Revenge On The One Who Saved...

By blueyesjessica

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Being a vampire isn’t ideal. You always have a bloodlust. You can’t get carried away because you can’t be fou... More

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

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By blueyesjessica

I know, another chapter! Hope you like this story!

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We walk into the diner and sit down. Max takes our order, me a water while Samuel gets a burger and fries. "Now. Tell me who Kaleb is. Truthfully Anna." He never calls me Anna.

I grab his hands and hold on to them tightly and stare at them. "It was 1809. It was his 16th birthday and we were friends. He said he wanted to see what the big deal with alcohol was all about. We drank. We were young, naive children. We... we had sex." I look up at Sam as he takes in a quick inhale of breath. I continue since he doesn't say anything. "I regretted it instantly. I was a child who's innocence was taken in our barn. A little while longer, he leaves with his sisters. He said he was adopted. Less than a year later, I met you. I didn't love him, Samuel. I didn't feel anything but friendship with him. I loved you. I don't regret marrying you. Remember that."

"You loved me. So you can't feel anything else for me? Nothing at all. Is that all you feel for me too? Friendship? Regretting everything every morning. Of course you do. You said it this morning." I stare at him, willing myself not to cry. I look down and a tear escapes. He pulls his hands away as his food comes to the table. He stars eating as I look up at him, holding in my sobs.

"I'll wait outside." I get up and walk out of the diner.

I get outside and run around to the side of the building and put my hands on my thighs, trying to get my breathing under control. "Annabelle?" I look up crying and Sammy runs up to me and brings me into a hug. I let the sobs out, crying on her shoulder. "What happened?"

"I had to tell him about Kaleb. I had to tell him... that Kaleb was my first." I cry some more and she just pats my shoulder. "He's so mad. He wouldn't even talk to me. What if he doesn't forgive me for this? I just got him back. I was mad at him for leaving the first time and when he came back, I lied to you. I didn't want him. Then he started to grow on me. Now... I don't think I can go on without him. Sammy, what if he leaves me again?" I cry again and she walks me to a bench in the park.

"He loves you. More than you know. I can see it in his eyes. He is hurt. You slept with someone before him and didn't tell him. Imagine him telling you the same thing."

"I know he slept with someone before me. It didn't matter to me. When we were seperated, I was with other guys. I told him and he said he understood. This though, I don't know if he can forgive me."

My heart aches. I don't think I've ever felt like this. Not when he left me, not when he changed me. It's like I'm starving. It could kill me if I'm not helped. Except I'm not thirsty. I just want him.  Sammy just sits there consoling me while my husband is inside eating away. I knew it was too good to be true. My "revenge" turned me heartless. At least it felt like that, until this very moment. What did Kaleb mean when this isn't over? I never felt anything for Kaleb. We were drunk and I was just in the beginning of puberty. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't become experienced until I became married. I didn't even recognize, nor remember Kaleb.

"Why? Why did he have to find me? Why can't I just have my happy ending like you?"

"I'm pregnant at 17. I'd hardly say that's a  happy ending."

"You have someone who loves you by your side. You are getting married and having a baby. Your baby is going to be amazing, beautiful and smart. My life is unfair. I got married at a young age, I don't regret that. I love him. I got pregnant, and lost her. I lost Beverly. Then he left and I was alone. I made plenty of mistakes, but being with Kaleb? That was my worst. Now because of that, I could lose my husband. Again."

"You need to go home and talk to him. Make him listen. Go to your room and scream, do something. Eat too much ice cream. Don't shut yourself off. He's going to come around." She pauses and looks at me warily. "You really slept with other guys?"

I laugh weakly. "I was a little low on funds. I went into the streets. You understand?" Her eyes get big. I laugh again. "Yeah. Nothing compares to Samuel though. He is perfect. Our life may not be, but in bed..."

"I don't need to hear this. I get it. He makes you horny. I got that. You were supposed to make out for five minutes and after two you went upstairs and wore him out." I blush and put my face in my hands. "I didn't hear anything though."

"That's because our room is sound proof." She bursts out laughing while I wipe my eyes of tears. "Could you and your mom give me a ride home. My car is getting fixed and I don't see his motorcycle."

"Yeah. You sure you don't want to stay with me tonight? Give him time to calm down?" That sounds pretty good.

"Actually, yeah. Let's run to my house so I can get some stuff then I'll come stay."

We head to my house, his bike no where in sight. "I don't see his bike here." I run in and grab some clothes and then go in the bathroom. I drink some blood to hold me over at least until tomorrow.

As we are leaving the house and getting in her car, his bike comes roaring up and shuts off. I put my stuff in the car and Sammy gets in and waits for me. I walk over to Samuel. "I'm going to stay with Sammy tonight. I'm getting my car tomorrow. Then I'll leave."

I hadn't planned on telling him my plans. "You don't have to stay there. You can stay here. It's your house." I shake my head and walk to her car. I open the door and am about to get in when I hear him yell my name. "Don't keep running." I close my eyes as a tear runs down my cheeks.

"I'm not running. I'm hiding." I get in and shut the door as Sammy pulls away. I lay my head on the window and just sit there. Stressed and worn from the drama of it all. "Thanks for this." I look over and she doesn't seem here. Either that or she just didn't hear me.

"You can stay in my room with me. My bed is huge. My parents said you can stay with us for however long. They're pretty cool."

"Do they know about the new addition?"

"Yeah. They were mad at first, but they're so excited about being grandparents. Look, I know I don't know what you're going through, but I think you shouldn't stay more than one night. If you don't want to lose him, you should let him sleep it over, then go home. Wake him up with a kiss."

"But what if he doesn't want me."

