JERRIE One Shots

By prankadoodle

61.8K 1K 189

Random One Shots about Jerrie More

They Don't Know About Us
Love Me or Leave Me
My Masked Date
Teddy Bear
Risk It All
The Beautiful Brunette
Take Care Of Her
Stay With Me
Author's Note
First and Last
I'm Sorry
You Belong With Me
Nobody Like You
Favorite Place To Be
The Outfit
Valentine's Day
Teach Me

More Than Friends?

3.1K 58 9
By prankadoodle

"Can you please pass the eggs Pez?" Jade asked Perrie and the blonde happily handed her a couple of eggs.

It was Saturday and both Geordies decided to make some cookies for their sleepover later along with their other friends, Leigh and Jesy.

The younger Geordie decided to come early and help Jade set her place for tonight's sleepover. Well, the brunette didn't need that much help though but Perrie insisted so she didn't argue. In fact, she enjoyed the blonde's company more than her other two friends. Not to sound rude but there's something about Perrie that drove her mind crazy.

"And do you mind passing the bowl of sugar too?"

"Here ya go," Perrie said and handed her the bowl. When Jade reached for it, she could've sworn that she felt spark when their fingers brushed lightly. And that made her think about the day where she first felt this way towards her bestfriend.


"Hey look over there!" Said one of the jocks and pointed over two girls who's fingers were intertwined, whispering at each other. "That's so gross." He said when he saw the taller girl kiss the smaller girl's cheek. Jade assumed that the two girls were dating since the kissing went on and on.

She heard a lot of groans of disgust as a lot of people watch the two girls. They seemed to be in their own world for they hadn't noticed that almost everyone inside the cafeteria are looking at them.

Jade didn't mind though, she just watch in awe at how cute both girls look together.

But of course, somebody have to ruin it rub it in their face. The head of the cheerleading team, Ally, walked over them along with the other cheerleaders and pushed the smaller girl.

"Hey, watch it!" The taller girl spat at Ally but she just shrugged and tried to push her again.

"You two should go to hell! You don't belong here. What you guys do is a sin and you will go to hell." She spat back and Jade saw that the girl who Ally pushed was in the verge of crying.

The taller girl wrapped her arms around the smaller girl's waist and pulled her closer. "You don't know what you're saying. Love is love and being inlove with the same gender isn't a sin." She said and rubbed ger girlfriend's back.

"Oh yeah? Well, to you guys, it isn't. But to us? It is! We don't like to be in a room with you fags so do us all a favor and leave." Ally said sharply.

Right now, everyone was almost forming a circle around them. Gossips can be heard around and everyone watched the fight between Ally and the two girls.

"You say another word like that and I'll show you what hell looks like. And no, we're not leaving because we have every right to be here and if you happen to have a problem with that then I think you guys are the one that should leave."

Jade was impressed to how quite brave this girl is. She seemed to be the girl that can fight for her love, that will fight for what she wants and that is to be with her girlfriend without anyone judging.

"What did you just say?" Ally asked in disbelief. 'Maybe she didn't expect that the girl would answer back' Jade thought.

The taller girl walked closer Ally and said, "I think you heard me right."

Then before Jade knew it, Ally lunged forward and gave the taller girl a slap which earned a couple of gasps from the crowd. This continued to go on as the girl started to throw punches at the cheerleader and Ally doing the same. Even the other cheerleaders helped in throwing punches at the girls. Suddenly, some of the jocks helped the cheerleaders and took the taller girl out of the cafeteria.

Everyone's eyes were glued on the fight but Jade's eyes were focused on the girl's girlfriend. She just stood there, watching every cheerleader beat the shit out of her girlfriend. She couldn't do anything and that made Jade have pity towards the couple.

She wanted to comfort the girl but she didn't want to leave her bestfriend all alone.

Before she could even reach the girl's place, she glanced at Perrie and told her to just go to her next class and meet her there. But as Jade looked at her bestfriend's blue eyes, it seemed like everything around her stopped.

She always had a soft spot for her bestfriend but she would always shrug the thought off. But now, as she continued to stare at Perrie's ocean blue eyes, she also started to notice how her hair falls perfectly below her shoulders and how her lips were pursed everytime she can't find the words to say. Its the little things that Perrie does that drives Jade mind crazy. Jade knew that Perrie was beautiful but as of now, she seemed to be the most beautiful girl in this planet.

The brunette signaled Perrie to get to class before she walked over the girl. She gave her a sympathetic smile and opened her arms. Jade gave her a hug as the girl continued to cry onto her shoulder. The Geordie couldn't think of any way to help the girl aside from hugging her, whispering all the comforting words she could say.

When they crying stopped, they pulled away and the girl gave her a small smile.

"Thanks," the girl said and wiped the dry tears in her eyes. "I owe you, a lot."

"It was nothing." Jade smiled.

"No really, I owe you. If you need something just tell me, I insist." The girl said and Jade can't help but chuckle. She guessed the girl wouldn't take a no for an answer.

"Okay then, I have a question for you."

The girl arched an eyebrow at her. "What is it?"

"How did you know you were gay?"

The girl seemed to be caught offguard by Jade's question. She gave the brunette a confused look as she analyzed the question. Her eyes widened when she realized why Jade had asked her that question.

"You're gay?" The small girl asked in disbelief. Jade covered her mouth, not wanting to let everyone know about her newly found sexuality yet. "Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of." The girl said with a sweet smile. "And to answer your question, I just realized I was gay when Lauren, my girlfriend, kissed me accidentally. Well, I thought she didn't mean to do it but she did and right there and then she confessed how she felt towards me and I gladly told her that I felt the same."

Jade nodded as she analyzed the question. "Thank for telling me then. Now let's get inside and see how Lauren was."

The small girl nodded and reached her hand out to Jade. "I'm Camila by the way." She intoduced herself and the brunette took it and shook her hand. "I'm Jade."

And after that, the two girls went inside the school to check up on Camila's girlfriend.


"Hello? Earth to Jade?" A hand waving infront of her face made Jade come back to reality. She blinked a few times before she realized that she zoned out a little. "Oh...uhh, sorry Pez. I was kinda thinking about something."

"I could tell. Mind sharing?" Perrie asked and Jade's eyes widened. No, she couldn't tell her. She's not yet ready to face the consecquences. She values their friendship more that what she's feeling towards Perrie so she couldn't just tell Perrie about it.

Jade shook her head slowly and the blonde pouted. How could Jade say no now? "C'mon Jadey, please tell me."

"I was thinking about..." The older Geordie closed her eyes, thinking of any lame excuse that Perrie would buy. "About running away from here!" She said and run upstairs and went inside her room, making sure to lock it so Perrie wouldn't be able to follow her inside.

"Hey Jadey, open the door!" The blonde pounded on the door and tried to wiggle the doorknob open but its no use. Jade locked it. "Please, just tell me what you're really thinking of earlier."

"Its nothing. Forget it Pez!"

"Oh c'mon Jadey, I'm pretty sure its something serious. Now please open up and let me in." The blonde insisted.

"I don't want to." Jade said stubbornly.

"Jade Amelia Badwi Thirlwall you better open this goddamn door right now!" Perrie answered back, her voice got a little higher and she was sure that the blonde was pretty serious now. She never calls Jade with her full name but when she does, she had to listen and obey Perrie.

"I will only open this door if you promise not to ask about what I was thinking earlier." Jade said, thinking that it would be the only solution for them to forget that topic. "Oh please Jade, that's not gonna work on me. Why would I make a stupid promise like that? I'm your bestfriend! You're suppose to tell me everything." Perrie argued.

"But I can't tell you! You would get mad at me if I tell you and I can't stand it if you're mad at me." Jade said and right now she was at verge of crying. No, she can't cry. If she cries then Perrie would get even more suspicious.

"I won't get mad, I promise. But I would get mad at you if you won't open this door Jade." Perrie said firmly and knocked on the door again.

"But you'll be even more pissed at me if I tell you. Hell, maybe you won't look at my direction anymore if you see me. You'll hate me."

"Don't be silly Jade. That can never happen. There's nothing in this world that could possibly make me hate you that way." Perrie said in a calm voice. "Just open the door and let's talk this out okay? Open the door and let me see your beautiful face. Please?"

