Chapter Two; You?

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Chapter Two

17 - 10. That was the current score of the match against the Empress. It was really scary how accurate her predictions were. Just as Ennoshita was about to jump to block, Kashiya held onto his shirt and mumbled "Stay down." Confused he nodded and stayed down.

That was when he noticed that Hinata was just a decoy again. They quickly went to the right and jumped up, blocking Tanaka's spike. 18 - 10. The game continued, until Kashiya and her team had won. As soon as Kashiya stepped off of the court, to get her water bottle, her eyes began to sparkle again and suddenly she was her old self again. This creeped the others out even more.

They formed a circle and began to discuss tactics or stuff like that, things they could do better. But the young manager remained silent, staring into nothing, thinking. She was ripped out of her thoughts as someone asked "Why didn't you tell us, that you are the Shy Empress?" She looked up. One of the things she hated, was, when she was ripped out of her thoughts at moments like these.

Asahi next to her got extremely nervous. "It wasn't of necessity." Kashiya coldly replied, her eyes turning dull again. But this time, if you looked closely, you could see the pain. "Wow, chibi-chan can play volleyball. And she can jump. Although, if you're this so called Empress, then I would've awaited more."

Asahi raised a hand, wanting to shush the blond Middle Blocker, but Kashiya was faster "Just because you are tall, doesn't mean that you're allowed to look down on everyone smaller than you." She went toward him, grabbed him by his collar and pulled him down to her height with ease. "You need to learn your place." She hissed into his ear, for only him to hear.

Then she let go of him and left the hall, wanting to get some fresh air. Asahi went after his little sister, while the rest stayed in the hall, standing there dumbstruck. "I would've expected everything...but her?"  Tanaka exclaimed, shocked. "What was it about those bandages?" Nishinoya then asked and everyone wandered off in thoughts.

They stayed silent for a while, until Kashiya and Asahi came back. Asahi went back over to the others while Kashiya said "Tsukishima, Hinata, get over here. The rest can go back to training." She was different than before, not shy anymore. "Yes!" The boys yelled and then went to the court, while Hinata and Tsukishima came over to her.

"Chibi-chan, what's going on? Over your aggressive phase already?" Tsukishima taunted, which made Kashiya growl at him "Oh shut it, flag pole. Your blocks are weak. You need to improve your posture. You need to know when to jump. Timing is everything when you block, as well as how you hold your hands."

"As if we didn't know that already, chibi-chan." Tsukishima stated and crossed his arms. Kashiya glared at him and said "Shut up, flag pole, I'm talking." Hinata next to them was very intimidated by Kashiya's fierce aura. He was shivering as he stared at Kashiya, slightly scared.

"Sugawara-san! Could you give me some tosses?" Kashiya called over as she pulled the two middle blockers with her toward the field. "Sure." Sugawara called and Kashiya ushered the middle blockers to the other side. "Try and block my spikes." She simply instructed them as she took a volleyball, walking to the back of the court.

Kashiya tossed the ball to Sugawara and then started to run. The toss of Sugawara felt perfect against her hand as she slammed the ball into the court of the other side. Tuskishima had pulled his arms out of the way before he could've blocked it. "You stupid flag pole, don't rip your arms out of the way!" Kashiya yelled, as she stood on the ground again. "My arms are going to snap off." "Oi, you're already managing to somehow block my brother so try and block me! Your arms won't snap off!"

Asahi and Daichi watched the younger Azumane sibling bickering with Tsukishima from afar and Tanaka, who just passed them, asked "Are you sure that she's related to you, Asahi-san?" Asahi chuckled nervously and smiled awkwardly "Well, this is only her volleyball personality...otherwise we are really alike." "How cute." Nishinoya commented, as then the sound of a volleyball smacking against skin was heard and seconds later "ACK!"

All of them turned to see that Hinata had blocked Kashiya's spike, but not with his arms. With his face. Instantly, Kashiya became just like Asahi, a glass-hearted young girl with panic written all over her face. "H-HINATA! OH GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!" The young first year screeched and ran over to the ginger, who laid on the floor.

The others gathered around as well, while Narita, Kinoshita and Ennoshita sighed. The resemblance between her and her older brother was definitely clear. Kashiya was bowing deeply, shouting her apologies, while Asahi tried to calm her down. "Definitely siblings." Tanaka and Nishinoya mumbled and snickered at the sight.

Hinata sat up and said "I-I'm fine!" That didn't really calm Kashiya down, she was still panicking. After a few minutes, her older brother finally managed to calm her down and again she bowed deeply in front of Hinata "I-I'm really sorry!" "It's okay." The ginger shuffled awkwardly and smiled a little.

Kashiya blushed a little as she stood straight again and mumbled "I-I will g-go now. I remember that I still have s-something to do..." Awkwardly shifting under everyone's gaze, she quickly left the gym, heading toward the girls changing room.

Inside the changing room, she sighed lowly as she had to reward her bandages again, at least those of her arm and leg. The leg wasn't that problematic, but the arm was. She was about to get up to go and ask Kiyoko for help, as she heard someone knock and ask "Can I come in?"

At first she didn't recognize the males voice, as she hesitantly said "Y-Yeah, sure." The door opened and revealed Daichi. "I would like to talk to you." He said and smiled softly. Kashiya nodded and quickly said "Before you start, could you help me rewrap these bandages?" She pointed to the one of her arm and the captain nodded "Sure."

Kashiya unwrapped her arm and took a new bandage out of her locker. Daichi stared at her arm for a short while but then ignored it and began talking "Kashiya-chan, I have talked with our coach a little and we believe that you shouldn't be just our manager." Kashiya frowned at him as Daichi gently began to rewrap her burnt arm. "What do you mean by that? Do you not want me on the team?"

"No, no, that's not it, we'd love to keep you here with us, the thing is, we believe you're made for something else than being a manager. How about becoming the assistant coach?" Daichi suggested and with that completely stunned Kashiya. She was speechless. "You really want me to...become your assistant coach?" She asked astonished and Daichi nodded with a small smile.

He finished wrapping her arm and she quickly mumbled "Thank you." "We believe that this is the best. You have great tactics, we know that, and you are a great player. You can visualize us your tactics by doing them yourself. Nothing against Coach Ukai, but he just visualizes those on the blackboard or uses his tablet. But you can really show us what to do."

While Daichi was talking, Kashiya had propped her leg up on the bench and started to un- and rewrap it as well. She was deep in thoughts, wondering if she should accept Daichis request. "I'm...I'm surprised, I mean, this is very much you ask from me..." She said and the third year quickly responded "You have already played on a national level, we know that you can do this. And we will all help you with this, everyone's got your back. Even Tsukishima, even if he doesn't seem like it."

Kashiya snickered "That flag pole thinks his arms'll snap off if he blocks my spike." Daichi laughed at that comment and simply replied "I have to admit, I would be afraid too if I were in his position. I mean, you do have a very powerful spike, Kashiya-chan. I'm surprised you didn't break Hinatas nose." Immediately all her self consciousness was shattered and she winced at that. She still felt really guilty about that.

"I'm really sorry about that, Daichi-san!" Daichi chuckled "That's okay, really. But please think of this offer. We wouldn't be mad if you want to keep the manager spot, but we'd be grateful if you'd become our assistant coach." With a short goodbye the captain then left Kashiya alone in the changing room and she started to wander off in her thoughts again.

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