Two Kinds of Super

By _BookFairy_

228K 3.9K 1.1K

We all know that Leo is an only child, but what if he wasn't? Time for you to meet Scarlett, a girl with powe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 2!

Chapter 5

15.3K 268 18
By _BookFairy_

We were down in the lab while the three were going to train

"Okay guys, the next phase of your training is handling extreme climates. So we'll frost Chase, Bake Bree and submerge Adam" Davenport said "That's not part of the training I just got one of this carnival dunk tanks and I can't wait to try it out"

Chase entered his capsule

"Okay Chase, I'm setting your tube on 'Antarctic' If it gets to be to much just give me a sign"

"Bring it" Chase said

"Hey, that's not fair. I want to be abused by weather"

"Leo, if you really want to be abused, try standing over here next to Adams morning breath" Bree commented fanning her nose away from the smell

"I don't have morning breath, it smells like that all day" I gaged

"Leo these guys are trained to handle these kind of climates you're not" Davenport said

"I can handle extreme cold" Leo whined

"You get brain freeze from chewing mint gum, that's sad man" I said he glared at me

Then Davenports phone rang "Hello. What?!" We all panicked

"Well, that's terrible! I mean, that's awesome, but that's terrible! I-I gotta do something"

"What's going on? What's so terrible?" Adam asked

"I created the worlds fastest train, but now its speeding out of control full of highly explosive nuclonium towards downtown welkerville!"

"Well, then what was awesome?" Bree asked

"It's going like 400 miles and hour" gotta say I'm impressed

"My entire career is riding or perhaps crashing on this train, and I don't understand this! My design was flawless!"

"So flawless you forgot to include an emergency brake?" Leo asked

"No, I never counted on the conductor dropping his papaya smoothie all over the controls and then jumping off the train"

"Well if I were to build a high-speed train, the first thing I would have put in was a cup holder" Adam commented "Oh and one of those bumper stickers that says 'I brake for cows'"

"You know when stuff like this happens they always blame the scientist, this is human error scientists don't make mistakes" when then heard a tapping on glass and turned to see Chase almost freezing to death!

We rushed over and opened his capsule, after Davenport complained about having to tell the whole train story again
Me Leo and Bree were trying to warm up Chase best we could but he was still ice cold

"The good news is" Davenport said coming into the lab "Whenever I invent something, I always create a backup device to support it"

"As opposed to just building it right the first time"'Chase retorted

"Ya know, I think I like you better frozen" Chase rolled his eyes "My auxiliary decelerator will stop anything-ocean liners, freight trains, tanks, eighteen wheelers, twelve wheelers-"

"Does it stop on unnecessarily long explanations?" Leo interrupted

"Apparently so, only problem is, I can't figure out how to get it on the train" Davenport complained

"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Bree asked

"Our first mission!" Bree and Chase answered
"I want a pet pig!" Adam said we all looked at him

"No. No, no, no. You are not prepared for this kind of mission, it is a highly volatile situation, down the line fingers crossed there will be plenty of other horrible disasters" Davenport said

"Yeah, need to stop this train now, and you need us to help you do it. Your career depends on it" Chase fired back

"Please, Mr.Davenport, this is what you trained is for" Bree said

Davenport did a weird face and spoke "Alright, you gotta leave the nest sometime. Okay, get it your capsules guys, I can't believe I'm saying this-" he started choking up "It's time to upgrade your mission suits" they all excitedly ran into there capsules

"I hope you addressed the chafing problem" Adam said before he stepped in me Leo and Davenport all looked confused

After a few button presses and some weird light they had new mission suits

"Oh I see you put in the seat warmers" Adam said

"Alright... we'll be able to use these earpieces to communicate, and I'll monitor your progress on the train surveillance system. That way if you blow yourselves up in a fiery explosion I can watch it unfold in glorious HD" the three looked kinda worried

"Aren't you the father of the year" I said he glared at me

"It came out wrong" he replied

"We get to go on our first mission!" Chase shouted excited

"We get to save lives!" Bree squealed
"Seriously! I want a pig!" Adam said excitedly everyone looked at home weirdly as Davenport passed earphones to the three but Leo took Adams

"Leo" Davenport said

"What am I supposed to us-two cans and a string?" Leo asked but Davenport gave him a look and he gave the earphone back then Tasha walked in

"Well, your favorite news reporter just got their big brake"

"Linda Montieres?" Chase asked
"Chip Spudner?" Bree asked
"And Tom Constan with sports?" Adam questioned

"No, me!" Tasha squealed "I'm done reporting on singing dogs and babies who look like ex-presidents. The network finally gave me a real assignment, I'm covering a runaway train!"

