My Sire Is A Myth

Galing kay Lady_Escapist

1.4M 64.8K 7.2K

My head snapped to the side as he slapped me forcefully on the cheek. I kept my head down not allowing him to... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Bonus chapter

Chapter 28

19.1K 893 57
Galing kay Lady_Escapist

Many twists and turns are yet to come.

As always enjoy and...spare a vote, comment?

Merry Christmas to you all and a happy New year!


Prince Elían's POV

The crimson liquid hit my tongue. I was sent into a reverie.

No words could explain the sensation it produced. It was hot, it was smooth like satin it flowed down my throat, satisfying the monster inside of me. The pureblood, a beast that was always in for a kill.

I sucked harder at the fragile finger that belonged to the girl.

Somewhere a hand was trying to pull me back put as a menacing growl rumbled through my chest it stopped.

When the cut became to little for my needs I aimed for the girls wrist.

She shrieked when my fangs pierced her skin and bore into her flesh; but that was how it was, when the pureblood took over there where no emotions, no regret, no guilt just an insatiable yearning that a predator has for its prey.

My fingers were clamped around her wrist my nails digging into her skin but not enough for it to break.

She was trying to resist and tear free but that only made her blood pump faster.

I knew nobody would stop me I would either stop myself or drain her dry.  Thinking of her dead produced a peculiar feeling in my insides. 

I opened my eyes and stared straight into her horrified blue ones. Again they captured me and my lips released her wrist. 

For a moment the world seemed to hold still. She was staring at me and I at her. I was expecting utter fear and horror. Yes, it was there but something else as well; something like amazement and wonder.

Without consent my tongue flickered out and its point lapped the blood on her wrist. Her mouth opened and a soft gasp escaped her lips. It sent my already hyperactive senses into frenzy.

All I wanted to do was bury my fangs deep into her neck and drink all of her blood.

But something stopped me. 

Was it the taste of her blood?


What then?

Her silent fear but amazement?


But there was something else, something I couldnt quite catch on.

Something fierce but beautiful; something that was strong enough to hold my pureblood willpower back.

I lifted my head to stare into her orbs once again.

They seemed wanting to tell me something but were yet to keep it a secret.

She looked back without thinking of what I had told her; to only look at me when I allowed it.

Did I allow it? 

Hell no.

My lips curled back into a loud sneer. She gasped but her gaze never faltered.

I stood tall and towered far over her petite stature. 

I willed my ability to take over her and commanded her body to look to the ground. Confused she lowered her eyes and was now looking onto the concrete floor.

I forced the beast inside of me to retreat and returned to my normal appearance. I stepped closer until I was lurking dangerously close over her.

"You forgot to never look at me without my consent.", I hissed.

"But,"she stammered and I cut her off.

"Never look at me," I roared.

She visibly shuddered and satisfaction coursed through my veins.

'Veins filled with her blood'

At the thought my eyes instantly flashed red. And I fought the urge to bite her.

"Never look at me.....Avery Jay", I whispered and she shivered. In the next instant I flashed away.

I liked the way her name felt coming from my lips.

Avery's POV

"Never look at me......Avery Jay", I shivered as his velvety whisper pronounced my name in the heavy accent of his.

I was paralyzed; frozen to the ground, unable to move. His words echoed through my mind and dread filled my insides. I wanted to gaze at him and it seemed to be a desire.

Images of his elongated canines piercing effortlessly through my skin and how he set his perfect lips against the crimson liquid would be embedded in my mind forever.

However he had left me standing and I was now alone with no one around.


It was the first thought my mind produced after I registered everybody's absence.

I twirled in a circle and gaped for a moment at the enormous building that stretched into the sky. And I was only seeing it from the side where the dungeon lay.

I started the concrete path down that seemed to go on a long way. I went faster and faster until I was in a full sprint as best as possible with my still bound hands and suddenly swerved off the path to the right direction that led to a thick mass of trees.

I was beginning to wonder if I would really make it into to the woods when suddenly a quiet voice stopped me,


Abruptly I stopped and swiveled around to see Flora standing behind me.

"How did you get out?", she spoke softly.

"I.....", she didn't let me finish.