Jade sighed and slowly opened the door. Her eyes met Perrie's and she saw how worried the blonde was for her. "So what were you thinking of back in the kitchen?" Perrie asked and Jade gulped then but her lip. What should she say now?

Her mind suddenly dozed off as she thought about Camila. What would she do if she was in Jade's place? Would she tell her everythng or just leave and forget everything that happened? If the little Cuban girl was here, maybe she could help her.

After the incident a few months back, Jade and Camila became closer. The smaller girl introduced Jade to Lauren and Jade introduced them to Perrie. They all became friends after that, along with Leigh and Jesy as well.

The school also changed when they started to hang out with each other. A few people would still throw mean comments about Lauren ans Camila's relationship and even towards Jade and Perrie, telling them that they shouldn't be friends with gays like them. They just shrugged it off and continued with their life. I mean, why would they pay attention to some people hating on them?

Again, her throughts were disrupt when smoke started to appear on the hallway. Both of their eyes widened as they raced towards the kitchen.

Some cookies were burnt and some were cooked perfectly fine. The blonde opened the window to let the smoke out as Jade placed teh cookies on the tray to let it cool for a while.

"That's just..." She started then she heard Perrie let out small giggles. "That's just ridiculous." And they both laughed.

After a good three minutes of laughing, they regained their breath back and their faces became serious.

"Don't think I forgot about what happened earlier Jadey." Perrie said as she walked infront of Jade. "So you gonna tell me about it or not?"

The brunette took a deep breath. 'Its now or never.' She thought and faced Perrie. "You know what? Fuck the consecquences!" She said and immediately pulled Perrie closer and crashed her lips on hers.

Jade couldn't believe it! She was kissing Perrie. She was finally kissing her bestfriend! Her lips tastes like strawberrie and her breath smells like vanilla. The kiss was just perfect.

When they pulled apart, Jade immediately hid her face onto her palms. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry Pez. Please, please, let's just forget that this happened. I didn't mea----"

She didn't even get the chance to finish her sentence since she started sobbing. 'I fucked up' she thought as she buried her face in her palms. But suddenly, a pair of arms cupped her cheeks and that made her look at Perrie again. The blonde wiped her tears away and gave Jade a small smile. "Hey, you don't have to be sorry." she said and wiped the remaining tears streaming down Jade's face. She inched closer and Jade's eyes widen. 'Is she going to kiss me? Is this a dream?' she asked herself. "This is reality babe." Jade's eyes furrowed. 'Did I say that out loud? Does she have telekinetic powers?' The blonde chuckled and shook her head. "I don't have supernatural powers Jadey. I just know so well."

"Well I thought that I know you well. I didn't know that you felt the same way that I feel about you."

" feel the same way? You like me too? Since uh, when?" Jade asked, obviously surprised.

"Since the day that Lauren and Ally got into a fight." Perrie said and that made Jade blush. It was the same day that she realized that liked the blonde too. "Awee, you look so cute when you blush."

"Stop 'awing' abd kiss me some more." Jade said and Perrie didn't have to be asked twice. The blonde leaned in and the older Geordie pulled her closer and their lips collided once again. Perrie's hands were tangled with Jade's golden brown locks and she pulled her hair a little, earning a moan from the brunette. Perrie could listen to Jade's moan every now and then so she started to pull her hair again.

"P...Pez..." Jade moaned her name before biting the blonde's lower lip, making Perrie moan as well and open her mouth. Jade took this oppurtunity to slide her tongue inside and explore Perrie's mouth.

When they break apart, they had smiles on their faces. Their foreheads were still pressed agains each other as they tried to regain their breath back.

"That was hot as fuck." Somebody said and both Geordies look at the direction where that voice came from and they found their two friends standing on the doorway, eyes were glued on them.

"So, does this mean you guys are a thing now?" Leigh asked and Jade hid her face on the crook of the blonde's neck, to shy to answer.

"Let's just say that we're ready to make our relationship more that just friends." Perrie said as she kissed Jade's nose.

Their friends were happy for them. After two months of hiding each other's feelings, both girls were glad that one of them finally had the guts to make a move.


Thank you Just_Me_And_Myself for letting me use your one shot. Why don't you guys check her one shots and some of her other stories and even give her a follow!

Hope you guys liked it. And stay tune because I'll update another one shot within this week. Love ya!


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