Larry Stylinson Oneshots


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The titel says it all. Lots of Larry, lots of fluff, romance and cheesiness. Also: smut Еще

Two birds trapped in their cages
More than friendship (smut)
A day to remember
The Phonecall
I will always win (smut)
A new beginning
Just a normal night (smut)
You're not what other people think of you (Marcel/Punk!Louis)
Lips and tongues (smut)
Nothing more than happiness
Think about it and come home
I'm your rope and you're my anchor
The way I know your body I don't really need much (part 1)
I only see me and you; That's why I'm all over you (part 2)

A Merry Larry Christmas

543 13 4

One day too early, but anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE :)

Only for you I wrote a new Oneshot, to give you a Christmas surprise! I hope you like it and I wish you a wonderful time with your families!

Much love xx,


A Merry Larry Christmas

“PAPA, DADDY! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!” Louis and Harry, cuddled up with each other that it looks like they are only one body with two heads, are waking up harshly from their peaceful slumber by two pairs of feet and two bodies jumping and falling down on top of them.

One of these bodies, belongs to a little boy with the age of five, with a mix of blond and brown hair that it looks like gold in the shining sun, big brown eyes, a button nose and a bright smile with two missing teeth because they fell out only a few days before. He kicks his chubby feet on Harry’s bum, waking him with a loud and frustrating groan.

The other smaller body is tinier, a bit too small for a four years old girl, but it suits her. The soft, feminine face is covered with some freckles and framed by her shoulders long curly hair. She uses her bodysize perfectly to wriggle herself in the tiny space between her two dads, happily puffing some air in her father’s face that his caramel brown hair falls over his eyes, tickling him on his cheekbones.

Louis rolls over to look with one eye to the clock on his bedside table and hides his face with a groan in the bed sheets. 6:30am, an early Christmas morning.

“PAPA, PAPA I KNOW YOU’RE AWAKE, PAPA!” The little boy shouts again, now concentrating more on Louis, who seems a bit more agile than his grumpy husband. Louis slowly removes the blanket from his face and looks up into two wide grinning faces, the happiness radiating from their eyes and it warms his heart immediately.

“Good morning sweethearts.” He says with his deep and raspy morning voice and pulls his two favourite kids down to give them their usual morning kiss on their foreheads.


“Shhh don’t shout yeah? I’m awake, but let Daddy sleep a bit longer, okay?” He lowers his voice to a whisper and presses his pointer finger to his mouth, watching his kids with amusement who are copying his movements, nodding approvingly.

“We need to show you something, Papa” whispers Louis’ blond little angel in his ear and when the two siblings see their Papa nodding, they scramble out of the bed and wait at the bedroom door expectantly. Louis takes a look at his husband who’s sleeping like a rock again and somehow manages to climb out of the comfy and warm bed.

“Paapaaaa!” He turns around to see his kids giggling, blushing and covering their eyes with their tiny hands “Why are you nakey?” His little boy asks and then he remembers the last night. The first night in like ages that Harry and Louis had a few rounds of passionate, loving and wonderful sex, while their babies were sleeping peacefully in their rooms.

“Uhm, it was very warm last night.” And that isn’t even a lie, Louis thinks to himself and that’s enough to convince the siblings. He doesn’t even have time to pull on his boxers before they run back up to their father, both taking one of his hands and dragging him out of the room, through the hall, into the living room, where a giant Christmas tree is standing in one of the corners of the room, with a few huge but also smaller Christmas gifts under it.

“Oooooh looks like, Santa knew that you were the best kids of the planet the last year,” Louis says with excitement, adoring his kid’s proud and happy faces.

“But Papa there are also some for you and Daddy! You were good this year, too.” His favourite girl points out to some presents, piled up under the tree.

“And Papa?”

“Yes Sammy? He turns around to the older one of the siblings, standing in front of the huge glass door that’s leading to the backyard.

“Are that Santa’s footprints in the snow?” He presses his small fingers against the glassdoor in front of him, leaving some prints on the glass and Louis has to hold back a chuckle because of Harry’s and his late evening and night actions. That includes not only early birthday sex for Louis, but also playing Santa for the kids, for a few minutes.

They have hidden the Christmas gifts in their garage and Harry had to go through the basement into the garage, where he picked up so many presents he could held and walked over the snow that is covering the grass and into the living room. Because of the many presents, he had to do that a few times, causing Louis a laughing fit when he almost fell over his own feet, by trying to step into his own footprints.

