A Crown of Winter Roses

By imintheblackparade

217K 5.4K 275

Game of Thrones Fanfic This is a mixture of season 4 and season 5 Rhaegar Targaryen was always fond of his el... More

Prologue Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Prologue Part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Prologue Part 3
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Prologue Part 4

Chapter 13

6.1K 140 7
By imintheblackparade

"We can't rush this, Rosie; It is not worth it." Oberyn's mellow voice rested against the soft expanse that was silence of their room, the Meereenese night life left at the door. Her orbs narrowed down on the lazing man, his body draped across their bed.

"Do not tell me what I can and cannot do, Oberyn; I am bloody old enough to know what I want!" The anger rippled from her body, spreading across her like wild fire. How dare he tell her she cannot go to the Great Khals! How dare he tell her they must return!

She didn't need Westeros right this moment, she needed an army to carry her.

"There is a difference between knowing what you want and knowing what is right! Trust me, I have been in your position, I know what it is like to walk among those lions and face their claws straight on. You are ready, not to attack but to see how they battle among themselves." Oberyn watched her head shake, taking soft hands in his. His pale wife was fretting, and fretting wasn't a good look on anyone, let alone a Ancient beauty of a Queen.

"Think about what you can gain, you can find their weaknesses, where their weakest alliances are! You can play on this!" The thoughts turned like clogs, of course sensing where the Lannisters are most weak would help, yet still. She wanted an army to overtake Westeros, and she could only get that from the Great Khals but Oberyn...

She held her endearing husband close, fragile fingertip tickling the contours of his cheekbones in tangles of cooling movements. She was softer this time with her words, her indigo eyes turning to him. "Oberyn, I'm just not sure. What if they know? What if we are attacked? We need this army to guard our backs."

"I know, my love, but we will have Dornish guards with us, and if it makes you feel better, the Unsullied can dress as Dornish to provide extra security." Rosie nodded, but her Unsullied preferred their armor, she shook her head. There was too much to think about, especially after waking only a few days ago.

She was in better health, and she thanked R'holler for that, and her Oberyn. Her love. But even a Dragon must rest, not just her body but her mind.

The past few months... had been... trying to say the least; a marriage alliance, Ellaria, the Sand Snakes, the Attack, Meereenese, her dragons, Westeros. It was nothing but a swirling vortex of stress.

She watched her lover for a moment before settling on a new topic.

"Did they find the people behind the poisoning?" It was a cheap shot to change the conversation, but it worked. Oberyn held his head in shame, before a gentle smile graced his lips. How could he tell her that they weren't any closer? That if he hadn't killed the man that attempted to kill Rosie, that perhaps they would be one step closer to prosecuting?

"No, just the guy who was murdered, but we do believe he was from Westeros." Rosie nodded, the information slowly turning in her mind.

"Another reason why we shouldn't go, but still. Thank you Oberyn, for everything. I never got to do that with the amount of people who have been in and out." He rose a hand, letting her thanks fall to deaf ears. He loved his wife more than anything, well, maybe not his daughters, and having her awake was more than enough of a thanks.

He missed her tender touch. For the first time, in what felt like a thousand years, he missed the touch of being loved by one woman. There was Ellaria but it wasn't the same type of love, Rosaerys was purer, untouched. He missed that.

The guilt soon disappeared, his lips leading a warm trail up her pale arm. Rosie smiled, placing her own hand on the side of his face, bringing it close, and pressed a soft kiss on his nose.

"So tell me, what have I missed?" She twisted in the sheets, pushing away the thin cotton from her small body before slipping out. Pain erupted across her knees, snaking into coils before releasing and pulling back in again. She pushed it away, gripping onto Oberyn as she made her way on shaky legs across the room.

"Me?" The cheeky hint of a long forgotten smile left Rosie in small fits of chuckles."

"Besides you." Oberyn captured her rosy lips with his, hands quick to snake into her hair. She had forgotten how passionate Oberyn was, the soft roll of his tongue against her lips was enough to ignite the small fire that burned in the put of her belly. Her lover.

Oberyn pulled back, delicate kisses showering her jaw before slipping down the caves of her neck. A breathy moan fell from her lips, Oberyn quick to chuckle. "Oberyn." She warned before the pair became too entangled in one another. The lithe man sighed, a quick peck before pulling back.

"Nothing; the dragons have been craving you, they seem to grow larger every day; the people in Meereen, Yunkai, and Astapor seem to get along. The masters are somewhat happy. Some of the Unsullied have been training with the Dornish guards, swapping tricks on the battlefield and in the bedroom." Oberyn's eyebrows rose suggestively, and Rosie tugged at a smile before pushing him away.

Seems Oberyn is more than happy to think with another head.

"Oberyn," She groaned, "Keep your head away from the gutters." A bellied laugh left him, pulling her closer.

"Why should I? I have a beautiful wife, I can indulge if I want." The daring smile that spread across his lips was impressive, but she wasn't going to give in that easily.

She pushed down one side of her sleeve, before tugging off the other; the dress ready to embrace the floor. It was easy to tease Oberyn, and slipping out of her cotton shift was more than enough. Rosie was quick to slide into the hot milk, a tradition of the Meereenese people.

Oberyn was just as fast, his tunic soon discarded as he was quick to pull his wife to him. "I missed you." He spoke, his hands quick to fly over the curve of her hips, before letting his fingers push at the supple flesh.

Rosie smiled, letting her pull him close. "I missed you too." He shifted them, her head soon rested on his plains of his chest as he placed delicare kisses in the waves of her pale hair. This was her bliss, spending the time not thinking about either of the kingdoms and just spending it together.

"Oberyn, have you thought on my original terms. The ones of sleeping with other people." Confusion settle across his face before he shook his head, hand clasping hers.