"No way! Ain't that a coinky-dink? Mr. Davenport-" Adam began but Davenport cut him off

"Is, uh--is, uh, so proud of you honey"

"Oh and I also have to see if The Phantom will be there" I froze does everyone know I'm back?

"Honey, the Phantom hasn't been a hero for a couple of years, they might not even be there" oh yes I will, I'll count on it

"Will you watch Leo? I have a train to catch" Tasha said

"Absolutely and remember be balanced and fair, collect all the facts, and blame the conductor he's an idiot" Davenport said lightly pushing Tasha away

"Smooth" I commented as the door closed

"This stinks. Everyone gets to go on an adventure but me"

"Am I invisible now?" I asked

"Leo just because you can't go on the train doesn't mean we can't have fun here. I'll pop in the Goober The Spunky Caboose DVD for you, and Scarlett, you do whatever girls do"

"I'm fourteen" Leo said

"Okay, then pop it in yourself" Davenport said "Come on, guys, we don't have a lot of time. We gotta get you in your gear" the four left and it was just me and Leo

"Well, I gonna go to the mall call me if someone explodes" I joked and with that I left out the lab to get my suit in secret
I was ready in my suit, and on top of the train as Leo fell into the train, smart

I decided to wait until they all said his name for me to jump in

"Leo?!" There it is, I jumped in and landed on my two feet

"Phantom?!" They all said

"What are you doing here?" Leo asked

"Doing the same as you little man, trying to stop this train"

"She thinks I'm gonna stop the train! Can I get your autograph?" Leo asked I rolled my eyes
"Leo what are you doing here?!" Bree asked

"Joining the mission like Phantom said, I wanna be like you guys"

"I didn't say you were on this mission, I said I was trying to save it, like you are, don't spin this on me" I said

"But Leo your not like us. And I don't mean that in a bad way, we just have really cool super-fun features, and you don't"

"Uh, Leo, where's the decelerator we need to stop this train?" Chase asked

"You mean the pointy metal thing that was poking me in the butt?" Leo questioned

"It's right here!!!" I heard Davenport yelled through the earpiece
Apparently they had a extra earpiece so they handed it to me and I put it on

"Leo, I'm suppose to be watching you!" Davenport yelled

"And you are--in glorious HD!" Leo replied

"Leo, without the decelerator we can't stop the train"

"Mr. Davenport what are we gonna do?" Bree asked

"I'm coming to get Leo. If he blows up on that train, I'm gonna have to get Tasha a puppy! I'll bring the decelerator in my high speed helicopter. Wow how many guys can say that they have chased their high-speed train in their high-speed helicopter? I'm awesome!"

"Is he always like this?" I joked, I know he is

"Trust me he gets worse" Bree commented

"Okay, I downloaded the trains route before we left the house. Let me pull it up so I can calculate how much time we have left" Chase pulled it up with his mind and then started to panic

"Oh, no, guys! There's only a two percent chance that we can save the train! And if the train goes, we go! Brace yourself! Bionic people do not explode well"

"Chase, relax, I mean there's a possibility we can survive the crash" Bree said

"Oh. Leo won't" Adam added

"Oh, right, never mind" Added Bree

"I'm sorry you guys have to see me like this, I know you think of me as your ultra-competent, unwavering, fearless leader"

"Not really" Adam said
"Yeah, just the opposite, actually" Bree commented

"I'm my own leader so..." I commented moving around the train

Bree, Adam, and Leo were trying to calm down Chase but Chase kept worrying honestly I don't know what he's so afraid of, Davenport will get here soon

After a while of pacing and waiting Davenport finally came

"Okay, I'm gonna drop the decelerator now. Make sure you catch it, it's very delicate"

"Okay!" Adam replied

"Pretend it's a baby"

"Okay!!!" Adam said again you could tell he's kinda angry

Davenport dropped the decelerator but it didn't fit so it bounced off the train

"Pretend I caught it!" Adam yelled to him

"You know for the record when I fill out the incident report I'm putting 'Human Error' "

"Okay, this just went from 'Comic Book Cool' to  'Real Life Terrifying' My new mission is to get the heck off this train!" Leo said

"As someone who is literally a comic book character, I'm offended" I said

"Okay, we're gonna have to abort the mission! Never liked Welkerville, anyways. Okay I'm gonna drop down the ladder everybody up--Leo first then Phantom, I still want her autograph" I rolled my eyes

"You don't have to tell me twice" Leo said rushing towards the ladder "Come on guys let's go home and have some cocoa with Scarlett!"

