The Potter Triplets: book 1 (...

By Bambi1199

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This is a harry potter fan fiction, what if there wasn't one chosen one. What if there were three? This is a... More

Meet Sophie Potter
Meet Max Potter
Meet Cassidy Lemmon
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: Hogwarts
Chapter 4: the Prank
Chapter 5: the Three Headed Dog named Fluffy
Chapter 6: the Troll
Chapter 7: My first flying lesson
Chapter 8: detention
Chapter 9: Quiditch
Chapter 10: Christmas
Chapter 11: My first quiditch game
Chapter 12: Norbert
Chapter 13: the unicorn-blood drinking creep
Chapter 14: I told you so
Chapter 15: We saved the wizward world

Chapter 1: the letter

1.9K 34 8
By Bambi1199

"Thump, thump, thump". Urghh can't my annoying cousin just leave me the hell alone. Apparently I was not the only one, when I looked around in my shared broom closet with my two brothers they had the same expression. Yes, you heard me right broom closet. It's really small, but yeah our aunt and uncle hate us so this is the only place in the house that isn't too fancy for us. I seriously hate my aunt and uncle, but I hate my cousin the most. He's just such a spoiled brat, urghh. I can't wait till I'm eighteen and I can finally move out of this hell. But luckily I've got my two twin brothers with me, yes two twin brothers. We're triplets, max is four minutes older than me and Harry is four minutes younger than me. We love each other very much, so that's a good compensation for the hatred from our aunt and uncle. I heard aunt Petunia bouncing on the door and screaming with her irritating hideous voice "come on you dumbasses, go make us some breakfast. And fast, wake up!" "Yes we're coming aunt Petunia". I yelled back. So we dressed, and my bro's were at least friendly to not watch me while I'm changing. They're just too sweet. We were done and walked out of the door to only being pushed over by our irritating cousin. "Yes, today's my birthday. How many presents have I gotten". The fat pig asked his even more fatter pig father. You can see that I really love them don't you?, hahaha. "You've got 35 presents and they're really wonderful, each of them". Uncle Vernon said with a smile, urghh his smiles just makes me want to puke. I saw my cousin Dudley turning red, "oh no here it comes" I mumbled to my brothers. They looked at me knowingly. "What, last year I got 37 presents and now I only got 36". He yelled angrily. Aunt Petunia tried to ease the tension, not that it worked. So she said to him "you know what, we're going to shop and then we will get you two presents. Then you've got 38 which is more then last year". At that he smiled and sat at the kitchen table waiting for his food. We just walked back into the kitchen, when he looked at me and I saw him smirk. Oh no. "How long does it take to make food, I'm starving". He said over dramatically with a few fake tears. Of course aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were yelling things to us to make it faster. Yeah sure, if you want to make a car move harder just yell at it. I live in a house full of dumbasses, well not my bro's they're wonderful of course. So we made them breakfast and of course we didn't get anything, those stupid idiots. Then I heard my aunt and uncle talking with each other really loud. "What do you mean she can't babysit them?" Aunt Petunia asked my uncle. "She broke her leg and so she can't watch those buggers" he yelled angrily. "Well what do we do, we can't take them with us what are the people going to think when they see them with us". "I'm afraid we have no choice" my uncle said. They looked at us, and I said "we could also stay here so you can have the most wonderful day ever without us". I waited till I got a response, I hope they let us stay here. "Oh no, you will mostly break down the house. Your coming with us" uncle Vernon said. Urghh, I don't want to go with those fat pigs. But we were going to the zoo so that's going to be fun right, right? Before we left uncle Vernon grabbed us three by our collars and threatened "you three are going to behave yourselves. If there's going to happen one single thing I'm going to sent you to your broom closet and you don't get food for a week". Wow, those are real threats. Seriously that's basically our whole live, if he want us to behave he seriously needs to come up with other threats. We said yes at the same time, oh well it's the perks of being triplets I think. We went to the zoo and it was amazing, I saw all those animals I've only read about. My favourite animals were the wolves, they're so amazing. Then we went to the reptile part of the zoo. We saw a boa constrictor and Dudley saw it too, he was tapping on the glass to let it move. "Come on you lazy but, wake up and do something" he said to the snake. "Yeah well, maybe if you would sometimes do something too you wouldn't be a fat pig" I mumbled very quiet. Max and Harry heard and began snickering, and I winked at them. Dudley and the rest of the family