My Possessive Vampire Boss✔️...

By bjorghalla

439K 13.2K 861

My life was simple and easy. A bit lonely but I liked it. It wasn't until I literally crashed into the one wh... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28} Epliogue
My Protective Vampire
200k and a GIFT to readers

{Chapter 3}

27.8K 810 49
By bjorghalla

My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 3_

"Good morning, Mr. White" I say happily to him as I arrive for work. It's a new and happy day, and I'm in a good mood. "Good morning, Miss Summers. You're early, you don't start until ninth e and it's only eight" He says pointing at the watch around his left wrist. "The only reason I'm early is because I woke up before my alarm and I'm well aware of the time, Mr. White" I tell him smiling. I woke up this morning very happy and I'm bringing it to work.

"All right, you can always come here as early as you wish, but please do not in the middle of the night due to the library being closed" He says and chuckles. I giggle a bit at that. "I don't find a reason for me to come here in the middle of the night, Mr. White" I tell him, and laugh a bit. Why would anyone come to the library in the middle of the night, people are suppose to asleep at that time. People need sleep and the night is a good time to sleep. "That Miss Summers is hopefully true, otherwise you'd freeze in the cold. It's almost winter" He states seriously.

"Enough about that, now I want to know what and why Mr. Black desperately wanted to speak to you, care to tell me?" He asks, he doesn't look that interested in knowing, and he looks angry for some reason. He was happy just a second ago. He has this in common with Mr. Black. "Well, he just wants me to work for him. I find it rather odd" I say with a smile. His eyes become darker and he comes angrier. I didn't know that his eyes could get darker when he's angry. That's unique. "What did you say about it?" He asks. It's as clear as day that he is trying to be calm even if he isn't. Why is he angry all of a sudden? There is absolutely nothing to be angry about.

Ok, maybe there is one reason to be angry. If I were to take the job offer Mr. Black gave me, he would lose me as an employee, and I'm not going to take his job offer. I just started here and I'm not going to give it up. "I refused his offer because I just started working, and I am already in love with it. I'm not letting a job like this go, so you don't have to worry about it" I tell him proudly. "Well, it looks like you will be getting a raise since you refuse to work for that man" He says through his gritting teeth, he is so angry at Mr. Black. It is as clear as the blue sky.

"Why would you give me a raise on my second day?" I ask him a bit confused. I'm sure that this isn't very common to get a raise on the second day. Can he give me a raise when I have only just started? I thought that you could get a raise after working there for at least a year or longer. "Because, Miss Summers, you are the first person I've ever known to have refuse an offer he suggested and the money he offers" He tells me. I had no idea that just by politely refusing an offer, I would become the first person Mr. White knows that has refused an offer from Mr. Black. Is that why Mr. Black was so angry at me for refusing his job offer, because no one ever has?

"Well, enough about him and his stupid offers. Your work day is about to begin in few minutes, so you better get ready for the day" He tells me. I look at the clock on the wall, and he's right. Work is about to start. I can't believe that the time passes so quickly. "I better start, don't want to disappoint my boss" I say laughing. He joins in the laughter. He opens the library and I begin my second day at work.

I've finished doing everything that needs to be done, and the library is closing. I let Mr. White that I'm going home now. He smiles at me when I spoke to him, and for some reason my cheeks started to heat up. And, I felt incredibly awkward to be with him. When I was finally out of his office, I could breathe a little better. Then I begin to head home. Until my phone buzzes in my pocket. I fish it out and look at it. It's a message from Maria. 'Meet me at Starbucks, you've got some explaining to do' I can already hear her scolding me through her text. But, what does she want me to explain. Her text looks serious. 'All right, I'll be right there in a few' I type back to her and then put the phone back into my pocket.

I walk to Starbucks and when I'm inside I spot Maria after looking around for her. She is drinking coffee, her favorite. She is a coffee person, she works at a coffee shop, but doesn't drink anything from there. I sit in front of her. "You made it" She says happily, might as well be jumping up and down like a little kid. "Someone's cheerful today. Of course, I made it. You're my best friend, I wouldn't just bail on you like that. Besides, I really want to know what I have to explain to you. You know how curious I can get" I tell her, and we both share a little laugh. It's the truth, I can be very curious about everything. I always want to know everything, I don't like when someone's keeping secrets from me.

"Why in the name of the sun didn't you tell me that you met the one and only Jason Black? Tell me how this happened, how did you meet him?" She asks with confusion and happiness mixed in her voice. Really? She wanted to meet me because I have met some man? This is getting weird. "Fine, I bumped into him two days ago and I thought I would never see him again after that, but then he sent me a letter that said that I'm supposed to meet him. End of story" I explain to her, there is really nothing more to the story. Nothing interesting. I don't really want to talk to him right now, I want to talk about more interesting things. Like Liam White. Wait what?

He's super cute. But, the only problem is that he's my boss and I can't date my boss. I think it's against the law or something. Besides, I'm not so sure that he likes me. "End of story? You just talked to the Jason Black. He's only the riches, youngest and the most handsome billionaire in the whole wide world. And you talk about it like you didn't even care about it" She nearly screams out in shock, I think she is very surprised. I had no idea he was all of those things. "Why should I care about someone I don't even know or want to know?" I ask her, but it wasn't really a question. More like a statement. She gasps and playfully holds her hand over her heart. You could say I'm not the biggest fan of this Jason Black. After what happened yesterday.

