Miss Independent (Mob X Shado...

By Gaarasangel3

38.1K 1.5K 1.1K

You were always a troublemaker and mostly stronger than other people around you since your father had a dojo... More

Chapter 1 - Black Pepper
Chapter 2 - Good L_ck, Yo_'re F_cked
Chapter 4 - Abducted
Chapter 5 - Break up
Chapter 6 - You can't study in a destroyed school
Chapter 7 - Regret
Chapter 8 -The Contract
Chapter 9 - School Days
Chapter 10 - Festival
Chapter 11 - "OPS"
Chapter 12 - Impact!
Chapter 13 - Sacrifices
Chapter 14 - Back to normal?

Chapter 3 - Meeting

3.5K 137 82
By Gaarasangel3

You stand in front of the dojo, at its right is your home, a big mansion. Your father is on a vacation right now, training in the mountains, learning new techniques. So all alone in this big building... Looking at your watch you notice that there are 15 minutes left until Mob arrives, you decide to train a bit. Knotting your shirt so it won't reveal everything of your upper body while falling down, you do a handstand and start running on your hands in rounds.

A few minutes later you see Mob standing in front of you, upside down. He looks at you in confusion, then blushes dark red. Pushing yourself from the ground you land in front of the male. "Hey there, glad you found it. What's with your face?"

"Y-Y-Your... S-Shirt...", he looks at the ground.

"Tch. Really nothing special, just my stomach. I train often with other males, I'm used to it... I really don't care what I reveal sometimes... I even fight in a skirt, if it's necessary... So, wanna go inside?"

"Sure...", he says still, confused and blushed.

~~Timeskip, in your room~~

"This was the dojo you told me off?", Mob asks, "It belongs to your father, right?"

"Yeah, but he's recently on a vacation in the mountains. Training and learning new techniques for the dojo. So we're all alone.", you grin brightly at the male, who just gulps, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in fighting or hurting you." Winking at him to ease the atmosphere, he manages to smile lightly.

"Soo... Are you thirsty? I'm really bad as a host, since nearly anybody visits me.", you scratch the back of your head, blushing lightly. Mob shakes his head no. "I'm fine." You sigh in relief, you are really bad at small talk, mostly people don't talk with you, they just challenge you.

Silence conquers the room, until you notice you two are standing awkwardly in your room. You throw yourself in your swivel chair in front of the desk. Spinning a bit around you finally sit in front of your laptop. "Shall I play some music? It's a bit silent. You can sit here.", you tap on your bed, that is at your left side, near your desk, "Told you already, I normally don't have any guests, so I hope your fine with that."

As Mob sits down he browses around your room. It isn't big, in opposite to the mansion, one bedroom cupboard with mirrors as doors, your bed, your desk, a chair, a small closet with some CD's, DVD's, mangas and books inside and a showcase with various daggers and one katana, all things look really sharp.

"Quite uncommon to see such fantastic handcraft, huh?", you say looking at your showcase, "A friend of my father is a master blacksmith, I bought some and some were a present from him or my dad. The katana was a present for my sixteenth birthday from my father."

Grinning brightly you lean over to the showcase, getting the katana out and revealing its blade. As you hold it high, so sunlight would meet the blade you say: "Just look at it, the blade, the carving... It just has the colors of a rainbow, when you hold it like this. Mesmerizing..." You look at Mob, who seems uncomfortable, he doesn't like weapons as you do, you decide to put it back into its scabbard and back into the showcase.

Awkward silence conquers the room again, before a heavy wind blow makes your shirt go up, revealing your stomach and a small part of your chest, you're wearing a black flouncy bra. Hurriedly you hold your shirt down, grinning your teeth, you mumble. "Damn you... Pervert... Pack-kun..." You look pissed around the room, just to find the cause for the wind curling up on your pillow.

It's a black cat, a red ribbon around his neck, its tail ended in two parts and it's yawning all innocent, stretching itself. The cat opens one of his eyes, smirking. "What's up, (Y/N)-chan? Revealing your upper body to a younger boy... Loli-complex?" You ignore the cat, and focus on Mob, the poor boy just froze again, head red like a tomato, sweating a lot. "Sorry Mob-kun, must have been a draft. So..."

With a hop the cat sits on your lap, curling up again, smirking at you. "Why are you ignoring me, (Y/N)-chan? I just want your best, since I am the familiar spirit of this dojo. So why not lighten up the atmosphere with some fan service?" You respond, after punching the black fur ball on your lap: "Familiar spirit, my a*s... You're just a pervert, utilizing my father's kindness...!" As you ended your sentence, you look a bit stiff at your guest. God, now he must think you're crazy...

