The Vamp's Girl

By midnightxthunder

82.2K 1.8K 153

April hated everything about her life but now she has the chance to start over in another world - The Vampiri... More

The Vamp's Girl [01]
The Vamp's Girl [02]
The Vamp's Girl [03]
The Vamp's Girl [04]
The Vamp's Girl [05]
The Vamp's Girl [06]
The Vamp's Girl [07]
The Vamp's Girl [08]
The Vamp's Girl [09]
The Vamp's Girl [10]
The Vamp's Girl [11]
The Vamp's Girl [12]
The Vamp's Girl [13]
The Vamp's Girl [14]
The Vamp's Girl [15]
The Vamp's Girl [16]
The Vamp's Girl [17]
The Vamp's Girl [18]
The Vamp's Girl [19]
The Vamp's Girl [20]
The Vamp's Girl [21]
The Vamp's Girl 22
The Vamp's Girl [23]
The Vamp's Girl [24]
The Vamp's Girl [25]
The Vamp's Girl [27]
The Vamp's Girl [28]
The Vamp's Girl [29]
The Vamp's Girl [30]
The Vamp's Girl [31]
The Vamp's Girl [32]
The Vamp's Girl [33]

The Vamp's Girl 26

1.8K 43 1
By midnightxthunder

“Are you sure you want to play such a challenging game?” Laruiel asked delicately twirling an arrow between her gloves, I watched as the multicoloured feathers melted together to create a desireable swirl of colours. I rolled my eyes at her, over her shoulder against the tree was Xavious, he had a pleasant smile on his face as he conversed with some of the other Ledetts. I stared at him narrowing my eyes, his eyes caught mine for a moment and I broke my gaze with him. He was just playing a game with everyone, his true colours were ugly and distained. I couldn‘t believe someone like him would be a King, then again royalty had usually always been twisted...

“Hey, why aren’t you over there? Conversing with the ‘all mighty Northern King?’” I asked, using air quotes as I picked up stringed holster. It resembled a cross bow and a regular string bow together. It rested on the arm and was tightened with straps and the trigger was the strength and pull of the bow string. Laruiel crossed her arms against her chest and her eyes slightly twitched in his direction but she refused to look at Xavious’ direction completely.

“Keep your head in the game Lady April. Lack of concerntration will garantee a failure.” She said stalking off. I bit my tongue trying not to throw a witty come back at her, I was only trying to be nice to her.

“Settle April. If you seeth anymore with anger I’m pretty sure everyone here will explode.” I turned around to see Seth standing so close behind me it made me stumble and fall onto the lush grass.

“Oh, Seth! Gosh, you scared me.” I said, he held out a hand and helped me out. I quickly wiped the dirt off my skirt and readjusted my holster. “So, what are you doing here?” I asked him, the wind blew gently brushing my hair off to the side.

“We all have the day off. So we decided we would come watch the games.” He said with a gentle and calm smile.

“We?” I asked with my eyebrow raised. Don’t say Keilor...don’t say Keilor...

“Yep. Me, Knight D, Com. Ruher and even your platoon of men.” He said. I looked over his shoulder and sure enough my small army of men emerged slowly out of the trees so easily. “Besides a game of targets isn’t a game without an audience.” His voice had dropped an octave making me shudder slightly. “Do your best okay? We’ll be cheering you on.” He said, before I could tell him that this was a mistake and I was going to embarass myself, he had turned on his heel and just walked away instantly. Don’t leave me! I stood there without the courage to run after him and tell him that and without the courage to turn and play a game I had no idea how to play.

“April?” I forced to turn around by Xavious’ voice calling me. I turned with a sour face and he only smiled at me.

“My, my. You must have eaten something very sour to be making that face.” He chuckled, a sly smile played to my lips as I looked up at him.

“Nah, just saw your face.” I said innocently, skipping to join the rest of the Ledetts.


Calm, breathe in! Breathe out! Repeat!



“Are you sure you’ll be alright Lady April?” A voice broke me from my thoughts and I turned to see Ledett Summer. She had bright red hair and orange hair, framing her beautifully. “You look confused.” It’s okay, be cool. I just have to observe the Ledetts and attempt to do as they do.

“To be honest, I have no idea how to play this game.” I admitted, letting myself breathe it all out in the few words I had just spoken. I was going to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

“It’s quite simple. There are various ways to play this game, but the basics are quite simple. Today we shall be playing the most basic game; to put it simply...hit the target as hard as you can.” She said with a smile and I raised my eyebrow at her.

“Hit the target as hard as you can?” I repeated to clarify if I had heard correctly... she only nodded.

“You’ll see when it’s your turn. But remember to concerntrate and just hit it as hard as you can.” She gave me a smile before she walked off to talk to the other Ledetts and I was left there to contemplate her words.

“Com on, at least know what you’re doing...” I froze when I heard Xavious’ voice in my ear and I felt myself turn to stone when his arm wrapped gently around my waist.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I growled at him and he chuckled pulling me closer.

