Me+You Do the Math✔️

By DesireToShine

7.4K 1K 892

//Ranked #35 Chicklit// Arabella Stone's life was full of disappointment after disappointment. She slowly bui... More

Ch.1 *My Impending Doom*
Ch.2 *Sporks and other utensils*
Ch.3 *Bitter Coffee- Made with love*
Ch.4 *Don't Hug Me*
Ch.5 *Almost History*
Ch.6 *Just a Kiss*
Ch.7 *Suprise Midnight Visits*
Ch.8 *Sweet Pumkin Proposals*
Ch.9 *Venti Cup of Hell*
Ch.10 *Peer Pressure Over Skype*
Ch.11 *Heck NO TechNO*
Ch.13 *JehovahWitnesses and the Worst Pizza*
Ch.14 *Confrontations Over 2nd Lunch*
Ch.15 *Secret Languages*
Ch.16 *Malicious Utterance*
Ch.17 *Accidents and French Lullabies*
Ch.18 *Greek Gods on Morphine*
Ch.19 *Nine Years Ago*
Ch.20 *Damn it Dj*
Ch.21 *A Day to Forget*
Ch.22 *It's In The Facts*
Ch.23 *Profound Mental Reclusiveness*
Ch.24 *Ty-Breaker*
Ch.25 *I Take It All Back*
Ch.26 *Bi-Polar Mother Nature*
Ch.27 *Bird Watching*
Ch.28 *Off Brand Oreo Cookies*
Ch.29 *Sorry DiCaprio*
Ch.30 *The Voices*
Ch.31 *Triassic Telephone*
Ch.32 *Lost Him*
Ch.33 *Functional Family*
Ch.34 *Revelations and Epiphanies*
Ch.35 *Never Fraternize With the Enemy Kids*
Ch.36 *They Break*

Ch.12 *Royal Sexual Tension*

233 31 51
By DesireToShine

A List of Arabella Renée Stone's Flaws: An Autobiography.

My hands fumbled on the keyboard of my laptop. I was supposed to be doing my History three-page essay on the life of your assigned historical figure. My choice; Alexander Hamilton, Thank the gods for Lin-Manuel Miranda and the musical. If it wasn't for my constant stalling I would have cranked out this essay in less than an hour.

But instead, I'm sitting here rolling around on my desk chair singing My Chemical Romance at the top of my lungs and procrastinating. Flaw #1: Being Lazy. I know literally all the information on this topic that I can stuff into my incompetent little brain, yet I still sit here and do nothing. An accurate depiction of my life, I think yes.

I finally got bored enough to pick up my phone and start scrolling through Instagram. I sent a  a few pictures on Snapchat and then set it down with a sigh.

I couldn't help myself to glance towards my window. The sheer curtain was still up and I could see that the lights were off. Either he had already gone to bed or he was out. I'd be willing to bet on the latter.

Right as I put my hands back on the keys to write the starting sentence, the doorbell rang. It was one of those special ones where it echoes through the whole house. Very annoying.

My door was open and the door was right next to the stairs, so I could conveniently hear a conversation between my dad and the person on the doormat. There seemed to be some confusion, so I took the chance that I had to not do my work and got up.
Flaw #2: Being too curious.
As I was walking down the stairs there seemed to be a man in the doorway. As I got closer and stood behind my father, I could see he looked vaguely familiar. But from where?
Flaw #3: Bad memory.

He wasn't a grown man but more of a teenager, with black hair and bright green hazel eyes.

"Ella this boy is wondering where the Ashton's live. He seems lost." My dad informed me. "We don't have any Ashton's here." He explained to the boy. He looked up at me and gasped.

Did he recognize me or something?

"Um... Y- yeah we do dad, you know Tyler, Ashton's was his dad's last name." I mumbled.

"Oh, well okay then. Nice meeting you Alex!" He practically shouted as he walked back into the kitchen.

I stepped out of the door after slipping my shoes on and shut it behind me. Anything to get out of a paper, am I right?

"So Alex, you're looking for Ty?"

"Correctomundo Bra Girl." I turned to look at him with wide eyes. Bra girl? I had a Deja Vu moment. The same smile he was wearing when he told me I had a nice bra. If I remember correctly I told him off, but I was pissed. Ty had drawn all over me. Can you blame me?

