Fuck A Hood Love

By skye_babie

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Fuck A Hood Love
I'm Going To Call You...
Hold Up Wait A Minute
Are You Ready For This?
Will he ever leave...?

New Year...New Me

418 10 4
By skye_babie

When I got inside the house it was dead silent nobody seemed to be here. The only sound you could hear was, the television. As I opened the door I saw Marques sitting on my bed. His eyes were low and red which meant that he had been smoking.

"Where were you Jordan I've been calling for the past hour. I got some enemies out for me and if they know that you my girl they may try and take you away from me." He said in a worried weary tone, not even looking in my direction.

"I was just out with a friend, I didn't mean to worry you."I sighed."Why you claiming me as your girl when you haven't even asked me to be yours yet?"

He looked me dead in the eyes and turned my head gently so I was looking at him. "Jordan will you be, my girl,my main, my woman, my ride or die whatever you want to be called."

"I don't know we have only been talking for awhile and I don't want it to seem like we moving things to fast, unless...Never mind." I said shaking my head and looking the other direction.

"Jordan,I honetly don't care what you think about past niggas.I'm not like that and I never will be. I'm a down ass nigga and I'm faithful to my girl especially if I care about this girl with all my heart.I mean I would take a bullet for you. You will always be mine." Marques got up off of my bed and walked right out of the front door. Taking a piece of my heart with him that I might never get back.

Once he left I honestly didn't think I could bear with myself I knew I was in the wrong, but I didn't want to end up like the rest of those girls. All these thoughts running through my mind. I looked down at my wrist, but quickly shook the thought away from my head. I knew cutting would not get me anywhere but back in the hospital. I thought about how the cool metal blade felt against my skin as it tore through my skin and the blood flowed out of my body giving me the relief that I needed. Again and again the thought came back into my head. The only time I use to cut is when I was getting bullied for being dark skin. Honestly I don't see why it was such a big deal to everyone. If I didn't know any better I would think that we were separated races because of how we classify ourselves. No wonder why other races looked down at us. You don't see white people classifying each other into categories.

"Ughhh!" I sigh out in frustration and defeat because I am letting society run my decisions. My hard walls have been broken and I am just now noticing the change in myself. Who am I becoming some little girl whose feelings are all over the place just because of a boy, I believe not that is not who my parents have raised me to be. They raised me to be a strong young lady who no one get in her way or puts her down. I got so much going on and for school to be starting tomorrow I'm going to going there acting like brand new me. No I am not about to turn into total bad ass, but I am just going to improve on myself. Keep my grades up and my head in the books because apparently the gang is not going to lead me anywhere into trouble so I think I'll focus on trying to get my basketball and track scholarship because I do plan on going to collage after my senior year is over. Right now I'm not absolutely what I want to go to school for, but I do know that I want to go for something to do with law. Maybe a sports attorney or something.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my iPod music player so I could play music while I prepped myself for tomorrow. The song How Many Drinks By Miguel ft. Kendrick Lamar came on and I fell in love with Kendrick's voice I mean I always liked him, but dang that boy has flow. Anyways I pranced over to my closet and pulled out some random pieces of clothing. I want some to wear something that will compliment my hair which is recently in Havana twist because I am on a challenge to wear my naturally curly hair. I grabbed my high waist distressed jeans since it has been rather chill in Michigan. I also grabbed my black stay weird crop top with a neon green bandeau top. I paired the outfit with my black out doc Martin boys and a neon green now to pin in my bun. Did I ever mention I have braces. yeah my teeth used to be so messed up and I was an ole buck tooth child. Real pretty eyes though well at least that's what people tell me. there deep chocolate brown eyes. their not black but like the same color of a Hershey bar.

Power Trip by J. Cole came on. The words played over and over inside my head. "Would you believe me if I said I'm in love, baby I want you to want me." the song was bringing me down to tears. I mean it was some what telling how my story could well what could possibly be my story. Gosh, I need some help. I glance at my cock to realize that it is only 8 o'clock. I really have the taste for some ice cream. running down the steps I feel hell because I stubbed my pinky toe on the railing.

"Mom?Dad?" Only to receive no answer because apparently I am the only one in the house. Hard to believe because normally my brothers send someone from the crew to "baby sit" me because they don't want me to get hurt with the business that they are handling.

