the way their whirlwind romance worked after all, and neither of them grew tired of it.

It was happy endings all around, and Toby was shooting for one as well as he found Austin. It wasn't hard, he knew that if he hadn't returned to Lorelei's couch, which he didn't, he would be in one of his favorite spots around the city. Sure enough he found him leaning over the railing of the bridge just a few streets from their apartment, mind clear as he took in the evening air. The sight was beautiful, and he almost decided that he couldn't disrupt it, but he was spotted and there was no choice.

"You don't give up, do you?" Austin commented, almost playfully as he went back to looking over the water. It must've been something in the air, because he too felt precariously close to surrender. "You can join me, if you want."

"I told you I wasn't going to, and thanks." The offer was quickly taken, and Toby shamelessly positioned himself right next to him, arm to arm. They remained there like that for a time, quietly. "I want you to come home."

"What about what I want?" Still Austin seemed playful, not exactly serious despite the nature of his companion.

"I think that is what you want. Am I wrong? Come on, I'll do anything you ask, it's been long enough. Nothing's changed, I have yet to understand what any of this is about, but I figure that if I do anything you want then there won't be a reason you can't be with me."

"Except that maybe I don't want to be with you."

"Is that what you want?"

"It's complicated."

"Complicated? That's a start, saying a thing like that might give a man hope," Toby copied him and joked a little, waiting for a second to nuzzle in closer and kiss him quickly on the cheek.

"It is complicated," all at once Austin could feel the blood drain from his limbs and he felt light headed, the simple kiss taking everything from him. He knew what he wanted, a fairytale ending where he could hop into his lovers arms and go home. But he knew that would not rectify what needed to be. In his mind it was a simple choice, one or the other. He could go with Toby and forfeit saving his life, or he could deny him and protect him for all time. Yet his heart fought valiantly against his head and he was stunted. Finally he leaned over and also gave him a hurried peck on the cheek. "It's better this way."

"That's a lie and you know it." Toby was adamant, grabbing the back of his head and kissing him full on.

"I don't know that." With retort Austin pulled away and took a step, feeling the fire spread through his body. At first it warmed him, and he thought it was from the passion, but soon it burned hotter and it began to hurt. Suddenly he felt like he was no longer on the ground, and there was a shrieking in his ears, so loud that he could barely hear over it.

"Austin. Austin? Are you okay?" Toby's voice was still there over the noise if he concentrated on it, but it was getting harder and harder to hear, and as the shrieking continued his vision faded out and he couldn't see. Then it wasn't just the fire, but a thousand knives stabbing him all over.

"Toby," with a weak voice Austin turned to him, causing him to gasp in horror at the blood coming from his eyes, from his ears and nose. Before he could move he felt blood splatter on his face, a result of the coughing Austin did. Then, all at once, he vomited. Not bile, more blood. It wasn't one heave, but a continuous stream that did not stop. It ran over the wood of the bridge, between the cracks into the water below, over Toby's feet. Just when it seemed like it wouldn't end, he ran dry, taking one last, shallow breath before collapsing in the pool of crimson.

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