Deadly love

By DejaANShanti_Stories

699K 17.5K 1.9K

Money was her motive. Having to turn grown and not having the right guidence really fucked Chyna up..Hustling... More

Deadly love
The other man
Im Not Ready .
Help !
I Tried To Warn You !
home sweet home.
The Date
Your lost
I can't believe it. !
Who do you think you are
( redo )
Lets Wait
Busted...Now Drama
Dont trust nobody....
Get My hustle On
Its A.....
Back stabs, Lies, Bad Luck.
All men are the same
He's a mother******* Beast
Get out !
I dont need the stress
You Pushed Me
You thought.

New and improved me!!!

18.1K 720 243
By DejaANShanti_Stories

2 years later ....

Chyna p.o.v

Sitting back watching my heart's play with the other neighborhood kids made me proud to be who I am today. Chy'ance and Christina are my blessings I thank good for everyday. I truly don't know where I would be in my life without them. I know they've only been on earth for a year and eight months , but it feels like they were here all along. I know these words are weird coming from the boss ass bitch I once was but time definitely do change people and in my case it was for the better. I looked up to see Christian / G walking towards the park entrance and walking my way. Just looking at this man gave me flash backs of my life and everytime I looked into his eyes I can see it all over again.....

2 years ago......

Dealing with the lost of a friend that I killed , money problems , and dealing with my siblings . Not to mention I have to deal with a dead beat for the next eighteen years was starting to get to me . After the phone call I had with G , I had no choice but to go back to my tricking ways pregnant or not . I really do believe in desperate times calls for desperate measures , and right now I was desperate..... speaking to Tony really reminded me that this world has no hand outs, and that alone made me the bitch I am today.

Convo With Tony  


..The number was there...I hit the call button, listening to it ring nervously.

" Whats hannin' ? " Tony deep smooth voice came through the phone..I thought about seeing him not long ago when I was in the restraunt with christian. How good he looked...

" Its Chyna " I tell him.

" Damn whats good ma' ? It only took you long enought to hit me up, what you up to ? " I laughed.

" Nothing...babysitting "

" We getting in practice ? "

" Something like overtime, kids are work "

" Im sure you got it though...what cant Chy do ? " He tease. I listened to his sexy ass laugh.

" Tony...I need a favor "

" Which is ? " He listened...Fuck i aint got no other choice. Im done with G i put my pride aside to many times to ask for his help only for him to be childish and it to come back and bite me in the ass.

" I need some money....I swear I'll pay you back...Its for something important. Im in some trouble..please ? " I couldnt believe the Chyna i had become. I would reconize myself.

" You know how to pay me back...."

I sighed.

Back to Square One again. Niggas are trifling his ass really wants a pregnant ass woman to do him sexual favors... like really? What can my fat ass possible do for him?. six months pregnant with twins is not a good look at all , but what can I say its either do or die , and right now I had to do something before I died.

Getting off my bed I went into my closet trying to find something presentable to wear for my night . I wasn't glad to leave my house to do some tricking , but I did wanna look some what cute so I worked my magic with the mac kit even though I didn't wear it on the regular and was ready to go after an hour . I went to go check on my siblings before I proceeded out the door.







Pulling up to Tonys crib made me a little nervous I pulled the mirror that was above my head down and applied some more of my mac lipstick on.... I jumped out of the car and walked up his steps before I could even knock on the door he opened it wide for me to enter. I could tell he appoved of my choice of style just by the way he eyed me . His eyes were mixed with lust and a crazed look, I had to take a double look at him because he didn't seem himself.

" come in why you standing there like you scared of me?

" boy, ain't nobody scared of you " I chuckled while trying to play off my uneasiness .

" you look good " he complemented.

I just simply smiled at him.

" you seem tight you want something to drink? you know I got bottles on deck "

" No thanks" I shrugged.

" okay miss chyna what ever you wish... but uhh I got someone I want to join us on are night of fun "

He went towards the steps and yelled " Baby!!" before I heard footsteps coming from upstairs.

I know his ass don't think imma bout to do him and another bitch...

As soon as this mystery girl came down stairs I was in shock my mouth flew open.....

" Awww Helll no .... what the fuck...." Was the only words I could utter.

" hello " This drag queen approached me.

" Tony what the fuck is this? "

" come on chy I know how you get down so why not get with me and my girl? " he spoke.

" Frist of all this ain't no bitch this a straight niiga !! second im not doing shit... what kind of sick shit is this?" I said before tying to walk out the door but before I could move any further tony grabed me by my hair and tried pulling up the stairs . I tried my best to get lose while my stomach hit every step he dragged me up. I was finally able to get a hold of his goods while I squeezed and pulled as hard as I could . shit I never been the type to fight fair so why start now? the pain must have been unbearable for him which made him let me go I ran down the steps like my life depended on it and was out the door. I couldn't find my keys fast enough in record time I was gone and never to return.