I check the freezer and there is absolutely nothing sweet inside. Which absolutely sucks because my sweet tooth is being a bitch today. I grab my jacket and head out the door and head on my way towards the Sweet Shop. All I see on my way there is disappointing. Crackheads begging for crack, Prostitutes talking to pimps in their cars trying to give blow jobs for Loubitons. It is a shame what I see here in Detroit no. No wonder it has such a bad name.When I was younger it was "nicer" or at least that's what I think because you know when your young, you are innocent and clueless to what is actually going on inside of the world. What was I thinking when I wanted to grow up. if only I could get back to the good old days when things were sweet and magical.

After about ten minutes I made it to the Sweet Shop. the walk was longer then I expected with the cold wind blowing in my face. As I stepped through the doors the sweet aroma of sugar and vanilla and chocolate entered my nostrils and brought to heaven on Earth. I never thought that it would be possible.

"Hey, How you doing young lady?"said a middle aged woman. She was sitting in the corner by herself eating a chocolate chip scone. Her long reddish brown hair cascaded over her shoulders.

"I'm doing alright, how about you?" I asked while walking towards the counter so I could order my food.

"Come sit with me child I have something important to tell you."

When she said this it caught me a little bit of guard. Honestly because a woman who I didn't know was calling me over to sit with her. The main thing I didn't understand was how she could tell me something important about my life. What do I have left to give up. Nothing could get anymore complicated then it already has.

"Now child, I know you don't know me, but I know a lot about you. Now Jordan I know life is giving you hell right now, but truth is your greater is coming you just got to wait on it. And don't chase love boo and don't run from it. You got a good one don't let him get to far." With those last words she rose out of her seat and exited the shop. She left me with the look of confusion plastered across my face.

I walked back home thinking about what she said. What did she mean?


"Rise and Shine baby girl you got to get you for school." I heard the lovely song drift from my mothers mouth. She had the voice of an angel and no one could say anything otherwise. 

"Good morning Ma." I said raising out of bed and wiping my eyes. 

She laughed at me even though nothing was funny. She is such a goofy person. I don't see how she is happy all the time. I mean she gets pissed at us, her children, but other then that you never see her mad or in her feelings. How do you keep all of that just bundled up. As she left the room I pranced over to the bathroom that was in my room. Time to get prepared for school I said mentally. I didn't have to take a shower because I took one last night, so I grabbed my toothbrush, deodorant and makeup bag. I'm not the one to wear a whole lot of makeup so I brush on some neutral eye shadow and clear lip gloss and just enough mascara. So my whole look was perfect. I waked back in my room and grabbed my outfit and slipped it on. I guess you can say I was ready for school now. I double checked my book bag to see that everything I needed was still in my book bag. Grabbing a pop tart out the cabinet I started on my walk to school. Yeah, I walk to school it's not the far away considering it's the district I live in. It's about a five minute walk from where I live the walk gives me time to myself to think and just have a moment of silence to myself. 

When I get to school I see something that makes me want to let tears fall from the brim of my eyes, but no I was not going to let that happen. It's not like me to be in my feeling about anyone. I just can't believe Marquez had the balls to sit up there and kiss on some hoochie and he was just at my house begging me to be his girl and got pissed at me because I was not ready to settle down with any body, but that's chill I don't have anything left to say to him like I sad before I came to school New year...New Me even if I have to drop some people on the way there. 

I walked into the school building with my head held high and nobody was stopping me from being happy. I waved at a few people that I remembered from last year,but not a lot because I wasn't really the party girl last year. Most people knew of me because of my brother's high status in the drug world. Honestly I don't mind the attention most people don't mess with me, but the one's who do are those hoochie rats who can't keep their legs closed for more than twenty-four hours.They thirsty squallys always chasing a nut. Waking into the office Isee a bunch of people that look new. This one girl was sitting in the corner like she was thinking, but then you can see a rush of pain shadow on her face. It went away about as fast as it came. The secratary handed me my a copy of my schedule for this trimester and it looks like I have dance first. That's great I haven't danced in forever and didn't think I would have to dance anytime soon. When I entered the room I threw my gym bag on the floor and the only reason I brought it was because I thought I was going to have to take gym class today because they don't care if its your first or last day you are going to have to do some type if physical activity every day. I'm not the one to judge but when these girls walked in I just got a bad vibe about it. It was like the whole demeanor of the atmosphere had changed and I wasn't liking it one bit. The girl who I saw in the office earlier was slowly traveling behind the as if she honestly did not want to be anywhere near them in the world. I glanced at her and waived her to come over to where I was sitting. Even though I was not new I was pretty sure I had never seen those girls before.