“Yeah, baby, seems like Santa found a different way to our house since we don’t have a huge fireplace he can go through.”

“So Santa was here and I didn’t see him?” A sad voice calls up from behind him, belonging to his little girl with quivering lips and glassy eyes. Louis goes down on his knees and opens his arms, welcoming his girl in them, when she runs up to him, burrowing her little nose in his chest.

“Jessy, sweetheart. No one has Santa ever seen before. He doesn’t want to be seen, when he makes his round to give all the good and nice kids their presents. That’s why he always does that in the middle of the night, when you have your incredible adventures in your dreams.” He whispers soothingly in her ear, not wanting to see her sad.

“But why Papa? Why does Santa not want to be seen?” She asks with the typical curiosity of a child.

“I don’t know sweetheart. Maybe he’s shy? Maybe he’s only a little goblin and his afraid that someone finds out what he really looks like. I don’t know.”

“But Papa, how could Santa carry his giant bag, full of Christmas presents, if he’s only a little goblin?” Sam asks him with wide eyes,

“Maybe he has superpowers? Maybe he can carry everything, no matter how heavy it is, or maybe he can snip with his fingers and the bag flies to him, no matter where he is. I mean, he’s Santa, he could have superpowers. What do you think, Jessy baby?”

“Yes. Yes I think so, too.” She answers and gives her father a tiny smile.

“Good. So sweethearts, how about you go and brush your teeth and I’ll wake up your Daddy that he makes us some breakfast?” Louis asks and getting cheers of approving as an answer. The kids run into the bathroom and Louis goes back to wake up his perfect husband.

“Harry, babe. Wake up love.” Louis whispers in Harry’s ear, pressing a few gentle kisses on his cheek, forehead and hair, only to get a groan and a childish pout as an answer. “Come on babe, you have to see the kids, their excitement is so adorable, god I don’t even want to do anything else than admiring them.

“Then do that, you don’t need me for that.” Harry mumbles grumpily in his pillow, giving Louis the opportunity to rolls his eyes until he sees some stars.

“If I have known that you are such a pain in the ass in the mornings, I would have never fall in love with you, let alone marry you.”

“Well good that you first saw me in the evening.”

“Hmmmmh, be lucky” Louis chuckles lightly and with a last slap on Harry’s bum, he goes to the wardrobe to pick out some clothes.

“My ass hurts, Lou.” Harry huffs, but finally sitting up to look at Louis through the mirror.

“Well your fault, you were the one who wanted more than one round.”

“As if you would ever complain.”

“Never, Harry. Not when I have the chance to put my cock in your beautiful ass.”

“Thanks, I love you, too.” He says sarcastically and Louis answers with a blowing kiss.

“Ugh I’m really getting to old for that” Harry hisses when he gets out of the bed and takes a few first steps, looking like a penguin, reminding him that they shouldn’t have so many breaks of having sex.

“Too old, Harry, my ass.”

“Apropos, old.” Harry walks up to his smaller husband and wraps his arms around him from behind, looking him with the mirror’s help directly in his eyes. “Happy 27th Birthday, darling.”

Louis turns around and hides his face in Harry’s crook of his neck. “God no! I’m so old Harry. I’m closer to the 30 than to the age of 20. Oh god. Can we just forget my birthday and only concentrate on Christmas? I want to be happy today and not sit on the sofa like a grumpy old man.”

Harry chuckles lightly but listens to Louis little rant of aging and being old, while comforting him with trailing and knitting his large hands over his back muscles and his bum, feeling how his tensed up body, relaxes immediately.

“How the hell can you stay with an old man like me?” Louis asks and Harry would chuckle if he doesn’t see the serious concern in his husband eyes.

“Darling, first of all, you’re not old. Being 27 is like being the mountain of youth and second, I stay with you because I love you! I’ll always love you, even when you’ll be an old grumpy man, with grey hair, sitting in one of those rocking chairs, with so many wrinkles on your face and hands that you can’t count them anymore. I’ll always love you even when you’ll talk about the good old times and that everything was better when you were young. Babe, I fell in love with you because of your way of enjoying your life and because of your childishness, but I also fell in love with you because you always knew when you had to be the grown up man, everyone wanted you to be.”

“But Harry, wrinkles!”

“Wrinkles show that you’re getting wiser and wiser from all your life experiences, they won’t show your age. As long as you keep your inner child and let it out from time to time, you’ll stay young.” Harry says now in an honest and serious tone, the playful banter from before is completely gone. But that’s what Louis needs, right now.

After Harry’s little rant, they stay silent for a few minutes, only enjoying each other’s warmth, before Louis speaks up again. “Thank you, love”

“For what?”

“For always being there, for keeping me warm and calm, for everything. I know I’m not always easy, but you never say anything and I don’t know where I would be if you wouldn’t calm me down from time to time. God, I love you so much, Harry."

"I love you, too, baby." Harry breathes out and kisses the top of Louis head.

"Harry you have to make some breakfast for me and the kids."

"Moment ruined Lou."

"I don't care. And they have probably drowned the bathroom with a mix of toothpaste, soap and water, while we are standing here." Louis pulls away and cares Harry’s cheek before he stands up on his tiptoes to give his three years younger husband a short but loving kiss on his plump lips.

But then the kids decide to ruin this moment. Before Louis could slide his hands down Harry’s waist and can turn the kiss into a deeper one, a loud cry breaks the silence and two running little feet are coming into the bedroom.

"Sam put all of the toothpaste in my hair! Daddy look!" Jessy cries and slips again between Harry and Louis, looking up at Harry with red puffy eyes. Four years old, but already conscious about her look, that’s going to be fun in a few years.

"Baby look, there are only a few strands covered with toothpaste, that gets out easily." He bends down on his daughters height, observes her hair and holds up a few strands, who are completely fine to show her that it isn't that bad "How about Papa washes your hair and braids it in a beautiful tail while I make some breakfast for your hungry stomachs?" He asks her, like he really needs her opinion to decide what to do, keeping her mind away from the toothpaste in her hair. And it works because she stops crying and gives her father a serious nod, approving with Harry’s plans.

"Sounds good Daddy!" She climbs down from Harry’s lap and tugs on Louis’ hand, mentioning him to follow her, so she can get the greasy stuff out of her hair.

When Louis washes her hair and takes his time with drying and brushing it with gentle fingers – because Jessy hates the feeling of people moving their hands over her scalp and the bad knots of course, who never seems to get out – he hears Harry rumoring in the kitchen and talking to his little boy. Probably giving him a calm lecture about not to grease toothpaste in his sister’s hair, especially not on a Christmas morning.

When he finally finishes brushing out all the knots and her hair falls down to her shoulders in waves, Louis starts braiding it from the top of the right side, down to the left, silently thanking his little sisters that he always had to make their hair when they were younger.

"Papa? What are we going to do today?" She breaks the silence with her sweet girly voice.

"Well at first we’ll have an amazing breakfast made by your wonderful Daddy, then we can enjoy the snow a bit with building a snowman and then we have to dress up and go to church because you wanted to see that concert from the children’s choir, didn't you?"

"Yes! And then we go home, eat something and then we can look what Santa gave us for Christmas?"

"This is exactly what we can do. Are you excited about that?"

"Yes!" she answers with a happy glint in her eyes and Louis can’t help but think that he has the sweetest kids of the whole planet.

"There you go" he says and with a last kiss on her head, he leads her out of the bathroom into the kitchen only to get greeted by a huge mountain of pancakes with syrup, fruits and Nutella.

"Daddy, look what Papa did with my hair!"

"Aww you look absolutely beautiful sweetheart." He opens his arms when she runs up to him, giving her a peck on her cheek. "Your brother wants to tell you something, Sammy you don't have to hide!" Harry raises his voice only a bit and immediately Sam comes out of the living room with his teeth nibbling on his lower lip, watching Harry who raised his eyes expectantly but nods encouragingly at him.

"I’m sorry Jessy. I didn't mean to put the toothpaste in your hair."

"And?" Harry motions him to continue.

"And Daddy said, that this isn't right and that I should never do that again if I want to go to a footie game with Papa. And because I really want to do that, I say sorry now" he explains his apology with wide and almost scared eyes, afraid of not being forgiven and losing the chance to go to a game with his football obsessed father.

"It's fine, but only because it's Christmas and because I like you." Jessy answers with such a serious tone and expression that Louis almost chokes on his tea.

Sam looks back to his father, "Was my Sorry okay, daddy?

"Course baby, or she wouldn't have accept it, don't you think?"