“Come now, it’s a game. So get your head in it; do you think you can do this? Everyone is watching.” He whispered letting go, letting my eyes fall on everyone who had gathered to watch the Ledetts and myself play. I swallowed hard as I felt my feet glue to the ground; a sudden boom broke me from my thoughts and I turned my head back to the game. Lauriel stood there, gritting her teeth as the arrow was at least three inches into the target. I raised my eyebrow.

Oh...boy. This is some game.

Everyone clapped and cheered as if it was a great feat and I stood there thinking about it. It was an ordinary target. It looked exactly like archery. It looked so ordinary. Just playing a game of normal, ordinary archery...

“Lady April!” I clicked back to reality, Lauriel had been calling me. She looked angry at me. “Is your mind still present? Please, it’s your turn.” It took a moment for her words to register and I nodded slowly and walked over to the feather basket. I slowly picked up a multi coloured feather that was as tough as a regular arrow. I frowned as I walked over to the firing ledge.

This was simple. It’s just like archery. It can’t be that hard.

“It’s not too late to pull out.” I heard Lauriel say quietly behind me, I ignored her as I loaded the feather into the holster. I pulled the string back and aimed carefully for the target, I waited for the quiet of the wind to stop before I focussed. The target. Aim for the target. With all my might I let go of the arrow...

With great speed it flew towards the target but half way it fell into the ground without any effort. I stared at it, before the stiffled sounds of laughter arose. What the heck just happened? I had used all my might and aimed for the target and it didn’t even reach it? HOW WAS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? I bet it was rigged. For sure!!! I blinked a few times as I stared at the feather in the ground. Surely...I’m dreaming I could have imagined it in my head it fell to the ground. I climbed off the ledge and stood away from everyone. I couldn’t figure it out...

“Summer, I don’t understand. I did everything you said, why didn’t it work?” I asked as I approached Summer, she smiled innocently at me.

“Did you use all your might? All your energy? Target is a hard game to master. Your head must be in the game.” She said before walking past me towards the feather basket.

“Oh dear me. That was terrible, surely that had to be a joke of course?” Xavious said coming over to the tree I stood under. I clenched my fists and resisted the urge to punch him in the face.

“I did everything right. I don’t get why it wasn’t working.” I muttered watching as the other Ledetts hit the targets with a large bang.

“You should get your head in the game.” He chuckled wiping a strand of hair out of my face and I looked up at him.

“Why are you such a teaser?” I asked him and he smirked at me with a chuckle.

“I’ve heard stories about you. The truth is there’s a legend about you.”

“A legend?”

“You have a unique -” He was cut off by the approaching Lauriel.

“Either you play properly for forfiet and save yourself the humiliation April.” She said coldly and I frowned and left without a word.

“If you wanna play games let’s play.” I mumbled stubbornly as I stood again at the firing ledge.


“They picked a game that April is incapable of.” Seth growled as we watched in anticipation of April’s second shot. All the Vampires of the Dark wanted to see what she would do; this game of ‘Target’ was designed only for vampires by vampires. I scowled again when I saw the Northern King smirk at April’s concernated face. I breathed in deeply. She could do this, she would be able to figure this out. Com on April.

April’s eyes narrowed as she stared at the concerntrated on the target, she pulled the bow string back as far as it would go. She breathed in and let go, it made me sigh and closed my eyes as I felt the disappointment from my men and April’s guards. It was a disappointment only we would know. I opened my eyes to see a dumb struck April still standing at the firing ledge staring sourly at the Vycalon feather that lay gingerly on the ground. Defeated she climbed off the ledge and resumed her fustrated position under the tree. I resisted the urge to run over there and help her, she had to figure it out for herself, I knew she was capable. This was a challenge, a hard challenge. I gritted my teeth and willed myself to stay put and trust in her.

I watched as the Northern King once again stalked over her, brushing the hair out of her face and whispering words to her. I grabbed Seth’s arm as he stood up and pulled him down shaking my head. He obeyed me and together we watched in hate as the Northern King tormented our Princess.

Ledett Lauriel gritted her teeth as she stood on the ledge, her eyes focussed solely on the target. I watched as the sparks of fire licked the feather. Her eyes glowed a passive blue as she released the feather and with an impressed feeling I watched as she pierced the 100% Crystal Allodymite Metal. It was 200 times stronger than diamond. Even at this, Ledett Lauriel was pushing her limit.


“Ridiculous.” I muttered picking up another feather. Xavious’ cold hand came down on mine stopping me from picking up the feather.

“You don’t have to continue.” He said seriously, part of me wanted to give up. He was being serious this time. His voice told me that this game had gone to far but the stubborn part of my mind told me I wanted to prove him wrong. That’s right, my motto was: Prove Them Wrong. That is what I would do. I smiled at him simply and watched as his hand slipped away.

“It’s a game. It isn’t over yet.” I told him politely, “The third time is the charm." I picked my arrow and climbed up onto the firing ledge.

