Everything that glitters, ain...

By KingEazyVon_

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Everything that glitters ain't always gold. More

1. Dre to the rescue
2. It's official
3. A new year, a different Dre
4. Love is blind
5. I can't get away
6. Am I stupid?
7. 9 months later
8. I have to do this....
9. 12 months....
11. letters
12. giving in
13. 1991

10. Should I go?

822 45 195
By KingEazyVon_

Saturday September 25th, 1990


''Bye baby, mommy will be back up here to see you tomorrow.'' I kissed Drea's forehead and exited the hospital.

I got in the car, put the key into the ignition and drove off. As I was driving I could hear my pager going off. Once I hit a red light I got a chance to look at it and I didn't recognize the number so I just ignored it.

As soon as I walked inside the house I could hear the house phone ringing. I kicked off my heels, grabbed the phone off the hook and answered it.

''Hello? Who is this?'' I asked.

''Hey baby, it's me.'' Dre responded.

''D-dre w-why are you c-calling me?'' I stuttered.

He chuckled. ''Cause I miss you baby. How Drea doing?''

''Why do you care? Your the one who did this shit to her!'' I shouted.

''And you don't think I feel about what the fuck I did Chel'le!'' He shouted back.

I started to cry. ''Fuck you Dre!'' I hung up the phone and threw it across the room.

I can't believe he did this shit to her and had the nerve to call here talking about some ''how Drea doing?'' How the fuck do you think she's doing! YOU fractured her muthafuckin skull and YOU wanna know how she's doing?

Fuck outta here. He better not call here again.

And then the phone started ringing again but I ignored it until it stopped.

I tried my hardest to keep ignoring it but it kept on ringing and ringing, eventually I gave in and just answered it.

''What the fuck do you want Dre?!'' I yelled.

He sighed. ''Baby I'm sorry okay? I just wanna talk.''

''Talk about what Dre? Leave me the fuck alone and go get butt raped or something!'' I snapped.

''Chel'le can you please just listen to what I have to say? Please?'' He begged.

I rolled my eyes. ''Fine, you got 5 minutes and then I'm hanging up so whatever you gotta say make it fast.''

''Aight listen baby, I'm sorry for everything I did. I know you don't wanna hear this but what else can I do? The only thing I can do is say sorry but if I could change everything I did I would, I really would but I can't so why you gonna hold a grudge against me over something me, you, or nobody else can change?"

''Dre you fuckin beat me for absolutely no reason everyday, then you fuckin dropped your own daughter on her fuckin head, fractured her fuckin skull and you really had the nerve to ask me why I'm holding a grudge aginst you? I don't even wanna forgive you after everything that you've done! Why Dre? Why did you do all of this to me? If I'm the person that you claim you love so much why did you do this to me then?!'' I said as tears escaped my eyes.

''Baby I love you and Drea and I never meant to hurt ya'll. I wasn't even sober when I did all that shit. I never meant to hurt you, my daughter, or anybody else that I hurt! I'm sorry Chel'le! I'm so sorry for hurting you!'' He cried.

I  sighed and wiped my tears away. ''Bye Andre.''

''No Chel'le please don't go! Baby please don't hang up!''

''What else do you want from me Dre?!'' I screamed through the phone.

''I want you to come fuckin see me!'' He screamed back at me and broke down into more tears, I could hear him sobbing through the phone and I didn't even know what to say at all.

Should I go?

''Um Dre I don't even know what to say. I don't think I can do that.'' I shook my head.

''Baby please. I miss you so much and I just wanna see your face again. I fuckin miss you Chel'le!'' He said sobbing.

I sighed again. ''I miss you too but I really don't know if I wanna come see you yet. I just don't think I can.''

He sniffled and let out a huge sigh. ''Can you at least think about it first?''

''Okay fine Dre, I'll think about it but don't be calling here everyday asking me if I made up my mind. If I come up there then you got your answer.'' I told him.

''Aight well I gotta go now baby. I love you.''

''Mhm, love you too. Bye now.'' I quickly hung up on him and put the phone back on the hook.

For the next few weeks I'm gonna be doing some hard thinking...

Friday October 1st, 1990

-Compton City Jail-


I only been in here for a month and I already wanna go home. I miss Chel'le so much and I feel so bad for everything that I did to hurt her. I don't want people to look at me as a monster because that's not what I am. I wasn't even sober when I did all that. I don't even remember doing any of that shit and everybody makes mistakes so who the fuck has any right to judge me?

"Andre you have a visitor." The police officer said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Who?" I asked hoping that it was my baby Chel'le.

"Bring your ass up front and you'll find out nigger!" He spat.

"You better watch yo muthafuckin mouth, cracker!" I spat back.

"And you better shut the fuck up before I tell your visitor to leave." He threatened.

"Yea whatever muthafucka." I waved his ass off, then he opened my cell, handcuffed me and walked me to the front.

And to my surprise it was Chel'le. I didn't think she was gonna come after everything I did.

"You got 5 minutes to talk then it's back to your cell." He said before walking away.

"I didn't think you was gonna come see me." I said sitting down across from her.

She sighed. "Neither did I, even though you did me dirty I still love you and I just couldn't go another day without seeing your face, I missed you Dre."

I smiled at her. "I missed you more baby. How you been doing?" I asked placing my hand on top of her's.

"Alright, I'm working now and Drea will be home soon." She told me.

"That's good. Where you working at?"

"Me and Quinn got hired at Tina's."