"Hmmmh" Sam nods, still a bit nervous but relieved that no one loses another word about it.

"Sooo, who's ready for some Christmas pancakes?" Harry claps in his hands, giving everyone a plate with pancakes, while they sit down at the table.

A breakfast at the Tomlinson-Styles family always takes long and is really loud. Everyone is talking, the kids are telling their parents their weird dreams, asking them if they have a meaning and what they dreamt in the night. They are telling stories from kindergarten, they had forgotten over the week and their proud fathers gratefully listen, loving that their kids want to share everything with them and getting reminded by their own childhood days. They share some glances over the table, silently saying “I love you's” or that they are so thankful to be able to have their own little family.

When they're finally ready, Louis and Harry tidy up the kitchen and the kids are playing an own version of hide and seek together. Then they grab one of the kids to put them into warm winter clothes, winter coats, beanies, hand shoes and carves that they look like little eskimos, basically waddling on their small feet. Harry goes into the garage to get two sleighs while Louis packs a bag with a warm cane of tea and Harrys self-baked Christmas cookies. When everyone is ready, the small family goes to one of those parks nearby who has a tiny hill so they can have a sleigh ride.

They enjoy their time with each other for a few hours, with building a snowman, whose head is taller than his round stomach and having a snow fight which started as Harry and Sam in one team and Louis and Jessy in the other one but ends up that everyone throws snowballs at each other not caring about the teams.

Harry shows the kids how to do snow angels and Louis has his camera in his hands, not wanting to miss a moment of the pure happiness on his kids and husband's faces.

Too soon it's getting darker outside and the sunset is painting the sky in an orange colour, telling the family that they should go home now.

There, Harry convinces Jessy that she should at least hop under the shower for a second time, to warm up a bit, even if she doesn't want to wash her hair, because "Daddy no! Papa made it so beautiful today and I don't want it to look bad!" It's not like Louis could braid it again, but they don't really have the time to discuss it. When Jessy finally gives in and Harry is also in Louis and his own bathroom to get ready, Sam starts a discussion with Louis, why he shouldn't wear a tie. Yes a normal day at home.

But eventually, the whole family is ready and dressed up. Jessy in her favourite yellow dress with white dots and a white ribbon around her waist, Sam with black jeans and a light blue button up, his hair styled like a little Louis with a fringe. Harry and Louis both are dressed up neat, but still casual. Both wearing a blazer over their shirts, Louis has his jeans rolled up to his ankles, showing some expensive shoes, he bought for days like these. His hair is styled up in a quiff, making his big blue eyes brighter than they already are and almost giving Harry the reason to kiss him shameless all over the face in the middle of the church.

After all these years of being together, Louis knows exactly what he does to his husband and gives him a look of shelter , but of course he can't hide his grin when he looks at Harry's pout.

They simultaneously look down to their kids, who have their eyes glued to the scene in front of them, where the children’s choir sings Christmas songs and a band is playing in the background. Jessy clutches her tiny hand in Louis’ and grips him tight, motioning him to bend down that she can whisper something in his ear.

"Papa I want to do that, too. I want to sing in the choir, too."

"Yeah? Do you like it so much?"

"Yes Papa, can I?"

"We'll talk about that at home, yeah? But if you want we can go to a rehearsal of them and maybe you can sing with them a bit and if you really want that, I don't see a reason why not."

She smiles at him happily and let go of his hands, only to cuddle closer to him and burrows her head in Louis' side, sighing relaxed when he brushes his hand over her hair.

When the choir finishes the little concert they still have to stay in the church a bit and that's when both of their kids fall asleep. Jessy tugged in Louis' side and Sam on Harry's lap. Even if they wanted to see the other children sing, church is boring. At least they sleep and don't start whining like the other smaller kids.

And that's how the kids end up sleeping through the whole Christmas mass, the car ride home and the while time until the good smell of food wakes them up.

"My little Christmas angels are awake" Harry cheers and gives them a welcoming smile, when the two siblings tap into the kitchen, Sam holding his yawning sister on his hand.

"Daddy I'm hungry. How long does the food take?"

"Maybe half an hour and then you can eat as much as you want."

"Papa?" Jessy speaks up with a tired voice.

"Yes sweetheart?" Louis answers concentrated n the bowl of red fruits and yoghurt, mixing the two ingredients together and putting them into the ice cream maker.

