Just A Fling//Jovani Jara

By Espinosa-love

8.5K 324 157

No boyfriends. Just flings. Or so she thought. More



222 10 9
By Espinosa-love

I hopped onto the roof below and slowly but surely continued from the house. The wind is cold for Florida and I get a nervous feeling about what I am doing. The street is chilly and quiet as I walk down the sidewalk. No cars pass for some reason, but I remembered it is only 7. No one is out yet.

I reached the end of my street and hopped into the car awaiting me at the end of it. Julian gave me a kiss on the cheek and grinned widely before starting to drive. His hair was a cute mess coming out of his grey beanie, and the sweatshirt fit him nicely. His vans a dark blue and I couldn't help but look at how his outfit complimented his tan skin so nicely.

"Are you okay babe?" He finally spoke up after a bit of glancing awkwardly back and forth with him.

"Yeah im okay, I just, Im kinda upset." I said softly, trying not to bring up my sad thoughts. 

"Im here for you. Is there anything I can do?" He said, one hand on the wheel, the other on the top of my thigh.

"No, it's just weird not being with Liv everyday. I don't know why she would be this way. Yeah, she always been kinda reckless or whatever,  but I never thought she would not be friends with me, and treat someone as sweet as Jovani like this. I just don't even understand." I broke out into a cry, which stopped my most likely annoying, rambling.

"Babe. It is all gonna be okay. I am always here. Jov is okay. And I know she will come around." His grip on my leg tightened as if to signal I was safe and he gave med a sympathetic smile before returning to the road. 

"Julian, Jovani is hurt and we both know that. Liv was not fair to him and I would be upset and pissed if I were him. She was being such a shitty friend, and a bitch to everyone in general. Ugh.. fuck. Im pissed." My tears turned into anger as I ranted to him. I looked over to see him with a smile showing his little dimple in his cheek. You don't see it that often, "What?" 

"You're kinda hot when you cuss. You don't do it that often, and I kinda love it." His smile remained the same, "of course, I totally agree with you that she was being a pissy bitch to him. But Im just saying its hard to focus when you drive me wild like that." 

"Oh my god Juls." I tried not to laugh as I swatted at his arm.

"What? I can't help my babycakes is perfect!" He emphasized the babycakes in that weird voice he always does.

*Jovani's POV*

I went over to Weston Koury's today to try and get my mind off of things. I walked since he lives right down the road in our neighborhood. I arrived at Weston's to see that Mario Salmon or something like that, Kaylyn Koury and Weston's best friend, Ian were here. 

"Yo what up the goon that looks like a duck!" Weston said his kind of welcome into his house and I laughed, nodding it off. I never really know what to say to him but he is funny as hell.

"Aye Wes." I said as I walked in. I saw Kaylyn and Ian cuddling on the couch, and that Mario guy in the kitchen taking snapchats of food from what I saw.

None of them really acknowledged me as I sat on the chair in the large living room.

"So how is it going Joovani." Weston pronounced my name weirdly as he sat on the floor by the coffee table.

"It's going." I rubbed the back of my neck not knowing what to say to him. This whole situation is weird. Weston invited me but I honestly can't tell why. No one is talking and they are just all separated and awkward.

Weston smiled and began talking about his stuffed animal he is obsessed with. I responded every once in a while not knowing how to respond. Ian and Kaylyn jumped in every once in a while but Weston just looked annoyed.

"So not to be rude.. but why did you invite me here?" I spoke up as we watched random youtube videos of cats on his flat screen.

"Well Marihoe and I wanted to tell you something." He grinned at Mario who then came over from the kitchen finally.

"Mario Selman in the flesh." Mario grinned and blew a kiss for some reason.

"Shut up Salmon boy." Weston said back to him. Mario rolled his eyes before sitting by Weston on the floor and leaning against him.

"Well, since Kaylyn and Ian are finally together and have admitted their feelings, I think it is time." Mario said.

"Okay.." Kaylyn , Ian, and I all said in unison.

"Mario and I have feelings for each other." Weston spurted out and all our jaws dropped.

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