Larry Stylinson One Shots

Autorstwa sweaterlarry

181K 3K 874

Oh so this is a book of stories. They're LARRY. How do I tag things again? Więcej

Larry Stylinson One Shots
1:10 am
Those Pink and Blue Flowers
Ooh an Author's Note.. Thing?
The Little House (Story Book Format)
Off To Neverland (AU)
I Just Cannot Have You Yet (AU)

Christmas Lights AU

12.7K 296 42
Autorstwa sweaterlarry

It was one of those nights you heard happy young adults talking about on TV, saying it was just beautiful and magical and perfect out. Just enough cold for it to really be winter, the stars shining above, a back sky to contrast the stars, and a big beautiful Christmas Tree about to be lit. Well, Harry is not in a TV show, so he wasn't obligated to say anything of that sort. The night was absolutely horrendous, in his opinion. The sky was just a bleak looking black/gray, there was a strong wind, and he was actually freezing. Harry stuffed his hands into his small pockets, but his wrists still hung over the edges. A pout appeared on Harry's quickly chapping lips. He still couldn't believe he had let Liam convince him into doing this.

Right after Thanksgiving, there was a large, over-elegant ceremony where the out of proportion Christmas tree in front of the credit union building was lit up to mark the beginning of the holiday season. Harry's best friend Liam, who worked at the credit union, was in desperate need of more help for the event. Almost 5000 folding chairs needed to be arranged all through the emptied parking lots around the building. So Harry, being the good friend that he is, decided to volunteer. He had no idea that it would be dark. And 5000 chairs. And below freezing. So Harry was here, sulking in the corner. Until he realized that they would need more chairs all the way to the left of the Christmas tree. Sighing, Harry headed in the general direction of the extra chairs.

There was a choir setting up near the tree, and Harry looked over. They were young boys, and he knew they had the highest, sweetest voices in all of the city. "Well." Harry thought, picking his feet up a bit more as he walked. "The singing might be an upside to this night." He had made it to the pile of chairs, and noticed that there were more and more people piling in. He would have to get a move on with the chairs, if he wanted to be finished by the time the choir was starting to perform. Harry grabbed 2 chairs at a time, and started to place them in the already marked out rows. It continued like this for a while, just setting up the chairs by himself, but he wasn't complaining. The cold atmosphere around him put him in the mood for no social interaction whatsoever. But, that couldn't happen, as Harry saw more of the helpers coming over to him and picking up more chairs. Harry just rolled his eyes and stepped to the side.

The choir was warming up now, and Harry was glad he was done with the chairs. He had a nice spot to the side of the little stage and the tree, and there was a good view of everything about to happen. Harry looked around, and huffed a bit when he realized there weren't any chairs left for HIM to sit on! "The irony", Harry thought, adjusting his weight and shifting on his feet. At least he had his view, right? Wrong. Almost out of nowhere, a shorter figure appeared, and stood directly in front of him. Yes, he was shorter, but that wasn't the point. The point was Harry had found a good spot, and this guy just came and stood directly in front of him. He wasn't going to take this. As he walked forward, Harry thought about how terrible everything was today. The dark sky, the freezing air, the crowd, no seat, and now, not even a good view! This day honestly couldn't be any worse. But right before Harry tapped the man, he realized the day just got worse.

This man in front of him was gorgeous. Absolutely, blindingly gorgeous. He hadn't even seen him from the front yet, but Harry knew the man was walking perfection. The problem with this was, there was a beautiful man. In front of him. In his direct view of the stage. Harry couldn't bring himself to ask him to move! He was frozen (quite metaphorically due to this unreal human creature, and literally from the horrendous weather), and had to deal with this all night long. Harry wasn't much of a people person, especially "blindingly gorgeous" strangers in front of him at tree lighting ceremonies. Quietly, the choir had started up singing, and Harry stared, mouth agape, at the back of this strangers head. He felt stupid for falling so fast for a person he's only seen half of. And he had thought tonight would just be a cold, boring night. For the icing on this sickeningly sweet cake, the man in front of him starting to quietly sing along to the choir. Harry had to choke back a whine, because the man sounded like an angel. It honestly wasn't fair. He stomped his quickly freezing feet and silently moaned, and suddenly, the small figure whipped around.

And Harry honestly was completely gone for him.

He was a short man, who looked a bit older than Harry. He had tan looking skin, but it was also soft looking and gave off a sort of childlike glow. The man was wearing a black, fluffy coat, which made him look adorable. He had beautiful chestnut hair, that was poking out in all directions from under a pink beanie, with a big pom-pom on top. There were little matching pink mittens on his hands, that looked a little big (in a completely uncalled for cute way). He had soft looking, pink lips, that Harry just wanted to kiss endlessly. His nose was scrunched a little bit; Harry figured it was out of concentration, since this beautiful man was still subconsciously singing along with the choir. And his singing was breathtaking. Finally, Harry was left to this man's eyes. They were a brilliant, piercing blue, and Harry could see the reflection of the rainbow Christmas lights from around the building shining in his eyes. The eyes weren't focused on Harry, and he felt relieved. But then, the eyes were focused on Harry.

Harry sucked in a breath. This man was now aware of Harry's existence, and it was scary. The eyes looked a little scared. A little gasp escaped the man's mouth, and he quit singing. Harry felt like crying. The singing had been beautiful, even if it had only been a little murmur, subconsciously along with the songs. The blue eyes looked to Harry in confusion. Grasping the fact that he only had a matter of 3 seconds before he chickened out, Harry addressed the man.

"Erm... Don't stop singing?" Harry mumbled, coming out more like a question than a reassuring statement. He felt completely stupid. The man in front of him looked very confused, and a little nervous. It reminded Harry of a little lost puppy. He wanted to pull him into a cuddle right here, and tell him he was beautiful. But he couldn't. So Harry just stood there, in all of his awkwardness. The man looked up, his blue eyes swimming with nervousness. Harry coughed a bit, worrying that he made the man uncomfortable. He decided to try again.

"I mean, you can if you want, it's your life. But I thought it was very... Um... Pretty? And I won't bother you I swear I'm sorry for interrupting your watching of the choir." Harry had managed to let all those words tumble out, and he realized he sounded crazy. The man still looked a little scared. Harry sighed and went to turn away. Maybe he could go find Liam and steal a seat next to him, instead of standing here behind this shy, lovely, person. But, he suddenly felt a little hand grab his wrist. There was a little cough, and he heard a little voice call out.

"Louis." The voice trilled quietly. Harry turned back around, and realized it was the man. Harry was filled with an uncontainable happiness, but he didn't want to scare the man again. He liked hearing his soft voice, seeing his blue eyes looking into his own green ones.

"What was that?" Harry finally said, snapping out his daydream. He silently squealed as he realized the man's little pink gloved hand was still daintily wrapped around his wrist, tugging Harry closer towards him a bit.

"Louis. My name is Louis. What's yours?" So his name was Louis. Harry saw him looking expectantly up at him. Harry wanted to burst out right now, and hold Louis and scream that he thought he was the most wonderful creature in existence. But he was aware now that Louis was a little skittish, and that he seemed pretty nervous around people. So Harry kept his cool, and smiled a bit bigger.

"I'm Harry. Hey, Louis? I didn't mean to scare you earlier. I just thought, well. I thought your singing was very beautiful." Harry said, keeping his eyes on Louis'. He noticed Louis blush a pretty shade of light pink, that matched his little hat and mittens. There was a little smile that flashed across Louis' face.

"You thought... I? Sounded... Beautiful?" Louis mumbled out, and Harry's heart swelled. It was quite endearing, Louis glowing from a compliment from Harry. But then Louis dropped his hand from Harry's wrist and looked away.

"I'm sorry I got scared earlier. I get really nervous around people." Harry held in a coo at Louis' cuteness.

"Oh, that's ok Lou." Harry winced as he realized he let 'Lou' slip out, but he saw Louis blush a bit again as he stared off into the Christmas lights. "Look, I'm so sorry for making you nervous earlier, when I was pestering you." Then, Louis looked back at Harry.

"You weren't pestering, Harry." Louis started softly. "I just get nervous a lot. A lot. No one usually likes to talk to me." Harry was just silent for a moment. He took a step back. How could people not want to talk to Louis? He was wonderful. When Harry didn't respond, Louis continued in a quieter voice.