"Can you play the piano for us?"

"Give me five minutes sweety and I'm all yours."

"Heeey" Harry turns around, acting like he's offended and truly hurt.

"Harry baby, you married me with the knowledge that I'm not a guy for only one person. You know that you have to share!" Louis covers Harry's cheeks with his hands, brushing with his thumbs over his cheekbones before he gives him a gentle kiss.

"Euuw stop kissing." Sam squeezes his eyes shut, pulling a disgusted face.

Louis turns around with a mischievous grin "but I can’t. I'm secretly a kissing monster that has to kiss someone or it won't be happy. And this kissing monster get's his favourite kisses from this curly head here and from two little kids called Sam an Jessy" he says and starts chasing after his two little kids who are running away, giggling and screaming, hiding behind the sofa and under the Christmas tree. But their laughter betrays them and after a few minutes of - fake - searching, Louis finds them and presses kisses all over their faces, in their ears and tickles them on their feet, little bellies and arms, turning the Tomlinson-Styles home into a place of happy screams and loud laughter.

"DADDY HELP!” They scream in unison, only to hear from their father that they are two strong kids against one tiny kissing monster and that they don’t need his help to win against the monster.

With their own strength, the believe of their father and the help of Louis himself – he suddenly falls down like a limb – they manage to sit on their father’s stomach and his knees, tickling him on the same spots, they were tickled before, until Harry comes into the room with the prepared dinner. He fills the siblings’ glasses with some red juice and his and Louis’ wine glasses with some red wine that it seems like everyone is drinking the same drink. They eat happily until their stomachs are full and before the two kids get impatient, they start clean up the table and put everything in the dishwasher, not caring that there is still a bit chaos in the kitchen.

The small family sits down in front of the Christmas tree and the kids start searching for their presents Santa gave them. Sam finds also two presents with Louis’ and Harry’s names on them and gives them theirs. Then he sits down again and the both kids start unwrapping their presents with so much curiosity and suspense that a ticking clock on the living room’s wall is the only sound.

But this silence stays not for long before tiny gasps and squeals of excitement are jumping through the room, when they see what Santa brought them. A new racing car, clothes for Jessy’s favourite puppet, a necklace and an armband with the sibling’s names, a card game and a board game for the whole family, puzzles and for Sam, who starts school in the next year, his first school bag with planets on it.

When Louis and Harry see the excitement and honest happiness in their children’s faces they can’t believe that they can call themselves the parents of these two little angels right in front of them. In this moment, they don’t really care about the presents they had for each other because their two kids, who are shouting “thank you Santa” all over again, are the best gifts they could ever have.

Later in the night, when they brought their kids into their beds, still hearing how wonderful Santa is and that it’s so amazing that he knows their biggest wishes, they are cuddling on the sofa and drink out the rest of the wine together. Harry just packed out Louis’ gift for him, a long letter about his love to him and how much Harry means to him and two tickets for the Leeds Festival, where they have met eight years ago with the age of nineteen and sixteen. Now it’s Louis turn to unwrap his present that lays a bit heavy in his lap. Harry watches him curiously over his shoulder to see his reaction, who just let out a tiny gasp. He holds a big photo album in his hands that contains everything they experienced together. Their first meeting at Leeds Festival, their first few dates, their first meeting with the other families, the day Louis asked Harry to marry him, their wedding day, their holidays in France, Spain, Sweden and Germany, their first photo’s with Sam and their first ones with Jessy. Through the pictures he sees the last eight years of his life again and starts tearing up, especially when he reads the lovely messages and comments Harry wrote down on every single page.

“Harry, that is so beautiful. So cheesy, but yet so beautiful.”

“You like it?”

“Like? Harry that is the most amazing gift I ever got. I love it! From where do you have all these pictures?”

“Oh Lou, you don’t know what’s deep down in the dark of every computer. But uhm, I asked my mum, your mum, Gemma, Lottie, everyone who has been in Leeds with you or with me, everyone who was on vacation with us, basically everyone we know.” He chuckles and presses a soft kiss on Louis cheek, who tilts his head to the side, so that he can rest his head on Harry’s chest, let out a happy and relaxed sigh and closes his eyes, enjoying Harry’s warm kisses on his neck for a while.

“Merry Christmas, baby” He hears Harry’s whisper in his ear, before he slowly drifts into a peaceful slumber.

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