The Shy Empress

By saltyshimx

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The Shy Empress, that is what they call her. On the court she is their Empress, she controls everything, but... More

Prologue; Meeting
Chapter One; The Empress
Chapter Two; You?
Chapter Three; Oya Oya Oya?
Chapter Four; Kuroo is a bad cat
Chapter Five; Fire
Chapter Six; Protective
Chapter Seven; Number three
Chapter Eight; Defeat
Chapter Nine; The Forgotten Prodigy
Chapter Eleven; Changes
Chapter Twelve; Surprises
Chapter Thirteen; Drama
Chapter Fourteen; Memories
Chapter Fifteen; Broken
Chapter Sixteen; But I'm your boyfriend
Chapter Seventeen; Joy
Extra; Hi. I'm the normal guy.
AN the new one

Chapter Ten; We will win!

8.6K 300 84
By saltyshimx

Chapter Ten

Since that article has been released, a few days have passed. Tendo already got on Kashiya's nerves about it, not having known of her title — even though her title had been made more than clear during their three on three match. Kuroo also had asked Kashiya about the match that had been mentioned.

People in her school began to whisper and stare more, whenever she was around. They thought she wouldn't notice, but she did. Her friends stood by her side, nevertheless that article. It didn't say anything bad about her, but others would treat her differently if they had found out they're friends with someone who's a quite infamous person. Kashiya was glad that the few friends she had outside of the club still stood by her side and cheered her up.

Today was the day, when she'd head back to Shiratorizawa to hand over the training schedule she made. She had come up with the perfect countermeasure, which she was proud of. If the boys would keep up with that schedule, they'd be able to beat Shiratorizawa at any time.

"Hey Tsukishima, can we go now?" Kashiya asked and watched the blonde flagpole with a raised eyebrow. He had agreed to accompany her on her way to Shiratorizawa, so there wouldn't be any unpleasantries. She had been quite surprised when he had actually agreed to doing that. Well, on the other hand, he did seem quite protective over her.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming..." the flagpole said lazily and made his way over to her, saying goodbye to Yamaguchi. Then the two classmates left the classroom and then started to make their way out of the building. Their way was silent. Hell, the whole way to Shiratorizawa was silent, Tsukishima not saying a thing and most likely not intending to, but Kashiya noticed how he'd glance at her every once in a while.

At Shiratorizawa, she then lead the way toward the gym, where the boys were already heard to be training. "Wait here." She mumbled to the taller male as she quickly changed her shoes, before stepping into the gym. She glanced at the boys shortly, before heading over to coach Saitou.

She bowed a little and said "I have the training schedule ready, as I've promised." She took the papers out of her bag. "I've formed individual training schedules for the most of the boys where I saw the most potential of them getting better. I can't stay to explain it better, so, if you have any questions, ask Tendo, he has my number."

With that said, she turned around and headed toward the entrance of the gym. "Azumane." She then heard someone call, just as she was about to step outside. With a raised eyebrow, she turned towards Ushijima. The practice had stopped, everyone's eyes were fixed on the two enemies.

"We will crush your team. If they should make it past Aoba Johsei." He said, glaring at her coldly. A grin formed on her lips and again a slightly deadly aura formed around the younger female. "I'd like to see you try, Number Three." That said, she turned around, changed her shoes and then went out to Tsukishima, who immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulders again, leading her away.

Tsukishima didn't say a word, just like Kashiya, but it didn't bother her. She had to admit, she liked it when he did that. Together they headed towards the exit of the school and just as they came through the gates and turned around the corner, they were greeted by a group of reporters. "Oh no..." Kashiya mumbled, as one then called "There she is!"

Immediately they came running towards her. Kashiya quickly hid her face in Tsukishima's shoulder, who then pulled her closer to him. "Azumane-san, can you answer a few questions for us?" One asked, others agreeing to the mans voice. Since Kashiya didn't reply, Tsukishima took that as a sign for them to continue their way through the crowd of reporters.

The reporters though kept bugging them and didn't even dream of backing off, taking pictures, until Kashiya then finally had enough. Slowly she looked up and turned around to the reporters following them. "If I answer your questions, will you leave us be?" Quickly they all nodded.

Kashiya let out a low sigh, as Tsukishima then stepped closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her a bit closer in a protective matter. "Azumane-san, is it true that you're the assistant coach of the Karasuno High School boys volleyball club?" One asked and instantly a few mics were held toward her. "Yes, that is true."

"What exactly happened back then at the Nationals? And what are the bandages for that we could see during the three on three match against Shiratorizawa's ace Ushijima Wakatoshi?" Another then asked. "At the nationals, I crashed into my teammate while we both tried to receive a ball. I broke my shoulder and also took slight damage to my collarbone. I had to go through surgery, that's why I had to stay in the Tokyo Hospital for a while longer than planned. About the latter, I'd rather not talk."

"But why not? I think we're all curious to know what happened!" Someone else then said and just as Kashiya was about to respond, the middle blocker beside her harshly said "She doesn't want to talk about that and that's final." Kashiya smiled softly at that. She found it adorable how protective he was.

"Did you really defeat Ushijima Wakatoshi?" "Yes, I did. Before you ask how it even came to that match, I was supposed to gather information for my team and I actually got into a little debate with one of their coaches, which ended up with me asking for the match to prove that I am still as strong as back then, which I have then successfully proven. Through certain sources, I know that Ushijima is still pissed about losing against a girl." Kashiya chuckled slightly and Tsukishima next to her snickered at that thought.

"Azumane-san, what can you tell us about your team for this season?" After a short while of her thinking, she then replied "I think there is a lot to be expected from my team this season, especially in the Spring High Preliminaries. And I know what's on your minds now. If we get paired up against Aoba Johsei, we will not lose like we did the last time. In fact, I can assure you that we won't. And I promise you that we also will be the ones to go against Shiratorizawa in the finals."

"And why do you think that?" "That's simple." Kashiya began with a smile "The team has been going through a lot of practice matches and a harsh training. With what I have found out, they will most likely be the ones ending up in the finals. I will take them there and if it will be the last thing I do. As the assistive coach, its my job to help them as good as I can. And I will assure you this, right here and now, we will win. That is all I have to say."

With that, the two first-years turned around and continued their way back.

[ to be honest, I ship Tsukishima and Kashiya more than I thought lmao and I am on a updating spree right now, three chapters in one day, I deserve a cheer! Thanks for reading :)]

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