"You can't leave," her voice remained soft

"What are you blabbering Flora," a second female voice sounded from behind me.

I turned around to see a beautiful girl emerge from the forest.

She had fair to very light skin with short white hair I stood and stared.

"Who's this?", she asked with a slight frown.

"Oh wait she's the bitten human right?" she said. I sighed and waited for her to mock me and throw me back into the dungeon.

She stepped closer and examined me openly.

"My name is Luna Christakos," she smiled and extended her hand.


Hesitantly I extended both of my hands since they were cuffed,

"I am....", my words were cut of by a fierce burn down my throat.

"She can't say her name," Flora announced slowly.

"Oh", Luna's smile left her face, "why?"

"Because of blood compulsion."

"So nobody knows her name?", Luna seemed confused.

"Yes, Sir Castor knew it, its Avery Jay." Flora said.

I shyly smiled back and Luna returned it.

"Tell me Avery, what are you doing here?", I wasn't sure yet if I liked her or not.

"I...the King brought me out and then came the Prince and...he uhm...", I stammered endlessly.

"He what?", she pursued.

"He drank my blood", I said quickly.

"Oh did he that little snicker," she sneered humorous,"and then?"

"He abruptly left."

'Little snicker? Is she his girlfriend?'

"That good for nothing brother, he scared you didn't he?", she asked stepping closer.

'Brother? Oh my she's the princess? This is all crazy' 

"Yes", I answered truthfully.

"He's a prick I know everybody is afraid of him but deep down he has a heart and I love him," she rambled on.

'Christakos, their surname'

 Elían Zxander Christakos: I couldn't help but notice how beautiful it sounded. It sounded so far from the normal world.

"Girls, leave now I will take her back", I turned around at King Lathan's deep voice.

"Back to where?", Luna asked.

"Her cell of course", I noticed how his face softened when he spoke to her.

"The dungeon", she exclaimed, "no way, you can't do that."

"Yes darling, she's not a free person", his voice seemed still soft. I couldnt believe that the king spoke with a genuinely soft voice.

"No father, just because some prick bit her doesn't mean she is a bad person.", she reasoned.

I was speechless so far. Never would I have expected her to stand up for me.

"Luna we can't let her go."

"I know that, just keep her somewhere else than that horrible hole.", she smiled a million dollar smile.

'Yes please'

"Where should I keep her?", he asked her.

'Wow, she's a daddy's girl'

"Somewhere nicer". her smile got bigger.

"But she's not to escape I can't leave her wandering around."

"Flora can do her ju-ju so she won't leave", Luna winked towards Flora.

"Luna I can't do..."

"Yes you can, now Flora do it." she cut her father off.

Flora seemed uncomfortable and looked towards the king.

King Lathan sighed defeated and nodded towards Flora and she nodded back.

"Now do it Flora", Luna said excited.

"All done", Flora answered quietly.

"Show me first", King Lathan spoke.

"Alright Avery come with me", Luna said.

I took one step but when I took the other my head banged against an invisible barrier, whereas Luna had passed without trouble.

My hand came forward and pressed against a wall that was not in my eye sight.

I turned around and saw King Lathan's satisfying smirk.

'I'm trapped'

"Great", Luna swooned, "now let's find you a suitable room."

"No", the King's voice boomed, "I'll do it myself."

Luna's brows furrowed but she didn't speak up. His voice had obviously been final.

She leant towards Flora and whispered something in her ear. Flora then lifted her hand towards me and chanted some foreign words.

Suddenly the cuffs in my hands exploded and fell in pieces towards the ground.

The king swiveled around and glared toward Flora.

"Put them back on", he growled.

"No, she's hurt can't you see?" Luna protested loudly.

"Yeah well guess what it's me who hurt her", his voice was gruff.

"Father, stop being so rude," Luna whined.

King Lathan answered with a snicker, grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him. At first I stumbled a little to keep up with his long strides but having no cuffs on felt so relieving and free.

We reentered the door he had led me out from. After many twists and turns we entered a hallway that was dimly lit and had 5 doors on each side; The king led me to the last on the left side.

