Blood of the Demon

By HaileyAukerman

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Book1 in Blood of Gotham series What if Damian Al Ghul- Wayne wasn't the only child of Bruce and Talia. Short... More

prologue p2
Ch 1
Ch. 4
Ch 6
Ch. 7
ch. 8
ch 9
ch 10
ch 11
ch 12
ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
ch 16
ch 17
ch 18
ch 19
ch 20
ch 21
ch 22
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Info about series
Book 2

Ch 3

1.2K 23 1
By HaileyAukerman

The Batcave was filled with people as it had always been since the day we arrived. Damian had lived here before with Jason, Tim, and Dick. I had been here for a little over a month, still trying to find my way through the manor. I enjoyed spending time with the Batfamily and loved joining them on patrol around Gotham; of course Damain, being the protective big brother he is, I always had on a tracker which was located in special earrings they all gave me. 

I was walking around the Batcave while Damian and Jason were training and Tim was doing detective stuff on the Batcomputer. I decided to help out Tim and look through old security footage to help find my and Damian's father. I had heard amazing stories of how he saved Gotham and how he took out mother and the LOA. Over all I was amazed with the Batman and wanted to meet him, but he had gone into hiding and no one has seen him since. No one except mother, she too vanished into hiding the night after she left us. I was now being taught by each member of this unofficial family and had learned more than my brain could handle at this young age.

Jason taught me weaponry, Steph taught me stealth (even though she's not that great at it), Tim taught me detective things and forensics work, Dick taught me combat, and Babs taught me more computer stuff. I had other things to learn as well, more school related subjects but those weren't the interesting ones so I'll spare details. I had learned so much from this family and had already grown close to them, being here I get to learn a new side of my brother that I hadn't seen. We looked out for each other its what we did. 

Tim and I worked through more footage and clues as to where the Dark Knight went and Alfred and Dick brought everyone cookies and a new mission.

Jason, Damian, and I were to distract Harley while the others went for Joker and the other hostages. Typical day in Gotham, crazy psychos causing mayhem. Jason and I left on his bike, Damian, Dick, and Tim in the Batmobile. The others stayed at the cave to watch with Babs and look for Batman.  (Adora's suit 9-11 with the pigtails)

  We arrived about a block and a half away from the Ace Chemicals bridge. The other stopped not too far away before we all grappled to the top to the apartment building. Damian handed me a domino mask and put his on as Jason put on his helmet. We looked super cool with our masks and matching colors well, except me and Dick or Nightwing who wore blue like me. I looked around and noticed that the others had pulled out their grapnels and I didn't have one. I looked up at Damian who shook his head, as if he knew what I was thinking. "You are coming with me babysis, You don't need a grapnel". I shook my head as he picked me up and I held on tight to his neck as he shot us to the bridge. Dick and Tim went up the bridge as me, Damian, and Jason went to find Harley. 

The boys and I had circled the blocks and still no Harley or any thugs, I personally thought it was a trap. Jason and Damian went to the top of the bridge as I sneaked to the building. I was out of sight and hiding on top of the main watchtower for the building when I saw Harley walk out and thugs circle the building. "We know your here Bat Brats, come out and play. Birdboy needs some company!" She screamed in her annoyingly high pitched voice. I gasped, then used the earpiece Babs gave me to tell the others, then left before they could tell me no. I couldn't loose anyone else. I was currently in a vent climbing through to find Nightwing when I heard thugs talking about the Batman.

"You know Bats ain't been here in a while, think he's dead?"

"Nah, he's just tied up somewhere, probably with that assassin chick."

"I heard that kid of theirs disappeared." I stopped to listen to them, the way they spoke of this assassin woman. She sounded like mother, I shook my head and continued on thinking of why she would keep him from us.

I eventually arrived in a basement area that was heavily guarded. I decided to make an entrance by an air takedown. I positioned myself, but as I was going to jump I slipped, right in front of a thug. I quickly took fighting stance and went at him with a roundhouse and backflipped over him. To which he reacted by grabbing my foot and hurling me to a wall. 

"Don't worry Adora, we'll find you both!" was all I heard before blacking out. 

I woke up in a holding cage, stripped of all my weapons. Nightwing was sitting in the​ cage next to mine, watching my every move. "That was stupid," he finally said. "That was stupid and reckless. You are exactly like your brother was." His face softened as he told me to be more careful. I quickly realized we were the only ones in the room and there was a stop clock with a screen of Damian and Jason. They were in different rooms solving riddles to get out, which just would end in another trap.

"I told you this was a trap," I whispered with annoyance in my voice. I looked at Nightwing to see a defeated hero and my face softened. I looked around for possible escapes, which didn't take long.

