Never Let Go [EXO Chen Fanfic...

By ahwaeee

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Some things are meant to be gone. When you lose someone important, you'll know someone new. Letting go of the... More

Chapter 1: Miracles in 'January'
Chapter 2: Back
Chapter 3: Same
Chapter 4: Kim Yoonhye
Chapter 5: New neighbor
Chapter 6: New job
Chapter 7: Help Me
Chapter 8: Aren't
Chapter 9: Taemin
Chapter 10: Showcase
Chapter 11: Pepero
Chapter 12: Talk
Chapter 13: Wedding
Chapter 14: Reject
Chapter 15: Engagement
Chapter 16: Memories
Chapter 17: Truth
Chapter 18: They Are
Chapter 19: Leaving
Chapter 20: Same Person
Chapter 21: Again
Chapter 22: Together
Chapter 23: Forever
Chapter 25: Over
Author's Note

Chapter 24: Exposed

240 20 0
By ahwaeee

Third Person's P.O.V.

"Mr. Lee, you should start getting the treatment as fast as possible. Your memory is becoming worse, Mr. Lee." The doctor said.

"How long I am left with?" Mr. Lee broke the doctor's words and asked.

"I'm sorry to say this, but you're only left with two months." The doctor looked down to the report and said, as he pushed his glasses.

"Two months...that is enough for me, enough for me to ensure that she has a good future." Mr. Lee nodded and told himself.

"Mr. Lee, I'm afraid to say this. You would eventually lose your memories. One day, you'll forget about everything." The doctor once again, reminded.

"I know. Thank you, Doctor Park." Mr. Lee stood up and bowed slightly at the doctor. The doctor nodded at him, as he left the room.

He wanted to give his children the best. He hopes that they will have a bright future, with a soul mate that has a stable and nice job. He hopes that they will follow whatever he plans for them, but they never did.

They couldn't understand why he is strict towards them. He never knows that the way that he used to give them the best, had gone to the wrong way. He doesn't even realize that they had lost everything that they want, that they couldn't be happy all of the time.

"Father." He heard his son called. He turned and found that he was just standing right beside the car, waiting for him.

"Why are you here?" Mr. Lee asked.

"Yoonhye went back earlier."

"Oh." He nodded and replied. "You should head to the company." He then told him.

"Yes, I will, father." Taemin answered.

His driver opened the door while he went in. Taemin bowed slightly at his father, while the later just nod softly.

"Go to Yoonhye's place." He told the driver.


He lowered the window of the car and stared at her daughter, Yoonhye who was having her arms around her boyfriend Kim Jongdae's arms. Yoonhye was smiling widely, as she talked with Jongdae.

"Sir, should we follow them or go back?" His driver asked.

He stared for a while more, then said, "Follow them. Be sure not to be notice by them."

"Yes, sir."

He had never seen her daughter being so happy. He wished for his daughter's happiness and wealth, and he selfishly hopes that she could have both of them, by marrying Kim Joonmyeon.

The both walked to a park nearby, and rented a bicycle and cycle around.

"Sir, the both are in the park right now. Should we keep on follow them?" The driver turned around once again and asked.

He turned and looked out. After a while, he turned back his head and told the driver to go home.


Yoonhye's P.O.V.

"You aren't kidding?" I blinked my eyes for a several times and asked him. Jongdae just smiled. "I don't want to miss out anything again, Yoonhye. We had left too many of our times behind."

"I've told you before, Yoonhye-ah. We've left out too many things. I don't want to lose you again. I hope that you can be with me for the rest of my life."

I sighed. "Well, Jongdae-ah, you see...don't you actually think that we're still quite young? I still have things to settle in my family. I wished that we can only get marry after everything had settled..." I was about to continue my words, but then he stopped me, with his lips.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me closer. I was surprised that he will actually kiss me here. It's public and any medias and his fans could've seen us.

I realized that there were people surrounding us when Jongdae pressed his forehead against mine after he pulled away from the kiss.

"Seems like our photos were being taken." He sighed softly and told me.

"Now you know." I told him.

"On the count to three...we'll run. Call?" He asked. I squeezed his hands slightly as a sign that I've agreed.

"One...two...three!" As Jongdae counted till three, we ran off, away from the crowd which was apparently still taking photos.

I don't know how long have we been running. We reached a narrow alley and hid ourselves between it. Both of us were panting heavily. I leaned my head on Jongdae's arms, as I panted.

"Do you think...Yoojin...will get mad with this?" I asked, panting.

"He might be, when he is figuring ways to settle this problem. But trust me, he'll be happy for two of us, Yoonhye." Jongdae grinned widely at me. "Since you're not saying anything about that now, I'll just assume that you've agreed in that." He suddenly said.

"What was that again?" I asked him, pretending not to know. He reached out his hands and flicked my forehead slightly.

