Chapter Eight; Defeat

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Chapter Eight

Silence. Nothing but silence filled the gym. The younger coach seemed outraged, while the elder one simply nodded. "You may stay. And you can play the match under one condition." he said, making everyone frown or whatnot.

"When Ushijima loses, you will set up a training plan for the team to get stronger. If he wins, you leave and won't come back again." Kashiya immediately saw through his plans. If she should defeat their ace and would have to make that plan, they'd only get stronger and harder to be defeated.

Nevertheless she then nodded and said "Alright. I'll do it. But don't be surprised if he loses. I know what you're expecting to happen." Coach Washijo nodded and replied "Don't get your hopes too high, Empress." The last part was probably meant in a condescending way, showing that he had no faith in her winning against his oh so wonderful ace.

Then the boys were told to do their regular warming up schedule. Kashiya knew that she'd probably risk injuring herself if she didn't join but she didn't care. In volleyball, she was a person of spontaneity. so this would be quite a interesting match.

When it came to the teams, Coach Saitou chose them. Ushijima had Tendo and Semi, a middle blocker and a setter, while Kashiya got Shirabu and Ohira, a setter and a wing spiker. What Kashiya had already noticed in their warm-ups was, that they always set ridiculously high, especially to Ushijima.

Kashiya then, already in gym clothes, headed over to her side of the court. She had decided to let Ushijima's team serve first. And, as she had expected, Ushijima started right away with his serve.

The entire team had already noticed the deadly aura that began to form around Kashiya. Now, let the fun begin.

Saitou blew into his whistle, motioning Ushijima to start. Ushijima did and his serve reminded her of those of Ubugawa or Oikawa. The ball flew into her direction. She steadied herself a little and then felt the ball smacking against the skin of her arms. It went off but to her and probably everyone else's surprise, Shirabu still managed to set it to Ohira and he scored them their first point.

Surprised, Saito blew the whistle. A point for Kashiya and her team. Ushijima on the other side stared at the younger female coldly while she just smirked at him. "Prepare yourself for your first defeat, Number Three." Kashiya said as she watched Shirabu getting the ball to serve.


The first set ended 27-25 for Kashiyas team. Ushijima got the second back with 25-23. Now in the third set, Kashiya and her team were about to win again, standing at match point. And it was Kashiyas turn to serve.

She did one of her spike like serves. Tendo received it, Semi set it to Ushijima, Ushijima wanted to score. The way he acted showed Kashiya how despairing the ace seemed. In the beginning they had decided on a normal match and now Kashiya was close to winning and he to losing.

Then Ushijima had to face a wall, consisting of Shirabu and Ohira. Kashiya stood in the back, ready to receive. But that block was a total shutdown. 30-28. Kashiya won.

Kashiya simply smirked at Ushijima, who seemed to ask himself why he had lost to her, a forgotten prodigy of all people. The young Azumane went to grab her bottle of water. As the team gathered, she noticed the coaches watching her awaitingly.

"Tendo-san, your blocks are good but they should be better. There are ways to get past your block without you being able to totally shut them down." Kashiya began, after having taken a sip of her water, looking over at the red-headed middle blocker who just totally reminded her of Bokuto, she didn't know why.

"Ohira-san, you need more jumping force. Your jumps are good but if you want to fight battles in the air, you need more strength in your legs." She then continued. "As for the rest of the team, I'd like to see them in action again so I can create a plan that's more effective for everyone and not just two or three."

Saitou nodded and then told his team to go and continue their training like usual. Kashiya watched them and in her mind began to make a plan that would make them a little stronger, but not impossibly strong for her team to not be able to defeat them.

At the end of training then, Kashiya said her farewells to the team and told them, that they'll have the plan by the end of the week. Tendo exchanged numbers with her, he seemed like a fun guy, before she then headed out.

Outside she was stopped by Ushijima. "Oi. Azumane." He called, making Kashiya stop in her tracks and ten towards him. "We will still defeat your team. If you'll even make it past Aoba Johsei." Ushijima then continued. Kashiya just smirked and replied "We'll see about that."

Then she turned around and headed toward the exit of the school. On her way there she pulled out her phone and turned it back on. Two missed calls, one from her brother and one from Tsukishima. Tsukishima?

"Oi, chibi-chan." She then suddenly heard a voice beside her, making her jump. Looking over she found Tsukishima standing there. "Tsukishima, what are you doing here?" She asked him, a little bit confused. "I was told to get you. The team is waiting back at the school. They said they didn't want to leave until you returned."

"Oh..." Kashiya nodded slowly and then headed over to the taller male "Well then, let's go." He simply nodded and they then went back to their school and to the team that was waiting for their return.

"How was it?" Tsukishima asked, breaking the silence half ways. "It was okay. I defeated their ace in a three on three match and now am supposed to make a training schedule for the team." Kashiya stated.

Tsukishima looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. "You defeated their ace?" He asked and Kashiya nodded "Yup." Then there was silence again, until Tsukishima wrapped an arm around her shoulders again.

She blushed. "W-What are you doing?" She stuttered, confused, to which the blond middle blocker replied "Protect you from the guys who're following us and staring at you."

Quickly she looked over her shoulder and realized that Tsukishima was right. Then she looked back straight ahead and they continued their way back in silence.

The Shy EmpressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora