The Dark Times Will Pass - B...

By NightElflady

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** 1ST PLACE WINNER in THE ANGEL AWARDS 2017, FANFICTION CATEGORY** Illidan picked Sarah up, cradling her to... More



662 41 38
By NightElflady

Ok, so this is an unnecessary indulgence, I admit, but a funny thought struck me and I thought I would incorporate it into a little romantic epilogue.  For those of you unfamiliar by the way, Greatfather Winter and Winter Veil represents our Christmas.  This however, is the final, final installment in Book 2.

Music: - Open Arms by Journey

Sarah had been studying Khadgar closely as he'd moved around his property in Dalaran. He was cataloguing all that would need done to repair it. She still found it utterly astounding how, after all they had been through, after all they had put each other through, they were still together. Her love for this man was all-consuming, far beyond any infatuation or crush which had preceded this moment.

His reaction to the news of her expecting his child was one she would never forget. Having approached the confession carefully by saying that if he was unhappy with what she was about to tell him, she would disappear through the portal and let him be, no hard feelings, no regrets, no recriminations. Granted, she had initially thought the look of shock on his face meant he was indeed unhappy, and she made to depart back to her home in the Scottish Borders. But it had not been as she had thought. The Archmage was ecstatic, and he had begged her to reconsider leaving. He put forward all the cons of her going home, but mainly he pleaded with her to allow him to be part of hers and his child's life, always.

That had made her even hungrier for him than she had ever been. She smirked to herself, wondering if he had any idea what he had let himself in for. That was of course, providing she could overcome the new personal problem she had acquired. It was something she needed to address and the longer she put it off, the worse it would get. Khadgar's voice brought her out of her reverie.

"I guess we will need to find another place to live," he said as he glanced over to where she stood. He seemed to stop in his tracks just for a moment. He'd noted the familiar look in her eyes. The corners of his mouth toyed with a grin as he returned to picking up one or two soft furnishings that had went astray from their normal positions.

She looked around, assessing the situation. "Oh, I don't know," she smiled. "We could fix it up, there's not much needing done. It's not nearly as bad as some of the other properties in the city."

He walked over and pulled her close, wrapping her in his embrace. Smiling, he said, "Even so, we will need somewhere else for when the baby arrives. I thought perhaps you would prefer being in Stormwind?"

She smiled, tracing a finger down his cheek and round his jaw. "What about your work? You are based here."

He flexed his eyebrows. "It's the perk of being a mage, I can be based anywhere, it matters not. What does matter, is that my family will be comfortable, and safe."

Sarah beamed. "Your family, eh? That has a nice ring to it."

"Yes." His eyes drank in her features; the smooth brow, with its tiny nicks from the shattered crystal of Illidan's felblood crystal, her soft hazel eyes, growing more vibrant by the second, the gentle curve of her jaw and the full, inviting lips. His tongue ran along the crease of his mouth before he concluded. "It has, hasn't it?" Unable to resist, he kissed her gently.

She lay her head against his chest. This problem of hers plagued her mind. It had been bothering her since their return from the Broken Isles. Now seemed as good a time as any to tackle it. "I'm not the same anymore, Khadgar." She had attempted to sound confident, but the words came out in a whimper.

He inched back so he could look at her. "I know." He smiled proudly and tenderly placed his palm on her belly.

She shook her head. He was surprised to see tears welling in her eyes. "What do you mean, then?"

She bit her lip. It was more awkward that she thought it would be. "I'm marked. My body is ... not how it used to be." She indicated the runic tattoos along her collar bone.

He understood. "Oh that! Sarah, put aside any doubts or fears you have. To me you are still the woman I fell in love with and those markings, if anything, make you even more beautiful."

