I Just Cannot Have You Yet (AU)

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(Hi guys! I know I usually put notes at the end of fics, but this one is important! I submitted this to a contest that karukara is hosting on tumblr. If I win, she'll draw a FANART for AWWL!!! Can you imagine? What great publicity for everyone involved with AWWL, even you guys, my readers! So, head on over to my tumblr, @sweaterloulou , and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE like and reblog the link! Once it comes time for voting on Kara's account, I'll let everyone know! You can also check this fic out on my BRAND NEW ao3!! Same user as her, @sweaterlarry !!! Love you all so so so much! Don't forget, my tumbler please!)

'Harry being the charming mystery man that visits every ball, searching for his beautiful "victims"'

"I dont want to have another ball, Eleanor." Louis pouted, his frowning face meeting Eleanor's eyes in the mirror. He was grateful that his handmaid, Eleanor, was helping him prepare for yet ANOTHER masquerade ball arranged by his mother, but Louis was just not the 'ball' type. All the dancing, the gossiping in the corners, and courting all of those obnoxious, high society girls. He hated those girls the most.

"Oh, hush up, sir. Your mother only has your best intentions at heart." Eleanor simply replied. She was doing up Louis' vest, making sure to tie it tight enough to accentuate his curvy build. "Your mother always says, sir: 'A young man such as yourself will one day-' "

"Make a nice young girl happy.'" Louis rolled his eyes as he finished the sentence, knowing his mother's seemingly favorite quote by heart. "One of these days, El, I'm going to just start kissing a boy right in front of her. That will certainly teach her a- ow!" Louis yelped. Eleanor pulled a string too tight on the vest.

"Sorry sir! I need to make it tight enough to hide under the outfit your mother chose for you." Eleanor apologized, starting to redo the strings.

"I know, I know. No harm done." he told her, knowing she was right. He could never show off his body the way he wanted; his mother wanted him to be a proper male suitor. "Niall!" Louis then called. There was a sound of scampering feet on the wooden floors of the hallway, before finally coming to a stop in front of Louis' doorway. The person knocked.

"Enter!" The door was then flung open by a blonde-haired boy, pale limbs flailing as he walked into the room.

"You rang, sir?" Niall asked, moving over towards the large mirror Louis and Eleanor were standing in front of.

"Yes, Niall. And don't call me 'sir'. It's only me and El in here!" Louis winked, and Niall returned the action. "I was calling for you to bring the clothes my mother laid out. I need to know how hideous I'm going to look."

"Oh, sir!" Eleanor tutted, with a click of her tongue. "As I know you won't be courting ladies at the ball, as usual, what does it matter if your outfit is a little less flattering than you would like?" she finished, looking at the offended face of Louis through the mirror. She bit her lip, blushing a slight pink.

"It's the principle of the matter, right sir? I mean, right Louis?" Niall suggested.

"Indeed, Niall," Louis told them with a dramatic sigh. "I must look my best for the HORDES of lovely girls, all pining to become the new beholder of the Tomlinson bloodline." He rolled his eyes, and winced as Eleanor finished up the strings on vests' back.

"Done sir. Niall will bring me your mother's outfit choice for you, now." Eleanor told Louis with a curtsey. Niall laughed when Louis pretended to yawn, and left to get the clothes.

"Now, go on Eleanor. You must get dressed for this ABOMINABLE party."

Eleanor's tiny mouth parted. "What? But, aren't I supposed to be watching over the young mistresses tonight?"

"Oh god, El! Watching my sisters scarf down sweets in their finest ball dresses? I have Danielle taking care of that tonight. You're going to accompany me to the dance, and save me from utter boredom." Louis smiled, as much as he could when he realized he's taking ELEANOR to the ball. But, it was better than having no female with him.

"Oh, but sir, I'm your handmaiden." Eleanor sighed, as if her dream was too far fetched. Louis snorted.

"Don't be ridiculous. You'll make yourself look good. No one will know. Besides, it'll decrease the amount of times I'll have to ask another snobby girl if they would like to dance."

"Oh! I have to go find a dress! And a mask! My goodness, thank you so much!" Eleanor gave a quick pat to Louis' head. "I'll be right back with your clothes, sir! We have to hurry!"

"What, so then you will have more time to play dress-up?"

"Never mind, you! Stay put!" With that, she shuffled out of the room, leaving Louis in his vest and tights. He couldn't help but laugh at what a night he was about to have.

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