"Why should I? I have my wife and that is more than enough." It was almost as if he was angry with her, the way the slight dent in his eyebrow, and the harshness that took over his eyes; Rosaerys had seen it many times over many things, but not usually directed at her.

Rosaerys didn't know what to think. A man famous for half of Westeros ready to give it up in the blink of an eye for a Targaryen girl? Surely he couldn't. He was a know danger. "No, Oberyn. I mean, when you get the urges that I can't fulfil. What are you going to do? You're famous for fucking half of Westeros, and that includes men."

He shifted beneath her, letting his hands drift through the milk in subtle ripples. "I know Rose."

She sighed, throwing the words she was bound to say up in the air and leaving them to fall where they may. "I'm not judging you Oberyn, or your past; I merely speaking as a concerned wife. If you have those urges I want to give you my blessing on going along with them. You've already given up your Paramour for me, it's the least I can do."

Oberyn's dark eyes met her own, letting unspoken words flit in the air. He couldn't believe his wife, she was willing to let him fuck others? But why?

"Rosaerys... I don't understand..." Her legs slipped either side of his waist, pulling herself up. The twinge was back.

"I'm saying you can fuck who you want, as long as it isn't love making. You understand that."

His brows furrowed before shaking his head. "I understand but it's a marriage, I need to be loyal to you and only you." He turned her back over, legs still firmly wrapped around his middle, hardness quick to rest against her belly.

She pulled the two lovers up, sinking back part way into the steaming bath.

"Plenty of men and women take lovers, Oberyn. Just include me." He couldn't believe the minx she was becoming. The way her cheeky smile lit up as she pulled across him.

Her hand trailed patterns across the plains of his chest, the soft trails of milk letting them become visible. "Have you thought anymore on going back?"

Rosie sighed, how could she think anymore on this? Her indigo eyes captured his darker ones, letting the message come across. "No. Of course not. How stupid of me. But Rosie, I mean this when I say we need to discuss it; we can't tiptoe around it."

"I know, Oberyn; I do know." She stopped the swirls, instead favouring to cup his cheek. "I will do this if you think it is right, and I will do this if the unsullied are comfortable; but as soon as a hint of danger becomes present, that's it, I will pull us straight back to Meereen."

Oberyn nodded, tugging her closer. "I understand, fully." His lips met hers before trailing across her cheeks and down her jaw, Rosie's eyes quick to close. A breathy moan slipped between them, her legs wrapping around his waist once more. The heat had grown too much as he trailed deeper through the legs of his wife. "I would die for you, Rosaerys."

It was the last phrase he utter before plunging into her, her hands pulling at his hair.



The passion remained tangible in the night air, Rosaerys stood to the side of the room, hands perched on the edge of the window.

It had been hours before the Martell deviant allowed her to slip from the cold bath and into the warmer room. Nipples like swollen nubs, and a dull ache between her legs; her finger graced the area he once pounced upon, her lips most likely looking rosier than before, and perhaps slightly puffier.

The thin sheer gown hid none on her commodities, and for once she didn't mind. Who was the enter? Her husband who she had bared herself to or her handmaidens who would knock before entering?

The soft smirk lit her face.

Oberyn glanced at his beauty, she seemed fuller than before. Happier. He could have ravished her once more yet slipped from their chambers and down the halls.

His feet padded against the cool stone, the cold bricks bringing welcome solstice to his usually hot feet that pumped with the Martell sun's fire. The soft chill that filled the air was equally pleasant, the flicker of the lanterns thrumming in tune as though the two were in a silent dance. Oberyn's eyes were eager to capture the Meereenese pyramid, as he made his way through the twisting corridor before pulling to a stop not far from the Throne Room.

The unsullied were rigid in their stances, lined against the majority of the doors and walls. Oberyn wasn't after them, instead he needed the other Queen.

He found Dany perched on her Throne, hair chucked across her shoulders with a Dragon coiled not far from her. There was no lie of her beauty, he just preferred her Aunt.

Although quiet, she still held a feist only Targaryens had. He had seen it in Rhaegar and Rhaella, even the Mad King Aegon. It was the same the dragons had, protective over their family and aggressive to those that harm them.

Oberyn stopped at the first step, his eyes calculating.

"My aunt, how is she? Better I suppose." Her soft eyes turned towards him, capturing them in violet beauty. Oberyn nodded, taking the first step up.

"Rosaerys is fine, she is well now." It was hard for him to admit the next words that slipped from his lips but he did it all the same. "I have you to thank, really. You were right about the Dragons."

The smirk was present on her face, and the black dragon's head lifted before falling down again. Uninterested.

"Of course I was Oberyn, dragons are the key to Targaryen success. It's in our blood. As the sun is in yours." Dany rose from her seat, letting the white waves that made her hair swirl around her waist in gentle wisps.

She was every bit graceful, her movements fluid. "Now tell me, in repayment for showing you what you needed to hear." Her eyes pointed as she turned back to the man. Oberyn wasn't shocked by her words, he was a man of age who had seen Westeros far more than any other, and not in a good way. "What is it you want to know?"

"Why does my aunt wish to go to Vaes Dothrak? She was never a true Khaleesi, she was accept by the Khalasar and called Khaleesi of Westeros but she has no business with Vaes Dothrak or the Dosh Khaleen."

Dany knew about Rosie's plans. Oberyn thought Dany was never told? Perhaps she did? Oberyn paused before continuing, careful not to overstep the line.

"I'm sure you know exactly why, Daenerys. She wants Westeros and she wants the Dothraki to do it. They have the numbers she needs. She wants this more than anything." Dany tossed it over in her mind, turning away to think. The blue dress hugged her figure as it trail along with floor, moving with every step.

"That is all, thank you Prince Oberyn; you may go."

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