I am The Heiress and I Hate It

By ActuallyitsAnonymous

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Aleandria Monroe is a pretty simple girl. Living on her own since her parents' death and working on an ice cr... More

I am The Heiress and I Hate It
Chapter 1: Expect the unexpected
Chapter 2: Living in a mansion with a kind flirt and an annoying arrogant player
Chapter 3: They are the school's 'It' boys. No wonder.....
Chapter 4 - A date in the carnival
Chapter 5 - Bringing back what we had before
Chapter 6 - Behind the curtains of cockiness lies sadness
Chapter 7 - Operation HDK: Help Darren Knight
Chapter 8 - I can balance a tray but not books!
Chapter 9 - I am the heiress
Chapter 10 - Stuck in the moment
Chapter 11 - I just discovered something!
Chapter 12 - Are you ignoring me?
Chapter 13 - Little kid in the mansion
Chapter 14 - Friends
Chapter 15 - I don't like you
Chapter 16 - He's an ass, but I like him anyway
Chapter 17 - "Happy holidays!" , more like, "Happy HELLidays"
Chapter 18 - Merry Christmas!
Chapter 19 - Darren, Me and the unexpected kidnapper
Chapter 20 - Is this goodbye?
One - shot contest!
Chapter 21 - Can't lose him
Chapter 22 - Promise
Chapter 23 - Boyfriend
Chapter 25 - Trust Issues
Chapter 26 - The Wrong Turn
Chapter 27 - The Wilderness
Chapter 28 - Perfect Two
An Author's Note
I need your Favor!
Bonus Content: Are you sure?
Bonus Content Part Two: Our Happily Ever After

Chapter 24 - British Twins

3.6K 81 1
By ActuallyitsAnonymous

Chapter 24 - British twins

It's pretty weird when everyone is staring at you as if you possess some kind of an epidemic disease. It is. And that is happening to me right now. Ever since the whole student body found out that Darren and I are dating, everyone's just in a big buzz about how'd we end up together. Girls are always talking in the hallway about what a big shame Darren went to. They think that I'm not worth of his time. Most people think that I don't deserve to be with him. I even overheard one girl saying that someone like Darren should be with a girl who has the same status as him. Someone popular. But Elisa ( Yes. Elisa as in Darren's ex) said that I should just ignore every whisper I hear on the corridors. She's actually really helpful lately. And she's incredibly nice. She's not how I thought she is. Yes she sleeps around but she's kind.

"Now class," Ms. Shaw, our homeroom teacher, said. "We have new students who'll be accompanying us for the next months. They are from England. I hope you'll be extremely helpful to them because they are new to this place. They are practically from another planet. They grew up in another culture."

Miss Shaw stared outside the door of the classroom. Sure there are two British siblings in the class. Both are brunettes. But the other is a boy and the other is a girl. Think they are twins. Yup. Definitely twins.

"Mind to introduce yourselves?" Miss Shaw asked the Brits.

The girl is so very beautiful. Gosh I think she's a walking goddess. Damn, Darren better not be staring at her right now. I turned to my boyfriend who's definitely eye raping the new girl. My mouth hung low as soon as I saw what he's doping. We're barely a month together and now he's checking another girl out? What about all those I love you 's? Did they suddenly disappear?

"I'm Ashley Porter. I'm from Bradford, England." Wow. She even has that British accent on.

I turned to the boy who I noticed is staring at me. His gray eyes capturing my green ones. He's so sexy. I bet he has a kickass sexy British accent to match his looks. What am I doing? For Pete's sake I have a boyfriend. A man who's currently staring at the twin of the boy I'm fantasizing over.

"Adam Porter. Guess my sister said where I'm from." He's charming. I can just imagine every girl in this room gaping at him right now. But he never removes his gaze from me.

Darren suddenly held my hand. Adam must have noticed since he frowned. I stared at Daren whose busy glaring at Adam. I never understand boys. One minute they are staring at another girl the next they are glaring at whoever stares at their girlfriend.

"Okay, you may take your sit anywhere you like." Miss Shaw said.

Ashley sat beside Darren. At his left. She smiled at him and the jerk smiled back. While Adam sat beside me.

"Hey, what's your name?" he asked.

Seeing my boyfriend talking to another girl, I took that as an advantage to also talk to another boy. I'm just playing fair. Plus, I don't want to let this pass. A cute boy asking for my name. Though, Darren never asked my name when we met.

"Lea," I said.

"It suits a beautiful lass like you." He said.

Wow. Never noticed that he's more handsome closer. "Thank you. And you're not that bad yourself." I asked.

He smirked. "I should be a bit hurt because back in England no girl ever said that sentence to me. But I guess you are different." He said.

Oh, look. Another conceited jerk. I though he is "different". But he turned out to be the same as my current boy. But I guess my guy is pulling off this player attitude way better than brit here.

He took a quick glance at Darren who is still busy talking to brit number two. "Your boyfriend?" he asked.

Yeah right. But your sister just came that's why he's not acting like one. "Yes." I said proudly.

"Lucky boy. He managed to get a girl like you." He said.

I guess Darren's pretty lucky to have me. Because I'm not like most girls who would suddenly kiss their boyfriends at times like this to show the girl they are flirting with that they are owned by someone else. Even though I wanted to do that so badly, I'm not most girls.

Soon enough, homeroom is over. Darren didn't even mind taking me to my next class like he used to this past few days. He's about to go out when I think he remembered me. I thought he's going to take me to my next class but,

"Lea, um do you mind if I don't bring you to your room for today? Ashley's kind of asking me to accompany her for a while. Since she's new and all. You know," He said.

So the new girl is more important than the girlfriend. Is that the new law now? Great. I think jealousy is getting the best out of me. Because I don't know what happened next.

