Just Friends (A Princeton Lov...

By weeknd_

10.1K 310 43

Rachel and Jacob have always been bestfriends, always been there for eachother no matter what....but what hap... More

Just Friends (A Princeton Love Story)
// Chapter 1
// Chapter 2
// Chapter 3
// Chapter 4
// Chapter 5
// Chapter 6
// Chapter 8
// Chapter 9
// Chapter 10
// Chapter 11
// Chapter 12
// Chapter 13
// Chapter 14
// Chapter 15
// Chaper 16
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// Chapter 7

470 21 0
By weeknd_

Rachel's POV

it's weird.

The guy I dreamed to have, he's mine and I'm his. It still felt like one big dream to me and at any moment I was going to wake up and things would go back to normal....but after a while I realized that this was really happening.

Jacob and I 1 year anniversary was tommrow and Jacob promised me last week that he would be here in California for me. He told me about this big thing he had planned for us tomorrow and I couldn't wait!!!

"Ooo girl what are you going to wear!" Elise

"How about this?" Skylar said holding up a skin tight red dress "This will really show off your beautiful curves and that ass"

"I have curves?" I said looking down at my self

"Girl yes!" Skylar and Elise said laughing

"Then I guess I'll wear this!" I said holding it up to myself

I swear, with out Skylar and Elise I would probably have a boring life !

It took 3 hours for me to get ready and do hair, makeup, etc.

When I walked downstairs where Elise and Skylar were their mouths dropped!

"Look at my baby girl growing up so fast!" she said fake crying as she hugged me

Skylar and Elise took 1,000 pictures before I told them it was time to go meet Jacob.

Skylar and Elise drove me to the address Jacob texted me last week.

When we pulled up, the area was beautiful! it was a beach decorated with lights and had rose pedals everywhere.

"You sure you don't want us to wait until he gets here?" Skylar said as I got out the car

"No no he'll be here in a minute I'll be okay" I said waving at them

"Ok we will be down the street at some shopping places, call us if you need us"  Elise said , and then drove off.

I sat down on one of the benches and waited for Princeton.


An Hour passed by, and the clouds started getting darker.

"Maybe he's running late with practice and all" I said to myself

2 hours passed and I started getting irritated. I got on instagram, since I was bored.

What I saw, broke my heart.

Princeton posted a picture on instagram 30 minutes ago....but not just any picture. He was with a girl and the caption said

"Me and my best friend out to hit some local clubs in California and have fun! #noworriesintheworld!"

I was Pissed!!! I looked up at the sky and it started raining...great. I was alone and it was raining.

I took a picture of the once beautiful beach, and cried. He really didn't care. I uploaded the picture to instagram with the caption "Sitting in the rain...1 year and he didn't show up"

I sat there and cried, he forgot ! I called Elsie and Skylar crying to come pick me up fast !

"What's Wrong boo?" Elise said when she heard me crying

"He Forgot" I said to Elise

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