"Wait you're him?!" I exclaimed. "You were at Ty's a few weeks ago why can't you remember where he lives?"

"It's Alec- and every god damn house looks the same." He told me his name, accentuating the C, because my father had gotten it wrong.

"Sure, it's that gray one right there." I pointed over to the front of their steps. There were cute little pumpkins on them in the spirit of Halloween. Then it hit me. Halloween was this weekend, and damn I didn't have a costume. I'll end up doing what I do every year. And that is sitting on the couch watching horror movies and answering the door for trick or treaters. Yes, sounds like a plan. Maybe I can invite over some people. Yes, it's a plan. So back to Alec, he thanked me.

"Will I see you at that window?" He said with a wink. My cheeks, I could feel went beet red, and I looked away.

"Just knock on the door." I rolled my eyes. I had somehow found myself following him across the small lawn to the opposing stop. He knocked on the door and within seconds there was light flooding the ground where I was looking.

I looked up to find Andy smiling back at us. She was surrounded in a warm light, her vibrant hair glowing.

"Oh! Alec, what are you doing up here?" Then her eyes fell on me, "Arabella?" she noticed me.

I awkwardly waved, just moving my fingers, "Hi,"
Flaw#4: Being extremely, unbearably awkward.

Alec moved in to help me out. He, I could tell obviously knew Andy better than me. "Br- I mean, um... Arabella?" He looked to me and I nodded, "Yeah, ok. She helped me find your house."

She smiled again. "Well, why don't you come in, I just made a fresh batch of cookies."

Oh, my my my, she was that mom. That mom I always wished my mom would be. Making cookies for my friends.

I'm never one to turn down cookies. So I nodded and we walked inside.

I could see into the living room where Zoey was playing with her dolls and watching a children cartoon on the tv.

Andy shoved a plate of cookies into my hand and forced me up the stairs behind Alec. I obliged, slowly climbing the up the steps to the dark bedroom on the far right.

I had only been in here twice and one, when it was extremely dark, I was tired and still flipping out about being drugged.

I opened the door into the room because Alec had conveniently closed it behind him. Ty was lying on his bed on his phone, probably texting some bitch, barely acknowledging the people in his room.

"Hey, there you are." He spoke up and I wasn't sure if it was directed towards me or Alec so I kept quiet and awkwardly sat down on his desk chair.

Is this what guys do? Because this is boring. I thought they had some weird jacking off circle or some weird ass shit like that.

"Yeah you," Ty spoke again. I looked up to he him looking over at he running his hand through his hair. "As much as I love My Chemical Romance, it's too loud go turn it off."

I scowled at him, "Hi there too."

Then like the rebel I am, I unlocked his window and pushed open mine. I gently landed on my rug and stood straight up. Damn, I was getting a hang of this whole, 'window climbing, I could die at any point crossing over, Thing.'

I turned off my music and slid back into his room.

This time there was a new person in the room. It was another boy. I shot Ty a look similar to my, "What the hell dude," look. Then I turn back to the boy. He was turned the other the way and had a backward baseball cap on so I couldn't even recognize him.

"I'm sorry." I heard that voice and almost bolted out the door faster than flipping Lighting McQueen. He turned around, his face coming into view. John.

"Um, Ty, I-I need to g-go now." I stuttered over my own words.

Flaw #5: Running from my past.

"Alec, just grab her." Ty gave up and ordered his friend around, like the fricking henchman that he probably is. My terrified eyes came in contact with Johnny's calm and collected hazel ones.

"I-I really don't fe-feel
comf-fortable here." I struggled to get of Alec's arms that had grabbed me from behind.

I turned to Tyler freaking Reese, "Is this your sick idea of an intervention, or am I getting kidnapped." I spat. Why was I getting worked up? Reasons. We could delve into, but I'd rather focus on the subject at hand, aka. My Kidnapping.

He bit his lower lip and ran a hand through his perfect hair. Oh my god, can he not look so amazing? I'm stressed.

Flaw #6: Falling, hard.

"Ok, do you think we can do it yet?" Ty asked Alec totally ignoring me. What the hell.

Johnny looked just as confused as me, his eyes darting between the other two boys.

I didn't like him at all, but I couldn't say he hasn't gotten even more attractive. He had lightly tanned, darker skin, and dark brown hair that fell gently into his forehead right above his eyes.