"Of course you should care, don't you see how hot he is? Your lucky you got a chance to have a conversation with him. I would do anything to even see him in person. Wait a second, is there someone else you like? That would explain why you ignore the hotness of Jason Black" She says, and now she's giggling like a school girl. I believe she's in shock of this and just far too excited. Should I tell her about Liam? I think I'm starting to like him, but it's wrong and I know that. "Maybe" I tell her with a grin on my face.

"Come on Em, at least give me a name. I'm your best friend, and you owe me after the paint incident" Maria says, almost begging me to tell her. Oh, no. She's using the paint incident to get me to tell her. Now I have to tell her, I owe her after that. "Fine, his name is Liam, and he's all right, I guess. But, don't tell anyone" I tell her, warning her not to say anything. What have I gotten myself into? Now she will never keep quiet about this. She is the worst person in the world to hold any secrets. Maria will ask me questions and information about him, and if I deny her then she will take action. She has done it before, not to me but to someone else. And, I'm not mistaken she's still trying to get answers from that person, and not in a nice way. Meaning she has done something to him.

I know who it is, but God bless him. Maria can be your worst nightmare if she wants to be, but she can also be the truest friend you can ever have. That is how she is to me, she is very loyal and I can trust with for anything. "All right? Darling, you need love and all right is not good enough for you, you need someone who can take care of you and love you for your innocence. But, you're not going to young forever. Soon, you'll lose all your beauty and no one wants to date someone old and not attractive. However, I can help you find the right one" She tells me with a smile, with something else behind it. Only I don't know what.

I know she is trying to help, but I feel like she's trying to trick me into telling her everything. "But, you can't help me. I want to find my Prince Charming and live an adventure. I know he's out there, I just haven't looked hard enough" I admit to her. I have always believed that somewhere in the world there is a person waiting for me, someone who will love me and be with me forever. "If you say so, but you don't find him in time, then don't be disappointed. I hate seeing you sad. You're a force for good and you're not meant to be sad or have a frown on that beautiful face, you're supposed to be smiling and happy all the time" She says and takes my hand. Cheering me up. I truly think that she just wants the best for me.

"Thank you, for those kind words. You always say the right things when I need to hear them" I tell her with a smile. She can be a nightmare to handle but there is good in her, and she's always trying to make me happy. I look up at the clock that hangs on the wall. I stand up from the chair. "It's getting late, and I have to wake up early for work" I tell her. "Of course, I'll see you soon" She says and stands up to. She gives me a hug, and we both leave Starbucks, going in different directions. I go right and she goes left.

I go home and look around my lonely apartment. I don't like living here all alone, just by myself. It's sad. I'm thinking of getting a pet, perhaps a cat or a dog. It would be hard for me to have a dog since I have work, and having a dog takes a lot of work. If I have a cat then it wouldn't be as much trouble, all cats do is sleep all day. Then it has been decided, I'm getting a cat. I'm so tired of the silence and loneliness in this apartment that I need a friend to keep me company and a cat is exactly what I need.

I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. Since I moved into this apartment things have been lonely and I have always had this strange feeling that something is missing or someone. Maybe it is a pet but perhaps it's a person. I think my brain is overthinking this, how can I feel like something is missing? Is it a feeling or a fact? God, I must be going crazy right now, I have never bad thoughts like this. What is wrong with me?

This strange thinking has never crossed my brain before, makes me wonder what in the world is happening to me right now. Come to think of it, this all started not long after I met Jason Black. Perhaps he has something to do with this, but how can one person affect my thinking. I'm so confused right now. But, ever since I met him I have started to feel a strange feeling in my stomach, and I have no idea what that is or what it means. I only know that it's bothering me and it doesn't leave.

I think I'm going crazy right now. I think I'm just tired and I need sleep, I guess I haven't gotten the sleep I need. Perhaps If I go to bed right now, and wake up in the morning this will all just go away, like nothing ever happened. I desperately hope this is all my imagination, yes that could be it. It would explain everything easily. I'm blaming it on lack of sleep and my imagination.

I get dressed in my pajamas and put on my slippers so my toes won't get cold by the ice-cold floor, it doesn't have heat in it. I brush my teeth and brush my hair, with a different brush of course. I take off the little makeup that I put on my face this morning. But, when I was about to get into be the doorbell rings. Great, whoever it is, is not helping me sleeping, I'm exhausted. I just want to go to bed, and wake up tomorrow for the new day.

Anyway, who would be here at this hour. My doorbell is never used, I don't get many guests. And, Maria doesn't use it. I hope it isn't a creepy or a bad person. Nonsense, I shouldn't be thinking like something bad is about to happen to me. I blame the imagination my brain has. However, I'm a very curious person and I really want to know who is at the door. I'm not even sure who it could be.

I hurry to open the door, not before I slip on the slippers that I had kicked off my feet before. The person who is standing there is someone I wasn't really expecting to be here. "What are you doing here? Especially at this time? Do you have any idea what the time is?" I ask concerned for him. He doesn't look good. Then I realize, I think he is drunk. I can smell something horrible coming from him.

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