"I-I-Is this your c-cat, (L/N)-s-san?", Mob stumbles smiling nervously, pointing towards the black cat.

"Ehmmm...", you stumble, the cat and you look at each other in confusion, then at Mob, both shouting in a light shock, "Ehhh?!"

Mob just scratches his cheek, blushing lightly. "Oh my god, (Y/N)-chan, save me! He'll exorcise me for sure!" The cat screams and tries to hide himself in your bosom, you grab it at its neck, holding it towards Mob. "You can exorcise this?"

He nods lightly, a bit confused, "Get rid of him, immediately, he's a pervert...", you say with a pissed voice, the cat struggles in your grip, screaming. "Wait, wait, wait, (Y/N)-chan! Don't! I promise I won't do anything bad again, please save me!" Holding the cat nearer your face with an emotionless expression you ask. "You're sure? " The black fur ball just nods furiously. "Last chance, got it?" As you ended your sentence you let go of the cat, which instead of landing on the floor, floats mid-air.

"Did you bring the boy here to get rid of me?", the cat asks, clearly on edge. "No, not really, we met a few days ago, he's helping me to find White T Poison.", you answer calmly. "Oh, the boy you have a crus-" Immediately the spirit feels your strong grip at its neck again, flinching as you hold him nearer to your face, a murderous smile embellishing your face.

"What. Did. You. Say. Pack-kun?", you ask the cat nerved, still keeping the smile of yours. "N-N-N-Nothing, (L/N)-sama! Please let go of me." You did as you were told, keeping an evil glare towards the spirit, it jumps behind Mob in fear.

"Even though she's not capable of exorcising or seeing other spirits her beatings are damn painful...", it says shivering, "But you're quite strong too, boy, what's your name?" The menioned male flinches lightly as the cat spoke to him. "Ehmm... Shigeo, Shigeo Kageyama...", he answers scratching his cheek.

"But most people just call him Mob.", you add while shrugging with your shoulders, Mob just nods.

"Hmmm... Didn't know you had a MOB-fetish...", the spirit, named Pack, giggles quietly.


Because of your anger every other thoughts were wiped away from your mind. You jump of your chair on the bed, trying to grab the cat, you missed. Even though you buried your guest, who just blushes dark red and starts sweating again, underneath your body, your eyes search for the spirit, finding it floating in front of your closet.

"Too slow, (Y/N)chan.", Pack smirks at you. You lean your head towards the cat spirit, shouting "You and your stupid puns!" and sprint in his direction. Successful grabbing it, you hit the closet, as you wanted to start pinching Pack, you realize that slowly the stuff inside your closet is falling down.

Squinting your eyes, crouching down, you await the first books landing on your head, but it never happened. Your glaze goes upwards just to see your stuff, surrounded by a blue gloomy light, floating mid-air. Blinking a few times your face turns towards Mob, who holds his hand a bit higher, then all the stuff flies back in the closet.

The male sighs lightly as he lowers his hand. "That was close. Please be more careful next time, (L/N)-san." He says smiling lightly. "Seriously, you didn't realize that he's an esper?", Pack asks with an unbelieving expression on his face. You stiffly shake your head no, Pack just sighs loudly. "You're really a blockhead, aren't you?" The spirit starts squealing lightly as you pinch the cat's cheek. "(Y/N)-chan... Ouch... Ouch..."

"Will you be a good kitten?", you ask with a diabolic expression on your face, Pack just nods. You release him from your grip. The cat immediately floats mid-air, observing the two teenagers.

"You shouldn't have done this before, you know? It was my fault, I should have lived with the consequences...", you sit on your chair again, crossing your legs, "Anyway... Did you made any progress, Mob-kun?" The named male flinches and looks a bit sad to the side. "N-No... Not really, I'm sorry." You sigh loudly, and cross your arms too. "What did you do the last four days?"

"I-I-I've spoken with these delinquents from our school... And... They told me they call White T Poison the shadow leader, because no one has really seen him...", he answers quietly, looking downwards. "Hmmm... That's quite mysterious... And he doesn't show up when there are small brawls between rivaling schools...", you start rubbing your chin, looking at the floor thoughtfully, "I really don't like it... But maybe I'll have to use you as a bait? Because, the first time he appeared he tried to save a whimp, like you, from his school... "

"W-Wait, w-w-what do you mean with b-b-bait?", Mob asks nervously.

"Oh, don't worry... I won't hurt you... But this is maybe the only chance I have..."