"Aye," I started. "What is the deal with those girls over there walking in here like they own shit?" I asked.

"Shh, don't say that you must not know what they can do to you if they hear you-"

The girl was cut off my an irritating screechy voice.

"who do you think you are taking about us like that. we run this school if you haven't figured it out yet." she said waving her hands all in my face.

I looked up at her and smirked. She was in for the surprise of her life. "To be completely honest you might think that you guys run the school but in all truth my family and run this whole east and over half of the west coast, so don't come up all in my face trying to spit big shit like you running things because you don't know shit that goes on here."

"Ughh." she replied then walked off like she had a stick in her butt because she was trying to switch the ass that she didn't have.

The last person I would ever expect to walked in through the door.


"Jordan, baby girl. didn't know you went to this school. Why you didn't tell me?" he asked grabbing me up in a hug.

"You never asked me what school went to, but the real question is why you didn't tell me you could dance."

Our conversation was city short by the instructor walking through the for and starting to give us instructions for the day.We had to do a duo dance the stye didn't matter because Mr.Brown the instructor said that he wanted to get to know our story through the dance. I some what didn't know if I was prepared to do a dance that told my story.

My thoughts were cut odd by an irritating screechy voice again. "Prince you want to be my partner?" The girl said practically drooling and rubbing her hand and down his chest.

"Nahh, I'm doing my duo with my baby girl over there." He said looking at me and nodding his head towards my direction. I could see the jealousy forming on the girl's face. She looked toward me with hatred as her two friends stared holes into the side of my head. If looks could kill I would be six feet under already and honestly I don't give a fuck. 

Under my shirt I had on a bandeau top so a stripped from my crop top and I had already changed into my black harem pants so I was ready to start stretching and what not to prepare for the dance.Prince and I decided to o a dance to The Worst by Jhene Aiko. It was a tie between that and Power Trip by Miguel. I happy we didn't do Power Trip because the song would've been to touching for me. The way our bodies moved in sync was perfect I mean out of all the group routines that I have done in the past I think that was the best out of all of them. 

Lunch was the most interesting part of the day because Prince made it a point that I sit with him and his crew because he didn't want me hanging with no lames or stragglers. I knew a coupe of the people in the group. One of the girls who was vibing with us was one of my close friends growing up. We lost contact a while back though.


The long day was finally over and I was hoping out of Prince's car since he offered to take me home even though I told him I was fine and cold walk home, but no he insisted that I was brought home safely by him.  When we reached my house there were no cars parked in the driveway so I invited Prince in. I mean even if my parents were here I would've invited him in it's just my brother I was worried about about.  He was way over protective.

"Sooo..." I said trying to get rid of the awkward silence that was lurking in the air of the room we were standing in. 

"That dance in Mr. Brown's class was dope. I didn't know you had it in you kid, I'm just saying you got some type of skill and I can tell you danced before. Where did you dance at?" 

"When I was younger I used to dance for a company, but I grew apart from it and focused on my basketball skills for a while because how many black females do you see growing up to become prima ballerinas. About five years ago I started dancing with the 313 crew and from there I kept going."

"I know I've seen you before. I think it as about last year I saw you guys perform at a street battle a bow thr crowd away. It was dope and I can't even doubt in my mind that ya'll aren't going to make it a long way."

"Well thank you." I said plopping down on to the couch and putting my feet across his legs. 

"Has anyone ever told you, that you have a beautiful smile and the most deep chocolate brown eyes that tell a whole story by themselves."  Prince said looking dead in my eyes and crawled over to me so he was hovering over my body. 

"There's always that one person

That will always have your heart

You never see it coming

Cause you're blinded from the start

Know that you're that one for me

It's clear for everyone to see

Ooh baby ooh you'll always be my boo" He sang in an oh so soothing voice before getting up from on top of me. "Now come on bae I want to take you somewhere." 

"I wish I could but, I promised my mom I would help her cook dinner tonight." 

