Mated to my enemy

By diamondsparkles1

1.1M 30.4K 11K

"No no no no this can't be happening!" I say. "Dude chill, what's wrong?" asked Ben. "No she can't be why h... More

⚜character description⚜
Important Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Enemies 🔸
⚜character description⚜
⚜character description⚜
Chapter 2 - Squirrel cheeks 🔸
Chapter 3 - Its on 🔸
Chapter 4 - Setting up the prank 🔸
Chapter 5 - Pranking time 🔸
Chapter 6 - Human cake! 🔸
Chapter 7 - Alpha Ceremony 🔸
Chapter 8 - She's my mate?! 🔸
Not a chapter
Chapter 9 - Rejection? 🔸
Chapter 10 - NEVER hit a wolf
Not a chapter
Chapter 11 - My enemy is a dog! Haha!
Chapter 12 - Q&A with a werewolf
Chapter 13 - My best friend is a vampire?!
Chapter 14 - I'm not the only one
Chapter 15 - I'm sick of secrets
Chapter 16 - 99.9999% human
Chapter 17 - Hanging out with werewolves
Chapter 18 - She will be mine
Chapter 19 - Surprise Attack
Chapter 20 - The loss
Chapter 21 - Kisses, kisses all around
Chapter 22 - The date
Chapter 23 - Marked
Chapter 25 - Kiss, kiss, vampire
Chapter 26 - Boys are stupid, chocolate is bae
Chapter 27 - Sorry my ass
Author's Note
Chapter 28 - Operation learn how to fight
Chapter 29 - The talk
Chapter 30 - Ben's Birthday
Chapter 31 - Bad starts, bad endings
Chapter 32 - One step closer yet two steps back
Chapter 33 - Betrayed?
Chapter 34 - Mom?
Author's Note
Chapter 35 - Finding her
Chapter 36 - Finding help
Chapter 37 - Escape from the hell hold?
Chapter 38 - Arron to the rescue
Chapter 39 - Apology accepted?
Chapter 40 - Forgiving
Chapter 41 - It has begun
Chapter 42 - The war
Chapter 43 - The war (part two)
Chapter 44 - New beginnings
New Book + Author's note!!!!!!
The new book is up!

Chapter 24 - Why is love so complicated?

16.1K 466 218
By diamondsparkles1

Omg!!! I hit 52k views!!! Wha? Yes that's right, I can't believe it that we've come this far!!! I just want to say thank you to all of you guys that have read this book. Thank you!!!! This is incredible! Anycilantro, here's a chapter that might complicate things but all in all hope you enjoy!!! Love yah!

Arron's POV (Before he marked Daphne)

I was in my office doing some work about how vampires have been attacking more and more other packs that are close to here. They have sent message to be alert as there has been rumor that a war will begin soon between all the vampires and the werewolves. So great! Notice the sarcasm.

So now, I need to figure more rounds for the patrols so that if there ever is another surprise attack like it just happened, we will be ready. I had started to become stressed so I took a break and decided to check on Kingston to see if they had stopped playing truth or dare.

I even took a picture when Ben ran around in his underwear only, so I'll definitely be using that one day. I went down the stairs and saw that they had finished playing their game. I took Daphne away from them and we went outside to take a moonlight stroll.

We walked in a comfortable silence, but, I was growling occasionally as guys- un-mated guys walked by and stared at my mate.

Blake linked me, 'I don't like that all those stupid ugly ass guys are watching our mate!'

'I don't either!' I mind linked my wolf back.

The rest of the walk consisted in Daphne telling me to stop growling. But hey! They keep staring at my mate! Can you really blame me?

She had just started saying that guys weren't looking at her, when a guy looked at her. That was the last cherry that toppled the pile. I felt my wolf start to take over and I didn't stop him as I too, had had enough too. I threw her over my shoulder and started jogging towards the house.

"Arron put me down!" she shouted.

"No!" I shouted back.

With a sigh, she let her head hang, and the next thing I knew, she was trying to hold in her laugh but she failed.

Of course I knew what she was laughing about as I remembered the incident a while ago, so I shouted, "And my butt is not flat!"

Of course she only laughed harder. I didn't say anything as I felt my wolf would fully take over me in a few seconds. We reached my room and I closed the door behind me. I put Daphne on the bed and instintly crashed my lips into hers.

I was no longer in control as me and my wolf started trailing kisses down her neck. I then brought out my canines and marked her. I felt bad as I heard her shriek in pan. I knew it wasn't going to last long though. After I had marked her, she went to sleep. Being marked can really take energy out of a person.

  "Now those guys will know your mine," my wolf told her.

And yes indeed she is.
What is the weirdest dream you have ever had?

Daphne's POV

I woke up, and the first thing I noticed is how sore my shoulder was. The next thing was that I was not on my bed. I was on Arron's bed, except he wasn't here.

What happened last night? The last thing I remember was that me and Arron were on a moonlight walk. With a sigh, I got up and walked over to Sydney's room to see if I could borrow some clothes so I could take a shower.

I knocked on her door softly. No reply. I knocked a little louder and this time I heard a groan. I took that as my signal to go in. So I did. I found her still deep into the covers, snoring lightly.

