Chapter 22

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(Outfit above with black combat boots)

We walked down the stairs of the school together like normal people, even though our lives have nothing to do with being normal

"Oh, I love history class! Someone is always leaving me a little piece of gum stuck under my desk," Adam spoke as we reached the bottom of the stairs

"Adam, please tell me you didn't," Chase groaned in disgust, but then Adam blew a bubble with the gum

"He did. He totally did," Bree gagged

"Mm-hmm," Chase agreed

"Oh. Guys, don't look now, but here comes that guys none of us like. Marcus," Leo spoke

"M-dog!" All of us cheered, except Leo, as we greeted Marcus, and gave him a group hug

"Wait. Hold the phone. Hold the phone, hold the freaky-deaky phone. M-dog?" Leo spoke

"Yeah. Bros call each other by nicknames," Chase spoke

"Well, I'm your actual bro and you don't call me by a nickname," Leo spoke

"Actually, we do. We just choose not to do it in your presence. Mr. Tiny McLittlestein," Adam spoke

"Hey, Marcus, what are you up to this weekend?" Chase asked

"My dads out of town so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma," Marcus answered

"Aha! You said your grandma was dead," Leo spoke as he pointed at Marcus in a weird stance

"The other grandma. But thanks for reminding me," Marcus spoke, making a sad face that seemed sorta suspicious when Leo pointed that out to him, I'll have to remember this

"I wish I could stay with you guys for the weekend," Marcus spoke after the bionic three scolded Leo

"And I wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues," Leo said, getting into Marcus's face

"Leo, give it a rest," Chase told Leo as he pulled him back

"Chase, none of us are safe until the FBI responds to my request for a background check on this M-dog," Leo spoke

"Stop using my computer for that! I'm getting sick of it," I scolded him, hitting him lightly upside the head

"Look, Marcus, I'm sure you can stay with us. I'll just check with Mr. Davenport," Chase spoke

"You call your dad Mr. Davenport?" Marcus questioned

"What? No. Pssh. No. But you do, and I wanted to make sure you knew who I was talking about," Chase spoke quickly

"Okay. Cool. Thanks, guys," Marcus smiled and walked to class

"Scar watch out!" Chase yelled, I noticed a football flying at me, but it missed completely when Chase moved his arm and the ball flew in that direction

"Sorry Scarlett!" Matt, one of the football players yelled to me

"It's cool, next time throw it on the field," I smiled as he ran to get the all

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