You can’t do this...stop this much will you embarrass yourself?

“I’m not an embarrassment. If I can’t do this...what can I possibly do? I’m not weak.” I told myself, the words sounded weak. “I am April, I am Queen.” I whispered loading the feather into the holster. “I’m going to prove...them...” I held my arrow up and concerntrated feeling the static in the air rise. I felt my heart beat raise and sparks glow around my fingers, I closed my eyes and pulled the string back and with the beat of my heart I let go. “Wrong.” I whispered as the wind blew my hair off my face. I watched as the arrow sailed towards the target and hit the bullseye with a great force sending an explosion of wind sailing back so much i flew off the ledge. I let out a yelp as I fell through the sky, I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact.

“You can open your eyes now.” I opened my eyes to see Xavious holding me gently, I blinked a few times. I uncurled my fingers that were gripping tightly around his shirt and pushed myself away from his hold on me, feeling the blush creep deeply onto my face.

“What...happened?” I asked him, looking around everyone stood staring at the target site.

“You destroyed the target.” He said with a smirk on his face, he leaned in close wrapping his arms around my waist leaning his chin on my shoulder as I stood there stunned, taking in what I had just done. “I wonder what other talents a little ki’ap has.” He whispered, his breath tickling my neck and for a moment I felt his fangs graze across my collar bone.

“That was a game well played April.” The sudden voice interrupted my trance and I focussed on what was happening before me as Xavious’ arms snaked away from me. I turned to see Keilor and I looked at him with wide eyes, his lips tugged up into his infamous half smirk half smile.

“Ah, Com Ruher. I did not know you would attend such trivial games leaving...the Lands security unattended.” Xavious said with a curt smile and I stared at Keilor...

Did he really come to watch me play leaving his duties?

Please! Keilor doing that for me? Have I lost my mind?

I shook my head, feeling small as two fearsome vampires exchanged a battle with only their eyes.

“Of course not, as we speak the best men are patroling the Lands. Besides, I have pledged myself to April. If I were not here to support her, what are my duties?” He questioned with a polite smile, it awed me how easy it was for them to exchange a battle with polite words.

“Mhm, much is expected from you Com. Ruher. You certainly live up to your expectations of being a Master of Battles.” Xavious finally said after many moments, I looked at both of them and slowly took a step back hoping to edge away from the intense feeling I got from both of them.

“Dear Sister...” I turned around to see Jasa smiling gently at me, I smiled back at her. “You really suprise everyone here; a feat deemed impossible by others.” She embraced me in a hug.

“What do you mean Jasa?” I asked her, I looked over at the target where my arrow had pierced right through the bullseye to the tree behind it.

“The target is made of a material found here in the Vampiric Lands, it’s called Crystal Allodymite Metal. It’s the strongest material known to any vampire; to be exact 200 times stronger than any metal.”

I think my jaw might have hit the ground when I heard that. That was crazy! Was I even capable of something like that?

“You earned yourself the title Empress of Lightning.” She said. I only blushed staring at the broken target in awe.


Though, you did say 'Prove Them Wrong.’


The Empress of Lightning? It was crazy right? I strolled through the corridors finally glad I had some time to myself. My fingers brushed against the cool stones of the walls as I thought to myself. Before I knew it I had come to the same place I had seen the wolf; I held out my hand as if to reach out...if it was still here. Why was it looking for me? It was searching for something...

My hand hit something warm and solid, bringing my thoughts back to reality. Standing before me was Keilor staring down at me, my hand laying on his heart, I snatched it away and looked out at the pretty white wall. Just because he came and supported me at Targets didn’t mean I was still angry with him. I crossed my arms across my chest and began to walk away, stubbornly.

“April...” He growled as if he would not be ignored. Too bad, I was ignoring him at this exact moment. “Please?” He pleaded, I almost haltered in my footsteps but I refused. That man thought it was enough for me to just forgive him? “I’m sorry.” He said loudly, it was loud enough for the whole corridor to stop and stare. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the ground. He was sorry? That tone of voice. It brought back too many memories. Why was he sorry? I raised my hands to my eyes and covered the shameful tears that began to fall. Why did he feel sorry? He didn’t do anything wrong...It was me...Everyone had always been worrying about me...It’s not fair...I...I...I-

“April please, look at me. I’m sorry.” He said more gently, when I refused to move, a simple sob escaped my lips and I felt his strong hands pull my hands from my face. I turned my face so he wouldn’t see the tears falling down my face. “Please, tell me. How can I stop the hurt?” He pleaded, I quickly wiped the tears away with the back of my hand.

“You can’t.” I whispered, he looked deep into my eyes and without warning he pulled me into his arms, stroking my hair and comforting me.

“Then I’ll just have to make you forget...what made you hurt so much. Even if I spend the rest of my life doing so. I promise.” He whispered, capturing my heart in that instant. In that instant everything went away...

I finally believed...he loved me.


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