Alec muttered "Whatever" and started walking. My feet moved with his because I was still being held hostage.

And so I was forcibly pushed into the bathroom. I could have fought my way out but for some strange reason, I didn't. I wanted to believe that Ty wouldn't kill me.

I scowled and sat on top of the counter while the room was shut with a click of the lock.

Damn. What's the point in this?

I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and pulled up my messages.

Are you planning on murdering me? Because if you are then I guess thanks, I have a paper due tomorrow.

Flaw #7: I'm a sarcastic little bitch.

I hesitated and then pressed send. Ty was still 'Ty is the most amazing person ever' in my phone so I took the opportunity to change it.

A few seconds later a text came through.

Wow ur so descriptive..
Grammar pls.

I narrowed my eyes as if he could see me. Almost a minute went by, of me going through his drawers before the door opened and Johnny was pushed in.

I half expected to be let out but the door closed all the same. If looks could kill, the look I had on my face would result in immediate death upon anyone who saw me.

"Can I explain?" He pleaded. I crossed my arms.

"Why?" Did he think he could just waltz in here and change the past?


It was the summer before freshman year. I was young and naive and when I went to the local pool and met Johnny he quickly became my best friend. I had just moved and didn't know any kids.

We grew closer and closer with every day leading up to the start of school.

Then it started. I loved it at first. It was so much bigger than my old middle school in Santa Cruz.

I met Kris and I slowly faded out with Johnny until homecoming that year. He had asked me. It was perfect. A huge poster with a witty little sign and a bag of candies. Our friendship and now a romance was rekindled.

The weeks leading up to homecoming were amazing. We talked all the time and grew unbelievably close.

Except for that week. We talked only a few times and I desperately tried to recover anything we had.

But then the dance rolled around and as he ditched me right after the pictures I told myself to let it go. I was supposed to get a ride home in the limo his parents had rented for the night but I could never find him.

I remember it extremely vividly. Me trying to text him and a bunch of other people after the dance had ended. Me also getting ignored.

It was raining that night. Unfortunately, I couldn't just Uber myself home back then, so I had to walk in the pouring rain all the way home. I cried that whole walk home, and I vowed to myself to never cry over someone I liked ever again. I broke that.

Then to make matters worse, I learned he had hooked up with some girl and left with her.

We were freshman!

Ok story time over.

John scratched at his face and frowned. "They are not letting us out until we make up."

"I could tell." I was being mean and I knew it, I just had no other way to take out my bottled feelings.

I know I shouldn't still be mad, and I'm not mad at him, I'm just mad at the memory of him. I'm mad at myself.

I willingly gave him all my trust, and I actually liked him for a while. That hurt me. I would say it broke my heart but it didn't. It slightly fractured my heart, as a warning sign to not let it get broken. 

Ever since then I've pretended I don't have a heart at all. It was my way of protecting myself.

"Listen. I'm sorry, we were young and stupid, I know you are still mad— I don't know why... But can we just forgive and forget?"

"Johnny I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself. And you just bring up bad memories." I sighed.

"We could just go back go ignoring each other?" He offered. "Or try at friends."

I hugged myself and looked down at the floor, "Okay."

I could tell he was trying to fix the problems that we had. He was trying to get through those walls, but only ever three people have ever had success in that.

I texted Ty again asking if we could be let out if we made up.

The door was opened a few minutes later and I rushed out.

I was halfway down the stairs in an attempt to get back to my own house, when my arm was grabbed.

I turned to see who had my arm gently in their own. Of course, it was Ty. He used my arm to pull me closer and opened his arms for a hug. I hesitantly slowed but then wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his shoulder.

Tears threatened to overflow my eyes. My anxiety kicked in and I thought something bad was going to happen.

"I'm sorry." His hot breath tickled my ear. I nodded into his neck. I could feel his hands fiddling with my hair as I hugged him for a bit longer than necessary.

What's happening to me? I felt addicted to Tyler, it was like he was my drug, because he made me feel better, and changed me.

Flaw #8: Whatever this is.

We released each other and I looked into his eyes. I blinked my own in an effort to make them less wet.

"Do you want to stay?" He trailed off his voice at the end of the sentence.

I hesitated, I don't want to stay, but I feel like I'll end but getting dragged over here anyway.

I shrugged and he smiled. My heart melted as he turned away.

