Chances. » Lirry/Narry

By Sad_Serenade01

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My life crumbled into pieces, every part of me turned into dust. On the edge of the universe holding onto a s... More



396 38 6
By Sad_Serenade01

Friday, December 6, 2013.

Perrie's POV

"Daphne and Phoebe, right?" The doctor asks the two women on either side of me.

"Yes, is Louis okay?" Daphne asks anxiously.

"I'm Dr. Trevon, and of course I have to be the one that gives you the bad news. Why does it always have to be me?" The doctor asks himself. I sit up in my chair, confused with what he meant. 

"W-what do you mean?" I stutter as I continue to panic. I look over at my mother as she snaps Niall out of his trance.

"What?" He shouts.

"Go take your brother to the toy room." She demands.

"Do I have to?" He complains.

"Niall, now." She shouts at him.

"Fine..." He mumbles, and walks off with Buddie.

"Sorry." She apologizes to the doctor.

"Like I was saying, I'm afraid he didn't make it, I'm sorry for your loss." He says with a frown.

He's dead, no, he promised he was going to be okay.

The same two words echo in my head as I sit there lifeless.

No, he promised.

I sit there, nervously grabbing onto the bottom of the seat. I look over at Daphne, who is now in tears. I watch as my mother goes to her side, and comforts her. I start to cry as I watch Daphne cry. Daphne places her arm around me as we start to cry together. I refuse to speak, I lean on Daphne's shoulder, and let the tears fall.

He was my only friend I ever was able to make just. No, this can't be it. He promised, he promised he'd be okay, he lied to me. I should've stayed with him! I loved him, I thought we'd be together forever, I thought we'd have a family together. I don't want to believe it. I'm only 13, I can't lose him, he can't leave me like this.

This can't be the end.

Niall's POV

"Boom, pow, ah! The bad guys live through the explosion! Oh no, no! This means trouble. What now, Mr. Foggy?" Buddie shouts playfully.

"Well, excuse me, but I'm a little lady foggy. I think we should throw more colorful blocks at dem!" A little girl who barely has any hair on her head says back to him.

"Good thinking Missy. Foggy. Get weady to aim!" Buddie runs around the room.

"Fwee! Four! Zero!" The little girl counts down.

"Boom, ah! Missy. Foggy, look! They all died, we won!" Buddie shouts joyfully, and high-fives the little girl.

"Alwight, this deserves a pawty. Ask your brother to take us to a pawty." She points to me.

"Okay." He willingly agrees.

"What Buddie?" I ask him as he approaches me.

"Can you take my fwiend, Andrea, to a pawty?" He asks seriously.

"Who is Andrea?" I ask confused.

"Andrea is my fwiend over dare." He points at the same little girl he was just playing with. I chuckle at him.

"For real or pretend?" I ask jokingly.

"Fo pwetend." He smiles.

"Okay, follow me." I stand up from the rocking chair, and watch as Buddie signals for this girl to stand up, and follow him and I. She stands up as I walk over to her to help her with her with the IV. "Where is your room, sweetie?" I ask kindly to the little girl.

"Right dare!" She points at the door across from the toy room. I take her in her room, and watch as she lays down in a child-sized bed. I follow her, and bring the IV next to the bed.

"Where have you been, Andrea? We missed you." A girl with bright red hair asks.

"I played with toys with my fwiend, Buddie." She says joyfully to the girl with red hair.

"Were you allowed to?" The girl with red hair asks rudely.

"I don't know, I just weaved." She frowns, knowing she will get in trouble.

"You could get in trouble for that."

"Come on, Buddie, lets go." I say awkwardly.

"Bye Andrea, I love you!" He exclaims before I push him out of the room. We head back to where I left my mum and sister.

"Why did she have a shot with tape on her?" Buddie randomly asks.

"That's what happens when you refuse to take your shots, you get them taped to you." I tease sounding very rude. He doesn't say anything, leaving us in complete silence. We end up at the food court when I hear someone call out my name. I look over to see Kyle and Luke, my bullies at school.

"Hey, Niall, why'd you bring your kid to the hospital? For the free food or just because you wanted to kill your child by force-feeding him drugs. I thought you were gay, does this mean you are straight now?" Kyle shouts at me, getting everyone around me to look at me. I quickly walk away, and drag Buddie along to avoid them.

"Fine, ignore me, Niall, it's not like I won't see you at school." Kyle continues to shout.

"Come on, Buddie." I pick him up, and run to the exit of the hospital.

"Who were dat people?" Buddie asks confused why we randomly left the hospital.

"Just don't worry about it, Buddie." I reassure him as I run in the freezing cold to my mother's car.

I'm seventeen, and I still don't have my license.

I place the shivering boy in the somewhat cold, somewhat warm car. I scoot him over slamming the car door shut, and sit myself next to the cold boy. I set the shivering 5-year-old in my arms, warming him up with my body heat. He leans his head against my chest, and readjusts himself getting comfortable.

"Where mummy?" A little voice asks from my arms.

"She's okay, I promise." 

I smile at him as he whispers in the cutest voice, "I love you." I rock him slightly in my arms. We continue to sit in silence, enjoying one another's company. He lets go of me, and reaches in his pocket.

"Buddie, what are you doing?"

"Giving you someting." I chuckle at the way he speaks. I watch as he gets out a band-aid.

"This is for you." He takes my hand, and places it in it.

"W-why?" I ask confused. He takes a hold of my arm, and pulls down my coat sleeve.

"For you boo-boo!" He points at the massive cuts on my arm.

"Oh..." I whisper quickly hiding my wrist. He watches me struggle to get it open with my shivering hands.

"I help you." He takes it away from me thinking he can do it. I watch him, and giggle.

"There! I couldn't do it..." He complains.

"That's alright, I think I'll be fine." I reassure him. Suddenly, the car door opens, and a person gets inside.

"That boy never answers his phone." My mother complains. She looks up in the rear-view mirror, realizing Buddie and I are already in the car.

"W-where's Perrie?" I ask confused.

"She's staying with Daphne for now, Daphne said she'd take her home later."


"Where the hell is Buddie's coat?" She interrupts me.

"I forgot it, and we went outside and didn't want to go back in to get it." I lie.

"Excuses, I can't believe you, Niall. I thought you were responsible, instead you are freezing the poor child." She starts the car and heads home. She starts complaining again to herself, forgetting that I can hear her.

Someones on their period.

When we arrive home I carry Buddie, wrapped in my coat, in the house, and set him down.

"Just remember da band aid." He says, and storms up the steps. I follow him up the steps, and enter my room. I close the door behind me looking at the dark room. I sit down on my messy bed, laying on my back. I sigh, and close my eyes.

Back to this again.

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