The Heir Of Thrombär : Into T...

By yashhhhhhh

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The Heir Of Thrombär Highest Ranking #17 in Fantasy "There is no light without dark, there is no dark without... More

The Past
A Morning In Thrombär
"It is time"
Nero's father
Authors note
"Come Out Come Out Where ever you are!"
Authors Note
Waking Up
New Cover
Being Found
When Ianuaria met Raphael
"Sigh, Sy!"
The Cottage
#27 in Fantasy
Waffles and Nymphs
#21 in Fantasy
A Boring Trek
The Next Morning
When Midnight approaches
Spells and Curses
Faery Dust

Collecting Herbs

93 19 40
By yashhhhhhh

Heyy!! I'm back with another chapter of Thot :) but before that I just wanted to tell you'll to check out AllOfUsWrite 's account!
And before I forget, here's a picture of a previous character- Midnight

( my inspiration was real: Bellatrix)


Raphael was running. In the course  of the day he had left behind the nice airy house and entered into the real woods. Earlier, he could see large beautiful flowers of vibrant pinks and yellows, certain ochre colored bell like flowers and fish that separated into millions and joint back into one but now as he entered into the real Forest area, he saw its real state. The Forest of Dreams wasn't as its name.

At the edges and from the sky it may have looked beautiful but within the forest lived such malice and wrath. It wasn't what an ordinary person could face. Afterall, now that He knew Raphael's location the Forest wouldn't remain just a Forest but rather something a little more. Just a dash- or rather a cup full of darkness. A darkness that was supposed to capture him.

The Forest now had dark green leaves that covered the entire sky. No light entered in and creepers crept around the brown rough barks. Every bark had a story and that story could be seen in its intricate carvings. They weren't the normal wrinkles and traces you found on trees but rather actual carvings. Each dark brown skin was covered with different shapes of wood. Some had shapes of  crowns, the sun, serpents, crowns with serpents slithering in them while others showed a snake and a man with the sun rising behind them. But weirder than the carvings was the quite hum like sound as though those trees were chanting, wishing and in hushed whispers telling Raphael his future.

Below the trees, small shrubs and undergrowth stood. Raphael who had ran an entire day sought a little rest in this unknown area. He had taken 'Herbs and Medicine' a compulsory subject at Thrombär's 'School of Kings and Slaves', a school which was meant for everyone no matter status of birth. It was also compulsory to attend. Maybe that's why he peered at the small herbs.

One herb had rather long stems-hundreds of them- with a small heart at the top. It was a rather common herb in Thrombär but it helped immensely. It could cure right from a Sirens enchantment to dragon burn. That is if Raphael would come across these rare creatures who had fled Thrombär. That plant was called Heartspun. He quickly grasped two huge handfuls of them and started cutting of the hearts from the dainty, tall stems. Then, after he was done, he threw away the stems and kept the tiny hearts in a small closed glass beaker.

Then he gazed at the plant next to it. It was a rather tall herb probably as high as a small tree. There was only one lime green stem with twenty lime green branches. Each branch had around 35 small coin sized pinkish peach flowers. Each flower was shut, but as Raphael touched them, they opened up to show a water droplet sized transparent jelly like sphere. Within the sphere itself was a small green leaf.

Raphael sent the next one hour removing the small spheres and storing them in yet another beaker. He was absolutely sure that it was Pinkili. He remembered his 'Herbs and Medicine' teacher had told him that Pinkili was an extremely rare herb that had magical properties that could save a person from death by Monev. Monev was the venom of tiny spike like creatures that hid in the ground. Their sharpness could penetrate through even footwear and that was the reason that 90 percent of the deaths occured due to them. Monev was the creation of practitioners of the Reverse magic.

Raphael spent the next hour finding and storing different herbs of menial nature. Just around then he saw a plant- black in color with small thorns upon each leaf. He didn't know what it was. His hand leaned forward to touch it and just before his fingers could brush against the thorns, he heard a voice. 'I wouldn't touch that if I were you." It was a lady. She was tall and godly. Her face was white and her stunning blonde hair curled its way down. She was godly. She was powerful. She was a nymph.

" I am Ianuaria and you are?.."

So how'd you like this new update? I will be back to my one update per day once everything that's been happening is done :)

Oh and don't forget AllOfUsWrite!! Please go check out his book


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