SPIRIT- the curse of fire

By lunamay13

840 65 38

|Book 1 of the Spirit Trilogy| Serena's life is about as normal as it gets - for an Alkanine at least - aside... More

Main character list book one:
Sneak Peek: SPIRIT: The House of Hope
Final note


195 12 14
By lunamay13

Hi! So this is the edited version of Spirit - The Curse of Fire.

You can thank @CateCandora12 for that!
Also new cover.


Golden aura flashed like lightning, illuminating the sky above.

"Fla'seos!" A voice, echoing over the hills and carrying through the market stalls. No-one looked up. If they had, the sight would not surprise them. The people of Serna were used to this.

Despite my rush I was in no hurry to arrive. Luckily - or maybe unluckily - for me, there is only one road in town that leads to the Centerheart Hills, and it is always filled with pegasus-drawn carts and market stands. Unfortunately for me, the winged beasts don't seem to like me very much. I leap to the side to avoid being trampled.

What am I? I thought, glaring at one particularly large cart. A boxing bag?

"Electa!" Fire burst from the top of the hill and left a shower of sparks across the sky. To the untrained eye, this sight was beautiful. To the trained eye, it's showing off. To the daughter of the source, also known as me, it's a last warning, telling me to hurry up.

I push through the crowd gathered around a rune stall - don't they realise that rune charms are useless? I was followed by a rousing chorus of "Hey!" and "Watch it, kid!" I apologised and kept running.

I reach the top of the highest hill and see the Centerheart - a large circle of burnt earth surrounded by five tall pillars. Each pillar, if you looked close enough, bore the only legitimate runes that would ever exist. In the centre of the circle stood a tall woman with a long black gown. The bodice had a gold trim that appeared to glow red in the hazy afternoon sun. She had short, auburn hair flying gracefully in the wind.

"Shican!" she yelled. A giant column of flame was released up into the clouds.

I quickly hid behind the largest of the pillars in an attempt to regain my composure. Come on Serena! Get going!

"Serena. You're late." the woman said . Her voice sounded softer and more caring than it had when she was casting her fiery spells. That's not surprising, seeing as she is my mother.

Mum looked at me with her focused jade-coloured eyes, one of the traits that my sister Olive got, but I missed out on. The other ones are her commanding jawline and her wavy auburn hair. I don't share any looks with my family. Where Mum and Olive have red hair, mine is pale blue. They have jade eyes, and I have violet. They can pull off long, elegant gowns as well as hardy armor, whereas I hardly suit my own wardrobe. My cobalt dress and translucent cape make me look more like a Nocturne pixie than a member of my own family.

"Are you ready for your training?" Mum asked.

"Yes, Mama." I take off my cape - I don't want to burn a hole in it like I did with my last one.

"Here we go, then. Serena, in this world there are four powerful forces known as elements." Yeah, everyone knows that. "There's water, fire, earth and air. These elements make up the world around us. However, there is a fifth force that ties the elements together. This one is known commonly as spirit. On the eve of your fifteenth birthday, you should have discovered your element and begun to specialise in the skills of that element. On your fifteenth birthday, you will claim your element and join your heart to the pillars. Look around you. These five pillars each are linked to the hearts of their respective elements."

The first pillar represents the air element. Mum cast a breeze spell towards it, and it responded by lighting up the rune carved on it with the pale yellow of the sun.
"Air elements are usually optimistic and are very supportive, however they can be forgetful. They are also the most common type of Alkanine."

The second pillar was water. The pillar was surrounded by a small moat of crystal clarity. According to some, it is impossible to ripple the water. The rune was lit with a cerulean blue.
"Water elements are the most emotional beings, but they are also very persistent and adapt easily." Mother stated.

The third pillar is fire. This pillar seemed to be covered in ash, and it was surrounded by the smell of smoke. Its rune lit up the colour of molten rock. I could feel the heat radiating off it.
"Fire elements are born leaders, and they are very determined. However, they are quick-tempered and have a tendency to rush into things without thinking about it first."

The fourth pillar was earth. It, suitably, was covered in moss and small white flower buds. Its rune did not light up, but instead the buds opened and covered the pillar with pink flowers before closing up again.
"Earth elements are planners. They are usually difficult to anger, but when they want revenge, they are merciless."

The fifth and final pillar was that of the spirit element. This pillar had nothing on it, no rune to light, no plants to bloom, no sign that it had responded.
"The spirit pillar does not respond, since it is not tied to a spirited heart. Spirit elements do not have a set personality, since a spirited Alkanine has not existed for over a century. Animals, sure. In fact, most cats are spirit elements. But not us." Mother stops to think. "Actually... you shouldn't be basing what element you think you are on your personality. It's like the zodiac signs - they're not to be trusted."

What element could I be then? I feel like such a disappointment... my fifteenth birthday is soon, and Olive figured out what she was when she was twelve!

"Serena! Snap out of it. Your enemies on the battlefield won't give you time to daydream... After all, you will become a soldier, or don't you care about our way of life?"

Sweet Jesus, she's getting all patriotic again.

"Let's go! I want ice, now!"

"Uh- Soria!"






"Uh... um..."

"Serena Dew! You can not hesitate in war! What, do you think your opponent's going to give you a short break and buy you a coffee? If you cannot name a single air spell, how do you think you'll survive if you end up being an air element? Actually, I think you might be one, because you're so damn forgetful!"


"You will never be a warrior at this rate! God, you're just like your father! He hanged himself, he was so worthless!" she yelled. Clearly she was furious with me, and with my father too. She scrunched her hands into fists, but I could see the angry glow of fire between her fingers. I could feel my tears welling up in my eyes, and I instinctively buried my face in my hands.

"If I'm so damn useless..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Mother's voice smoothed over and became eerily calm.

"Why don't you just quit trying to train me if you think I'm that useless? I don't care about this stupid war! I don't care if we get killed! You are my mother! You're supposed to support me, not make me feel like a Nocturne maggot!" I shouted, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I turned and ran back into the town.

I couldn't imagine what Olive would say. She would probably think I was worthless too.

Come on, Serena. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. That's what your dad did, and look where he is now. Six feet under and full of worms.

I curl up in a quiet corner of the town, letting my tears soak into the earth below me.
"There is no way I'm going to let her push me around any more!" I shout into the sky.

Why can't life just be simpler?

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