Beautiful War {Peaky Blinders}

By xoxo-anonymous

502K 9.8K 835

"She is kind, heart made of honey. He is reserved, the opposite of sunny. No one would ever think they would... More

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19K 383 11
By xoxo-anonymous




Once Tommy had finished his conversation with his Uncle Charlie, he walked through to the barn where he knew Curley had took Victoria. He watched for a minute as she stroked Monaghan Boy, earning a few grunts of appreciation from the horse. "You're such a handsome boy, " she smiled, running her hand down his head.

"Thank you. So what do you think of him ?" Tommy laughed as he walked further in to where she stood. "You startled me, you fool." She smiled shaking her head turning to face him, "but to answer your question I do like horses. Always used to dream of having them, but we never had room or money to keep them. They're such beautiful animals, especially this one." She nodded back towards Monaghan Boy.

"There's a horse racing event coming up soon, it's a big thing for Birmingham..." But before Tommy could finish what he was saying, Victoria interrupted. "The Cheltenham races? God Danny used to love it, always used to talk about it. Last year he spent weeks trying to convince me to go but I had other plans.. what I would give to just go back and go with him, watch him when he's happiest." She explained, trying to hide her sadness with a smile.

"Yes, the Cheltenham races. The whole family are going, we always make it a big affair, everyone gets their best on. The one day a year when Arthur actually cares what he looks like" Tommy laughed taking a cigarette out of his metal casing. "Join me, darling? I would love for you to join us all. Grant you say yes, I had arranged for Aunt Pol' to go with you to get a new dress for the occasion. All expenses have been taken care of." He asked, rubbing the cigarette against his bottom lit before lighting it up.

Victoria had looked down at the ground, playing with a piece of straw with her shoe. It was alot to take in. Earlier this morning she had planned to be leaving town, now with Tommy's request she would be staying even longer. "Danny would turn in his grave if I declined Cheltenham races yet again." She laughed, "this is just another way of being close to him, going to the races where he was happy. But I can pay for my own dress."

Tommy shook his head as he watched her, "since you are coming as my guest, I am covering the costs." She then let out a sign of defeat as she knew that it was an argument she wouldn't win. "My sister Ada is coming home later today, she wishes to join you and Aunt Pol' when you go shopping for a dress."  He spoke as he pulled a piece of paper from his pockets, holding it out to her. Victoria took the cream envelope with a wax seal and placed it into her coat pocket. "Now that's your formal invitation, take good care of it." Tommy smiled as he picked out a carrot from the treat box, holding it out for him to eat. "Hes a beautiful horse," Victoria nodded as she ran her hand down his back.

Tommy stepped aside as he watched her, "he's the family horse but he's always took a special place in my heart, we got him just after we came back from France. Gave me something I could focus on, try to get the use war from my mind. He's just another member of the Shelby family." Victoria looked back at him and put her hand on his arm rubbing softly as she smiled.

"Now that you have seen one of my most treasured possessions would you like to join me to meet the locals. It might help to know a familiar face or two." He asked looking down at her. "Well if I'm going to be staying for a while it might be nice to know a few people around here." She nodded as she slowly began walking to the door of the barn.

Tommy walked beside her keeping his hand on her lower back, holding the car door open for her once they were back at the car.
With a content sign, Victoria climbed into the car, putting her bag on her lap. While the car drove along the lane, she rubbed her shoes on the carpet lightly to get the loose straw from her shoes. A few minutes had passed before the car pulled to a stop.

"This is Watery Lane. This is where the many factories are, it's also where the local pub is too. If you ever find yourself in any danger then get here as quickly as you can. Ask anyone here in Watery Lane for safety and they will keep you safe." Tommy spoke as he looked across at her.

Victoria nodded indicating she had understood before getting out of the car, looking around at the different buildings, the men covered in oil and muck from working in the factories. "I have asked some of the locals from this town to meet us in the Garrison so that you can get familiar with all of them and so that if you were to come here they would know who you were." He explained joining her by her side.

She looked up at him and smiled lightly, "thank you." Tommy put his hand on her lower back as he guided her inside into The Garrison. As they entered, the voices dropped and everyone became silent, the only noise coming from a drink behind the bar being poured.

"Good afternoon everyone, I hope your day has been a pleasant one." Tommy spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, a few men lifting their glasses in appreciation for his kind words. "The lady beside me is Victoria Owen, Danny Whizz-Bang's sister." He further explained as his head gazed all around the room.

"God rest his soul!" Shouted a voice from the back, a loud cheer spreading the room.