No one moved "Guys? Cocoa! Scarlett!"

"We can't quit now" Bree said

"If we do, it means we failed our first mission" Chase added

"Yeah, we've been training our whole lives for this moment now, we're not giving up" Adam commented

"Come on, this things about to crash" Leo added "And we've done everything humanly possible"

"Innocent people, I can't just leave them to die, and I haven't been on a mission in a while, I'll stay here and die trying if I have to" I said standing beside them, I'm not leaving now

"And that's just it Leo, Mr. Davenport made us superhuman, because when all else fails, we can't. Innocent people need us, and we're gonna help" Chase said

"Yeah, we put ourselves in danger for the sake of humanity like Phantom" Bree said

"Well, if you guys aren't going, I'm not going either"

"Leo, this is too dangerous for you" Adam said

"Please, my middle name is 'Danger' "

"I thought it was Francis?"
"It's pronounced 'Danger' "

"Leo, we are running out of time. By 'we' I mean you, get up the ladder now!"

"I'm coming!" Leo looked around and picked up a first aid kit and attached it to the ladder

"I'm climbing up the ladder right now pull me up!" He said pulling on the ladder and then he closed the hatch as soon as the ladder was out of the way

"Leo, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't be here" Me and Chase said walking up to him

"We're all in this together, I may not be superhuman, or have powers but it doesn't mean I can't be a hero"

Davenport got worried when he saw the first aid kit and asked what we were doing

"Completing our mission" Chase said as they tossed there earpieces to the ground and crushed them with their feet, I crushed mine with my hand and let the pieces fall to the ground

Chase then pulled up something with his mind and told us what was happening

"Okay, we have approximately three minutes to slow down this thing, before it hits the turn and flies off the tracks"

"Okay let's think, objects in motion remain in motion unless an external force blocks it" Leo said

"So what could block our path?" Bree asked

Adam wanted to put the nuclonium tanks in front of the tracks but we didn't let him, and then Leo talked about wildie coyote and how he would stop the train with a rubber band and two trees, wait a second

"Wait a second, that might work" I commented

"Yea, the Reid-Bennett bride is 19.8 miles ahead. Our rappelling ropes are unbreakable. So if Bree ties them all together--" Bree cut Chase off

"I could use my super-speed to run ahead and wrap around the bridge supports" Bree said

"And then Adam and Phantom can use their super-strength to hold the rope and stop the train" Chase added we all agreed

"Let's do this thing!" Bree said

We all ran to put this plan into action
Adam and I opened the train doors as Leo let go of the bag he was holding

"Can we chalk that up to human error?" Leo shouted from all the loud wind

Then Bree ran off the train super-speeding to the bridge supports tying the ropes around it

"Okay, the ropes secure" she handed me and Adam the rope

"Also look what the train did to this penny!"

"Oh!" We all said

"And this squirrel!"

"Aaah!" We all said, that's nasty, I'll heal it later

Adam secured the rope around his waist and I held it in front of him

"Hey, guys, what if it doesn't work?" Adam questioned

"I mean I know we're strong but this goes way beyond our training scenarios- what if I can't do it?"

"Wait you guys weren't trained for this? Wow bionics are way different then superheroes" they looked at me I walked back

"Adam, strength doesn't just come from your muscles. It also comes from your mind" Bree said

"Okay maybe just Phantom should take the rope" I glared at Chase

"This is everything we've prepared for. You can do this! Just believe in yourself. I believe in you" she slid behind him and held onto his waist

"I believe in you, too" Chase said doing the same thing Bree did

"I just spent four hours in a bag without a bathroom--I think my support goes without saying" Leo commented

"As a superhero who's seen everything, you've got some guts, I believe in you too" I said holding the rope in front if them, if I go down they shouldn't

"Okay, here we go, twenty seconds" Chase said and Bree's phone started ringing

"Hello? What?! Oh, no!" She panicked

"What?" Chase questioned

"What is it now?" Adam feared

"Kaitlyn just broke up with Rodney!" Omg really? This is what's she worried about?!

