As It Seems

By hannahh2

1.3K 67 29

I’m guessing if you’re reading this, you know what it’s like to be a major fangirl over one direction. Everyt... More

Ch. 1- Stars in Our Eyes
Ch. 2- Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Ch. 3- A Little Closer Now
Ch. 4- I wish I knew the answer
Ch.5- Seeing Life In Different Colors
Ch. 6- The Reason For That Smile
Ch. 7- Forget What You Thought
Ch. 8- Earthquakes Won't Wait
Ch. 9- Red Lipstick On & High Heel Stilettos
Ch. 10- Something In Your Eyes
Ch. 11- Is That So Wrong?
Ch. 12- Don't Know Why My Heart Begins To Race
Ch. 14- There Was Always Something About You
Ch. 15- You Could Cut The Tension With A Knife
Ch. 16- It'll Come Back To You

Ch. 13- Words Ain't Good Enough

40 2 0
By hannahh2

“Alright, Irwin, whadya want?” I let a smirk play on my lips.

“Oh, we were just bored on the bus and wanted to know if… you wanted to come hang with us? We have lots of room on our bus, and not trying to brag but… we have juice boxes and board games.”

“Juice boxes and board games?!” I brought my hand up to cover my mouth, acting as fake surprised as I could. “You guys are officially the coolest people on this tour. Sold. Done. I’m in.”

We both chuckled.

I let the people on my bus know that I was switching buses, and even invited Alainey, but she said she was just gonna stay on our bus to nap. In case you were wondering, yes, we were like 6 year olds on this tour. We love board games, juice boxes, and naps. Judge all you want.

The next hour of the drive consisted of all 4 boys and me playing Go Fish, until one by one the boys went to their bunks to nap or whatever. It was down to just me, Ashton, and Michael when we decided to give up on Go Fish.

“You two should like… bake me some cookies or something.” Michael said. “I’m getting kinda hungry.”

“Well well well. Now it’s my turn to brag. I may kind of make the best cookies you’ll ever eat in your entire life. So. Challenge accepted.”

“Wait, seriously? I was just kidding but by all means bake me cookies, please!” Michael smiled.

“I may need some assistance though.” I said.

“Don’t look at me, I’m going to nap while my lunch bakes.” Michael said as he left the room.

I tilted my head towards Ashton’s direction and raised one eyebrow.

“I think I’m just gonna sit here and watch” he said with a smirk on his face as he plopped himself down onto the bench seat at the kitchen table.

“You don’t have to do much, just… get me things off tall shelves and help me stir stuff.”

“Baking’s not my thing.”

“Pleeeease Ash? I need an assistant!” I looked at him with pleading eyes, but his facial expression stayed the same. “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?” I gave him the best puppy dog face I could, which turned into a staring war between us two, only I was trying to look as helpless as I could while he was trying to look completely unfazed by my pleas. Fortunately for me, my pleas worked.

“Finnnne. I’ll help.”

“Yay!” I squealed a little too excitedly.

The chef in me instantly took over, and I started telling him everything I’d need to make my delicious brown sugar cookies.  Thankfully, we had all the ingredients needed.

I started on mixing the liquid parts (vanilla, eggs, etc) while I put Ash in charge of the dry ingredients. But he’s a male, so I should have known that was too complicated of a task for him.

30 seconds in, I heard the sound of something spilling on the floor. As soon as I turned to face the noise, I noticed it was the flour. Ashton had spilled about 4 cups of flour on the floor.

“Oops…” He said with a giggle.

“Ashtonnnnnnn! What’d you do?!”

“It fell.” He laughed a little harder.

“Clean it up!” I laughed with him.

He bent down and scooped a big handful of the flour into his hands.

“What do I do with it?”

“Throw it away.” I said as I turned my attention back to my ingredients. I started stirring for a second until I felt something kind of cold hit my back and then fall down my shirt. Instantly, my shoulders tensed as I realized what just happened.

“Ashton. Fletcher. Irwin. You did not just do that.” I said, trying to sound extremely angry but I knew he could tell I was trying to hold in my laughter.

“And what if I did?” he said as I turned to face him.

Without thinking, I squatted down and grabbed some more flour and threw it on him, hitting him spot on in the face.

“…Oops” I said in my most innocent voice.

“Oh that’s it you’re goin down!”

“No!” I said as I reached back down to grab more of the flour.

This quickly turned in to a full on flour battle. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and dumped all the flour in my hand down his stomach, and then backed away to avoid payback. I wasn’t quick enough, though.

Ashton grabbed the bag of flour off the counter and dumped about half of it over my head, getting it all in my hair.

“I’m gonna kill you Irwin!” I said, jumping on him and pulling him down to the floor, both of us cracking up. I pushed him down so he was laying on the floor and I was on top of him.

“Eat flour loser!” I yelled while picking up flour off the floor and flinging it on him over and over. He tried to shield himself with his hands, but it was no use. My flour skills were too awesome for him.

While I reached over to grab more flour, Ashton grabbed my shoulders and swiftly but gently flipped me over so that he was hovering over me this time. He shook his hair so that all the flour would fall off him and onto me. I tried to shield myself with my arms but he had me pinned down.

“Stoooooop!” I said in between laughs. I think both of us were laughing so much at this point that neither of us could breathe.

When I finally caught my breath, I noticed the position we were in. I was laying on the floor with Ashton basically sitting on my lap, his large hands pinning my arms down to the floor. He stopped laughing when he realized I stopped. For a few moments, neither of us spoke. We just sat there, him on top of me, staring at each other, smiling like idiots.

