The Potter Triplets: book 1 (...

By Bambi1199

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This is a harry potter fan fiction, what if there wasn't one chosen one. What if there were three? This is a... More

Meet Sophie Potter
Meet Max Potter
Meet Cassidy Lemmon
Chapter 1: the letter
Chapter 3: Hogwarts
Chapter 4: the Prank
Chapter 5: the Three Headed Dog named Fluffy
Chapter 6: the Troll
Chapter 7: My first flying lesson
Chapter 8: detention
Chapter 9: Quiditch
Chapter 10: Christmas
Chapter 11: My first quiditch game
Chapter 12: Norbert
Chapter 13: the unicorn-blood drinking creep
Chapter 14: I told you so
Chapter 15: We saved the wizward world

Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

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By Bambi1199

Inside there were a few people, when they saw us they were all really happy and they came to us to shake our hands. They all said "OMG, your the boys and girl who lived, it's such an honour to meet you three". The last one to come to us was a tall white man with an turban, he looked really scared and he stuttered "h-h-hello, I-it's an h-honour to meet y-you three". Hagrid told us that his name was professor Quirril, and that he was our new teacher of defence against the dark arts. The bartender named Tom asked Hagrid if he wanted his usual, but he said "no thank you, I need to get their stuff for Hogwarts". And he brought us to the back of the pub and tapped in a sort of formation on the bricks, and then they disappeared and we saw a whole world full with magic. "Wow" we all said at the same time, Hagrid took us first to Gringots. Apparently it's a bank for wizards, we went through the door and came in a sort of entrance hall who were filled with a lot of little beings. Hagrid saw my confused face and told me "Those are Kobolds, they're the protesters of the bank. They're security system is really effective". We went to a kobold who was at the front and Hagrid told him that we wanted to go to our vault and then another vault, I think the number was 713. We first went to our vault and when the door opened we just stood there staring. The whole room was filled with gold, Hagrid took some for us three and have it to us. "Here, this should be enough for you lot to pay for everything". Then we went to vault 713 and the whole room was empty, only in the middle of the room there was a small package. I wanted to walk to it and investigate it, but Hagrid took me behind him and took the package and then we left to outside. When we were outside we went to a shop called
Olivanders to get our wands. We came in his shop and it looked really old and there was a lot of dust laying on the windows and the shells. It was really impressive, the whole wall was filled with wand boxes. Then out of nowhere a man came with a lot of white/greyish hair in his head, he kind of reminds me of Beethoven. He came to us and said "ah, misters and misses potter. I was wondering when you three would be coming". Then he took 3 wands from the first shelf and he gave it to us, then he told us to just move it. We did and Harry broke a vase, I broke another case and Max broke the chair. "Hmmm, those are not it. But what do you think about this one?" He then gave us three other wands and we tried, even those didn't do anything. We just wanted to move it but he told us not too. Then he frowned and mumbled "can it be, no, well maybe". He then took out three other wands and said "these three are real rare. This wand is made of holly wood and is 11 inch tall, the core is made of a Phoenix feather. There are only four of those wands, which makes them 'brothers'. The other wand is chosen by the man who gave you those scars". He touched Harry and mines scar. "He did great things, horrible but great things. The same thing we can expect from you three". We paid for our wands and left. Then we saw Hagrid knocking on the window with three owls. Harry had a snow owl and named her Hedwig, Max had an white owl with a black sickle on his left eye who he named yang and mine owl was black as the night with a white sickle on his right eye and I named him Yin. You get it, Yin and Yang because they look like the Yin Yang symbol. We thanked him and then we went to Flourish and Blots to get our books and to a lot of other shops for our school supplies. Our last shop was a shop called Madame Malakin, apparently she sold school robes. She was busy helping a boy with white hair as snow, he looked like an asshole to me but my mom told me to first get to know people before you dive into a conclusion. "Hi, is this your first year. It's mine by the way, I hope I will be in Slytherin. My whole family has been in Slytherin, I would hate it if I was placed in any other house. In what house would you be in". "I don't really know what your talking about but I will see how it goes when I get there". He looked at me as if I was trash, then I saw Hagrid waiting for the door with our owls. I smiled and thought about how sweet he was to buy us something, he was much more of a family relative then my real family. Then the feet boy, as I'm going to call him now, said "who the hell is that idiot?" I got a little mad and said "that's Hagrid, he's the peacekeeper at Hogwarts and he's NOT an IDIOT". Then luckily for me he needed to go because his robes were done. He left the shop and I could finally breath again, I waited till she was done with our robed and then we walked out of the shop to see Hagrid waiting there with four ice creams in his hands. "Oh Hagrid, you shouldn't have". "I know, I know. But I do it anyways, Bon appetite". "Bon appetite Hagrid". Then it was time to go back 'home' to the Dursleys and we stayed there till it was the 1sth of September so we can go to Hogwarts and we can finally be free from the Dursleys. This is going to be the best experience of my life.

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