with his even more awful friend left and we walked to the glass. "Hey buddy, sorry you had to go through that. He's our nephew, he's a pain in my ass", I said to the snake. "Yeah, just like my sis said he's very annoying, and we know how it is to live behind glass and people watching and judging you" Max said to the snake. The snake moved his head, and I asked him if "can you understand us". At which he nodded his snake head. Then Harry said to him "it must have been nice to live in Mexico". Then he pointed with his head to the sign under his name and it said 'born in captive', oh that pour snake. "Oh I'm sorry, we're born in captive too. We live in a broom closet under the stairs" I said to the snake. Then my fat pig nephew called Dudley came and pushed us three on the floor. Then he screamed "mom, dad look. They made it move". I was so angry, just like Harry and Max. And the next thing I know is that Dudley fell in the cage of the snake and was really scared, and the snake is on the loose. He slid out of his cage to us and said "thankssssssssss". We were a little dazed so we said to him "your welcome". Then when Dudley wanted to come out of it he was trapped in the cage and cried to his mom. It was so funny we laughed real loud, I was the loudest of course. But when uncle Vernon looked at us I was a little scared and stopped laughing. We are so dead when we're home. And I was right, aunt Petunia walked in with Dudley covered in blankets and was totally worried. Aunt Vernon on the other hand was furious, he grabbed us by our hair and threw us in our broom closet and we didn't get any food till next week.
~The next day~
I was asleep and every night I get the same dream, it's about me, Max and Harry when we were one year old. I saw a man and a women getting murdered, then I saw a green light and my scar started burning and I woke up panting. Just like my brothers. "Max, Harry, are you guys alright?" I asked them. "Yeah sis, we're alright" they said together. It's really creeping me out sometimes. "It's just a dream, right?" Max asked. "Yeah, I think so" I replied. We stood up to make breakfast to our horrible relatives, I don't even say family because they aren't. "Hey you lazy but, go get the mail" my uncle told me. I walked to the front door while rolling my eyes, I think it's a nasty habit of mine since I step foot in the house for the first time. I went to pick up the mail and sorted it out. Bills, bills, bills, and guess what more bills, and holy shit. Me, Harry and Max got a letter. Holy shit we got mail, this is weird. We don't even know people outside this house. I walked back to the kitchen and gave my uncle the mail while I was staring at mine and I gave my bro's the other two letters. Then my fat ass cousin ruined it all by screaming "they got letters" and uncle Vernon was laughing and said "who would want to sent them letters?". But then he saw we really had letters, and when he saw the emblem on the back side of the letter he turned serious and grabbed our letters and shred them to tiny pieces. "You three are going to you broom closet now", he said while pointing to our 'room'. "What no, those are our letters. Give them back". "No, you don't deserve letters you freak" and he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me away, then he shoved me in my broom closet. "Well good morning to you too" I mumbled from our closet, Harry and Max heard and chuckled. We went to sleep but I will know what's inside those letters, oh yes I will. Muhahahahahahaha, nah just kidding. But I will read one of those letters.
~the next day~
I awake again to my horrible aunt, it's a regularity to wake up like that. Every day is practically the same, this time there were three letters for each of us. My uncle went to his work and when he kissed my aunt goodbye he turned around and saw hundreds of owls, they were seated on his car. It was a little funny to watch how he scared the owls, but he only needs to look at them and they will fly away. A few days later the letters came from everywhere, from the mail box to the windows to the fire place. My uncle has turned crazy now, well crazier then he already was. He picked up a lot of wooden planks and put them on tee mail box, then the windows and as last the fire place. It was Sunday morning and we just came out of bed when we saw our uncle smiling and he said "do you know why I love Sunday?" At which Dudley answered with "because on Sunday there's no mail", "yes my son, that was very clever of you", he looked at us and smirked. Oh how much I wanted to punch the bastard, but I know better. When I was three I once punched him in the stomach, let's just say I didn't do it anymore for a long time. Luckily for me I didn't need to punch him because after he said that the wooden planks broke of and the letters were floating through the whole room. Man, I loved how my uncles face changed from triumphant to confused. It was really amazing and Max, Harry and I were trying to catch the letters of course. But it was a bit hard to try and escape from our uncle, we grabbed a letter each and try to run to our closet as fast as we can. Unfortunately my uncle was there too and slammed our door close before our face, then he packed everyone's things. And with everyone I mean the pig family, we went to an old shack on an island in the middle of the ocean. Alright, what the hell is in that letter. Maybe inside is a letter that my aunt and uncle are two villains with their villain son who want to take over the world and then the FBI found us and want to take us to our real family, okay you might think I'm crazy. Well I am, but that's not the point. The point is that there needs to be something so horrible in that letter that my uncle is afraid of. It was almost midnight, so that means it's Max, Harry and mines eleventh birthday yay. Well no, we're lying here on the hard cold floor. It was midnight, so woke up and we said "happy birthday" at the exact same time. We laughed a little and we all drew a cake in the sand on the floor. Then we heard someone knocking, no slamming on the door. My aunt, uncle and cousin woke up and came downstairs, my uncle carried a gun and pointed it at the bouncing door. Then the door fell and we saw a really tall man with a really tall beard. Let's just say he was really tall, and he had a big belly too. My uncle aimed his gun with his hands a little shaky and told him "go away, I'm armed". The tall man laughed and it boomed through the whole shack, then he took the gun and held it by the point at the front. Then he bent it so it was now facing my uncles face and the tall man said "don't be an idiot Dursley". Then he saw Max and me and Dudley, he thought that Dudley was Harry and said "ah, you must be Harry and you two Sophie and Max". Then Dudley open his mouth and said scared "n-n-no I'm n-not H-Harry", the Harry spoke up and said "I'm Harry". The man was really happy and told us "hello yeh three, I'm Hagrid. The Peacekeeper of Hogwarts, but I think that yeh already know about Hogwarts don't yeh?" "Uhm no, sorry sir but what's Hogwarts?" Max asked politely. "You don't know about Hogwarts, didn't you get the letter? Oh I bet you three will be such as good as your parents". "Wait sir, what do you mean with 'you three will be such as good as your parents' what will we do good?" I asked him. "Wait you don't really know do you?" We all shook our heads no. Then he sighed and said "Harry, Max you're wizards and Sophie you're a witch". Wait, what the hell. I can't be a witch, there's no such thing as magic. "No they're not, we forbid that we would ever let them know how much of freaks they are. Just like their parents, and we definitely are not going to sent them to a school ruled by an old fool" uncle Vernon said. I could just punch him in the face at this moment. Hagrid was very angry and said "be careful how you speak muggle, nobody says that about Lilly and James Potter, and nobody insults Dumbledore in my presence" he boomed and the whole shack was shaking. My uncle was a bit scared and backed away. "It's so great to see you three again, the last time I saw you was when you were just baby's and I rescued you out of your parents house when they were murdered. Oh right, I almost forgot" he rummaged through his big coat and he took out a cake. The cake was not that big and it was pink with green letters, it said "happy birthday Harry, Sophie and Max" it was cracked because he probably sat on it. But it was beautiful, it was the nicest thing someone has ever done for us, except for our parents of course. I was one year old but I've got a pretty good memory. "Thank you Hagrid, this is the most beautiful thing someone has ever done for us", I said with tears in my eyes. This is so sweet, I love Hagrid already. He put the cake in the table in the left corner. "But wait a minute Hagrid, you said that our parents were murdered by a dark wizard. But uncle Vernon told me they died in a car accident". His face became fierce red and he said "WHAT, LILY AND JAMES DEAD IN A CAR ACCIDENT. THAT'S THE MOST RUBBISHY THING I'VE EVER HEARD, YOU'RE THE WORST MUGGLE ON THIS PLANET". Wow, I didn't see that coming. "Your parents were an amazing witch and wizard, and your mother Lilly was one of the most sweetest girls I've ever met". Then I saw Dudley eat the cake and Hagrid saw it too. Then he smiled at me and pointed the top of his umbrella to the ass of my cousin, and then he had a tail of a pig. It was so funny, now he was really a fat pig. He was scared and run to his dad, uncle Vernon demanded for Hagrid to turn his tail back. But Hagrid told him "I'm sorry Dursley but the kid had it coming". Then he turned to us and said "Come on, Dumbledore told me to get your things in Diagon Ally. Well that means if you three want to?" "Yes of course we want to" we said at the same time and before uncle Vernon could scream at us again Hagrid took us outside to his boat. We rowed to the shore and he took us to a pub called "the Leaky Cauldron".

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