"Nothing important. Let's go, Mrs. Kim." He held my hands tightly and told me.

I was surprised with how smooth he goes when he just addressed me as Mrs. Kim, but I like that. I really like how he calls me earlier.

We went back to where our houses were and Yoojin's car was already downstairs. Yoojin was having a serious face when both Jongdae and I entered the car, holding each other's hands.

"Both of you should see this." Yoojin handled Jongdae the iPad that he's holding and told us. Jongdae and I both looked at each other, as we had expected what it could be. My sixth sense wouldn't be wrong, well, it's about us kissing in the park earlier.

What Yoojin showed us was a few photos that the netizens uploaded earlier. We just swiped through the photos, expecting for Yoojin to continue his words.

"I'm happy for both of you." He smiled widely at us and said. Jongdae looked at Yoojin for a while then smiled. "I thought that you'll be scolding me."

"Oh please, Jongdae you're twenty five already and I've been wondering when will you get marry with Yoonhye earlier but then the photos of both of you kissing went viral on the net. So, tell me, when will you get marry?"

"Honestly, Yoojin, we aren't going to get marry this fast." I answered immediately.

"Yah, you can't take your words back when you've agreed." Jongdae curled his lips and complained. I just smiled at him and shrugged.

"So, Jongdae. Let's just assume that if you were being asked about this later in the radio show of Ryeowook, how will you answer? I think that they won't be asking about this in the variety show."

"I'll just say the truth, like...we're been together for a long time...yeah." Jongdae replied.

"But you have to consider that you've been asked about your love relationship before too. Before, you said that you have someone you love a lot, and you can't forget her, remember?" Yoojin asked.

I suddenly remembered about that interview that Jongdae had for that time. When I was in Japan, I've watched that interview too. I remembered how hurt he looks when he mentioned about me.

"Hmm, then I'll just say that we've just started to be together? They won't be suspicious, isn't it?"

"Actually, I don't think it is a good way for you to reveal this relationship. Yoonhye looks exactly alike with your ex-girlfriend. They might say that you just be with her because they look alike."

"Yoojin, they are actually the same person." Jongdae chuckled and told Yoojin. Yoojin looked at me in disbelief.

" you mean that...she never dies?" Yoojin asked. I just nodded. "I don't actually know much about why my father is lying about this, that I am alive."

"Maybe he just wanted you to turn into a new person." Yoojin said, while thinking. "Okay, so I have to send Jongdae to the studio and record the variety show by now. Are you coming, Yoonhye?"

"No, I want to visit Baekhyun." I shook my head.

"Alright. We're not rushing yet for now. I'll send you off to Baekhyun first as his place is close." Yoojin nodded and replied.

Jongdae held my hands and smiled widely at me. "Don't stay there too long, alright? Just ask Baekhyun to fetch you back when you decided to go back home."

"I will." I smiled at him and nodded.

This is my first ever visit to Baekhyun's agency. I think that my first meeting with him after Chanyeol's wedding? I'm not really sure about that.

"Wouldn't it be weird that I just visit him like this? I mean...he doesn't even know that I wasn't dead, isn't it?" I asked Jongdae as I thought about that question.

"He knew that. He was the one whom I asked to search up about it. Don't worry." Jongdae told me.

"Ohh." I nodded.

"Baekhyun's place is quite messy. He doesn't really clean it up that often, so I think that you should just bear with it, unless you want to help him with the cleaning. But honestly, I won't suggest you to help him, as he will clean his place immediately as I've just informed him earlier that you're going."

"Why would he?"

"He doesn't want to give you a bad impression about his place so that you can help him in introducing more customers." Jongdae laughed and said. "There's not much people approach him for his help actually. I think that mainly is because of his messy agency. Plus, he's working alone."

"Ahh..." I thought about before, when us discussed about Baekhyun having talents to be a detective. I really can't believe that he had actually become one.

"Can both of you consider someone who's not having girlfriend yet?" Yoojin suddenly commented in front.

Jongdae laughed and told him, "Hyung, you should go and look for one then. Don't be jealous over me now that I have one."

"If it wasn't you who was always having busy schedules and a lot of things to settle I won't be alone till now. Yoonhye, what do you think?"

"I really think that you should find one already, Yoojin-ssi." I laughed slightly and told him.



Firstly, I want to apologize for not updating that frequent. I've just finished this chapter yesterday 😅 there might be only epilogue left, but the higher possibility will go to one or two chapters then epilogue.

Sorry if the story line isn't what you've expected 😅  I don't know when will I update again because I write slow these days…as I'm watching a lot of dramas and books to get inspirations lol. But trust me there's no use 😂.

Will update soon…if I write fast 😅 Thank you for still being here.

Also! Please check my book,  'One Shot' and read the newest part that I've posted today, entitled 'If'. It's like a poem…at least I think that it is, and there's Chinese and English version for it.

- Jocelyn

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