By defsoulite

3.6K 182 106

Do you believe in...ghost?! My name is Oh Sehun and I'm 22 years old. I have a very special ability. I'm not... More

Death Calling
Kim's Siblings
Golden Memories
Save her
A Goodbye
Epilogue : Next Life
bonus - the letter -
49 days with Jonghyun

Different Side

549 16 9
By defsoulite


"Dad!!where is mom?" I asked my dad. He don't even looking at me but keeping his eyes on the letter that mom gave.

"Son.. I'm going out for awhile. Just stay at home,and if your dad are back give him this letter." She said before leaving.

"Sehun ahh.. Let's go to sleep.." dad said accompany me to my bed. "you?!" I asked. He shook his head. He left me in my bedroom.

I'm being thinking about mom.

Where is she?

Why didn't dad tell me?

I keep thinking about mom until I dozed to sleep. What I know tomorrow.....

I was alone...

They left me..

My own parents left me..

They left me when I was only 8..I'm all alone since I was 8 years old..


I'm Oh Sehun. I'm growing up all alone from 8 till I'm 22 years old now.

14 years.

It's been 14 years since they left me all alone.

Want to know why they left me?!

Because I'm different. Not like others, I'm not a normal human. I can see something that others human can't see..

I'm able to see a spirit.

I realized that when I was 4 years old. I saw something that no one actually can see. I was so scared,so I tell my parents about this and that makes them worry.

My parents bring me to a fortune-teller to ask him what actually happened to me..

He said I clashed on something and I've been possessed by evil spirit.

" He may bring misfortune to your whole family. If it's not being removed, you guys would got killed by the demon in him. "

I got so scared.

My mother promised me, she's would stay with me and help me to get rid of the demon.

But, the next thing i know, she's the one who left me first.

I don't want to care about them anymore. I have to work and study. I have no time for people who abandoned me.


I got no friends at school just because I hate to socialize with people and enjoy being alone.

When I walk to the class I heard some students whispered to each other.

"Hey. Heve you heard about Kim Sonhyo?? The youngest heirs of Kim Fashion Company.." One of the girl said.

" Ahh.. The youngest heirs that gonna hold that's gonna be the next CEO of the company?! Gosh.. She is so lucky,born in a rich family and soon gonna be the youngest CEO of fashion companies at South Korea. I really wish I could be like her.." another girl said.

I smirked.

" You should be lucky with your life.. " I said.

They probably heard me but I don't give a damn care but just continue my way to class.


On my way to the cafe I'm being working since 2 years ago,I saw a familiar dog walking past me..

It's him again..

"Hey come on.. I know it's you." I said to the dog.

It smirk then walk to the dark alleys, I followed.

The dog let out a blue shiny light then change to it human form.

"How did you know it was me?" he ask.

"Just tell me what you want.." I said,ignore his question.

Stupid question.

"Well.. You know I won't tell you that easily." He smirk..

"I'm busy. Don't show up again if you don't have anything important to tell me.." I got annoyed and was about to leave when,

"Someone need your help Sehun ah.." He said when I'm about to go. When I turn back to him,he's disappeared.

I don't care about it..

No one ever appreciate my help and no one will help me when I need them.

I continued my way to the cafe.

"This day will end like another days.." I said to myself before enter the cafe and greet my boss.


After I've done my work, I cleaned up and  before leaving,I switched off all the lights and fans then locked the door.

On the way to home I saw a crowd in the middle of the road.

"Seem like there's an accident.." I tell myself.

I take my cap and put them on. Put on my headphone, Turning on the music from my phone and just walk by..

I just hope there's no unwanted spirit are following me..


After a few hours, I finally arrived home, I was about to enter when I saw someone is sitting in front of my house door.

"Excuse me Miss, what are you doing at my house?"

I asked then she look at me shock. Don't tell me she is.......


Well...Hello everyone..Welcome to a house of mystery.

This story is based of my own true story..


Hahaha lol ..I just kidding..I hope that I have none of paranormal problem..It's must be hard to experience it..

By the way,This is my new fanfic,Sehun fanfic,Exo fanfic..so I hope that everyone enjoy reading and I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry if I made a mistake..

Please enjoy this fanfic and don't forget to check out my others fanfic..

Vote,comments and follow me if that not troubling..😂😂hehehe

Don't forget that I always love everyone!!I love my readers so much..muah muah muahh😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


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