"Well that's alright, but be ready in the morning because I'm coming to pick you up for school." 

"I'm perfectly fine with walking Prince." I said blowing off the idea. 

"Just do as I say Princess and all is yours be ready by six thirty." He walked over to give me a hug and when I hugged him back he squeezed my ass and kissed my neck. I let out a sall moan before pushing him away and leading him towards the front door. "Bye Princess"


After Prince left I put the pot of water on the stove so I could boil the noodles for spaghetti. Then I walked back upstairs to my room so that I could find something to wear for school tomorrow. I decided on something simple just a crew neck bulls sweatshirt, my lulu lemon black leggings and black uggs. I also threw my Bulls snap back on the outfit so I woudn't forget to put it on. I went downstairs to finish off the spaghetti before everyone got home.


School ended up getting cancelled because there was a severe snow storm coming in from the East coast and traveling throughout the states so II was just bored staying home chilling. I talked to Prince earlier because he called me because he couldn't sleep. I swear that boy is a fool. I decided to call up my homie Crystal. She is the down ass chick that I have been friends with since I helped her beat these girl's ass because they were jumping her and you know if you have to jump somebody you know you can't fight. The only thing that is wrong is that her and Ashley don't get along to well. They see from completely different views and expect me to choose sides. Like nope that is not why I am here especially since I love them both equally. We talked for about an hour or two then her boyfriend came over her house and I hung up because I didn't want

to hear them being all mushy. I really don't know what I am going to do today Prince said he had moves to make . Ashley I somewhere with my brother probably making me an auntie and I'm not that close to that many people mainly because I don't trust them. I walked down the stairs only to hear my phone start ringing after I reached the bottom so I raced back up the stairs to answer it.

"Hello?"I said answering the phone because I didn't check the contact I.D.

"Baby girl come to the front door I got a surprise for you."  I was soothed hearing the calm, deep and smooth voice coming from Prince's mouth.

I opened up the door and there was Prince standing in an all white outfit. He could blend in with the snow if it wasn'tfor his smooth chocolate skin tone. He grabbed me in a hug while waking inside the house. I don't know about if what I am doing with Prince is right or if it is wrong. Honestly because I just told a guy who was practically begging on his knees for me in tears for me to be his girl no or because I am trying to fill a void for Marques because right about now he seems to no longer be in my life. Prince pulled out a wrapped up box from the inside of the black leather back pack he was carrying." What is it?" I asked shaking the box.

"Just open it."He replied throwing me a sly smile.

"It bet not be nothing that is going to creep me out because I swear if it- Oh my gosh. Prince you didn't have to I mean I was going to order them online." I said practically throwing my arms around him and then dancing around with my Gammas in my hands. They were perfect and I was truly going to get them, but I just didn't feel like standing in that long ass line out in the cold. What am I talking about my bro's have all the connect with the shoe people I would've got them either way it goes. I pecked Prince on the lips before squealing and running up to my room. 

"Well  just going to leave me all alone after that amazing kiss? I feel hurt."

"Aw do not feel hurt young Prince and it was not even an amazing kiss just a little peck."

"So can I get an amazing kiss?" He said leaning forward and smirking at me. 

"Nah baby boy I don't think you ready for all of that." I said speaking with my lips barely a centimeter away from his. "We should go to the basketball warehouse."  I said while grabbing my Adidas sports bag and throwing my Lebron 11's into my bag along with a pair of basketball shorts. I crawled under my bed to grab my customized galaxy and black basketball that had my name on it. I felt a hand grab my ass while I was under the bed. 

"Damn ma this ass is getting fatter and fatter every time I see you." 

I crawled from under the bed. "Boy, what you talking about I got a little cupcake ass and it ain't going to get no bigger." 

At the basketball warehouse it was hype I mean aside from the fact that Prince almost whooped this boy's ass for for disrespecting me. He is such a gentleman. We went out for dinner and decided to just take things slow because we knew neither of us were ready for a relationship just yet. When he brought me home I saw the lights on in the house meaning that people were at the house. I dashed out the car and entered the house. 

"Jordan, baby miss me?"

How  was the chapter I think I did a good job with the length and if you are reading this you should probably go back and re read the story because I went back and edited all of the other chapters so if you don't read them you may not understand the book

Love my readers ,Skye

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