"Please stay, I like standing next to you. I'll even keep singing, if you just stay here." He sounded a little desperate, and he looked even more anxious then when Harry first saw him. He even reached out his tiny pink mitten, and seemed to be hoping Harry would take his hand. Harry was ready to pounce onto his hand basically, but he reminded himself over and over to not spook Louis by loud noises, or sudden movements. So Harry slowly moved back towards Louis, and took his hand. Louis squeaked a bit in surprise, but then started to smile. He adjusted his small hand in Harry's bigger one. The choir was in full swing now, and Harry inched a little closer to Louis, so their shoulders were brushing in the slightest way. They both were happy.


It had been almost two hours, and the choir was done performing. Harry had stayed next to Louis the whole time, the both of them talking and listening. Louis had even sung along again to some the songs, which earned booming applause from Harry. Harry himself had even let Louis coax him into singing, even though he knew Harry couldn't really stand singing for people. It was worth it though, seeing the way that Louis' blue eyes developed a brilliant shine as Harry quietly sang "O Holy Night" along with the music into his ear. The night had improved significantly for Harry, since choosing to stay next to this beautiful boy.

Harry had also found out more about Louis. He had anxiety, which caused him to be very high strung and nervous. It made him very wary towards people, especially new people. He didn't have many friends, except for his 2 roommates Zayn and Niall. Louis said that they helped him out whenever he got a bad anxiety attack, but he knew it wouldn't really ever "go away". His anxiety was apparently brought on sometimes by his self conscious-ness. Louis had said that he worried about his looks, and his weight. Apparently, he also used to get messed with because of his slightly more feminine nature. He proceeded to tell Harry he was openly gay, which Harry responded with an overexcited "AND IM BI!"

Harry, being completely infatuated with Louis, wasn't bothered in the slightest by his anxiety. Although Louis insisted that on bad days it could get really terrible. He said he would usually cry, and scream, and separate himself from everyone. Harry could tell it was a struggle for Louis sometimes. But Harry wanted to be able to help Louis, and make him smile. Truthfully, he wanted to be with him forever, but Harry was too much of a dork to say anything about it. Either way, Harry felt special. The fact that Louis, who gets so scared of people, had told Harry so much about himself, after only just meeting him, made Harry feel like maybe things could go further with them both.

"Harry?" He heard a little voice giggle, along with a tug on his hand. He was snapped out of his thoughts, and saw Louis' eyes crinkling from happiness. "Pay attention you twit, they're about to turn on the tree!" Harry smiled and looked over at Louis. He was shivering a lot actually, as he looked over at the announcers. Harry wanted to pull him in and cuddle him and warm him up and kiss his little lips and just have him. But Harry realized, maybe he could. Maybe he could be there for Louis, always. Maybe Harry could make Louis his. Maybe all he had to do was go for it. So he did.

Slowly, Harry reached out for Louis, while he was laser focused onto the Christmas tree. Louis froze up in Harry's arms, as he pulled him in tighter. Harry adjusted Louis in front of him, his bigger body practically engulfing Louis. He rested his head on top of Louis' head, and squeezed him a bit around the waist. He heard Louis start to squeak, and Harry was worried he had made Louis scared.

"Lou...? Is this ok? I don't want to make you uncomfortable I mean I know we just met and that I'm a little weird and-"

"Haz?" Harry was cut off by Louis. "It's fine. It's actually perfect. Besides, I was a little chilly anyways." With that, Louis snuggled back into Harry farther, not caring who saw. Louis felt safe, for once, in a new environment, with a new person. And it felt wonderful.

Just then, the countdown for the tree began. The crowd started to yell "10! 9! 8!" And so forth, as Louis started to get excited. He squeezed at Harry's arms around his waist, and Harry giggled at his adorableness. Finally the countdown reached one, and the tree was lit up. There were beautiful colors shining all over it, with strings of tinsel shining in the lights. There was a massive star on top, sending a bright gold glow over the crowd. Harry saw the glowing in Louis' eyes, from the now lit up tree, and the pure amazement he felt. Harry leaned in towards his ear.

"Isn't it wonderful?" He whispered, as Louis blushed. Louis leaned back into Harry's touch, and surprisingly, planted a soft kiss to Harry's cheek.

"Almost as wonderful as it's been with you."

This is dedicated to MY BANANA-y for encouraging me to do this one shot ok? Plus, I am her wrecking ball. Hehe
Hugs and Butterfly Kisses,
😘💗👑🎀😊 }

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