"Oh ya'll doing hair now huh? But who gon be watching Drea when she get out the hospital?"

"My mom, we made up last month."

"Wow that's great baby. I'm happy to hear that."

She smiled. "Thanks Dre."

"Your welcome baby. I missed seeing that pretty smile of yours." I said caressing her cheek with my thumb.

She giggled and blushed. "Dre stop it. Your making me blush."

I chuckled. "Okay I'm sorry then. I didn't think I still had that affect on you."

"Why wouldn't you?" She asked confused. "When you love someone they'll always make you feel that way."

"Yea I know that but I didn't think I still had it especially after um, everything I did to you." I said scratching the back of my head.

I could see the tears forming in her eyes. "Why Dre? Why did you do this to me?"

I sighed. "Baby I wasn't even sober when I did all that shit. That's the only reason why I hurt you." I assured her.

She shook her head. "Dre you weren't drunk all those times you put your hands on me. Why can't you just be a man and admit that you hurt me because you wanted to?"

"I didn't fuckin hurt you because I wanted to!" I shouted.

"Yes you did!" She shouted back. "And your whack for not being a man about what the fuck you did! Whack ass!" She spat.

I shot up from the table. "Oh so now I'm whack Chel'le? I wasn't whack when I had yo legs behind yo fuckin head tho was I? Was I?!" I yelled kicking the table over.

"Dre stay the fuck back!" She panicked backing away from me.

"What's going on up here?!" The officer asked running to the front.

"Nothing I'm just gonna go now. I shouldn't even have came here in the first place." She said speed walking to the door.

I started to cry. "Chel'le, baby please don't go! I'm sorry for not being a man about what I did! Please don't go!" I begged.

She stopped walking and looked back at me. "I'm sorry but I think it's best if I don't come back here. Goodbye Andre." She said before walking out the door.

"No Chel'le don't go! Baby please don't go! Oooo I swear to god when I get outta here Imma beat the fuck outta you bitch!" I tried to run after her but the officer tazed me, I fell to the floor then everything went black.

Saturday October 2nd, 1990

-Tina's hair salon-


"He got mad at you?" Quinn asked.

"Yep and of course it was about nothing, as always." I rolled my eyes.

She sucked her teeth. "Girl you shouldn't even of went up there to see his crazy ass anyway."

I sighed. "I know but I still love him okay? Don't start fuckin judging me Quinn!" I snapped.

"I'm not judging you Chel'le. Why the fuck you always taking your anger out on me?!" She snapped back.

I sighed again. "I'm sorry Quinn. I'm just going through a lot right now. I know he's a psycho but I love him. I still love him Quinn." I said as I started to cry.

"Aw It's gonna be okay Chel'le. I understand that your going through a lot and I'm not judging you because I know how you feel about him. Just go to the back and pull yourself together okay?"

I nodded and quickly went to the back.

Yes I feel stupid for crying over him but I still love him. Love doesn't just fade away no matter how wrong that person did you.

If you love somebody you love them and that's that.

"Well, well, well look who's doing hair now." I heard someone say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked over and saw Valentina standing there with that same dumb ass smirk she always has on her face.

"What chu want Valentina? Don't start with me cause I'm not in the mood for your bullshit today bitch!" I semi yelled.

She laughed. "Girl I'm not tronna argue with you. I just came to tell you something."

"Tell me what?" I asked confused.

"Well I stopped by to see Dre earlier today, and yesterday." She smirked.

I squinted my eyes at her. "Okay and?"

"And he told me that you didn't even bother to call or bring him anything to eat but you claim you love him?"

"Bitch please I love him more than you. Matter a fact you don't even love him. You just want him because I have him so fuck outta my face!" I tried to go out the door but she stopped me.

"If you loved him you wouldn't of gotten him arrested!" She shot.

"First of all I got him arrested because he dropped our muthafuckin baby on her head and fractured her skull so get cho fuckin facts straight before you try to talk shit bitch!" I shot back.

"That baby probably ain't even his you hoe!'' She shoved me.

''Bitch Drea is his baby and you better keep your muthafuckin hands off me!'' I shoved her back.

''Or what? What the fuck you gon do about it bitch?!'' She said stepping to me.

''You got about 10 seconds to back up out my face or imma fuck you up!'' I yelled in her face.

''What's up then? What chu wanna do?!'' She asked.

''Ladies what is going on in here?'' Tina asked walking in the bathroom.

''Tina you better tell your dumb ass employee to step off before I drag her across this fuckin floor!'' She shouted.

''Bitch I will beat the fuck outta you right now!'' I shouted back, then I tried to run up to her but Tina grabbed me and stood in between us.

''Ladies that's enough, Valentina leave the bathroom now! Go!'' She shooed her off.

''This ain't over bitch you better watch yo back.'' She threatened.

''Oooo I'm so scared bitch.'' I said sarcastically.

''Mhm just watch, imma fuck you up.'' She mumbled the last part before leaving the bathroom.

''You okay Chel'le?'' Tina asked me.

''Yea I'm fine. That hoe don't phase me.'' I shrugged it off.

''Alright, get back to work then.'' She walked out of the bathroom and I followed behind her.

That's all for now. I'm actually almost done with this book. There will only be seventeen chapters because I am doing a book 2 with way more chapters so be ready for that.

~Jass 🙄✌🏾️

P.s I'm not telling y'all what it's gonna be about so don't ask lol. Y'all gonna have to read it and find out. 😂😌😛

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