Ch. 4

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Three years later

My tenth birthday was amazing, I have learned so much with this family. We got several leads on where the Batman is and Damian as usual still does want me to go on missions. I was allowed to resume missions once school ended in the summer, the family wanted to be sure I could keep up grades and fight together. I could so now we have been mission crazy. I mastered Spanish and partial French and the family also taught me defensive skills and extra school skills at home.

Over all its been a great few years, I still haven't given up on my mysterious grandfather or the dark figure. I will find all my relatives one way or another. 

Later one her birthday

"Damian run!" I yelled as Bane came charging toward us. He flipped over the huge man with ease and then cut one of the titan tubes from his back. The man screamed and yelled as Damian disappeared. In another second Nightwing fell from the rafters, throwing Batarangs towards the tubes, cutting another free. The man screamed again and charged towards him. I shot my grapnel towards his legs, pulling him to the ground, I heard a crack from his jaw and his arm as he fell. Bane got right back up none the less, his speed slowing now that he had only two tubes left. We were circled or triangled around him as he charged towards one of us the others would distract. Finally he fell with a thud and slowly grew smaller, now that the titan was out of his system he was the size of a normal man. Nightwing and Damian tied him up as I grabbed the disc drive we came for, beside it lay a note much like the ones I received on previous missions. 

 Congratulations, my little bird is growing, in wisdom and combat. We will meet soon, my daughter.

I looked around before stuffing the note in my right boot, then grabbed the disc and left with the others.

The night was cold on patrol in the winter, December evening in Gotham. Not much happened, a break-in and attempted shooting, no biggy, not for Gotham anyway. I looked around one last time before heading to the Batmobile. Nightwing was already inside waiting.

"Took you long enough," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. Damian entered not long after me. He looked angry, as he flopped down on the back seat, throwing a Batarang  towards the window. I looked to Nightwing who shrugged his shoulders. We both turned around, not questioning his actions. 

Back at the manor, Damian walked quickly to his room, pushing everything in his way out of it; he even took the door down. We heard a slam, when he got to his room. 

"What was that about?" Babs asked, with a raised eyebrow. I looked to Dick who shrugged and I shook my head.

"We have no idea," I answered. She nodded and turned back to the computer, talking to Tim about new leads on Batman. I went upstairs for a snack, because who can go wrong with snack time.

I entered the hall and heard a crash from the kitchen, I looked around as I crouched and grabbed my knife from its pocket in my leather shorts. I crawled to the kitchen door and listened, there was no sound. I slowly opened the door and looked around the dark room. I found my brother in the corner with a bloodied hand and a broken vase next to him. I walked to him and grabbed a towel. I fixed his wound. He had tears falling down his face, he wouldn't tell me why so I sat next to by brother, cuddled in his chest.

Later I found out Damian had gone around the house punching everything that would break and that's how he got cut. I felt bad for him, more than I did myself. He knew both parents, one left him to care for me the other in hiding or possibly dead. I hadn't given up hope. Pennyworth told me father or Batman would disappear alot, just to train for a few years and comeback as if he hadn't left. I had convinced myself that he had gone off to train or meditate with monks or something. Well that was my way of fooling myself, I didn't want to believe he was gone.

Months of searching only to find a few charges to his fake ID's account, just out side of a small Romanian town and a little West of Dublin. Dick and Damian went to check things out and I stayed home with Jason. Jason was trying to set up for my 11th birthday, and is awful at surprises, considering its supposed to be a surprise party.

I enjoyed watch his attempt of decorating the kitchen and dining room, then decided to patrol Gotham with Tim.

I grabbed an earpiece from Babs and jump next to Tim in the Batmobile.

(Now in 12-14 outfit)

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(Now in 12-14 outfit)

"You ready," Tim asked as he put in his earpiece," I see you have a new suit. Don't let Damian see that, he'd never let you leave the house!" He laughed. I laughed along with him as we drove out of the cave.

Gotham was busy with last minute sales before New Years, and so far no robberies and nothing exciting. I looked down the street from the top of the building, as did Tim from the parallel building, still nothing. We heard screams and Tim took off towards the sounds, nothing was there. The ally was empty and not a trace of anyone there. I looked around with my Dective goggles, still nothing. No footprints, no hair or any DNA, nothing here. I checked infered heat scanners and still nothing. As I turned around, I noticed Tim was gone.

I ran to the end of the alley, nothing but cars zooming past me and down the streets. There was nothing out of the ordinary, other than the mysterious looking green car. This particular car was parked two streets away, under a street light. I was forest green, with a purple question mark on its licence plate. This particular, I had seen randomly throughout the week, or maybe not random. I looked around before shooting my grapnel to the roof above me. I had the element of surprise now, who would expect me to come from three stories above them, a street away?

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