After The End: Alex Rider Fan...

By AwsomeSauce007

91.1K 3.3K 3.2K

[Book 1] *Highest Ranking #1 in Stabbing* Ever wonder what happens after Scorpia Rising? Alex... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty-One~
I got Tagged......uh, what?
~Chapter Twenty-Two~
~Chapter Twenty-Three~
~Chapter Twenty-Four~
~Chapter Twenty-Five~
~Chapter Twenty-Six~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~
~Chapter Twenty-Eight~
~Chapter Twenty-Nine~
Tagged once more
.....And Tagged again
~Chapter Thirty~
A new Cover??
~Chapter Thirty-One~
~Chapter Thirty-Two~
~Chapter Thirty-Three~
~Chapter Thirty-Four~
~Chapter Thirty-Five~
New Books!! (Updated: August, 2017)
Bonus Chapters?

~Chapter Five~

2.2K 102 37
By AwsomeSauce007

Alex's (POV)

         We'd gotten back from town around 3:30 P.M. And as soon as we'd pulled into the parking spot in front of the house, Lucy had immediately announced that she wanted to make apple pie.

          So that's how I find myself outside at Lucy's apple trees.

         After Lucy and I have a decent sized bag full of large red apples, she leads us back inside the house. Then she sits me down at the counter, handing me a small knife as she begins to peel a apple.

           I look down at the knife in my hand, a sick feeling washing throughout me at just the sight. I take a deep breath, trying to loosen the unexplained tension that's building inside me.

Knowing Lucy's watching me, I hesitantly bring the knife up to the apple I'm holding, carefully peeling it.

Lucy begins to talk about completely random things, almost as if she knew I needed something to help me keep my mind off things. And sure enough, I soon find myself blocking off any unwanted thoughts as I listen to her. The tension fading away.

           Once I finish peeling my last apple, I accidentally drop the knife with a resounding CLANG onto the countertop.

Lucy's stopped talking, staring over at me while I wipe my hands relentlessly on a paper towel.

           It's just a kitchen knife Alex. Nothing more.

         I force myself to stop wiping my now shaking hands, immediately tucking them in my pockets. Looking down, I ignore Lucy's stare.

So much for the unwanted thoughts leaving.

         Lucy gets up as she finishes the last apple, cleaning our sticky mess up we made from peeling before she brings more cooking utensils over.

          "Here Alex, would you mix the ingredients together?" She asks, setting a bowl down in front of me.

           I look up on the countertop, finding a cookbook open to a page about apple pie. Trying my best, I measure out the correct ingredients as Lucy hands them to me, placing them down inside the bowl.

When I finish with the last ingredient, I place my hands back down on my lap, my eyes going up to meet Lucy's.

         "Great job!" She exclaims, a large smile on her face. "I'll make a cook out of you yet." She laughs, wiping her floury hands on her apron.

         Next I help her knead the dough, placing it into a pie shaped pan when we finish. Then she pours the apple chunks into it, laying strips of dough on top.

         As I watch Lucy place it inside the oven, an odd feeling I haven't felt in a long while washes over me.

I actually feel like I did something.

Which I guess I did.

       Lucy turns back around after placing the pie in the oven, facing me.

         "Why don't you go hang out in the living room for awhile? I'll call you for supper at five-thirty." She suggests.

I nod, sliding off the stool I'd been sitting on.

            I exit the kitchen, walking into the living room. Sitting down, I find myself thinking about the Browns.

             Lucy is nice, her childlike excitement only adding to her gentle charm. I've also found that I'm not nearly as nervous around her as I usually am with new people, her soft voice easily distracting me from those unwanted thoughts.

I can usually read people better then most, one of the perks of being me. But Don I'll have to say has been pretty tough.

One moment he's the big intimidating scowling person who has the aura of a grumpy lion, then he's suddenly the soft spoken caring person who silently sits with you after you've had a bad night.

            But after this morning, I can tell he doesn't try to be intimidating on purpose. It's just his nature.

            I feel a small smile tug on my lips, a rare thing for me nowadays.

            The front door suddenly opens, shutting with a soft bang.

              I tense up.

             I fling my eyes over towards the door, instantly relaxing as I spot Don.

          He's taking off his shoes, his hair and shirt noticeably damp with sweat from working outside. He finishes, glancing over at me as he stands straight up.