"It's lovely to meet you all, knowing how many people in this town appreciated my brother and cared for him brings me comfort during this time of mourning. So thank you." Victoria smiled as she looked at each person individually. Tommy nodded as he rubbed her back softly. "Now while Victoria is in this town, I've said to her that if she comes into any trouble and I'm not there, then she should come here and ask anyone for help." He spoke glancing down at her every so often. "So if she comes to you at any time then I would appreciate it if you could take her in and keep her safe until I am able to get to her side." Tommy nodded as his gaze went around the room watching as each men brought their glasses to the air signalling that they understood his request.

Victoria smiled as she also watched the glasses being raised, placing a hand to her chest. "One of my main worries about staying in this town with the Shelby's is knowing how dangerous it can be, however knowing that I have all of you there to help does ease my worries."

Tommy smiled as he looked down at her, "I'm going to have a word with Harry the bar man, have a wander round the room and get to know some of the men." She nodded lightly before walking towards a table that was accompanied by a handful of older men.

He watched her as she smiled listening in to what some of the men at the table had to say. He already knew she had a caring nature but watching her taking an interest in the old men covered in dirt made him admire her even more. A lot of woman would have turned their noses up with even having to be in the same room as them.

After a quick conversation with Harry he looked back at Victoria whom had already moved to another table, as interested in what they have to say as the table before. Tommy picked up the small glass of whiskey that he had asked for and put it to his lips as he tipped the glass up allowing the strong liquor to glide down his throat. His eyes glued onto Victoria as he watched her pull some money from her pocket and slide it across the table to the man opposite before anyone else could see.

A few short minutes of observing her passed by before she walked back over to him. "Ready to go then?" She asked, a content smile plastered across her face. Tommy nodded and guided her to the door holding it open for her. As they stepped outside he looked down at her, "so what was that exchange of money all about then?" He asked as they walked slowly to the car.

"Well the man was telling me about how he had to go back to his wife, she was getting sick but they couldn't afford to buy her the right things that she needed so I gave him some money. He refused to take it but he eventually gave in." Victoria explained as she climbed into his car, watching as Tommy walked round to his side, getting in beside her.  "It's nice of you.. nice of you to help someone that you only met a few minutes ago. Not many folk around like you." He smiled, taking a second to glance at her before driving the car down Watery Lane.

A comfortable silence fell between them again. Keeping his eyes on the road Tommy cleared his throat, "When we get back to the house, Ada should be there. You ready to meet another Shelby? This will be your time to get to know her properly before you both go with Aunt Pol' to the dress makers tomorrow." Victoria laughed as she looked over to him, "the never ending Shelby family! I can't wait to meet her, another lady around the house, it should be fun. I just hope she likes me!"

Just as the car pulled up outside the Shelby house, he turned to look at her and nodded. "Ada likes everyone, she's always friendly towards new faces so no need to worry." He chuckled before getting out holding her door open. She stepped out of the car and let out a content sigh as Tommy guided her inside.

As soon as the pair stepped inside the house, they were instantly met with an enthusiastic Ada walking down the stairs towards them. Tommy smiled as he put his hand on Victoria's lower back, "Victoria this is my sister Ada. Ada, this is our new house guest Victoria, Danny's sister.

They both exchanged smiles before Ada pulled her into a brief cheerful hug, "come with me! I've heard so much about you, so it's about time I got to meet the lady that's given our mardy brother something to smile about!" Ada laughed as she linked arms with Victoria, leading her into the dining room, closing the door behind them both.

Polly was already waiting for them both at the dining table, a cigarette between her lips as she opened up a vintage bottle of wine. Victoria hung her coat over the back of the chair as she sat down at the table, Ada placing a glass down in front of them all.

"So V..." Polly began, already giving her a nickname as she poured the wine into the glasses. "What did yous both get up to today?" She asked as she put the lid back onto the bottle, already taking a big gulp of the dark red wine.

Victoria ran her index finger around the rim of the glass. "It's been a long day. When I woke up I heard Tommy stumbling in absolutely covered in blood, I tried cleaning it up but we just ended up in a disagreement. But that doesn't matter now, he took me up to where our Danny is, to see Monaghan Boy and then up to The Garrison. It was lovely, got to meet some of the locals and hear some of their stories." She smiled as she took a sip of the wine, the flavours bouncing around her mouth.

"Well I already knew you were a special lady to this family, clearly Tommy can see it too if he's took you up to Monaghan Boy. You may just be this family's good luck charm come Cheltenham." Polly laughed as she was already refilling her glass. "My my my, our Tommy is turning soft!" Ada laughed as she finished off her wine.

"You'll have to tell me some embarrassing stories about Tommy, give us all a good laugh!" Victoria smiled, slowly sipping her wine. "Well where do we start ey, Pol'..." Ada smiled, glancing at her aunt while pouring another measure of wine into her glass.

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