I'm His Little Nerd

By CLQuinn

39.3K 513 60

Ellie Ashbrook, your average 16 year old nerdy schoolgirl. Elliot Ryans, your above average 17 year old rugby... More

I'm His Little Nerd
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 3
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 4
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 5
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 6
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 7
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 8
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 9
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 10
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 11
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 12
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 13
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 14
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 15
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 16
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 17
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 18
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 19
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 20
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 21
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 22
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 23
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 24
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 25

I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 2

2.3K 35 3
By CLQuinn


Chapter 2

 The next day i decided to do my best to ignore all of Elliot's little remarks, even though i knew it would be hard.

Leon picked me up as usual and we drove to school, when we arrived we both climbed out of his car and he came over to me

"i'll pi-"

he was interupted by a Mr Styles coming over to us

"Ellie just the person, the head wants to see you in his office"

i gave Leon a worried look and he returned it before i nodded at the teacher and began walking in the direction of the head's office, with Leon in tow.

For some reason i began getting more nervous every second but knowing Leon was there made me feel better, when we arrived i saw Elliot sitting slumped down on the bench outside the office, he looked like he was about to say something either nasty to me or nice to Leon but he was interupted by the ringing of the bell telling everyone to get to tutor.

Leon pulled me into a strong hug and gave me a gentle peck on my head before rushing off, i turned to Elliot and before i could say anything the headteacher, Mr Blake, poked his head out and gestured for me, and strangely Elliot, to come into his office.

We glared at each other before heading in slowly, the door closed behind us and he sat down at his desk, gesturing for us to sit opposite him, i took my seat and tryed to avoid Elliot's gaze and concentrate on what the head was about to say.

"now, i know you two might not be too familiar with each other" i tryed my hardest not to laugh, if only he knew "and i know you, Elliot, are one year above Eleanor here but i have to admit that your grades have slipped slightly" he said to Elliot, who looked like he really didnt want to be here, but to say the truth i would have rather been in class.

"so i was thinking of adding in a small tutoring course for various students and after discussing it with the other teachers, we all think that you two would be the best candidates, so what do you say?"

I was lost for words, literally, I tryed opening my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Elliot was obviously the same as he just sat there staring at the head like he had two heads.

I looked at Elliot and he looked at me, i could guess he wasn't too keen on the idea and i couldn't agree more, i hated the idea, no wait take that back. I detested the idea. With a passion did I hate it.

I stood up but right on que Elliot stood up too, the head leant back slightly but stood up so he didn't feel too pressurised.

"your joking right?"

I turned to Elliot and for once, and only once, i found myself agreeing with him.

"yes sir, please say it is, i can't concentrate on my studies and teach someone like Elliot"

he turned to face me

"so you wouldn't want to?"

i shook my head slightly, glaring at him "not particulary, i have other things i need to be doing"

a sneaky smile appeared on Elliot's face as he turned to the head slowly

"its a great idea and I'm sure I'll benefit alot from Eleanor's guidance"

the head clapped slightly and cheered

"oh good, I'm so glad you two are willing to help, this is a big step up for the school"

I turned and glared at Elliot, boy did I glare, honestly if looks could kill he would have been vapourised by now. The head faced me

"are you ok with this Eleanor? I know how keen you are to help others"

I mumbled something under my breath and turned to face him with a big, fake smile plastered on my face

"course I am sir, it's always a pleasure to help the lesser fortunate people in life"

i glared at Elliot as i said the last bit and he glared back, the head walked around to us and shook our hands.

"well then, you can spend the next two periods studying in the library and if you do that at least three times a week then I'm sure we'll see Elliot's grades shoot through the roof. We both nodded and walked outside, shutting the office door behind us. Before i could do anything I felt something grab my arm, spin me around and shove me against the wall. I realised that Elliot had pressed me against the wall and was using his body to keep me there, his hand still held on my wrist and he used his other one to make me look up at him.

"this doesn't change a thing Brooky but from now on your mine, not Leon's, got it?"

I glared at him confused and angry, how dare he think I'm his? I belong to no-one, not even Leon.

"I belong to no-one. Especially people called Elliot Ryans." I said forcefully at him, he glared and a small smirk tugged at his lips

"thats my fiesty girl" he whispered before moving his hand from my wrist to my hand, he held it forcefully as he began pulling me along towards the library.