             His face scrunches with curiosity. "What are you doing?" He glances up at the TV. "Watching a blank screen?" He lightly jokes.

              He walks over to the TV, grabbing what looks like the remote, and hands it over to me.

           He takes a few steps, then looks back at me, a smirk on his lips.

            "So how was shopping?"

              I give a small groan, leaning back against the backrest.

He must know how much Lucy likes shopping, how she has to look at every item before she's satisfied.

My feet still hurt.

           "That's what I thought." Chuckling, he disappears into the kitchen.

              Two hours later I find myself still sitting on the sofa, in a daze as I watch the shapes fly by on the screen. My stomach complaining.

And sadly it's not because I'm hungry.

I hear Lucy's voice call me for supper, just like how she said.

             I get up with a barely concealed groan, wrapping my right arm around my stomach as I walk into the kitchen.

             I take a seat at the table, the Browns doing another quick prayer. Then Lucy dishes out Pork and Beans.

             I'm in the middle of pretending to eat when Lucy looks over at me.

            "Alex, the fourth of July is in two days and I just wanted to tell you our plans." She says.

               I give her a slight nod.

             "So we're supposed to meet up with my sisters family at the fair grounds." She starts. "Then we'll picnic, wait around till dark when the fireworks start, and leave after that." She studies my face. "Sound alright?"

I look down at my plate, chest tightening with anxiety.


        Those are loud, and I mean really loud. I don't think I can handle that.

        What am I talking about? I know I can't handle that.

         But I don't want to ruin it for the Browns, Lucy sounds so excited, a sparkle in her eyes.

I'll just have to ask if I can sit in the car or something.

Yeah, it'll be fine......

         I nod my head yes, going back to picking at my food like I'm some selfish brat who didn't get their way.

         Now don't get me wrong, I honestly love Lucy's cooking so far. It's just my stomach hurts sometimes.....well, most of the time nowadays. Which then makes me not feel like eating.

         After I finish pretending that I'm eating, I take my meds, asking to be excused.

         Lucy looks down at my plate, giving me an uncertain look.

          "Alright, if your done?" She hesitates.

           "Yes, thank you." I mumble out as I stand up.

             "Oh, and Alex! We're having a movie night in a hour, so if your up to it then come down and join us." She finishes with a smile, a hopeful spark in her eyes.

              I walk out of the kitchen, up the stairs to my room. Gathering my PJ's I head to the bathroom.

            Once I'm in the bathroom I strip off my clothes, turning the shower on all the way hot. Quickly jumping in, I soap up in a record breaking time of thirty seconds.

           I get out, wrapping a towel around me, trembles shaking my whole body as I just stand there.

          Don't think about it.

Don't think about it.

I continue to chant as I finally get dressed, the air seeming to almost grow thicker.

All the-while making sure to ignore the large mirror that hangs on the wall.

        Finally, when I'm completely dressed and I've mostly stopped trembling, I head out of the bathroom.

         Going in my room, I throw the dirty clothes into my hamper. laying down on the bed, I curl up, holding my still aching stomach.

          Should I bother going down?

          Do I really want to get close to these people?

         People that could easily be ripped away from me, like everyone else I knew and loved.

         Then it hits me.

That feeling I felt when Don helped me this morning.

         I want to be cared for again. To have a family I can depend on and share things with.

         I'm going to try.

         It might take awhile, and I'm about as messed up as they get.

But I'm going to try.

         With that last thought, I get up. Still holding an arm around my stomach, I head out and down the stairs.

Lucy's sitting on one of the sofas, a big bowl of popcorn in her lap. Don's putting a movie in, a smile on his face as he laughs at something Lucy must've said.

       They both look over at me as I come in.

And without a word, Lucy scoots over, patting the sofa beside her.

      I walk over with my hands in my pocket, head hung down.

I sit down, drawing my knees up to my chest to help ease the pain in my stomach.

I watch as Don comes over, sitting down on the other side of Lucy.

       Together we watch the Avengers movie. Lucy passing the popcorn around until it's empty.

      Hearing them laugh at the funny parts, I can't help but let a small, genuine smile tug on my lips.


*Authors note*

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that reads and votes on this story:)
I really appreciate it!!

So anyways, hope this chapter is alright.
I'm currently sick right now so yeah not fun:(

So thanks again and people!!
Don't forget to vote:-)

P.S. don't be shy!!

Edited: 5/17/17

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