Forgiving the Bad Boy (on hol...

By emmy_paige22

24.2K 665 110

Megan Jones, at seventeen years old, is the girl that all parents want as their daughter. She gets good grade... More

Forgiving the Bad Boy
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11

982 49 31
By emmy_paige22


Meghan: “What makes me different to all of those other girls? Why are you giving me a choice?”

Kaiden: “Because unlike all of those other girls, you don’t care about who I am, what I’ve done. You took your time to actually become friends with not only me, but my friends as well. No one’s ever done that. I want to kiss you because unlike all those other girls, I actually... care about you, to some degree.”

With that being said, Kaiden started to bring his face back towards mine.


As Kaiden brought his face towards mine, I pondered the thought of what it would be like to kiss him. I didn’t have to ponder long because it took a mere few seconds for him to place his soft, warm lips upon my own. I would be lying if I said that the kiss was slow and nice. It wasn’t. It was a fierce and brilliant kiss, one full of want, need and hope. It was passionate, and I would also be lying if I said that I didn’t like it that way.

One of Kaiden’s hands moved from the small of my back to cup the back of my neck, pushing us closer together so my body was flush against his. It wasn’t long before I found myself straddling his hips and wrapping my arms around his neck, my fingers brushing the strands of dark hair at the base of his neck.

Feeling confident I traced my tongue over the line of his lips, wanting to take this make-out session to another level. His mouth opened eagerly. The feeling of our tongue’s connecting felt really weird and I pulled away.

“Okay, that was a tad gross...” I mumbled to myself.

“What? Did I do something wrong?” Kaiden asked me, running a hand through his tousled hair, sounding sincerely worried.

“No, I just—I’ve never done tongue with anyone before. It felt really weird. You’re tongue is so wet...” Realising how weird and perverted that sounded coming from my lips I retraced my steps. “I mean, there’s a lot of saliva on it... and it’s you know, slippery—wait, this whole thing came out wrong.”

“Don’t worry, I understand the point you’re getting at. Why didn’t you tell me you’ve never done tongue?” He asked, lips curving up into that trademark smirk of his.

“It’s not really something you bring up while making out with a boy. It’s not like I was going to come out and say: ‘Hey, I’ve never done tongue before, but let’s see how it turns out and if I don’t like it I’ll punch you in the face.’ That sounds like a dandy conversation to have with the boy you kind of like.” I said, my head starting to spin because of not having taken a breath throughout that whole speech.

“’Kind of like’?” Kaiden asks with a smirk on his face.

“Of course that is going to be the only part that your mind processes. The fact that I said you’re the guy that I ‘kind of’ like. Boys.” I roll my eyes and shake my head, sending my bright red waves into a frenzy around my face.

Kaiden brushes a strand of her away from my face and places it behind my ear. “If it makes you feel better, you’re not the girl I ‘kind of’ like.” He tells me, his face serious.

My nose scrunches up in confusion. Hurt, I reply: “How was that supposed to make me feel better?”

“Okay, that came out wrong. I guess I should have said the whole thing all together.” He pauses. “What I was trying to say is that, Meghan, you’re not the girl I ‘kind of’ like. You’re the girl that I really like. The girl I want to date. The girl I want to hold when she’s cold, comfort when she’s sad and kiss just because we can. You’re the girl that I want to be mine.” His eyes twinkle with something I’ve never seen before. “So will you...? Be exclusive with me?”

I was speechless. Was this really happening? Was Kaiden really asking me out? My thoughts flashed to Annabelle. What if I only ended up going out with Kaiden for two weeks before he dumped me? After thinking a little more I realized I wanted to give it a chance. I wanted to give Kaiden a chance. “Okay.”


“Yes, okay.” I smiled and after a few seconds he smiled back. I only saw it for a millisecond before his lips were on mine once again. My smile widened against his lips.

This was definitely one of the best nights of my life.


“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” Kaiden asked as we stopped outside my door. The drive back to my house felt like it went so quickly, but it was so beautiful riding back at night, watching the stars blur past and the wind rushing against us. The feeling I got in my stomach when I held my hands on Kaiden’s chest as we had rode, the feeling of his heart beating under my touch. I smiled at the memory.

“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Tomorrow Kaiden was going to come to my house so we could actually get started on our project. It was only then that I realized whenever we were supposed to do it we ended up doing something else, just happy to spend time together. Before we left the cave, we through some questions back and forth to each other. Kaiden’s favourite colour was dark blue, his favourite band was Nickleback, his favourite flavor of ice cream was strawberry, but he wouldn’t tell me why. With more questions we seemed to have more in common, but also had some differences. I remember my mum saying before she passed away, that it was important to have that in a relationship. I smiled, remembering the way she talked about love.

I looked up at Kaiden. I knew I didn’t love him, not yet. It was too early. But I knew that I could grow to love him. It would be pretty easy if he acted the way he really was around the people he loved and not the asshole that treated girls like shit.

“So, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.” He smiled, before placing a tender kiss on my cheek, squeezing my hands with his own and started walking away, backwards.

I waved once before turning around and heading inside. Yes, I could definitely grow to love this boy.


there you go guys, another chapter.

I dont know when I'll next update because I'm heading out for a holiday for christmas and might not be able to do anything because I will be really busy. But I will try.





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