Nerd My Ass!!

By lolkpopandbl

360K 6.5K 460

What happens when the school nerd has a secret? What about when the school bad boy happens to get suspicious... More

The Queen
Chapter 2, The Bad boy Is Curious
Kayla Winters
Tessa Woods
Elizabeth Princeton
Ashley Princeton
Sarah Baremore
Lily King
Blakely Garland
Samantha Long
Cherokee Long
Kristen Boyce
Virginia and Georgia Nara
Kyle's Gang Members
Blake Green
Trae Kent
Sammy Wilkinson
Lucas Meyer
Brent Gonzalez
Trent Fryer
Chris Simon
Daniel Skye
Connor Bloomsdale
Trevor Dallas
Cameron Dallas
Kendall Yount
The Bad Boy
Old Friends
Surprise Bitch
The Nerd Is Bad?
I Will Kill You Bitch

Chapter 1

17K 339 84
By lolkpopandbl

     "I never fucked Wyane, I never fucked Dra-" I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. It fell in the floor still playing music. I tried kicking it and finally got tired of it playing so I smashed it with my foot. Ah crap! That was my 6th clock already this year and its only March! I really need patience. I dragged myself out of bed and made my way downstairs. As I enters the kitchen, I saw the whole gang already up and eating breakfast. There was Kayla, Tessa, Elizabeth, Ashley, Sarah, Virginia, Georgia, Lily, Blakely, Samantha, Cherokee, Kristen and then me. When I walked in, they all looked at me and smiled. I smiled back widely.

     "Well goodmorning ladies." I said happily. "We heard the crash. You already killed another clock?" Kristen rose her eyebrows at me. I smiled sheepishly and they all chuckled and shook their heads. "Don't forget we have a club to go to tonight to make that deal with that Florida gang." I said to the girls. They all nodded their heads in responce. I grabbed a bag of strawberries and walked upstairs to my room. I took a shower and got dressed ( outfit up top ). I put on light makeup and added my fake pimples and eyes contacts.

( Makeup )

     I put my wig on and kept the  hair down wavy for the first time in school for like a year since I usually put it in a ponytail. I went downstairs and saw Virginia and Georgia, my favorite twins. They smiled sadly at me and I did the same. You see, I came up with this plan awhile back that all of us girls pretend not to know me at school. They are part of Caroline's squad and have to pretend to be her friend. To be her friend, you have to be like her. That means that have to dress like sluts and bully me at school. They don't do much but the rest of the crew beats me everyday at school. They hate it and want me to show the real me but I won't and they understand why.

     I head out to my little nerdy car while the girls all head to their nice cars. I get a ten minute head start and walk into school. Right as I walk in, I get judgemental looks and hear people whispering bad stuff about me. It doesn't bother me so I just go to my locker. As soon as I open it, it is slammed shut again on my fingers. I let a little fake whimper out as part of my act and look up to see Jessica, Caroline's little second in command. We used to be bestfriends until freshman year when she went to Caroline's possey of whores.

     "Hey Lauren! How's life going?" she asked me smiling sweetly. You could pratically hear the sarcasm dripping from her mouth. When I didn't answer, she slapped me in my face. I clenched my fist and relized I didn't act phased by the hit. I quickly threw my hands to my face holding it. I felt like someone was watching me. "Answer me when I ask you something you good for nothing little piece of shit!!" she screeched with her high pitched voice that could probably break a waindows glass. " y-ye-s m-ma'am." I fake stuttered. She smiled in victory and said, " Good! Don't let it happen again! Oh, and Caroline will hear about this!"

     Oh god, I thought. I have to deal with her pain in the ass already!! I looked up and saw Sarah and Elizabeth looking at me and I could see the pity and sorrow in their eyes. They gave me a quick smile in which a returned even quicker when I though no one was paying attention but boy was I wrong! I walked to class quickly and sat in the back so people couldn't throw stuff at me. The bell rang and people started filling in the class and the class soon started. I felt like someone was staring at me but I shook it off quickly.


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