No, Ella Stone doesn't get crushes. She does not like people, and definitely not Ty.

I shook my head and followed him back up the stairs.

My phone went off in my pocket and I answered it.

"Hi mom," I saw her contact.

"Where are you?" Her light voice filled my ear.

"I'm at the neighbor's house, Andy- er, Ms. Reese invited me over." I had to explain. Alec looked at me, I bit my lip and mouthed the word 'Mom'.

"Oh, okay just come back whenever then." Then the line went dead. So, much for a 'Goodbye, I love you," or a, 'I want you home by nine." You know for someone who deals with missing persons all the time I would hope she's a little more worried.

I bit my lip and sat down slowly on Ty's bed. Johnny was looking at me with a confused face, I put effort into the small smile that pulled on the corners of my mouth. We can try at friends. I mean he's more of a stranger than anything.

A sudden realization came over me, "Where are the cookies?!" I asked looking over at Ty who was lying on his bed texting someone. He had the cookies on the other side of him.

I shifted myself to the ground so I was kneeling and stuck my head next to his. Then I titled so I could face his phone.

"So... Are you going to stop texting-" I squinted to see the name on the phone, "Ian- and give me those cookies?" I whispered into his ear. He turned his head to look at me. I jumped back because we were so close. I pursed my lips as he smiled.


Scowling I jumped up unto the bed and tried to make a grab for a cookie. He blocked me out of the way and stood up with the cookies.

Let's get this straight, Ty was probably a good few inches taller than me so when he put the plate of scrumptious delicates over his head in the air, there was no way I was getting it.

Flaw #9: Being 5'8 and still feeling short.

I racked my mind for a weakness as I pouted and said "No fair."

I got an idea and smiled a little bit.

I put a little sway to my hips as I walked over to him. My body slightly against the side of his and I leaned my head on his shoulder, running my finger across his jawline. I could see his arm move lower and lower.

I moved closer to him, so I was looking directly into his warm eyes. God we are so close. I wanted to kiss him really bad. Maybe this seductive thing was a bad idea. My heart started beating really hard and I was probably flushed, but his eyes kept me grounded.

If I was going to kiss him again, it would not be here, with my somewhat ex and some person I just met.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that he had lowered his cookies. Removing my hand from his chest I quickly grabbed a huge cookie and pranced away, pleased with myself.

I turned back with a grin to art who was still staring at me. What do you want from me boy?

"I got a cooookie!" I elongated the 'O's' for more effect.

"Good for you," Alec interrupted Ty who was about to say something. Was he okay?
"Ella can you leave now? The sexual tension is unbearable, can you two just get it over with a fuck each other already." He burst out.

I started bursting out in laughter.

"What!? Me? Him!" I was still laughing my butt off as I felt a hand of the square of my back. I was being directed to the door. I quickly tried to shut up as Ty and I walked down the cramped stairs together. I guess my time was spent here.

"Come one let's go." He whispered to me as we passed Zoe and Andy sitting on the couch with Frozen playing. It's a shame I haven't even seen that movie.

"Bella!" Zoe called over to me, ran up and gave me a big hug. She was too cute to correct her on my name.

"Hi Zoey, how are you?" I smiled at her.

"I'm great! We're watching Frozen and Olaf just came to life and met Anna!" She informed me. I had no idea what she was talking about so I just nodded and said "yeah.."

"Ok Zoe we gotta go." Ty started. "Mom, I'm going to walk El home."

"Ok bye honey, thanks for staying Arabella!" Andy smiled at me from her spot on the couch.

"Thank you,"

Ty opened the door for me and I smirked at him. "When did you become a gentleman?"

He replied right back with, "When did you start acting like you like me?"

"Just for the cookies!" I groaned.

"Mmh," he smiled as we made our way across the lawn, "that's totally it."

We climbed the stairs up to my door and I turned back to him.

His brown eyes were looking down at me and he had the trace of a smile still lingering there.

He brought his hand up to run it down my cheek."Sleep well."

"If you and Alec try to prank me again I'm going to freaking kill you." I warned him. If I have to deal with another prank I'm going to blow my lid.

"Sure princess," I smiled at my old nickname.

"Night prince." I winked and then bit my lip and burrows my face in my hands. He laughed as he was walking away. Still cringing, I walked into the front hall and up to my room.

Flaw #10: being a terrible flirt.

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