"Y-You really should r-r-reconsider this idea... I m-mean... I don't think h-he would ever... save s-s-someone like m-me...", the male suggests, making you raise one eyebrow of yours.

"Why so?", you look at the male in front of you, who seems to be really nervous now, fiddling with his thumbs trying to avoid eye-contact.

"Do you, perhaps, know a bit more you didn't tell me before?" You standing up, causes the boy to flinch and waving with his two hands. "N-No... R-R-Really... I don't know more t-t-than I-I told y-you..." Mob can't really lie well, you strike your fist against the wall behind him, coming real close with your face to his. Sweat drops flow rapidly from Mob's forehead.

"I really HATE liars... You know? So... You're sure you don't know anything?" The black-haired male gulps, and adds. "I-I-I..."

You lean back again. "I'm listening."

Finally giving in, Mob tells you everything he knows. "I... am... ehmm... I... met him before... I don't know what h-he looks like, but he s-s-seemed strong... It was d-dark outside when I first met h-him... He t-told me he really doesn't want to be... a shadow leader... That he doesn't like violence..." An evil glare can be seen in your eyes, as you say. "Liar..."

You tighten your fist again, ready to go on a ruckus, Pack lands on your lap. "My, my, (Y/N)-chan. This poor boy is totally frightened... The only boy that has ever visit you, do you really want to scare him to death?"

You snap out of your anger, looking at the cat spirit on your lap. "He's not a bad person... I feel that, so stop being mean to him. Maybe he's lying to you, because the truth would be unpleasant for you...", Pack says stretching himself and getting comfy on your lap. You look inquiringly towards Mob, who immediately looks to the side, avoiding eye-contact.

But he's curious what your expression is right now, blinking rarely at your face, all blushing again. "Whatever...", you say shrugging your shoulders.

A few minutes of silence pass by before you start speaking up again.

"Mob-kun?" you ask, rolling with your chair near to the male on your bed, making Pack fall down, he then leaves the room, mumbling something. You lean your arms on the bed, to Mob's sides and got a bit closer to him, which makes him blush even darker.

"Y-Y-Yes...?", he stumbles quietly, stops breathing for a moment, he feels a bit uncomfortable with the closeness between your two bodies. "If you ever see him again, greet him from me, and say that I'm eagerly waiting for a fight with him." Smiling sincerely and leaning back Mob starts breathing again.

A ringing noise disturbs the scene, looking at your phone, you remember that you had to do some tasks your father gave you before he left. "Sorry, Mob-kun. I would really like to spend more time with you but I have some duties to do today... And it's already late...", you say with a sad expression. Your guest just nods lightly. "It's okay, (L/N)-san, I... "

"You can call me by my first name, it's okay... We know each other long enough... And I'm already calling you with your nickname, it's just fair, okay?", you blush lightly as you offer this, looking at the floor. "I-I'll bring you to the door..." Standing up, you gesture the boy to follow you.

Arriving at the front door of the mansion, you softly pat his shoulder. "I'm sorry for before... Too many people lied to me that's why..." Mob shakes his head no, interrupting your apology, "I should be apologizing for lying to you. I'm really sorry..." He bows in front of you, making you look in confusion towards the boy, blushing lightly.

After he opens the front door and nearly left, you found your voice again. "I-I-I.... It's okay... Have a safe trip back...", you mumble to the ground, you don't want Mob to see your dark red cheeks. You don't know why, but somehow you're a bit flustered when he's around. It couldn't be that you... No this couldn't possibly be...

"Thank you. Until next time, (Y/N)-san...", he says and leaves your home and you, who really wanted to see his face another time before he left. A loud sigh escapes your lips, as you head to your room.

"This can't be happening... Not him... I mean... NGH!", you mumble as you fall on your bed, burying your face into the pillow, trying to suffocate your feelings.

"Told you that you have a MOB-fetish", Pack says giggling and floating in front of your face. "I dare you to say that again...", you respond with an evil glare towards the cat spirit.

He's expression got serious as he says. "(Y/N)-chan... I think you shouldn't contact him anymore... I mean... Your world and his... It won't match, if someone finds out about your friendship... He'll be... In trouble."

Confused you look up then your expression changes to a sad one, a pain goes through your chest. "Yeah... You're right... I'll do it when I have found White T Poison..." Your head falls back into your pillow.

The spirit leaves your room. As he flows through the mansion he says to himself. "I just hope, it won't be too late then..."

(A/N: I couldn't hold myself to NOT implementanother spirit in my story! If you've read the collab with SerinaKuro and me,you know how I love it to bring up "self-invented" spirits into mystories >_< Hope you enjoyed it anyway :) )

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