We were lucky to not be seen, there would be alot of explaining to do if someone had seen us.

When we reached the library I instantly felt safer, I went straight through, saying 'hi' to the librarians as I went. I sat on a table and pulled out a few books, when I was organised I looked up to see Elliot still at the door, his mouth was open and he was gazing around in astonishment, i made a mental note that he obviously hadn't been to a library before.

"catching flies there Ryans?" he quickly shook himself and gave me a glare before coming and sitting down next to me, he saw that i had my maths books out and he pulled his out. I watched as he fumbled about his bag looking for something, i sighed and reached over to my pencil case, pulled out a pen and offered it to him.

"looking for one of these?"

he stopped looking and eyed the pencil then looked up at me

"what have you done to it?"

"nothing, but your going to need one"

he nodded slowly and dropped his bag before accepting the pen and opening up his book to the section he obviously didnt get, Algebraic Equations. I quickly opened my book up to the same, even though we were in different years I was studying stuff I should be learning in the year above.

Just as i was about to start explaining the first few rules he leant back and crossed his arms over his chest, which caused his top to tighten and his muscles to shine through.

"so what is the deal with you and Leon then?"

i stared at him confused

"nothing, we're just mates"

he nodded slowly

"so he don't want to get in your pants?"

i shook my head defensively, Leon would never want to do that.

"so you dont want to see whats under those rugby shorts of his then?"

i shook my head, for some reason i felt my cheeks burning up and Elliot was clearly enjoying this little interagation session

"lets just focus on the maths yes?"

i leant forward and tilted my head so he couldn't see my cheeks but it didn't stop him from carrying on, he leant forward so his lips were brushing my ear

"you don't want to run your fingers through that blonde rough hair he's got? you dont want to feel his rough manly hands graze along your legs? you dont want to allow his lips to travel all over your body? you dont want to feel him make you his? you dont want-"

i shot up and glared at him angrily

"STOP IT! STOP IT NOW! me and Leon are just friends and nothing like that will happen"

Elliot leant back smirking, happy he knew what pushed my angry buttons.

"dont tell me you didnt like the idea of any of those"

i shook my head defensively but secretly I had pictured all of those things as Elliot was saying them but i wasnt about to admit that, i knew they would never happen.

"well its a good thing your not his then"

i shook my head, telling him i wasnt anyones but he didnt have any of it. As I leant forward and began looking through the maths he did too

"its a shame I'm not single" he moved his arm under the table towards my leg and i felt his fingers trailing little circles on my knees "we could do alot in an empty, quiet library" he whispered the words in my ear like they'd disappear any moment.

I felt his fingers slowly trail higher, the higher they went the more i tryed to concentrate and the more i tryed to concentrate the more i couldn't. By now his fingers were halfway up my thigh and i could feel my belly doing flips, Elliot's lips brushed against my ear and every now and then trailed along my neck.

This felt so wrong yet so right at the same time, I'd never done anything to a guy like this and I dont think a library is the best place especially with Elliot.

"c'mon Brooky you know its what you want"

i shook my head slightly and his fingers moved further, i began having flashbacks of that horrible time before. I jumped up and shook my head, on the brink of tears, he leant back and stared at me confused

"whats wrong brooky? someone want Leon to do instead?"

i shook my head, i couldnt tell him, i couldnt tell anyone.

"why do you keep calling me that?"

"what Brooky?"

i nodded

"well your surname is Ashbrook and i couldnt be bothered to call you Ellie so i changed it to Brooky"

i nodded slowly and sighed, sitting down

"ok then i'll let you call me that if you promise to keep the touchy-feely stuff to a minimal"

he smirked and nodded slowly

"only if you admit two things"

i sighed and nodded my head, they probably wont be that bad

"first admit that you liked the idea of it"

i sighed and stared at him with a raised eyebrow

"do it"

i nodded slowly and pulled a face "fine, i liked the idea of it."

The enjoyment in his face was obvious, he was having the time of his life.

"and that you prefer me over Leon"

i shook my head and leant back, he leant back and rolled his hands about, waiting for me to say it

"fine, i prefer you over Leon." i said quietly, gritting my teeth.

"good girl brooky"

i looked up at him and he winked before leaning forward and observing his maths book

"so back to maths"

i glared at him before leaning forward and began to teach him what he didnt understand, which was actually alot.


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