
By MarvelousMaReesha

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Amari was abandoned as a baby at a hospital and has spent her entire life in foster care. Ever since moving t... More

Chapter 2 First day at a new school
Chapter 3: Punishment
Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 5: Take me away from here
Chapter 6: I think it's gonna be a great day
Chapter 7: Moon Flower
Chapter 8: Migraine
Chapter 9: A breath of happiness
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1 Welcome to My Life

430 18 1
By MarvelousMaReesha

This is my first time ever posting a story for others to read so I hope you guys enjoy.

Also this story and its ideas are all copy righted so NO STEALING! Please and thank you!

Comment, vote, like, share WHATEVER just do something :D

Thanks for reading.

(Incase you are wondering, yes there use to be a different chapter one but I despised it so much so I re-did it. Hope you guys enjoy the re-write.)

Word count: 1,645


Why does this always seem to happen to me? Maybe I deserve it? That must be it. This was my fault.

I gently rubbed my sore stomach as I sat beneath a tall tree in the forest near my new home. The branches that fanned out from the tree managed to shield me from most of the rain that was pouring down.

None of this was new to me. New terrain, new town, and a new house with a new family; I have no desire to get to know them. I have done it all before.

At first glance my foster mom Lucille seemed nice. But, underneath her curly bleached blonde hair and gallons of purple eyeshadow surrounding her green eyes, Lucille was a bitch.

Earlier when my foster dad Ray had punched me in the stomach for asking if I could get a notebook for school, Lucille had stood in the corner of the kitchen with a much too happy smile on her face as she watched him yell at me. His evil green eyes peeking through his much too long graying black hair as he punched me again in the gut yelling some nonsense about me expecting them to pay for everything.

When Ray was satisfied he had shoved me down on the ground yelling at me to get to my room. I had hurried as fast as I could back out of the kitchen and into the basement where my "room" was.

When I was sure Ray wasn't going to come downstairs I had hurried and snuck out my small bedroom window barely big enough for my petite body to fit through. And ran through the back yard to the forest that surrounded the small town. I kept running refusing to look back, refusing to let my tears fall.

Now, here I sat somewhere in the forest holding my knees to my chest, allowing the tears to pour freely from my crystal blue eyes.

Thunder surrounded me and I shivered a little more as a small cold breeze began to pick up. I instantly regretted not grabbing a jacket before I left. Instead, here I sat in my hand me down jeans with holes in both knees and a hand me down blue t-shirt with a couple grease stains. Sadly they were the best clothes I had. Even my tennis shoes had holes in the souls, at least no one could see those.

I laid my head on my knees allowing my long white hair to fall around my face, drenched. The cold and rain didn't bother me. Instead, it numbed my pain and calmed me down.

As I was about to fall into a cold slumber a sharp noise startled me, causing my head to shoot up. I tilted my head slightly to the right as I listened. All I could hear was the rain and thunder. Suddenly I became aware of how late it was. The sun must have almost been down because it was growing painfully dark.

There it was again! I snapped my head to the right and tried to peer through the dark pouring rain, searching the forest for the source of the noise. But, found nothing. I brushed it off telling myself it was either a deer or my imagination and decided this was as good of time as any to start heading back to the house. Before anyone realized I was gone. I slowly began my journey back to the house being careful to retrace my steps perfectly.

I could hear a wolf howling off in the distance. Thankfully it sounded pretty far away.

I allowed my thoughts to wander until I heard another howl this time much closer. I needed to hurry and get out of here as fast as possible. I began to jog back to the house afraid if I went to fast I might miss one of the turns I had taken and get lost. Would being lost really be such a horrible thing? I quickly shook that thought from my head and focused my attention on where I was going.

Suddenly I could hear growling and snarling very close to me. My heart began to race as I frantically looked around. What should I do, what should I do? The only thing I could come up with quick enough was climbing a tree.

I ran to the nearest tree and reached up for a branch. With one foot on the trunk, hands wrapped around the branch above me I froze. A couple yards away I watched as an abnormally large brown wolf limped into a small clearing before falling over clearly hurt. I heard a small sad whine come from the clearing it had just fallen in.

I stood frozen for a moment still posed to climb the tree, my eyes darting every which way. What the hell do I do? It couldn't hurt me in the state it's in. Maybe I should help it or at least put it out of its misery.

Slowly I lowered myself back into a normal position. I was about to walk over to the injured wolf when an even larger jet black wolf stepped into the same clearing as the other wolf. He was growling at the other wolf and looked like he was about to kill.

I began to run. And not in the direction any sane person would run either. I ran straight for the wolves and flung myself in front of the injured wolf. Dam he was huge. The black wolf stopped growling instantly and it finally sunk in what I had just done. Slowly I turned on my heels in the mud and looked up into the eyes of the black wolf in front of me.

He was easily larger than the brown wolf and had deep blue-gray eyes that reminded me of a stormy ocean. As our eyes locked I grabbed at my heart and began to scream in pain as my skin began to burn. After a minute the burn went away. Hesitantly I pulled my hand from my chest and let out a deep breath, there wasn't any blood. What the hell was that? I looked back up at the black wolf in front of me his eyes staring deeply into mine with a look of amazement.

I found myself stammering for words. "Please don't kill him." or me. I added in my head. The black wolf cocked his head to the side looking at me curiously.

Off in the distance, several wolves howled. The black wolf tilted his head up into the rain and let out a loud howl that shook the ground. I tried hard to stay composed and not show how scared I really was. He took one more look at me before turning and leaving almost hesitantly.

After he had disappeared into the forest I turned to the brown wolf behind me. He was unconscious and blood seemed to come from everywhere. There were large gashes on his rib cage and one of his legs was all but shredded. Blood oozed from his neck. I watched as he took in shallow shaky breaths. There's no way he was going to survive.

I got up and began to hunt for a large rock I could use to put him out of his misery. At least this way it would be over quick and he wouldn't be anyone's dinner. It wasn't easy but I finally found a rock big enough to get the job done yet small enough for me to carry. I lugged it back to the small clearing but the wolf was gone. He was nowhere in sight. All that remained was a puddle of blood where he had laid.

I stood confused for a moment and dropped the large rock at my feet. Where did he go? I searched around for few minutes before deciding to head back home. I hadn't found the wolf again or a trail of blood. He had just completely vanished.

When I finally made it back through my small window the clock on my bedside table read 10:47pm. Ugh! I had school in the morning.

I quickly shed my wet muddy clothes and climbed into my bed in just my underwear. I looked around my new room in the dark. It was the only "finished" room in the basement. There was no paint on the walls in the small room, only sheetrock. The floor consisted of an ugly green carpet that I thankfully couldn't see in the dark. The door was on the opposite side of the one small window in my room. My bed laid beneath the window. The bed was dressed in a white sheet with a matching white pillow. The quilt on my bed was old and frayed. It's blue fabric stained and marked with several holes. It was surprisingly warm which was nice since the basement was freezing. On the wall across from the foot of my bed laid two doors. One led to a small closet and contained my duffel bag and backpack with my only possessions and clothes. I didn't have any hangers so I had left my clothes in the bags. The other door led to a small bathroom. It had a pink toilet, a matching pink sink, and a shower that was once probably white but over time had turned a nasty yellow. The green carpet stretched from my room and into the bathroom. At Least I had my own bathroom. That was a bonus.

I snuggled down deeper into the covers dreading my first day at my new school. Two more years, two more years and I'll be free. Free from moving, free from abusive foster families, free from starting a new school three times a year or more. I can do this. I can survive. Finally after what seemed like an eternity I drifted asleep.

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