"It's okay." I said with a smile. I took Adam's arm and pulled him towards me. Which shocked the hell out of him. "Since Adam is also asking me if I could give him a little tour around. I mean, you don't mind, do you?"

Shit. I think Darren's about to explode. He glared at Adam who is just looking so confused as ever. It's not my fault. He brought this upon himself.

"No. Not at all." He said through gritted teeth. He looks like he's about to murder Adam. But seriously, I like seeing Darren jealous. It makes me just want to hug him. But of course I did not.

"So, C'mon Adam?" I asked Adam.

"Y- Yeah. " He stuttered.

Gosh. I think this will be one long day.


"So, you used me to make your boyfriend jealous because you are jealous of my sister?" Adam asked.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry. I'm not the type who usually does this but I guess I'm just really stressed out lately because of all the rumors. And seeing your sister flirt with my boyfriend just kind of got the best out of my patience." I explained.

This is true. Seeing that I owe Adam an explanation about earlier, I am not reluctant to tell him the truth. Turns out, we both have the same morning class schedule that's why he is with me the whole time. But he only demanded an explanation now. We are currently walking towards the cafeteria while I apologize for my actions earlier.

"It's okay. I understand what you feel. I mean, I know how sneaky my sister can get." He said.

That caught my attention. "What do you mean?"

"She goes for boys who have girlfriends already. Flirt with them, then suddenly, boom! A relationship is over and she gets her guy." Adam said.

I came into a halt at the sudden realization. Oh no. I can't let this happen. It seems like every blood around my body suddenly stopped circulating. The thought of already breaking up with Darren while we're barely a month scares me. I can't lose him after everything I have sacrificed him for.

"Are you okay? You look pale." Adam said.

I turned to him and smiled. "Yeah. I'm okay." I won't be unless your sister stops stealing my man.

"Hey, I've been thinking..." he trailed.

"What?" I asked.

"Since you told your boyfriend that I want you to tour me around, why don't we make that true. Can you please tour me around New York?" he asked.

Accent, check. Put, check. This is not working. "Sure." Damn, British accents are just so hard to resist. Plus the pout.

"If you're available this weekend." He added,

I can see no point of declining. And since I don't really have anything to do. Darren and Glacier will be going to this bowling alley this Saturday with their friends. And I have no intention of just staying at home. "Yeah, sure."

Brit boy smiled. "Great. Can I get your number so I can ring you? I don't know your address." He said.

"Sure." I typed by number on his phone while he did the same to me. "Wait," I said. He raised his eyebrow indicating that I should continue whatever I'll say. "This is not a date okay? I don't want you to be thinking of that. And I have a boyfriend. Hope you understand. This is just a tour. I'm just taking you around." I reminded him.

He laughed. "Got it. And I can see that you are one possessive girlfriend."

I frowned at what he said. "I'm not possessive." I playfully hit his arm.

"Ouch, that hurts." He said while rubbing his arm.

Smirking, I said, "That's what you get for calling me a possessive girlfriend."

We both laughed at what just happened. This is crazy. I just met Adam but I could tell that we will be good friends. I have this feeling that we are going to be great friends. But for now, I have a boyfriend to take care of.

As soon as we went inside the cafeteria, we went to grab some food and went to sit with Lizzie and Tarah. Tarah's really interested with the guy. She's asking a lot of questions to Adam. And the guy just answers everything she's asking. We were all laughing at what Adam just said when a pair of hands covered my eyes.

I giggled. This is something that always happens to me during lunch. "Darren, I know that it's you." He laughed. He kissed my cheek and sat beside me taking one of my fries.

"I should really think of another way to surprise you. This is getting way too old." He said.

"Yeah. This trick of yours doesn't seem to apply anymore." I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes." I said.

I smiled at how goofy he's acting. This is one of the moments in which I just want to hug him. I leaned into him, "Did I make you jealous a while ago?"

He suddenly blushed. Darren doesn't really blush. But right now, I just want to laugh at how flushed he looks like. "Shut up." He said completely embarrassed.

I'm happy. I finally forgive him for flirting with Ashley. As long as I know that he likes me and that he lives with me. He doesn't live in the same roof with Ashley. And So I consider myself lucky for being with him. Adam may be right when he said that I'm a possessive girlfriend. But not that possessive. I'm just jealous. That's it. Next time, I wouldn't do what I did a while ago. Lesson learned. But for now, I know that I have to watch out for Ashley. I may never know that maybe she's already stealing Darren. I'll have to take Adam's words as a warning. But for now, I have to be grateful with what I have. And that's Darren. He's everything I have right now. The reason why I still breathe. I don't know what I'll do if ever I really lose him that day Andrew shot him. Darren's my everything. My source of life.

So right there, in front of everyone. I kissed Darren. It's just like the first time we kissed. No, it's just like how we kiss every time we do. Full of sparks and fireworks.

"Uh... PDA guys." Tarah said.

We all laughed. Darren leaned into me. "I love you." He said.

"And you know that I do too right?" I said.

Like crazy lunatics, we just smiled there staring at each other. I never imagined that I would be so in love in my entire life. And I'm glad that it's Darren of all people.


Hey peeps!

Long time no update. Sorry I was just busy with a lot of school works. We actually just finished taking our term tests. But I feel like updating since I'm trying to finish this book this year. And good news, the chapters will be extended to 35. And the last chapter before the epilogue is chapter 35. I hope you will vote for this story. Cause I really need your votes. Like really. And please don't be reluctant to leave comments. Since I want to hear what you think. Anyway, there are new Characters. Do you think they will spoil Darren and Lea's relationship? Tell me what you think by commenting below. Love ' ya!

Picture of Lea on the side >

x x x Thefallenangel142

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