A Mystery Unsolved

By FukuroCityWrites

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Eighteen Years Old Dipper And Mabel Pines return to to the town who's mystery have held their curiosity capt... More

Chapter One. returning to a childhood Mystery
Chapter Two. Calm Before the Storm
Chapters Three. Help From An Unlikely Source
Chapter Four. A New Mystery
Chapter Five. Huge Mistake
Chapter Six. Mournful Mabel
Chapter eight. unsolvable worries
Chapter Eight. New Possibilities? pt. 1
Chapter Nine. New Possibilities? pt 2
Chapter Eleven. the ending
Chapter Twelve. Tearful Reunion
Chapter Thirteen. Confusion at It's Finest
Chapter Sixteen. Cuddles and Handy Kisses
Chapter Sixteen. Recaps and Review

Chapter Fourteen. Sparkle talks and 'fangirling'?

103 2 0
By FukuroCityWrites

Third persons point of view

Dipper Gleeful trudged through the muddy streets of Gravity Falls, Oregon, though it was a rather stoic town everyone seemed to get along none the less. He sighed to himself, making it to Budd Pines mystery shack.

Though it was fall the air was a bit warmer than usual, maybe it was just the feeling of the Mystery Shack, it wasn't cold and relentless like the Gleeful mansion, it was warm and homey. Dipper raised his hand and knocked on the door. Waiting a few moments before the door opened.

"No, the thing is Mabel just a bit of a sadis-" the blond looked up at Dipper and blinked. "Can I help you?"

Dipped, ignoring her earlier conversation with who he assumed had been Gideon, took off his sunglasses.

"I need advice on a human emotion called 'love'." Pacifica blinked her blue eyes.

"Huh?" Dipper glared and sighed.

"Pacifica! Who's at the door?" A Texan accent come forward and the white haired boy looked at dipper with a raised brow.


"Pines." There was an uncomfortable silence.

"Anyway, you needed advice on love? You've come to the expert." Dipper nods as Pacifica invites him in.

"So, who is it?" She asks eagerly as Gideon just watches with an untrusting look. Dipper sighs and glances around.

"Look can you just help me?"

"Not unless I know what kind of person your trying to get." Dipper sighed again and looked at her.

"Well, they are the shy type, he doesn't trust easily and is scared all the time. I just need to know how to get this stupid feeling to stop." Pacifica smiled and giggled.

"I'm sorry about that, but love can't be stopped. All you can do is embrace it, right Gideon?" Gideon blushed lightly, thinking of a few things he nodded absent mindedly. Pacifica smiled gently.

"See, now. Do I know the person?" Dipper sighed and begrudgingly nodded.

"Yes, he's actually a close friend of yours." Gideon lifted an eyebrow.

"So, he's male, is super shy and scared all the time. Does he have naturally colored hair?" Gideon teased as he put the pieces together. Dipper glared lightly.

"You're a major pain in my ass, Pines." Gideon shrugs a bit.

"Its Will isn't it?" He asked, looking Dipper straight in the eyes. Dipper glared back at him and slowly nodded. A loud squeal made both males jump and turn towards the jumping blonde.


"Wait, what?" Pacifica flushed out of embarrassment and looked at him.

"Well, whenever we hung out he always spoke about you,and he always had this look in his eye whenever he talked about it. It was a dead give away." Dipper nodded slowly, smiling lightly at the thought.

"But I'm fucking warning you Gleeful, if you so much as THINK about laying another hand on him, I've seen the scars, I can't believe you would treat someone like that. Will is the nicest person I've ever known besides Gideon. Though he is a demon he's our friend and I don't care if you're my girlfriend's brother, I won't hesitate to shove a stick of lit dynamite up your ass."

The threat had Dipper blinking a few times, oddly enough, he wasn't all that angry, usually there would be a blood bath were anyone to threaten him like that. But for some reason, he just calmly nodded his head. Gideon blinked a bit, he and Pacifica looked at each other.

With that, they talked through out the day on the subject, Dipper receiving a few threats every now and then, a fight almost breaking out between him and Gideon.

When Dipper arrived home he looked into the frightened eyes of Will. On Dippers way there people had bumped into him multiple times, and a car drove by and splashed muddy water all over him, to say the least, he was pissed as he made his way towards the trembling blue demon.

And back to where we left off.

Dipper sat across from will in the the lounge room. Will's eye blinked a few times at the recent news. Will's head flooded with thoughts such as: 'Wait, he's got feelings for me? But why? This can't be true, he's got to be pulling some sick joke, this is part of his punishment'. The last thought made his eyes well with tears, not out of fear, but at the fact that he knew, this was all one big joke.

Dipper blinked as we watched the hurt in the demons eyes, and the tears well up. He knew exactly what the other thought, and he wasn't having that. He grabbed Will by the collar and pulled him into a long passionate kiss.

Will let out a startled sound as his cheeks flushed. Tears rolling down his face, was it all true? Did Dipper really love him? The thought warmed his insides. Dipper released his collar but didn't pull back from the kiss.

Dipper gently mumbled against his lips

"Stop crying you idiot, you're fine.." He trailed off and continued the kiss, Will's eyes slowly slid shut, he still lightly trembled, he couldn't help it. Dipper smiled gently, something he wasn't used to doing, but it came naturally to him when Will was around.

They slowly pulled apart for air, they were gently panting, the room seemed to have lightened, and Will found himself practically in Dipper's lap, making him blush gently, trying to move away. Instead, Dipper hugged him around the waist and pulled Will's back to his chest.

Dipper lightly burried his face into the crook of Will's neck, taking in his sweet scent, he wasn't sure what it was, but to him it smelt good, and he hasn't realized how much he missed it until now.

Dipper had Will blushing madly, his trembling slowly stopped soon enough and instead he sat still, Dipper continued to hold him close for a few more hours. Taking in the others warmth. Will smiled gently and slightly relaxed into his arms. A small content smile on his lips as his eye shut closed.

For the first time in a while, the two enjoyed each others company, and they loved it. Will was still slightly on edge, but he figured, if it was a joke, he was going to enjoy it as much as he could.

All too soon the moment was ruined as the door slammed open.

"What did you hear about me!?" Mabel stomped in and lifted an eyebrow. "Oh, wow you two." Before either could react she snapped a photo. Will blushed a deep dark blush along with Dipper.

"Erase that photo."

"No." Dipper picked up Will and placed him on the chair after standing, he walked over to Mabel.

"Erase. That. Photo." He growled out lowly.

"Or what?" He grabbed for her phone, she pulled it back with a small smirk. He growled and his fist glowed blue, the lamps light bulb shattered.

"Ooooooooh, soooo scaaaaary." She gloated and smirked. Dipper growled and launched for the phone.

"Give it to me you bitch!" Mabel just smirked and held it out of reach.

"Hmmmm, no." Another lamps bulb shattered and Will jumped, sinking back into his seat with a small whimper.

Dipper glanced at him and his hands faded from the glow and he stood straight. He walked over and picked up the demon. Though Will wasn't exactly small he didn't weigh a whole lot. Dipper was only an inch or so taller than him.

Will's heart raced as Dipper left the room, stopping in the door way he held out his hand, holding Will with one arm he clenched his fist and Mabel's phone shattered. She was to shocked to react before he left up to his room.

Mabel went into a screaming fit but before she could get her hands on Dipper he closed and locked the door.

And so the two sat, cuddling on the bed, late into the night when Will had fallen asleep on Dipper's chest.

Yooooooooooooooo, enjoy peoplez

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