It was in this moment that I realized how beautiful this boy was. Yes, I had noticed that he was cute earlier, but not like this. I noticed everything in that moment. His sparkling eyes, which were mainly green. His dimple, which could probably kill any girl that looked at him. Even his face shape and jawline were beautiful. But his smile…. Man, his smile. I couldn’t even describe the feeling of watching him smile. It made my heart stop.

I was suddenly very aware of how close we were to each other, and I knew I had to ruin it.

“We should probably… clean this place up before we finish those cookies.” I softly spoke.

“Yeah” he broke out of his daze. “Yeah, let’s do that.”

Ashton stood up and grabbed my hand to help me up. He grabbed a broom and dustpan and we had the entire floor cleaned in about 3 minutes.

My ingredients took a lot less time to mix than his, so after I finished mixing mine, I decided to let Ashton sit out and not mix the flour and sugar.

“I wanna help though.” He said as I took his bowl and started mixing.

“No, that’s ok,” I giggled, “I think you’ve done enough.”

“I promise I’ll be good this time.” He laughed.

“No Ash I got this one.” I smiled politely to him.

He didn’t take no for an answer, though. He came up behind me and snaked both arms around my waist, grabbing the spoon from my hands and stirring the bowl.

The feeling of him being right behind me with his arms around me was, again, indescribable. I couldn’t help but wish he would never let go.

“What are you doing?” I nervously giggled.

“I’m helping you” He whispered very close to my ear, sending a chill down my spine. This boy knew damn well what he was doing.

“Ash, I got it. It’s almost done. I’m good. I can do it myself.” I said with a soft smile. When I spoke, I spoke quietly, for some reason. It’s almost as if I was afraid that if I spoke too loud, he’d let go.

“Your call” he whispered again with a flirtatious smile, dropping the spoon in the bowl. But he still didn’t let go of my waist. Instead, he wrapped his arms tightly around my stomach. He stayed there for a moment, and then slowly pulled himself back, letting his arms fall to his side as he stepped towards the table. He leaned against the table, propping himself up on both arms. I turned to look at him, and his soft, playful smile was replaced by a cocky smirk. Yep, he knew exactly what he was doing.

I quickly turned my attention back to the cookie mix that was in front of me. The next 10 minutes that I spent baking the cookies, I barely remember at all. I wasn’t focusing on the baking at all, all I could think about was Ashton. But somehow the cookies went in the oven just fine. I guess my body works even when my brain stops. Interesting.

“Alright. So. What do we do while we wait for them to bake?” I spoke, breaking the silence in the air. There was so much tension, mainly of the sexual kind, that you could cut it with a knife.

“Let’s watch a movie.” He suggested, and I agreed.

He picked some random action movie, and I agreed, knowing I probably wouldn’t be paying much attention to the movie.

I sat myself down on the couch next to Ashton and focused my attention on the screen. I was slightly scared that he was gonna try to make another move, but thankfully he didn’t. I wouldn’t know what to do if he did. On the one hand, there was Alainey. She liked him since she met him, and she was my best friend. I have morals and I obey the girl code. I tried to put myself in her shoes. How would I feel if the roles were switched? On the other hand, the roles kind of were switched. She was getting closer and closer with Harry every day, as I was getting further and further from him. And besides, I’ve gotten really close to Ashton recently. We’ve become really close friends. A lot closer than he and Alainey were. And Ashton was… well, Ashton. He was beautiful. Inside and out. Harry was awesome, but there was something I felt with Ashton that was, well, unexplainable. But maybe that was because I knew I could never have him, maybe? You know how they say you only want what you can’t have? What if that was it? What if I risk my best friend for this guy, only to find out I don’t really like him? I don’t even know what I’m thinking. NOTHING was worth risking my friendship with Alainey. She’s my other half. But Ashton is so…. Beautiful.

I decided I’d talk to someone else about this tomorrow, someone unbiased like Niall. Or Cameron. There was lots of really cool people on this tour. As I thought more and more about this, I felt my eyes fall heavier and heavier. I leaned a bit back into the couch and let my eyes shut.

After a few minutes of sitting with my eyes closed, I still wasn’t asleep all the way, and I felt movement around me. Suddenly, I was covered in something warm, a blanket I assumed, and then more movement took place. I felt Ashton sit back down beside me, but closer this time. He wrapped his long arm around my body once again, but this time let my head fall on his shoulder. He was a perfect pillow. I know he thought I was asleep, but I wasn’t fully. I was still somewhat conscious. But I didn’t mind staying like that.

Ashton started very softly running his long fingers through my hair, which felt really good. I stopped thinking of the future, of what I was gonna do about Ashton and Alainey and everything, and I focused on right here, right now. The moment I was in. It was perfect. Wrapped up in Ashton’s arms, resting on his shoulder, feeling his steady breathing. I wouldn’t change that moment for anything in the world.



HEY GUYS. So it's been a little while, hasn't it? I had to completely redo this chapter, cuz I didn't like where it was going. And then I wrote this. And it's probably one of my fav chapters yay ;) Cuz Ash is perf. And that's the truth.

ALRIGHT So the song lyrics in the title for this chapter doesn't count for the game cuz I'm posting the song in the side bar thing. Cuz it was stuck in my head all day while writing it. And it affected the story, ya know, cuz... Ashton is better than words? yeah.

ONE QUESTION. Does anyone have a problem with me adding curse words? Cuz... you know, I used damn and stuff and if y'all don't like them then I won't add them. So, lemme know.

Also, dedicating this to @Chocolate_Styles cuz I told you I'd dedicate a chapter to you a while ago so yeah :) Everyone follow?

Vote, Comment, all that good stuff, I love you alllll <3

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