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Louis sat alone. Just. Alone. He was outside, just away from everyone. His child-like mind had gotten too bored inside the parked bus, Niall playing FIFA, Zayn on the phone with Perrie, and Liam out surfing. Harry had disappeared earlier, without telling anyone where he went. Maybe he just needed a moment alone too, like Louis presently did.

Louis sighed as he looked up into the sky. It was blue, like a sky is. But staring at it he saw streaks of different shades of blue. He saw the white wisps of baby clouds, and the glow from the sunshine. Louis figured staring long enough at things, you can learn a lot about it. Like Harry. His gorgeous, breathtaking Harry. Louis had always noticed those bright green eyes, thick curly hair, and deep dimples. But after 3 years of always subconsciously staring at Harry, Louis had noticed other things. Like his tiny eyelashes, his big hands, his toned chest, his long, full lips. He could stare at his beautiful Curly boy all day. He craved every part of Harry.

Getting bored, yet again, Louis stood up. He didn't see anyone around, just the few trees and grass where he was, the arena parking lot outskirts up ahead, and the back of their parked tour bus behind him. He wasn't really sure why he had decided to come out here, but it certainly was peaceful. No loud noises or bright lights. No screaming fans or blinding paparazzi.

"Just enough nature to be considered nature," Louis thought, scuffing at the ground with his little white sneaker. He wrung his hands, not quite sure to do with himself. So standing there, blankly staring ahead, would have to do. He let his mind slowly drift back to Harry, while he gazed at the sun rays near the horizon. Harry would've liked looking at this sunny sky with him, if he just knew where he was. Louis huffed, angry that his precious boy hadn't said where he was going. But of course, Louis was never truly angry at Harry, and could only wonder what he was up to.

Suddenly, Louis was snapped back to attention when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. It of course made him jump; he thought he was alone. His blue eyes widened in fear, starting to get that gray-ish tint that appears when he's nervous or sad. Before Louis could even scream, he realized there was a certain softness and tenderness in these arms' grasp that seemed familiar. Louis finally realized who it was, his eyes brightening up in excitement. The blue color in them, like the changing sky, lit up again.

"Guess who, LouBoo?" Harry sweetly whispered into Louis' small ear.

Louis could feel his face contorting into a large smile, that only his love could bring. No answer was even needed; Harry just wound his arms around Louis' small waist tighter, making Louis giggle in delight. Louis reached a hand back behind him, and stoked at the tip of Harry's nose. It always made Harry let out a little squeal, and it just fueled Louis' heart. He leaned his body back into Harry's. They fit like puzzle pieces, but then again, when haven't they been told that? Louis' head rested on Harry's left shoulder, his tiny lips against Harry's neck. Louis heard that light sigh of contentment that Harry always gave in little cuddly moments like this, and Louis felt relaxed.

No words were ever needed in these situations. No thoughts were chewing at their brains. They would just snuggle and cuddle and hug and kiss and love and love and love, and that was always just fine for both boys. Louis sometimes had to admit to Harry that it was hard, to not show these moments to the public. But Harry always reassured the older boy, telling him that one day, they would be free. And they would love and love and love in public.

Harry pressed light, airy kisses to Louis' soft left cheek, which always took Louis' breath away. He could feel Harry's eyelashes tickling over his own face, as he just snuggled his nose deeper into Harry's neck. Harry delicately turned Louis around, so that their eyes were locked. His arms stayed tightly locked around Louis's waist, while Louis snaked his arms around Harry's neck. Harry began to rock slowly on his feet, moving both him and the smaller boy back and forth. Harry's strong, but loving, grip around Louis' waist caused Louis to be lifted off the ground a bit, as they slowly moved. The tips of his white sneakers drew little patterns in the dirt, as his feet dangled in mid-air. But being suspended only that little bit above the ground by Harry, made Louis feel protected and safe.

Louis began to laugh as he tilted his head up to meet noses with Harry. Harry obliged, and rubbed his nose against Louis'. He found Louis' Eskimo kisses so cute, especially the way it turned the tip of his nose all rosy. Harry swung Louis around, noses still touching, Louis' tiny feet dragging in the dirt the only sound. Their nosed pulled apart, keeping themselves forehead to forehead, and both boys now seemed like complete giggling idiots. Louis brushed his small lips against Harry's jawline, the sudden cold rush of Harry's skin making Louis squirm with joy. Harry pushed his lips back at Louis' forehead, around that crazy, but captivating, fringe.

Harry, surprising Louis, swung him around again, until his little legs were swept up into Harry's grasp. He brushed at Louis' arms, from where they were wrapped around his neck. Louis gave a small, loving smile. Then, once having Louis bridal styled in his arms, he poked at Louis cheeks, nose, and brushed at his lips with his fingers. Louis quietly let out a happy whimper, as he stared at Harry.

"3 years definitely hasn't been enough time to stare at you, Harry." Louis stated, after he had pressed his lips delicately to Harry's. Harry began walking back to the tour bus, little adorable Louis curled up in his chest.

"Well good thing I have forever with you, baby." He simply said, and went off into the direction of the tour bus, fully content with staring at Louis until his dying day.

{ yes so if haven't noticed, these are very short and I wish they were longer but.

The short ones are cute too ok? Ok.

I'm actually working on longer ones too. Don't get your knickers in a twickers.


(Ooh ps if you don't get my references sometimes, for example "lob", you have to go read the Uniquely Perfect by my Elsie. JS America.)


This oneshot is dedicated to Thee Finna. My wonderful Amen. I love her so much, so so much. And really, she is just beautiful. Lob my Finna.

Hugs and Butterfly Kisses,

~ Lilly 😘💗👑🎀😊 }

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