"Hey Syd, can I borrow some clothes?" I asked her.

She mumbled a sleepy, "Yeah yeah," and went back to sleep.

I grabbed a pair of joggers and a plain t-shirt and left to Arron's room. I went into the shower and took a nice relaxing shower. The hot water bothered my sore shoulder a bit but relaxed it way more so I kept it at that temperature. Of course since there was no other soap, I used Arron's.

Once I was done, I hopped out and realized I didn't get a towel. As I walked towards the door, I looked in the mirror and saw that my shoulder was red. As I looked closer, I noticed that there was a shape. It was a black wolf that was bent in a way of a crescent moon.

What the fuck?! When did I get a tattoo?! I tried to think of who could have done this to me and the only one I could think of was Arron. I went out the door got my towel, and dried off. I then put in the clothes and left the room on the search for that assless butt.

"Arron!" I shouted.

No response.

"Arron where are you?!" I shouted again.

This time I did get a response but not from the one I needed.

"Why are you shouting?" asked Sydney sleepily as she opened her door.

"Because your stupid brother tattooed me!" I said exasperatedly.

"He tattooed you?" She asked confused.

"Yeah! On my freaking shoulder!" I told her.

"What? You know what, come in here and show me," she said waving at me to come in her room.

With a sigh, I went into her room, and moved the shirt so that the shoulder was showing. She gasped and covered her mouth.

"See! What did I tell you! He freaking tatto-" I said but was cut off by her.

"He marked you!" She shouted with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked confused.

"He marked you Daph!" She said looking at me.

"What do you mean he marked me?" I asked, fixing the shirt so that my shoulder was covered again.

"He... Well don't get too weirded out by this but, he bit you," she said slowly.

"What the heck do you mean he bit me?!" I asked horrified.

I mean what the actual duck! Why the hell did he bite me?!

"Well you see, when a wolf marks their mate, it makes them theirs forever. It also tells other unmated wolves that they are taken and to back off," she explained.

"What the fuck? He said that marking was when he took a sharpie and drew a heart on my shoulder! Not freaking bite me!" I told her annoyed.

"And you believed him?" She said trying not to laugh.

"Oh shut up, even if I didn't really believe him, how was I supposed to know?!" I shouted at her.

She sighed and said, "Welp, looks like your his now."

"I'm not anyone's but myself, he does not own me! So I'm going to go yell at him, see you later," I told her, getting up from the bed.

"Daph-" she said trying to stop me but I cut her off.

"No Sydney, he shouldn't have done this without my consent," I tell her, leaving the room.

I go in the direction I think is his office, and without knocking, I open the door shouting, "Arron Cole!"

I saw him in the office with Ben's parents as well as with Luke in there. They just stared at me, until Arron cleared his throat.

"Excuse me," he said looking towards the others.

He got up off his chair, and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the office.

After he had closed the door, I yanked my arm from his hold.

"What the hell?!" I hissed at him.

"Look Daph let me explain-" he said calmly, but I cut him off.

"No! Who do you think you are to mark me without my consent?! I do not belong to you! You do not own me!" I shouted at him.

"Daphne please calm down. I did it because they kept looking at you and I wanted to give them the message that your taken. I didn't want them to take you away from me," he explained.

"And you couldn't trust me that I was going to stay true to you!" I shouted, the pain evident in my voice.

"No, I-I mean, yes but I still wanted to call you mine," he stuttered.

"No! You couldn't trust me, and but me without my consent. You know what, screw you!" I shouted at him, already walking away as tears started falling down my cheeks.

He grabbed my shoulder and said, "Daphne please."

"No let me go!" I shouted, pushing him away from me.

"Daph-" he started but got cut of by the door of the office opening.

"Arron, we need you in here," said Luke, unaware of the things happening. "Oh sorry am I interrupting something?" He asked as he saw me.

"No not at all," I said, hastily wiping the tears from my face.

"Daphne-" Arron said looking at me with pleading eyes but I cut him off.

"No go and do whatever you were doing," I said.

I walked away not giving him a chance to say anything more. I went outside and hopped in my car. I drove to my house, and stayed there for the rest of the day.



The lunch bell rang meaning we could go to lunch now. I've been trying to avoid Arron all day and so far I've been pretty successful. Of course by saying that, he came up to me.

"Daphne we need to talk," he told me.

I just ignored him and walked around him. Of course that didn't stop him from grabbing my wrist.

"Please," he pleaded.

He had a sad look that almost made me feel bad. But then I remembered what he did and it was gone.

"Let me go," I said, avoiding his gaze.

"No until you talk to me," he said.

I yanked my arm and sprinted outside. After I thought I lost him, I slowed down. I sat on a bench outside and caught my breath.

I saw someone sit next to me, so thinking it was Arron, I said, "Arron just leave me alone."

I looked up and saw that it was not Arron, but a guy that looked to be my age.

"Oh sorry I-" I started but I stopped talking once he put his hands on my face.

I saw a blinding white light and it all went blank.

Clip hanger!!!! Anyways hope you enjoyed!!!! Annnnnd to make up for the clip hanger, here's this picture of this freaking adorable bunny!!!!!!!

Anyways like always, comment and vote, and have a super amazing day!!! ❤️👋

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