She nestled into his chest again. Although she believed he loved her beyond doubt, she did not share his viewpoint on the markings. She had never had any hang-ups about her body before, but now she felt hideous. While the tattoos looked great on the elves, she thought she just looked like a freak. Grateful to be alive, of course, but to have the markings of the demon hunter was difficult to accept. She was aware that Khadgar had seen them when she had been unconscious, but he was probably so relieved she was alive that he didn't really give them much thought. Last night she had covered herself with a nightgown so he wouldn't see them. Now, unveiling them to him was daunting. Would he be able to look at her the same way? Somehow, he could read her concerns.

"What's the worst that could happen?" he asked quietly.

Still clinging to him, she mumbled, "You may not want to touch me once you see what they are truly like."

"No! I have already seen them, Sarah and like I said, if anything, they add to your beauty, they do not detract from it."

She made a little hmmph noise against his chest. She recalled how Drew described her in the house in Suramar when her body had first shown the effects of her newfound "gift" - You lit up like a ..... An alarming thought then crossed her mind. A note of genuine panic was in her voice. "Oh my god! I could light up like Greatfather Winter's tree when we make love! Khadgar. The whole of Dalaran would know what we were doing!"

Khadgar's laughter started low in his chest. She stepped back, surprised by his reaction. The laughter escalated as he caught the look of genuine concern in her eyes. "Well, Sarah," he said, trying hard not to guffaw. "It's just as well you weren't bitten by a worgen instead. Imagine ..." a laugh did escape him. Her brow furrowed. "How you would feel if suddenly you sprouted hair and teeth during such intimacy?" He could barely finish his sentence for laughing.

She realised she was witnessing the side of him that Ocel used to talk of so fondly, his humorous take on things. Gradually, it eased her concerns. The corners of her mouth twitched, then she gave way to laughter as well as she visualised the picture he had just painted.

He pulled her close again. They held each other until their mirth subsided. "Oh, my sweet Sarah!" He said. "You have no idea, the torture I went through since that day in Goldshire. I thought I was doing what was right at the time. But, you were not wrong to think ill of me for ... well, for being with you the way I was that day. I am ashamed of my actions. It was selfish, cruel..."

She pulled back and put a forefinger over his lips to silence him. She needed him to stop reprimanding himself for that day and so tried to look at it laterally. "Just perhaps, that was the day we conceived, have you considered that?"

He thought about it and his cogitation then made him smile. "Am I to understand I am forgiven?" He asked, his eyes darkening with desire.

Her breathing deepened. "Well, that's maybe asking a bit much," she quipped.

His face became serious for a beat until he saw the teasing smile on her lips. "I've never regretted being with you," she said. "Not even then. I was upset you sent me away yes, but I shared that torture too you know, albeit for three weeks as opposed to your two years almost. I wanted desperately to hate you. But when I saw you in the Golden Keg that first night..." Her fingers traced his mouth. She moaned quietly and their eyes locked. She breathed her last words."I knew I never would..."

Her eyes dropped as his fingers started to undo her top. My! she thought with a smirk, and this is without arguing with him? She looked up, his eyes were ablaze. Deftly, she returned the favour, unfastening his tunic as she continued with her confession of love. "I once explained my feelings about you to Drew, and it has never been truer than it is now. You are my every waking and sleeping thought, the air I breathe, my pain and my joy ..."

His mouth crashed over hers as he scooped her up and took her through to the bedchamber. Gently he lay her down on the bed. She wriggled out of the rest of her clothes as he shed his.

A sound of immense approval omitted from his lips as he looked at her, drinking in every detail. "Time to find out if we're going to need Winter Veil decorations then," he said smiling. She laughed.

Their limbs entwined and passion soared.

And so I have reached the end. Yes, I know it was a soppy ending, but hey, I needed a bit soppiness. Hope you enjoyed the girlie venture through Azeroth. Thank you all for coming on my little journey.  


PS: The sidequel to this story is Rogue Firefury where you find out about Tiene's life before and after she became a demon hunter. It is a rather tragic story which also bleeds into the next one in the Sarah & Khadgar Chronicles - Azeroth Unfolding (Book 3).   The outcome in Unfolding is irrevocably impacted by certain events in Rogue.   

I hope you may find time to read these as well. Thank you again.

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