I didn't get really far before my car started slowing down I looked at the tank and forgot my ass was on E. My plan was to get the money from tony and get to the gas station as soon as I could.

" Fuck !!!!!" I yelled as I hit the steering wheel. I looked though my purse to find my cell phone and quickly dialed the only person I always seem to call.

"G !! " I yelled as soon as he answered.

" yo " he spoke through the phone.

" can you please come get me ... fast ... I..I really need your help. "

" chy calm down and tell me where you are "

After awhile I was able to calm down and give him the directions to where I was. I really hoped he came through for me .





G p.o.v

pulling up behind chynas car I didn't know what to expect. The thug in me told me to load up just in case she tried some funny shit with me , but I knew that wouldn't be the case on the phone it sounded like she was in some serious trouble and I had to be there to help her. thirty minutes later I was parked next to chy car. I jumped out of my whip and rushed to her door she jumped when she first saw me but she was able to unlock the door to give me access to her.

" Are you okay chy ? " I asked as I examed her body to see if there was any damage done to her.

" Yes im fine... I just feel really weak " she said in a soft tone.

" come on let me help you into the the car " As I was transferring chyna from her car to mines I noticed blood all over her car seats. I was able to put her safely in my car before I went back to hers and locked her doors.

" You straight? " I asked not sure if I should take her to the hospital or not . After I didnt get a response I knew it was best for her to get checked out.

chyna p.o.v

waking up I was connected to all types of wires. I looked around the room to find a sleeping Christian with his feet up and mouth open. I would have laughed at the sight if it didn't hurt so bad. For awhile I just watched him sleep peacefully but I guess he felt my presence because he started to wake up.

" your up ... let me get the nurse " He hopped out his chair to head towards the door.

" Wait G " I said in a low whisper I was surprised when he turned around because I didn't think he heard me.

" you good? " He asked in a concerned voice.

" Im fine ... I .. just wanna thank you for coming to get me "

" i wanna apologize .. I should have been there for you but my pride got in the way of things.. to be honest I guess I felt like you wasn't being honest and that's what made me the way I am towards you "

I never really knew why he was such a jerk to me but him apologizing made me feel a little better about him....

" Its all good " I smiled

" a um, Im a get the doctor now " He tellls me. I nod and he quickly left to go get the doctor. A Minute later the doctor was coming back in with him.

" Nice to see you're up " He smiled at me.

" How are my babies ? "

" They are doing fine actually. Im glad you got here when you did or we might not have been saying that. You're going to be fine Chyna. We're going to keep you for a couple of days to monitor you and the babies " He tells me. I nod.

" Any questions? " He asked. I shook my head no and he looked at G. " Any questions from you? "

" Im good " G says.

I was feeling good about my situation..well not good but better than I had before.




G (P.O.V)

After I left the hospital I went to where Chyna was staying..just because I sortta made my peace with her...I still had to deal with her brother..that shit wasn't setting with me still.

I knocked on her door. I could hear her siblings being loud inside  so I bangged harder.

The door opened and I came face to face with a little girl. About 10 or something..shit I don't know.

" Yep? " She asked looking up at me. I laughed...If she didn't look like a shrunken verson of Chyna...from the thick ass curly hair, the mocha skin, to the attitude in her voice without even trying.

" Hey, Lil ma...where is Chris? " I ask her.

" He is making Nunu and them food! " She says...Lawd, I have no words about Chyna mama..and thats new for me. When the hell do I not have something to say ? Exactly.

" Tell him somebody is here for him will ya ? "

" Okay " She ran away from the door to do as I asked. I even forgot how many siblings Chyna was alot I know that. I waited a few minutes at the door before Chris came up...He looked scared when he saw me..which brought a smile to my face. ' Thats right nigga, you ain't off the hook ' I thought watching him close the door behind him.

" I- What ever you're going to it away from my siblings "

" Walk with me " I tell him. I didn't give him time to reply before I roughly pulled him off the porched and he followed me. " We got to dicuss what happened "

" I know..i fucked up, man Im for real sorry. I was just trying to do the right thing for the family I thought I was having...I was going to pay you back " He says.

" Thats not the betrayed me when I let you into my team! " I raised my voice.

" What do you want me to do? " He ask.

" You working that shit off..or thats ya life " I tell him..If he died..Chyna would know it was me. " And you won't tell Chyna about the shit..I think you know that ion give a fuck about killing you even with you being her brother. Shit, i don' killed niggas thats supposed to be my blood "

" I can do that " He says..." I apologise again " He tells me.

" Stop that need to grow balls " I tell him. I reached into my back pulling out the gun. " I got a job for you.. His name is Max....1125 E. Withdrow..dont fuck this up or leave anyone standing " I pass him the gun..He took it out my hand.

" I won't fuck this up "

( Flast back over back to Chy's P.o.v)

" wassup, ma " He comes up to me. I stood and gave him a side hug.

" How are you? " I ask making sure not to take my eyes offf my young ones.

" Straight...I just got back in town " He tells me. I nod sitting back down. He took a seat with me. " What about them? "

" Great " I asnwer...I use to think G was going to be a shitty ass father..but he proved me wrong. He hasn't really disappointed,  me too much with them. I can count the number of times he did on one hand. He is there most the time..the times he wasn't was because of his " work " and " business " Since he got that he was their father and they weren't going anywhere he's there. His grandmother watches them while I work. His bitch refuses to be around them some times..I mean, thats his girl and I could give less than a fuck.

They don't need two momma's.

Im there for them. I do what I have to and make sure they are okay.

" Chy " My little sisters runs up to me.

" What? "

" Can I have a dollar for the ice cream truck ? " I went into my wallet but when I looked back up G was handing them a 50. " Thank you, Christian " They ran off.

" Get the twins some " I call after them. I turned back to him as he watched the Twins with a smile.

I was doing well for myself. I just opened my own hair salon. " Platnium Styles " and I was wanting to open a few more. I was going to online college and trying to better myself. I wanted to be a better me for my twins.

" Dada " Christina ran up to him and jumpped in his lap.

" Hey, babygirl " He kissed her cheek. The twins were Christian's look a likes..the only thing I did was carry'em shit. They looked just like him. The only thing they actually got from me was my eye color. Which was a bright brownish hazel color. " You look pretty " He smiled at her.

" Mama made my tutu " She smiled looking down.

I felt so much better about myself. I didn't need anybody. I was independent and self made. I've moved on, Like G. We are cool. Cordial but I don't want to be with him. Nor' do i have to ask him for things or beg him.

Chyna Jones....was a new woman.





" I got to get going " I tell Chyna. I been at this damn park playing with her siblings and my kids for 2 fucking hours...after I work. I was ready to go home and lay down.

" Bye " She stood and hugged me.

" Dada me go to " Chy'ance (chance) tells me. My Lil' niggas was bad to be one. Swear, He be needing to be punched in the mouth sometimes.

" Not today man. Daddy tired " I tell him. He started to cause a scene and cry and scream making people look our way. " CJ stop it " I warn.

" Pwease " He looked up at me with those eyes. I couldn't say no to those eyes.

" Tell ya mama and everybody bye, CJ " I tell him.

" Bye-bye, mommy " He hugged her then his aunts and uncles and twin.

" Bye, baby be good " She tells him giving him a kiss. I kissed my babygirl then I was ready to head out. We said our byes then was out. CJ is more of a wanna be me and Christina is more of a mommy's girl. Expect when Chyna makes her mad or shes emotional, she then becomes a complete daddy's girl. I strapped CJ in the back seat of my Bentley before getting into the drivers seat.

Me and him rapped along to Rich Homie's " I heard " If Chyna heard us..she'll be cursing my ass out.

In about 15 Minutes we were pulling up to my condo. I got out and got my Lil' Man out.

" Dada i twired " He yawned as I carried him in.

" Me too " I say unlocking the door. We went in and I could smell food being cooked.

" Baby how was your d- " Kim comes out. " I didn't know you were bringing them home " She says.

" Its just CJ. Lil' ma still with her mama " I tell her. I picked him up and headed to my bed room. I set him on the bed and got undressed. His eyelids were getting heavy and he was dozing in and out. I got in bed with him. My phone vibrated.

Chris: Aye boss i finished the job...everything went smooth

Did i mention Chyna brother was still working for me til this day?

And he was pretty good at what he does..

I texted back ight before falling asleep with my mini me.




Kim P.o.v

I put the food in the fridge. I couldn't believe he brung him home. Everytime his kids are here, i leave. Them are not my damn kids and he is not about to make me play stepmommy to them.

Plus I can't stand his ho ass babymama. Bitch you can't go from ho to house wife. I know she want my man..and I REFUSE to let that happen. I'll have that bitch MURDERED if she tries to get in my way, real shit.

I walked into our bedroom and saw him and his son laying in OUR bed with no room for me. They slept exactly the same. On their back with their limbs apart like they were making a snow angel and their mouths slightly open snoring.

" G " I tap him. " G! " I raise my voice. " CHRISTIAN! "

" What?! " He asked turning over.

" What in the hell? He is in my spot! Im tired " I say.

" Go sleep on the couch "

I'll be damn !!!

( thank you to all the readers who continue to support both shanti and I we truly appreciate it -Deja ♥♥ )

tell us whatchu think comment , vote , and follow you know all that good stuff bye :)


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