"He is in love with you! Do you not get that? When other guys look at you, he looks like he wants to eat them or kill them, whichever is fastest. That boy would do anything for you. Let's go to sleep. Set your alarm for 7:30. Get up and take a shower. Wear something that says 'come hither Mr. pen!s' and just throw random clothes on top and take them off when you get there."

"First I can't believe you said that. Second, you're awesome. I don't have a ride there though."

"I will happily lend you my car in the morning if it means making my best friend happy!" I almost can't believe she is a descendant of mine.

"I think I'll take your advice." She nods her head then turns off the light. I lay down and think about how tomorrow could go. I could be leaving him for good, or we could be starting over. Together.

The next morning I got up and took a quick, but hot, shower. Sammy had set out some clothes for me to wear, seeing as I hadn't planned on bring clothes to seduce my husband... or make him fall in love with me again, either way, I wasn't equipped with the right tools. She left me, and I made sure it was clean, some lingerie. Unworn, thankfully. It is a thong bottom, with a top that covers my stomach but is sheer material. It is sexy. I throw on a sweatshirt and some booty shorts. I dry my hair and pull it back into a clip, leaving some around my face. I do some chapstick but no make-up. I put lotion on my body then put on some shoes.

I grab my bags then get in her car. It's 8:15 by the time I'm driving down the long road towards my house. I park the car then go to the unlocked door. I set my things down then take off my clothes as I am walking up the stairs. I hear his heart beating in our bedroom so I quietly walk in and shut the door.

I stalk to the bed then crawl on. He is laying on his back, in some boxers. The covers are pulled back, but he isn't under them anymore. They've been kicked off.

I straddle his stomach as I lick up his chest to his chin. He moves but doesn't wake up. Though, his member does. I rub my nose across his cheek then I let my fangs out and bite his lip, barely making it bleed. He slowly wakes up and I sit back on his stomach; my hands roaming his body. He looks at me with lust. He grabs my hips with one hand and puts another on my back and flips us over. "What are you doing here Annabelle? It's early."

"I love you. Only you. I don't want anyone else. I lied. I do love you. I was mad. No, I was furious that you left when you did. That's why I couldn't admit it when you first got back.

"Kaleb means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. Yes, I do want to know what he's doing here, but that's all. He was a mistake. A mistake that I had completely forgotten." He is just staring at me. Looking into my eyes. I want to look away because it feels like he is seeing deep down into my soul.

"I was jealous." I cock my head at him. "I was jealous because he was your first. I thought I was your first. I don't know how to explain it. It makes more sense in my head. It was just hurtful to know you had been with someone before me." The hurt in his eyes rang out more than his words and I started to cry.

"I'm so, so sorry." He kisses my tears, working his way down to my lips. He doesn't press a kiss on them but just brushes his lips over them. "Ask me anything. I won't lie. I'll do anything. Just don't run away from me again."

"You really think I was going to run? Belle I just got you back. I couldn't imagine losing you again. I was going to come get you for lunch. I love you. Your apology, though unnecessary, is accepted." I start crying again and bring him down to my lips.

"I love you so much Samuel Hamsmit."

"I love you too Annabelle Hamsmit. Don't you ever, ever forget it."

He kisses me into oblivion. "Hold on." I stop him as he starts to undress me. "Wait. I want to wait."

"What?" His breathing is labored.

"I want us to go on dates. To fall into more love. Then I want to renew our vows. Then... then I want to start a family. I want to wait." He looks at me with admiration. "Okay?"

"Okay. So if sex is off-limits... what isn't." He smiles wickedly as he kisses down my stomach, just above the bottoms. "Is kissing right here off limits." He pulls down my underwear, not losing contact with my eyes as he does it. "What about..." He licks my cl!t. "Here?"

"N-n-no. Just penetration. Everything else, is going to be needed." He nods and show me, many times, how much he loves me. I return the deed, too.


About one in the afternoon that day, both of us lay naked in the bed, having stuck to our rules of not going all the way. The phone rings, mine to be exact, so I have to crawl over him. As I answer the phone, he smiles like he knows something I don't know. "Hello?"

"Hi Annabelle. It's Samantha. So? How did everything go?" He starts kissing me, from my breasts, each of them, which is getting me very horny. Or hornier I should say. His fingers rubbing against my lower lady part.

"We are.." I squeak as he continues his tease. "We are going to date." I smile at him and he smiles back.

"That's awesome! What happened to get you  back to dating potential?" He disappears between my legs and I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning into the phone. I can feel myself so close.

"Um, Sammy, I um have to go. I'll bring your car into town in a little while." She starts to talk but I just set the phone down. I don't even know if I hung up before I screamed and writhed in pleasure.

"Still liking the idea of nothing more than this?"

"Dating, love, marraige, f*ck." He laughs as I pant away my orga$m. "I love you Sam."

"I love you too, Belle." He kisses me then lays back down.

"Why do you call me Belle? When I'm in trouble, I'm Anna and any other time, I'm Annabelle. Why Belle?"

"Because Belle fell in love with a beast. Were you really going to run if I hadn't forgiven you?"

"You aren't a beast. Yes, I didn't think I could live in the same place as you. It would have hurt, but it would have been easier."

"I made you a vampire. That's beast enough. I would have followed you."

"Well fine. I like it when you call me Belle. I would have loved to have you as my stalker. I was yours for however many years it was." He smiles simply then kisses me and lays down.

"Let's sleep. I'm sleepy."

"Okay. You're taking me out on a date tomorrow though."

"Why not tonight?"

"Because I have to go shopping for a new outfit. So tell me an idea of what to wear."

"I'll tell Sammy and let her take you. I love you." I smile then lay down to snuggle with the one I wanted revenge on. The love of my life.

Next chapter! I know soo soon! I had this in my head and I couldn't wait to put it on here!

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