Bing go I thought to myself. There in the corner beneath my cot was a small bobbypin and a match. I quickly took them and grabbed the bobbypins from my hair to make a key. I set out the 4 bobbypins and 3 matches and took my 2 hairties and got to work. I looked around then got out of my cage and went to Nightwing's. He was in the corner talking to himself, I looked closer and nothing seemed to be wrong. He just sat their, then looked up tears falling and grabbed me and our things and grappled to the catwalk above us. We ran against the clock as time ticked against us. We had reached the door and entered the next room, just as the clock hit zero. The clock triggered an explosion and Nightwing grabbed me and pulled me down.

Damian and Jason were cornered by Bane, Two Face, and Joker was preparing to put Titan through his blood. Dick told me to wait until he told me other wise. I watched him slowly move in towards Two Face, being careful to cling to the cover of the shadows. Within a few minutes he had taken out Two Face and nodded for me to follow. I jumped out and looked around, taking in the scene before me.

Damian and Jason cornered, Two Face out cold, Dick doing something with the electrical box, Bane and Joker with the Titan. As I was watching I saw a Dark unrecognizable figure on the vantage point high above me.  As he saw me he stood slowly and grappled to the one directly above me. He stood slowly then disappeared in an instant in the floor grates beneath Joker. He moved back farther to the Titan container then threw something at it before returning by Joker and Bane.
Seconds later the mini bomb went off and Dick looked towards me in panic. The man quickly took out the Joker as Bane charged towards him, without thinking I ran and jump off the lofted area landing on top of Banes back. I quickly pulled a tube causing him to scream curses and throw me towards the wall. I was caught then left by the figure as he flipped over Bane grabbing another tube as I raced for Jason and Damian. The two watched the man carefully and so did Dick from his higher up area.

The second bane was out, smoke filled the air and he's was gone, as if on instinct I grabbed Damian's grappling, which I stole, and pursued after the figure. I followed him to a dark alley by the old theater, the figure was bent over the ground on one knee. He left a Batarang similar to the ones we owned, then disappeared into the knight.

After a while I jumped to the ground and inspected the object laying before me. I knelt next to the Batarang and a thing of flowers. "What happened here?" I wondered. The weapon I was so used to using looked the same but different. I flipped the object over to see a small piece of paper that laid beneath the flowers.

Adora, how lovely to see you
In person, you have grown
Wonderfully, I'll keep in

I stared down at this for a while before hearing Nightwing's call for me to jump. I jumped off the building landing in the arms of my older brother, on the Batwings platform.

"Never do that again," he said slightly filled with anger and happiness that I was okay. I nodded and he set me down in a seat the returned to his. The ride was quiet and no one talked until we got back home and were eating dinner.

The whole way home all I could think of was the Dark figure. His face was emotionless and his eye were a deep blue. A small tuff of hair that stuck out of his mask, was pure black, identical to mine. He had a nose similar to mine. His look and demeanor when he fought, was amazing, so graceful and quick. I shook him from my mind, then decided I would pursue this figure. And I would find out who this dark figure was.

When we got to the cave, I was told how stupid and dangerous it was to go off alone. Then was told as for now I was no longer in the mission field, but to stay with Babs and training would still go on.

For me the days dragged on and still no sign of the bat. I frequently visited his grave with Alfred and he would tell me stories of my father. I was honestly jealous of Damian for having met and trained with father. Seeing as how I may never get the chance, it slightly angered me to know he left father to help with baby me. Alfred told me how he got to raise most of the Batchildren. I loved hearing stories about them all. "At least I have Alfred." I thought.

The next few months were pretty relaxed, no major escapes or breakouts. Nothing was really going on at all which is strange for Gotham, a little too strange. Its too quiet,  I thought to myself. Convincing myself to get up I walked through the mansion til I found the Batcave entrance. 

"Nothing is happening in Gotham, does anyone else think that's a little off, specifically for this city. No break-ins/breakouts, no deaths, no attacks, and no villians. This is weird and you have to do something." I was still ranting when Nightwing or Dick came over and put his hand over my mouth. 

"We are doing something, its called patrol and watch. We can't just break-in to places, even if we believe one of Gotham's many phycos are in there. Civilians could be hurt and we would be taking unnecessary risks." The others nodded in response as I shook my head away from his hand. 

"So there is stuff happening, that you're not telling me?!" I looked to Damian and he nodded. "That's not fair," I whined. "I wanna help too, I'm an assassin like Damian, I can take out more than you guys can." Dick and the others laughed.

"I will tell you what I told your brother, I was trained by the Batman. He kicked your moms butt everytime they fought. Not to mention your grandpa." Dick chuckled walking into the training room. Damian's eyes widened as I looked at him, who was our grandpa?


Thanks for reading.

Please comment tell me what to do better. Am I okay so far?
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