Adam gasped "Bree this is serious!" Chase panicked about the train

"I know! They've been dating for, like, three months!" Bree panicked I rolled my eyes

"Oh hey, can I talk to her for a sec?" Chase questioned Bree handed him the phone and threw it off the train

"That was a good one" Adam said light laughing, I grabbed the rope tighter

"Alright, here we go!" I said as I pulled on the rope all of us started screaming as we held onto the rope to stop this train, metal screeched on top of metal as the train slowly started to slow down

Then it stopped and I was thrown back as everything went dark
I turned the lights back on with my electricity as everyone stood up

"Is everyone okay?" I questioned cracking my neck and dusting off my pants

"Yeah" they all said helping each other up

"We're alive! You guys did it!" Leo said excitedly

"We completed our first mission!" Bree said

Adam and Chase high fived but Adam complains from rope burn

"Thanks Phantom we couldn't have done it with out you" Bree said and hugged me, shocked I kinda hugged back

"Oh wait!" I pulled out four autographed pictures from my pocket and handed them to each of them 

"Awesome! I have a signed photo of the Phantom!" Leo squealed jumping up and down

"I have to carry them people always ask for autographs and if you don't want it just sell it online, it's worth a lot" I said

"So, what's our next mission? Run away rocket or a sinking battleship?" Leo questioned

"How about trying to explain this entire thing to your mom?" I 'ohhhhh'ed as Chase said that

"That's a mission we'll never return from" Leo said then I got an idea

"How about we do this" I whispered the plan in his ear and he nodded, just so he doesn't get in trouble

Then Davenport entered the place

"Big D!" Leo said as they rushed over to him

"Ah. Thank goodness. The train and Phantom are okay" he sighed with relief we all looked at him

"And you guys, you guys are okay, too yea, that's good. Phantom can I get your autograph?!" He acted like a little kid at the end I rolled my eyes and handed him a photo to he squeaked like Leo did but acted as if I never happened

"Oh and a picture really quick? Please?" I sighed he pulled out his phone and we took a selfie, I had a thumbs up and he just smiled holding his phone

"There, now you should get going, I take care of the rest from here" I said

"Right, first one back to the lab gets a good pellet smoothie!" He said as they all raced out the door

"I'll catch up! I haven't whizzed since Reno. I'd like to avoid another disaster" Leo said
Leo hide behind some stuff while I heard our mom outside

"We have an exclusive interview inside the runaway train. Maybe we'll even meet the person who stopped it" I was putting stuff out of the way acting surprised as Tasha walked in

"Oh my god! It's the Phantom! The Phantom stopped the train!" Tasha said excitedly

"Phantom! Phantom! Anything to say about you saving downtown Welkerville from total destruction?"

"Well I had a little help, come on out!" I said as Leo walked out, Tasha looked mad

"Leo! Uh--"

"Hey! Am I on TV?" Leo questioned I rolled my eyes

"This guys was on the train with me" I put my arm around his shoulders as he lit up like a Christmas tree "Found him here and he helped me stop this train" he nodded excitedly

He waved at the camera and Tasha put his hand down "Wherever your mother is right now, I and sure she is very angry, yet...relieved that you are okay. I am here with--" Leo cut her off

"Leo 'Danger' Dooley!" He said into the microphone, Tasha put it in my face

"The Phantom" I said as she pulled it away as Leo kept talking

"How does it feel to be a hero with the phantom?" She questioned clearly angered

"Well, uh-- Tasha, was it?" Tasha looked pissed off at Leo, he is so getting grounded one way or another

"I wouldn't exactly explain myself as a hero...actually I would. I am a hero" he bragged I rolled my eyes

"Actually, I did all the heavy lifting, he just showed up and helped me out" I patted his shoulder and his smile grew wider "Thanks Leo 'Danger' Dooley, and Tasha would you like and exclusive before I go?" I asks she nodded

I made my hands create electric fire balls "The Phantom has returned, for good" I shot them into the floor and went through the open roof, and headed for home
I walked through the front door to see some angry bionic faces

"Hey guys! Congrats on stopping the train!" I said going to hug them but they turned away

"Guys....?" I questioned as they turned around angry

"You abandoned us during our first mission, how could you?" Bree sassed, oh the whole superhero and friends thing, I always hate this

"Look guys if you must know what I was doing, I was practicing my powers" I whispered the last part they looked unconvinced

"It's true! I watched the whole news report and I knew you guys could do it, I'll try to be there to support you during the next one okay, but I had a chance to practice and I've gotten good at something, please forgive me?" I said they looked a little less man and gave me a group hug

"Promise?" They all asked

"Promise" I lied, I may not be at the next one, I'll have to help out during the next one if it's really bad, hopefully it's not

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