As he opened the door and lit another dim light I let my eyes wander around the room. It was very simple with a single twin bed, a nightstand and a small dresser. The walls were covered in ancient flower pattern wallpaper and the floor consisted of dark wooden blanks.

My heart jumped joyously; this was far better than the cold stone in the hell of a dungeon.

"There," the king muttered," you can stay in here and I suggest you stay in here if you dont want to run into blood thirsty vampires."

"A..alright", I stammered.

In the next instant the door slammed shut and I was left alone.

"Thank you", I murmured.

Solemnly  I walked towards the bed and sat on it. It wasn't half as soft as my own bed but nonetheless much better than where I had been till now.

I rubbed my sensitive wrists and flopped my back down the comforter. Soon I shivered from the cold and crawled under it. It was cold at first touch but soon it started warming by freezing body.

Soon sleep over came and my lids started falling over my eyes. As my mind slipped into oblivion images appeared. Images I couldnt quite place.

>I was standing in the middle of a mass of people everybody was shouting and yelling but I couldnt catch the words. Their scowls and frowns confirmed that a turmoil was going on. I turned around searching for a familiar face but I only found red eyes full of evil.

A big man came striding towards me and I backed away fearfully but as he was about to bump into me he went straight through my body. I gasped in surprise. I was like a ghost among these people.

Suddenly a familiar name reached my ears. 'King Lathan.' A booming voice was speaking now. And all the people around me seemed to listen to him. Only certain words came towards me.


Twisted son

Three brothers

Powerful heir

Must die

After he spoke the words, the crowd roared in a deafening way.

My dream carried me further towards where the voice was coming from. And when my being got closer I saw a tall man standing above all and he was the one speaking.

Curious to see his face I my being turned to walk around the deck he was standing on.

I was halfway around when a voice stopped me,

"Stop Gatáki"

My body froze and I looked at the man from half his side and back. White long hair flowed down his back and black claws adorned his fingers.

"Don't look at him" the quiet voice of his made me look to the ground.

I decided I would try my luck once again. "Who is he?" I asked inside my mind.

It was quiet and after a moment I gave up waiting for an answer

"He's the devil"

I froze at the sound of his voice.

"You answered  me", I said back excited.

"You need to stay away from him.", he said with a warning tone.

"But I'm dreaming," I protested.

"I know and I hate it", he sounded worried.

"Why", my mind whispered back.

"It puts you in danger". his voice was merely above a whisper.

"Who are these people", I hastily asked, not wanting to lose the precious moment of him speaking back at me.

"The devils kindred."

"Is he really the devil?", I asked.

"He is, not the devil God sent out of heaven but a devil nonetheless."

"What does he want?"

"Its best if you dont know."

"Who are you?" I abruptly asked him.

I waited and waited but the answer never came. 

Suddenly the stranger's voice made its way towards me once again.

But his words stayed unknown. Slowly the man started turning in a circle. As I was almost staring into his features 'his' words came to my mind and I snatched my head away from the stranger looking towards the ground.

I backed further away from him, turned and fled.<

"Avery," somebody was calling me.

My eyes fluttered open and I glanced around the room until they landed on Luna leaning over my bed.

"Good you're awake, we need too.....oh my, what the hell happened to you.", her eyes where big and round.

I cleared my throat and awkwardly croaked, "What do you mean."

"Your feelings are in a mess did you dream something?"

I remember talking to whoever he was and the crowd and the foreign man.

"Don't say a word."

I had already opened my mouth to answer her but now clamped it shut at his order my body obeyed instantly. 

"No I didn't", I lied to her.

She seemed to not believe me but let it go anyhow.

"Something is off", Luna said quietly.

She turned in a circle with her eyes closed.

Suddenly her eyes snapped open.

"Flora", she screeched in a high pitched yell.

For a moment silence engulfed us but then the sound of running footsteps came from the hallway; the door burst open and Flora stormed inside.

"What is it?"

Luna lunged towards her and grabbed both her wrist and Flora froze on the spot.

I watched in bewilderment from my bed as what was happening. After a moment Luna released Flora's hands and both were staring into each other's eyes.

"We have to alert my Father."

Both bolted out of the room and I was left clueless.


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