Chapter 19 - Surprise Attack

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Yay a new chapter! Its a sad one but here it is! Thank you for 35k views! I mean what? I would have never imagined that! Thank you thank you for everything guys!

Daphne's POV

So it's been a while now since I've last seen Zander. Ever since after the slumber party we had, I haven't seen him around. I always wonder if it's a vampire and werewolf thing to just disappear like that?

Anycanoodle, (yes I did just say anycanoodle), I've met some more of Arron's pack. I mean I met at least fifty people and I swear my eyes popped out of my head as he said that that wasn't even close to being half of the pack. The weird thing was, a lot of people kept calling me Luna.

And then I would be like, "Did you have another mate or... Because my name's Daphne."

He would just laugh at me and shake his head but would never answer me. Poo. On another note, he told me that I would meet the rest of the pack once he had marked me.

What ever that means. When I asked him what is that, his cheeks went pink and he said that it's nothing. Of course I didn't stop there and I kept asking him. He still wouldn't tell me. So... I kept annoying him and it worked! I think.... He said that it was when he took a sharpie and drew a heart on me.

I highly doubt that it's that because that is one of the weirdest things, I mean what? Well... Then again, I have a werewolf mate, a vampire best friend, and a mother that is supposedly a vampire. *Nervously laughs.

Yep well that's my life for ya. Anyhow, right now I'm currently in class, in math class to be specific. Ugh! Yes I know that as a senior I don't have to take math but hey, before all this happened, I was thinking of getting a couple scholarships and going to college. I'm not so sure I'll be able to do that anymore. I mean if Arron is the... what was it called? Ralph-no, Malpha-no, oh Alpha! But what would that make me?

Yeah I still don't understand a lot of the werewolf kind. I mean he said that the Alpha is the leader of the pack. I don't get why that's so important. I mean is he like the president of the United Werewolf states. Haha see what I did there? That's not what it's called but eh.

Your probably asking why I'm not asking them these questions and let me just say one word: Arron. Yep that son of a toilet told everyone not to tell me answers.

Briiiiing! Yes class is over! I went into the halls and saw Arron and asked him a question.

"Hey I'm not telling you until we make a deal," said Arron.

Oh no.

"And what would that deal be?" I asked him.

"Well every time you ask me a question, you have to pay me back," he said.

"With what? Money or..." I asked confused.

"No not money, something better than money by a long shot. Your going to pay me back with a kis- nah just kidding, just with a chance to ask you a question back," he said with a smirk.

I pouted when he took back saying the kis-. Yeah me and him still haven't kissed. I honestly want to but, I think since we were enemies before, it would be going too fast.

"Umm okay," I said a little bit sad.

Hey! Who wouldn't want to kiss those beautiful plump lips. Hey! Back off he's mine! *Laughing nervously again Don't know what came over me, hehe?

He saw me pout and smirked. He was going to say something but then the rest of the group came. (Minus Zander) They gave me hugs, including Ben and Luke which are my new best friends by the way.

I've met their parents and let me just say that they are equally as funny. They told me that after I had left, that they wouldn't stop talking about me. That made me blush yet wonder why?

Anypoop, Ben and Luke are always joking around and always seem happy whenever they're together. Hmm....

"So want go get some lunch?" Asked Arron interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Yeps!" I told them.

So then we left to go get lunch.
Question of the chapter: Who do you ship?

Arron's POV

We left in our cars to go get lunch. I made Daphne go in the car with me even though she has her own car and knows how to drive. Hey, don't blame me if I want my beautiful mate next to me.

We reached the restaurant, we sat down in a booth and were about to order when I received a pack link.

'Alpha Arron, we are being attacked by the vampires' said one of my warrior wolves.

I jumped out of my seat and shouted at the others, "We're being attacked!"

We all ran to the car and I looked back and Daphne was running here as well.

"Daphne you got to stay here, I can't have you get hurt," I told her.

"No, I'm going because I won't let you do this alone," she said.

I gave her one last pleading look but saw that she wasn't going to budge. With a sigh, I quickly got into the car and we all drove over to the pack house.

When we got there, everyone was in battle. I quickly got out and told Daphne to go inside where she would be safe. It seemed that she was going to argue but, I left not giving her a chance to.

I went, along with Ben, Luke, and Sydney and we began to fight the vampires.
Daphne's POV

As Arron left, I had to run in with Kat but what I found inside was horrific. We found a wolf being attacked by a vampire that was trying to bite his neck. The wolf was all bloody and had what looked like deep gashes throughout his body and was limping.

Kat and me didn't react, until the wolf whimpered loudly. The vampire had bitten his neck. My instincts kicked in into trying to protect that wolf so I ran and got a knife, I doubt it would hurt him a lot, but at least it would get him off the wolf.

I launched at the vampire which was not good idea. I had only sliced his neck which only made him stop for a second, now his gaze was on me.

I held the knife harder making my hand turn white. He came at me and by trying to stab him,the knife went against my leg making it go limp. I fell to the floor, and he came at me. At the last second, Zander came out of nowhere and decapitated him.

He dropped the head and I couldn't look at it or I would be sick. I turned to check on the wolf and saw that it was Luke's dad that was barely breathing.

Ignoring the pain in my leg, I dragged myself over to him leaving a trail of blood as I did. I reached him and tried to stop the blood from coming out as much as I could but it kept coming out. He took rugged breaths and tried speaking.

"Da-daphne," he said coughing.

"I'm here," I told him with in my eyes.

"T-tell Luke t-that I love him and Marissa as w-well," he said with tears in his eyes as well.

"I w-will" I told him, my lip quivering.

"And Daphne, you'll be a great Luna," he said with his last breath.

I was full on sobbing by now. I felt his neck for a pulse, but found none. Kat and Zander were crying as well. Just then Luke came in and all hell broke down.

Sniffle sniffle. I am sad that he had to die. Any way I hope you enjoyed. I'm going to go hug my stuffed unicorn now, bye. Also there will be a double update next week! This weekend? It's this weekend that's coming!

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